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Mini2440(128M)环境下面的操作环境见下表:目 录说 明OSRedhat 企业版 5交叉编译工具arm-linux-gcc 4.3.2Uboot获取u-boot.tgz,将其拷贝至虚拟机的工作目录下。编译步骤如下:rootlocalhost jj# tar xzvf u-boot.tgzrootlocalhost jj# cd u-boot-2010.03/rootlocalhost u-boot-2010.03# make distcleanrootlocalhost u-boot-2010.03# make smdk2440a_configConfiguring for smdk2440a board.rootlocalhost u-boot-2010.03# make烧写首先,安装开发板的USB驱动,并将USB接口线与主机相连。同时,使用串口线连接开发板与主机。将开发板的启动模式选择为nor,开发板上电后输出信息如下:# FriendlyARM BIOS 2.0 for 2440 #x format NAND FLASH for Linuxv Download vivi k Download linux kernel y Download root_yaffs image a Absolute User Applicationn Download Nboot for WinCE l Download WinCE boot-logow Download WinCE NK.bin d Download & Run z Download zImage into RAM g Boot linux from RAM f Format the nand flash b Boot the system s Set the boot parameters u Backup NAND Flash to HOST through USB(upload) r Restore NAND Flash from HOST through USB q Goto shell of vivi i Version: 0945-2KEnter your selection:键入“f”,完成nand flash的格式化。随后,键入“n”:Enter your selection: nUSB host is connected. Waiting a download.此时,开发板完成烧写uboot-bin文件的准备工作。在主机中打开“dnw”:顶部显示USB:OK,即表示usb驱动正常,可以实现文件下载。点击“USB Port”-“Transmit/Restore”,在弹出的对话框中,选择uboot的镜像文件“u-boot.bin”,点击“打开”后完成文件的烧写。此时,串口的输出信息如下:Enter your selection: nUSB host is connected. Waiting a download.Now, Downloading ADDRESS:30000000h,TOTAL:256942RECEIVED FILE SIZE: 256942 (250KB/S, 1S)Downloaded file at 0x30000000, size = 256932 bytesErase flash ok: start address = 0x0, size = 0x40000Write to flash ok: start address = 0x0, size = 0x3eba4测试首先,将开发板的启动模式,切换为nand flash启动。然后,开发板上电,敲回车阻止自启动,输出信息如下:U-Boot 2010.03 (Sep 16 2010 - 19:01:40)I2C: readyDRAM: 64 MBFlash: 2 MBNAND: 128 MiB* Warning - bad CRC or NAND, using default environmentVideo: no VESA Mode found, switching to mode 0x211 640x480x8 31kHz 59HzIn: serialOut: serialErr: serialNet: dm9000Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 u-bootSMDK2440A#到此,uboot成功烧写!内核获取linux--mini2440-20100609.tar.gz,将其拷贝至虚拟机的工作目录下。编译步骤如下:rootlocalhost jj# tar xzvf linux--mini2440-20100609.tar.gzrootlocalhost jj# cd linux-rootlocalhost linux-# cp config_mini2440_n35 .configrootlocalhost linux-# make bzImage制作uImage镜像文件:rootlocalhost linux-# cd arch/arm/boot/rootlocalhost boot# mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x30008000 -e 0x30008040 -n Linux kernel Image -d zImage uImage烧写首先,在主机下开启tftp服务器,并将uImage镜像文件拷贝到tftp工作目录下。然后,用网线将开发板与主机连接起来,将连接的主机网卡,ip地址配置为:72启动开发板,配置其网路环境参数如下:u-bootSMDK2440A# set serverip 72u-bootSMDK2440A# set ipaddr 26u-bootSMDK2440A# saveenv重新复位开发板,下载uImage镜像文件至内存:u-bootSMDK2440A# tftp 0x30008000 uImagedm9000 i/o: 0x20000300, id: 0x90000a46 DM9000: running in 16 bit modeMAC: 08:08:11:18:12:27operating at 100M full duplex modeUsing dm9000 deviceTFTP from server 72; our IP address is 26Filename uImage.Load address: 0x30008000Loading: T # # #doneBytes transferred = 2517112 (266878 hex)最终烧写到nand flash:u-bootSMDK2440A# nand erase 60000 500000NAND erase: device 0 offset 0x60000, size 0x500000Erasing at 0x54000002800000 - 0% complete.OKu-bootSMDK2440A# nand write 0x30008000 60000 500000NAND write: device 0 offset 0x60000, size 0x500000Writing at 0x54000000020000 - 100% is complete. 5242880 bytes written: OK测试见根文件系统的测试一节。到此,内核成功烧写!根文件系统制作Busybox准备解压busybox。rootlocalhost busybox-1.2.0# tar xjvf busybox-1.2.0.tar.tar配置rootlocalhost busybox-1.2.0# make menuconfig(1) 编译busybox为静态链接库Busybox Settings - Build Options - *Build BusyBox as a static binary (no shared fibs)这一项将BusyBox编译为静态链接,可以减少启动时查找动态链接库的时间。* Do you want fo build BusyBox with:Cross Compiler?(arm-linux-) Cross Compiler prefix 指定交叉编译器(2)安装Busybox Settings - Installation Options -* Dont use /usr Applets links (as soft-links) - (/home/alex/project/boot/mini2440/minifs)BusyBox installation prefix指定安装路径(3)选择 initInit Utilities - * init (5)选择shellShells - Choose your default shell (ash) - (4)添加tabShells - * msh * Command line editing * Tab completion (5)选择ttyCoreutils - * tty(6)Login/Password Management Utilities -* getty 其他命令选项可选。编译rootlocalhost busybox-1.2.0# makerootlocalhost busybox-1.2.0# make install执行make install后,将编译生成安装在/home/alex/jj/minifs路径下。系统目录rootlocalhost minifs# mkdir dev etc home lib mnt proc sys tmp varinittab文件rootlocalhost minifs# mkdir etc/init.d1)创建inittab文件rootlocalhost minifs# touch etc/inittab2)编辑inittabvi etc/inittab编辑如下:# System initialization.:sysinit:/etc/init.d/rcS:sysinit:/bin/sh :ctrlaltdel:/sbin/reboot:shutdown:/bin/umount -a -r3)添加执行权限 rootlocalhost etc# chmod +x inittabrcS文件1) 创建rcS文件rootlocalhost minifs# touch etc/init.d/rcS2)编辑rcSvi etc/init.d/rcS编辑如下:#!/bin/shmount a3)添加执行权限 rootlocalhost etc# chmod +x rcSfstab文件1) 创建fstab文件rootlocalhost minifs# touch etc/fstab2) 编辑fstab文件vi etc/fstab编辑如下:none /procproc defaults0 0tmpfs/tmp tmpfsdefaults0 0设备文件创建设备文件节点。rootlocalhost minifs# cd dev/rootlocalhost dev# mknod ttySAC0 c 204 64rootlocalhost dev# ln s ttySAC0 consolerootlocalhost dev# mknod null c 1 3rootlocalhost dev# mknod mtdblock0 b 31 0rootlocalhost dev# mknod mtdblock1 b 31 1rootlocalhost dev# mknod mtdblock2 b 31 2库文件拷贝库文件,包括加载器、动态库文件和静态库文件。rootlocalhost lib# cp /usr/local/arm/4.3.2/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/libc/armv4t/lib/* ./ -arpYaffs镜像最终,利用mkyaffs2image-128M工具完成yaffs镜像的制作:mkyaffs2image-128M minifs minifs.img烧写首先,在主机下开启tftp服务器,并将yaffs镜像文件拷贝到tftp工作目录下。然后,用网线将开发板与主机连接起来,将连接的主机网卡,ip地址配置为:72启动开发板,配置其网路环境参数如下:u-bootSMDK2440A# set serverip 72u-bootSMDK2440A# set ipaddr 26u-bootSMDK2440A# saveenv重新复位开发板,下载uImage镜像文件至内存:u-bootSMDK2440A# tftp 0x30008000 minifs.imgdm9000 i/o: 0x20000300, id: 0x90000a46 DM9000: running in 16 bit modeMAC: 08:08:11:18:12:27operating at 100M full duplex modeUsing dm9000 deviceTFTP from server 72; our IP address is 26Filename minifs.img.Load address: 0x30008000Loading: T #T # # # # # #doneBytes transferred = 5187072 (4f2600 hex)最终烧写到nand flash:u-bootSMDK2440A# nand erase 0x560000 $filesizeNAND erase: device 0 offset 0x60000, size 0x500000Erasing at


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