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竹园中学2013-2014学年度上学期期中考试八年级英语试卷( 全卷四个部分;满分120分;考试时间:120分钟;命题人: )温馨提示:1答题前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、考号、班级在答题卡上填写清楚。2每小题选出答案后,用黑色碳素笔把答案填写在答题卡上对应题目的空格内。答在试卷上的答案一律无效。第一部分 听力(共四节,满分30分)第一节 听句子,选择与句子内容相关的图画。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分, 满分5分) 1.abc2.abc3.abc4.abc5.abc第二节 听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分, 满分5分)6. a.i went to shanghai. b. no, i didnt. c. i dont know.7. a. every day. b. two days. c. in a week.8. a. yes, id love to. b. no, he doesnt. c. yes, he is. 9. a. yes, it is. b. bill is. c. yes, bill does.10. a. i cant stand it. b. no, i dont. c. sorry. i dont know. 第三节 听对话, 选出能回答问题的正确选项。每段对话听两遍。(共10小题,每小题1分, 满分10分)听第一段对话, 回答第11、12小题。11. where did tom go on vacation with his family?a. hong kong. b. liaokuo park c. kunming.12. how was toms vacation?a. it was terrible. b. it was interesting. c. it was great.听第二段对话, 回答第13、14小题。13. how often does lucy go swimming?a. once a week.b. every day.c. twice a week. 14.which of the following does lucy like best?a. running. b. swimming. c. riding a bicycle.听第三段对话, 回答第1517小题。15. what subject does bill like best?a. english. b. new words. c. math.16. what does bill think of english?a. its difficult. b. its interesting. c. its important.17. how often does bill learn english words?a. once a day. b. twice a day. c. three times a day.听第四段对话, 回答第1820小题。18. what is amy interested in?a. jumping.b. running.c. swimming.19. who runs the fastest in amys class?a. amy.b. steven.c. lily.20. how did steven do in the sports meeting last year?a. he did best in the long jump.b. he did best in the high jump. c. he got the first place in running. 第四节 听短文,完成下列信息表格。短文听两遍。(共5小题,每小题2分, 满分10分)what class is wang hai in:class 21 , grade 8.when did the party start:last 22 afternoon.what li nan did:he 23 .where nancy comes from: 24 .how the party was: 25 .21. a. 10b. 12c. 2022. a. fridayb. saturdayc. sunday23. a. dancedb. played the trumpetc. sang 24. a. america b. canadac. australia25. a. frustratingb. interestingc. wonderful第二部分 英语知识运用 ( 共三节, 满分35分 )第一节 词语释义,选出与句中划线部分意义最相近的解释。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)26. he feels like visiting his friend this weekend.a. wants visiting b. wants to visit c. likes visiting d. likes to visit27. there are quite a few trees in the forest. a. kind of b. a lot of c. not too many d .not enough28. there are more than 60 students in our class. a. less than b. than c. over d. nearly29. my school things are not the same as yours a. are as beautiful as b. look like c. are different from d. are just like30. his mother has made a decision to buy a new tv. a. wanted b. discussed c. decided d. thought第二节 单项填空 (共20小题,每小题1分, 满分20分)31. we should drink glass of milk in morning. a. a, the b. an, the c. a, / d. an, / 32. _did you go on vacation ? i went to beijing . a. what b. who c. where d. how 33. i like fruit such _ apples, pears and bananas. a. like b. as c. for d. on 34. my mother _my health very much. a. finds out b. makes up c .cares about d. brings out35. mom, can i go to play soccer with jim? its up _ you. a. with b. for c. to d. of 36. who is _student in your class? liu yang he is than any other student. a .taller, tallest b .taller, taller c .tallest, taller d .the tallest, taller37. _ do you think of game show? i cant stand them, they are so boring.a. how b. what c. whyd. how often38. _ do you help the old man with the housework? once a week. a. how soon b. how long c. how often d. how many39. i dont like fruits. i _ eat them. a always b often c usually d hardly ever40. he is in good _. hes pretty _. a. health, health b. healthy, healthy c. health, healthy d. healthy, health41. it _ me ten minutes _ to school.a. take, getting b. takes, to get c .takes,got d. take, gotten42. eat more vegetables, please. it is good _ your health. a. at b. to c. for d. with43. i cant play soccer because i have _ homework today. a. too much b. too many c. much too d. many too44. _ he was very tired, _ he didnt stop working.a. though, / b. though, but c. but, / d. because, /45. when _ bill arrive _ new york? last night.a. does; in b. did; inc. has; at d. did; at46. _ beautiful day! lets go out for a walk.a. what a b. what c. how d. how a 47. his parents want him to be a musician, and they make him _ the piano for 2 hours every day.a. play b. plays c. playing d. to play48. i have _ to tell you. please keep quiet.班级 姓名 考号 . . 装 订 线 aa .important something b. anything important c. something important d. important anything49. i am getting _. these trousers are too small for me. im afraid you have to exercise every day.a. thinnerb. shorter c. taller d. heavier50. betty plays tennis _ tina, but not better than lucy.a. so well b. as well as c. as good as d. as well第三节 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)one day mary_51_shopping with her mother. when they got 52 the supermarket, mary was very_53_. there were many nice things and many people_54_it. marys mother told her_55_her. they walked around and they_56_some things for breakfast. when they came to one shelf(货架), mary_57_some boxes of chocolate. mary wanted her mother to buy some_58_her. her mother gave _59_ a box of brown chocolate. mary shook(摇晃) her head. she wanted a box of white chocolate. her mother didnt understand her. “why do you want a box of white chocolate?” asked her mother. “i wont bite my fingers(咬着手指) when i eat them_60_night.” answered mary. after hearing this marys mother laughed and they left the supermarket happily. 51. a. went b. goes c. to go d. going 52. a. for b. on c. to d. with 53. a. sorry b. happy c. sad d. good 54. a. on b. for c. at d. in 55. a. follow b. follows c. to follow d. following 56. a. bought b. take c. carry(搬运) d. make 57. a. looked b. watched c. read d. saw 58. a. with b. for c. to d. about 59. a. her b. to her c. for her d. with her 60. a. in b. on c. at d. for第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)amr. and mrs. scott want to buy some new chairs for their new house. they come into a shop and see some very good chairs on the floor. they like the color and want to know how much they are. they see a price tag (标签) on one chair. it says ¥100. they like the chair but they are too expensive for them. the scotts dont think they can buy them now. they leave this shop and go to other shops. mr. scott thinks they can find some good and cheap chairs.根据短文内容,判断正(t)误 (f) 61. mr. and mrs. scott have a new house.62. they want to buy tables and chairs for their house. 63. they think the chairs in this shop are cheap. 64. they leave the shop and go home. 65. they want to buy good and cheap chairs.bbeing outgoing is good for your life. those who are more outgoing like to meet lots of people and have more fun in life. in fact, being outgoing is not so hard as you think. even shy people can be outgoing.you can start becoming outgoing with your best friend or a group of friends. but the real challenge(挑战) comes when you meet strange people or new friends. smile more, and usually they will return your smile. in this way, you may have some talks.start a talk. just a simple “hello” or “how is it going” is a good start. if you want to make interesting talks, you should read news in the newspapers and prepare(准备) your views, or surf the internet for new information and then keep that in mind.the easiest way to become more outgoing is to go out. this is also the most important step. go to a park, beach, club, party or any other place that you think can be fun, and you may make new friends there.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。66. you should start to be outgoing with _.a. your parents b. your teachers c. your best friends d. your new friends67. when you start a talk with a strange people, you should say “ _”.a. whats the matter? b. whats your name? c. how is it going? d. are you healthy?68. the easiest way to be outgoing is _.a. talking b. smiling c. playing d. going out69. making new friends can make us _.a. more outgoing b. healthier c. more serious d. funnier70. which is not the writers view(观点)?a. being outgoing is really difficult. b. being outgoing is good for our lives.c. being outgoing helps people have more fun. d. being outgoing with stranger is not easy.cthe best way of learning a language is using it. the best way of learning english is talking in english as much as possible. sometimes you will get your words mixed up(混合) and people wont understand you. sometimes people will say things too quickly and you couldnt understand them. but if you sense of humor (幽默感), you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes. its better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they dont understand what you are saying. the most important thing for learning english is“dont be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.”71. the writer thinks that the best way for you to learn a language is . a. writing it b. using it c. listening d. learning grammar72. what should you do in learning english? a. be careful not to make any mistakes b. write as quickly as you can c. speak english as much as you can d. laugh more often73. when people laugh at your mistakes, you should _ a. not mind b. be happy c. feel worried d. be unhappy74. when you make mistakes, you should _ a. keep quiet b. get angry c. be kind d. keep your sense of humor75. the story tells us: “_” a. only foolish (愚蠢的) people make mistakes. b. few people make mistakes c. people never make mistakes d. there is no one who doesnt make mistakes第四部分 写作 ( 共三节, 满分25分 )第一节 根据句意, 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空, 并将答案写在相应的横线上。(共5小题,每小题1分, 满分5分)76. im (outgoing) than my sister.77. are you as (friend) as your sister?78. nothing (be) difficult for us if we put our heart into it?79. the boy can swim (him) now.80. what do you think of (climb) mountains tomorrow?第二节 将下列句子中的汉语部分译成英语, 注意使用适当的形式,将划线部分英语翻译成汉语。(共5小题,每小题1分, 满分5分)81. the weather is getting (越来越冷).82. the bedroom is (足够大)for us to have a party.83. our school is the (紧靠) my home.84. its too late, wed better make a decision at once. ( )85. thirty percent teachers are women teachers in our school. ( )第三节 书面表达(满分15分) 在人的一生中,每个人都有自己的密友,但即使是密友也会有跟自己相同和不同的地方。请以“my best friend”为题,写一篇短文来介绍你的密友。 要求:1. 请从年龄、外貌、性格、爱好等方面描述你的密友。 2. 合理地使用比较级、最高级来描述你跟你密友的相同和不同之处。 3. 文中不得出现真实人名或校名,否则以零分计。 4. 字迹工整、清楚,短文不得少于60个单词。_ _ 竹园中学2013-2014学年度上学期期中考试八年级英语听力材料及参考答案第一节 听句子,选择与句子内容相关的图画。每个句子听两遍。1. its raining. please take an umbrella.2. his father always makes delicious food for him. 3. drinking too much cola is bad for your health. 4. my favorite outdoor sport is running in summer. 5. toms mother took some photos for him on childrens day. 第二节 听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语。每个句子听两遍。6. where did you go on vacation? 7. how often do you exercise? 8. is he more outgoing than you? 9. whos your best friend? 10. what do you think of talk show? 第三节 听对话,选出能回答问题的正确选项。每段对话听两遍。听第一段对话,回答第11、12小题。w: hi, tom. long time no see! where did you go on vacation? m: i went to liaokuo park with my parents.w: oh, did you see anything special there?m: yeah, i saw some animals and beautiful flowers there.w: how long did you stay there?m: for two days. i think it was very interesting.听第二段对话,回答第13、14小题。m: hi, lucy, what do you do for exercise?w: i run and ride a bicycle every day and go swimming once a week. how about you?m: i also loved swimming and skating a lot in high school. but now im too busy.w: thats too bad. exercise is really important.m: i know. whats your favorite sport?w: i enjoy swimming. well, lets go swimming this evening.听第三段对话,回答第1517小题。w: whats your favorite subject, bill?m: math.w: but you are good at english. dont you like english?m: i do. i think english is very important. it can help me learn other subjects in the future.w: how do you learn your english words?m: i learn new words before i go to bed. when i get up in the morning, i go over my new words.听第四段对话,回答第1820小


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