高中英语 Unit4《Earthquakes》完形填空精品测试训练 新人教版必修1.doc_第1页
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2013年高一英语精品测试训练:unit 4 earthquakes 完形填空(人教版必修1)完形填空passage 1the foreign ministry on may 19,2008 opened a book of condolences (吊唁簿) for foreign diplomats (外交官) to express their sympathies for the 1 of the sichuan earthquake.it 2 open for three days,until the 3 of the national mourning (全国哀悼).ambassadors and diplomats 4 more than 150 countries and international organizations on may 19,2008 5 to sign the book and 6 their heads at a mourning board.the diplomats also expressed their 7 for the chinese government,the pla and the chinese people in 8 the disaster.coffie alain n.papatchi,the ivory coasts ambassador to china,was the first 9 the book of condolences, 10 jorge eugenio guajardo gonzalez,the mexican ambassador,led embassy 11 in paying their respects.nirupama rao,the indian ambassador, 12 arrived back in beijing after 13 quake-hit areas,was also 14 .foreign minister yang jiechi 15 the visitors and expressed his 16 for their friendship and support.the foreign ministrys overseas 17 also on may 19,2008 opened books of condolences and flew the chinese flag at half-mast.as of may 18,2008,the leaders of 166 countries and heads of more than 30 international organizations had offered 18 condolences (哀悼) to china.as well as sending 19 teams to the country,the international community has 20 246 million by may 20,2008.1.a.victims b.people c.soldiers d.wounded2.a.left b.maintainedc.expanded d.remained3.a.permission b.decisionc.conclusion d.celebration4.a.off b.in c.from d.to5.a.signed up b.lined upc.made up d.stood up6.a.bowed b.lifted c.shook d.hit 7.a.desire b.respectc.understanding d.support8.a.connecting withb.dealing withc.arguing with d.beginning with 9.a.to design b.to resignc.to sign d.to respect10.a.while b.when c.as d.for 11.a.crew b.team c.faculty d.staff12.a.which b.who c.that d.whom 13.a.visiting b.describingc.rescuing d.scanning14.a.consistent b.absentc.present d.content15.a.received b.madec.led d.directed 16.a.attitude b.altitudec.latitude d.gratitude17.a.organizationsb.governmentc.country d.missions 18.a.our b.their c.his d.her 19.a.chief b.belief c.relief d.brief20.a.made b.donated c.gave d.collected 【语篇解读】汶川地震发生后,来自世界150多个国家的驻华使节和国际组织代表陆续抵达外交部,在吊唁簿上签名留言,向中国政府和人民表示深切同情和诚挚慰问,对地震中的罹难者表示沉痛哀悼,还表达了他们对中国政府、军队以及中国人民对抗震救灾的支持。我驻外使馆也开展了一系列悼念活动。除了慰问外,国际组织还进行了捐款。1.a 由上文的“a book of condolences(吊唁簿)”和下文的“the national mourning(全国哀悼)”可以看出,这里要表达的意思是:各国外交使节到外交部对地震中的罹难者表示沉痛哀悼。victim意思是“牺牲者,罹难者”。the wounded(受伤者)有很大的干扰性,但不符合上下文语境。2.d remain和形容词连用,意思是“保持某个状态”,强调继续停留于一处或保持原状态。而最大的干扰项是maintain “维持;保持;使继续”,但该词是及物动词,后面要加宾语。3.c conclusion用作名词,意思是“结束”。外交部举行的此次悼念活动将持续三天,直到全国哀悼日结束为止。如果不注意一词多义现象,忽略了conclusion还可以指“结束”,就很容易误选其他选项。4.c 句意:来自150多个国家和国际组织的大使及外交官from意思是“来自”。5.b 来自150多个国家和国际组织的驻华使节排队在留言簿上签名,表达他们的哀悼之情。所以只有line up “排成行,排成列”符合语境。sign up “签约”;make up “编造”;stand up “起立”。6.a 这里要表达的意思是,这些外交官员,向我们的遇难同胞低头致哀。bow ones head意思是“向低头”。7.d support “支持,支援”。这些外交官还表达了他们对中国政府、军队以及中国人民对抗震救灾的支持。understanding(理解,了解)有很大的干扰性,但不符合他们积极捐款捐物支援我国灾区的事实,所以应该排除。8.b deal with在这里表示“处理,应对”。9.c the first to sign the book of condolences表示“第一个在吊唁簿上签名留言,向中国政府和人民表示深切同情和诚挚慰问的人”。design “设计,策划”;resign “辞职”;sign “签名;在签字”;respect “尊敬,尊重”。10.a while “而,然而”,表示对比。11.d staff “全体员工”。墨西哥大使率领所有的大使馆工作人员参加了悼念活动,以表尊重。12.b 代替表示人的先行词,在从句中作主语,引导一个非限制性定语从句,所以只能用关系代词who。13.a 这里指的是该大使刚刚视察完灾区。所以要用visit。describe “描述”;rescue “营救,援救”;scan “浏览,细看”。14.c 刚从灾区返回的印度大使也出席了悼念活动。因为前文介绍的都是出席悼念活动的大使们,结合空前的also,所以应选“present(出席的)”作表语。consistent “一致的,始终如一的”;absent “缺席的”;content “甘愿的,满意的”。15.a receive在这里表示“接待或欢迎客人或来访者”。句意:外交部长杨洁篪接待了来宾,并表达了对外宾们友谊和支持的感激之情。16.d gratitude “感激之情”。对于来慰问我们遇难同胞的友人的友谊和支持,自然应该是心存感激。 attitude “态度”;latitude “纬度”;altitude “海拔”。17.d mission “大使馆”。上文介绍的是外交部在国内举办的悼念活动,各国驻华大使前去签名悼念。这里介绍的是我驻外使馆开展的悼念活动。句意:外交部驻外使馆也开展了悼念活动,并降半旗致哀。18.b 此处所填的词指代的是“the leaders.and heads.”,且限定中心词condolences,所以要用their。句意:已有166个国家元首和30 多个国际组织的代表向中国表达了他们的哀悼。19.c 这里要表达的意思是:除了派救济(relief)队到我们国家外,国际组织到2008年5月20日已经捐款246 000 000美元(支援中国灾区)。relief此处意为“救济”;chief “首领”;belief “信条,信念”;brief “概要”。20.b donate意为“捐赠,捐献”,一般要接表示具体物体、金钱的名词。句意见上一题。passage 2i shall never forget the day when the earthquake happened.it was about 5 in the afternoon and i was 1 along the road to my daughters school.our plan was to go 2 together.i stopped at a 3 to get some fresh fruit.we liked to have some fruit to eat after our swim.i was driving along a high 4 on my way to the school. 5 my road was another road which was built like a 6 .i was 7 so i put the bag of apples 8 me and started to eat one.suddenly i saw the cars in front of me start to 9 from side to side.i slowed down.then my car started to shake! i didnt know what was happening.perhaps something had 10 wrong with my car.i drove a little more slowly and then i 11 the car and at the same moment the road 12 onto the cars in front of me.i found myself in the 13 .i couldnt move.my legs and feet were hurt badly and i couldnt move them.all around me was 14 .but below me i could hear shouts and a lot of noises.then i realized what had happened.i had been 15 an earthquake.for about two hours nobody came.luckily i could reach the bag of 16 ,so at least i had plenty to eat.then i heard people 17 towards me.a team of people had come to 18 if anyone was under the 19 road.i called out,“im here!” i heard a shout.soon a stranger climbed to my car.“how are you 20 ?” he asked.“not too bad,” i said.they didnt get me out until the next morning.1.a.driving b.leading c.walking d.running2.a.shopping b.dancingc.swimming d.sightseeing3.a.farm b.shop c.park d.school4.a.road b.bridge c.school d.side5.a.under b.along c.over d.beside6.a.bridge b.roof c.cover d.top7.a.tired b.thirsty c.sleepy d.hungry8.a.over b.ahead ofc.beside d.under9.a.move b.roll c.run d.jump10.a.been b.broken c.gone d.done11.a.parked b.startedc.moved d.stopped12.a.put b.ran c.fell d.jumped13.a.dark b.afternoon c.evening d.car14.a.noisy b.dusty c.quiet d.blood15.a.on b.at c.by d.in16.a.food b.sandwichesc.apples d.bread17.a.climbing b.shoutingc.moving d.driving18.a.know b.tellc.understand d.see19.a.falling b.brokenc.breaking d.dirty20.a.sleeping b.feelingc.eating d.going【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者描述了发生地震后,像立交桥的路塌了,砸到了作者的车,她被困车中,后来在人们的援救下,于次日上午脱险。1.a 从下文i was driving along a.得知答案。2.c 从下文we liked to have some fruit to eat after our swim.得知。3.b 买水果当然是去商店。4.a 下文提示是在路上走。5.c 由下文知发生了地震,像立交桥的路塌了,砸到了我的车。由此可知我开车走的路的上面是另外一条像桥的路。over在上面。6.a 参看5题解析。7.d 从后面开始吃苹果知我很饿。8.c 饿了应把水果放在一边,因为作者还要开车。9.a 当地震发生时,地面在晃动,地面上的东西应是来回移动。故选move(移动)。roll翻滚,滚动,不合句意。10.c go wrong发生故障,出毛病。11.d park表示在停车场或某个地方停车。此处指停下车。12.c 路倒塌砸到了我的车。13.a 路倒塌后,我就被埋在了车里,四周一片黑暗。14.c 我的周围一片寂静。15.d 由上下文可知这时作者才意识到发生了地震。16.c 由上文知应是苹果。17.a 由后文a stranger climbed to my car知应选a。18.d 一队人来看看在倒塌的路下是否有人。19.b broken表示被破坏的。20.b how are you feeling?感觉如何?passage 3after the earthquake hit northeast of japan on march 11,2011,many touching stories that i saw with my own eyes happened around me.i had to walk home since all the 1 had stopped after the quake.on my way home i 2 an old japanese lady at the bakery shop who was giving out free bread,which made my heart 3 .a middle-aged japanese man was holding a sign that said,“please use our 4 .” he was 5 his house for people to go to the restroom.my friend wanted to 6 others.he stood in the cold with a sign “if you are okay with a motorcycle,i will 7 you to your house.”and then i saw him take one gentleman home,all the way to a faraway place!then the next day i drove to 8 my car with gas.there was a 9 of gas now and many gasoline stations were either closed or had very 10 lines.i got 11 ,since i was behind 15 cars.finally,when it was my 12 ,the man smiled and said,“ 13 this situation,we are only giving 30 worth of gas per person.is that all right?”“of course.im just glad that we are all able to 14 ,”i said.his smile gave me so much 15 .i saw a man at the evacuation (疏散) center 16 when people brought food to him.it was the first time in three days that food had been brought to their center.however,after he wiped the tears,his next 17 surprised me.“i am very 18 that we are provided with food.but people in the city next to us havent 19 any food at all.please go to that center as well.”and when hearing that,i realized there is a bright future on the other side of this 20 .1.a.traffic b.rescuec.communication d.business2.a.missed b.caughtc.noticed d.heard3.a.hungry b.soft c.broken d.warm4.a.toilet b.hotel c.hospital d.house5.a.advertising b.openingc.repairing d.decorating6.a.encourage b.savec.charge d.assist7.a.drive b.follow c.lead d.send8.a.start b.fill c.check d.wash9.a.plenty b.lack c.variety d.diversity10.a.direct b.straight c.long d.short11.a.worried b.luckyc.excited d.annoyed12.a.time b.turn c.duty d.decision13.a.apart from b.together withc.because of d.instead of14.a.share b.offerc.tolerate d.transform15.a.comfort b.pleasurec.trouble d.entertainment16.a.waiting b.grabbingc.sleeping d.crying17.a.promises b.rolesc.actions d.remarks18.a.upset b.gratefulc.surprised d.proud19.a.bought b.suppliedc.prepared d.received20.a.city b.centerc.lesson d.disaster【语篇解读】2011年3月11日日本发生了地震。本文叙述了作者在震后亲眼看到的感人故事,从中他感受到了人们的良好品质。1.a 地震之后,所有车辆都停运了,因此“我”只好走回家。四个选项只有traffic与walk home有关。2.c 在步行回家的路上,“我”注意到面包店门口有个日本老太太在向行人免费发放面包。这里用noticed表示“注意到”。a项意为“错过”;b项意为“抓住”;d项意为“听到”。3.d 与文章开头的“touching stories”呼应,本题选d,表示在三月寒冷的天气里,这幕情景温暖了“我”的心。hungry饥饿的;soft温柔的;broken破碎的。4.a 下文说让人们使用他家的厕所(restroom),因此选a。本题的关键是理解后面的“restroom”的含义。5.b 他打开自己的家门,允许人们使用他家的厕所。这里用opening表示“打开,开放”。advertise做广告;repair 修理;decorate装饰。6.d “我”的一个朋友也想帮助别人,于是他站在寒风中,举着个牌子。根据语境判断选d,表示“帮助”。7.a 牌子上写着“假如你愿意坐摩托车,那么我愿意驾车送你回家”。这里用drive表示“开车送某人”。follow 跟随;lead领导;send派遣,派送。8.b 根据语境判断选b,表示“(使)充满,注满”。作者要去加油站给自己的车加油。9.b 由后面的“many gasoline stations were either closed.”判断选b,此时由于地震,汽油短缺。lack“缺乏”符合语境。10.c 很多加油站要么关闭,要么站前排队等待加油的队伍很“长”。11.a 汽油短缺,而且在“我”前面有15辆车,因此“我”担心自己加不上油。12.b 最后终于轮到“我”了。it was my turn“轮到我了”。13.c 此处强调原因,因此选c。因为眼下这个局面(等待加油的车太多),加油站限量供应汽油。14.a 加油站的油不多,只能够限量供应,大家来分享这有限的油,这样挺好的。故选a“分享”。15.a 加油站工作人员的微笑使“我”很欣慰。16.d 下文说“他擦掉泪水”,由此判断选d。在这个疏散中心,当人们给这个人送来食物的时候,他感激得哭了。17.d promise 许诺;role角色;action行动;remark话语。此处指他接下来的一番话使“我”感到诧异,因此选d。18.b 人们给他送来食物,这个人此时内心充满感激之情,因此选b。19.d 我们旁边那个城市的人们还没有得到过一点儿食物。因此选d,表示“得到,收到”。20.d 在这场灾难中,从这些人身上,“我”看到的是光明的未来。这里选d,指这次地震。passage 4in 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened america,killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes.in the middle of complete damage and disorder,a father rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, 1 that the building was 2 .after the unforgettably shock,he 3 the promise he had made to his son:“no matter 4 ,ill always be there for you!” and tears began to 5 his eyes.as he looked at the pile of ruins,it looked hopeless,but he kept remembering his 6 to his son.he rushed there and started 7 the ruins.as he was digging,other helpless parents arrived, 8 :“its too late! theyre all dead! 9 ,face reality,theres nothing you can do!” to each parent he responded with 10 :“are you going to help me now?” no one helped.and then he continued to dig for his son,stone by stone.courageously he went on alone because he needed to know 11 :“is my boy 12 or is he dead?” he dug for eight hours.12 hours.24 hours.36 hours.then,in 13 hour,he pulled back a large stone and heard his sons 14 .he screamed his sons name,“armand!” he heard back,“dad!?! its me,dad! i told the other kids not to worry.i told them that if you were alive,you 15 me and 16 you saved me,theyd be saved.you promised,no matter what happens,ill always be there for you!you did it,dad!” “whats going on in there? ”the father asked.“there are 14 of us 17 18 33,dad.were scared,hungry,thirsty and thankful youre here.when the building collapsed,it made 19 ,and it saved us.”“come out,boy!”“no,dad! let the other kids out first, 20 i know youll get me! no matter what happens,i know youll always be there for me!”1.a.only discoveringb.only to discover c.only realizing d.only to realize 2.a.as flat as a pancake b.as high as a mountainc.as strong as an ox d.as weak as a kitten3.a.memorized b.forgotc.kept d.remembered4.a.what b.what happenc.which d.who5.a.fill b.fill in c.come d.burst6.a.picture b.promisec.present d.encourage7.a.digging b.digging throughc.digging out d.digging into8.a.to sayb.saidc.and sayingd.saying9.a.come out b.come againc.come on d.come off10.a.one word b.one soundc.one row d.one line11.a.for himself b.of himselfc.by himself d.to himself12.a.live b.living c.alive d.lively13.a.38 b.the 38 c.38th d.the 38th14.a.sound b.voice c.noise d.tone15.a.will save b.would savec.save d.would have saved 16.a.when b.because c.even if d.though17.a.remained b.missingc.left d.gone18.a.for b.behind c.out of d.over19.a.a promise b.space c.room d.a triangle20.a.because b.though c.when d.even though【语篇解读】本文是一篇故事情节较强的记叙文。文章讲述了“父亲如何履行自己曾对儿子许下的诺言”,故事生动、感人,极富吸引力。1.b only to do sth.“结果却,不料”,作结果状语,表示该结果在主语的预料之外;现在分词作结果状语,表示由主句所产生的逻辑上的结果。 realize在脑海里经过思维“认识到,了解”;discover在表面上就能“发现,看出”。2.a 这四个选项都是英语成语,根据本段第一句an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened america判断,选择a项。3.d 从意义上判断,“他想起了他曾对儿子许下的诺言”,故选d,remember“记起,想起”。memorized是“背诵,熟记”。4.a 从结构上分析,该句是省略了谓语动词的省略句,省略谓语之后,意义仍然清楚,如不省略动词,则使用第三人称单数happens。从意义上分析,可排除c、d两项。5.a 所给动词都可以表示“流泪”这种意义,但句式搭配不同,其表现形式分别为tears fill his eyes;tears come into his eyes;he bursts into tears。6.b 从上下文意义判断,此处表示“他不停地想起他对儿子许下的诺言”。7.b 动词和动词短语是完形填空设项的重点之一。此题要分清这四项的不同含义。dig及物动词,意为“掘(土),挖”;dig through“(为找)在里挖掘”;dig out “发掘出”;dig into“钻研”。8.d 从结构上分析,应该用现在分词作伴随状语,用and则表示并列,应用said。9.c come on表示劝说、不耐烦,意为“得啦”“来”。10.d 从词义上判断one line“一句话(台词)”符合题意。a项中的one word干扰性较大,它表示“一个词”,如用words 是正确的。11.a “介词+反身代词”有固定含义,for oneself独自地,亲自;by oneself单独地;of oneself自行地,自动地;to oneself 对(着)自己。12.c 这四个词都有“活着的”之意,live仅用作定语,作表语用living,alive。living和alive在意义上有细微差别,living可作定语和表语,含有“本以为死了,然而还活着”,如:i cant believe my first teacher is still living.alive作表语和后置定语,其含义与dead相对应。lively“生动的,活跃的”。13.d “在第38个小时的时候”,序数词之前要用定冠词。14.b 注意这四个词的区别:sound “(各种)声音”;voice “(人们说话的)嗓音”;noise “(不悦耳的)噪音”;tone “(人们说话的)语气,语调”。15.b 这是表将来的虚拟语气,主句中用would +动词原形,从下文的句子中也能找到类似的句子。16.a 从意义上判断,“如果你来救我,他们也会得救。”是条件状语从句,应该用if 引导,然而选项中没有if,when与if同义,引导条件状语从句。even if 引导让步状语从句。17.c 此题包含一个固定句型:there are.left.“还有剩余下来”。18.c 14.out of 33 意为:33人中有14人活下来。out of “从里面”。特别注意此题中的介词与前面的left没有任何联系。如果没有意识到这点,极可能会选错。19.d 从意义上判断,“房屋倒塌时,自然形成的三角空隙”。而make room,make space 意为“(有意识地)为腾出空间”。20.a 从上下文意义判断,此句为原因状语从句。passage 5in 1982,steven callahan was crossing the atlantic alone in his sailboat when it struck something and sank.he got into a life boat,but his supplies were 1 .his chances of surviving were small. 2 when three fishermen found him 76 days later,he was alivemuch 3 than he was when he started,but alive.his 4 of how he survived is fascinating.his clevernesshow he 5 to catch fish,how he evaporated (蒸发) sea water to 6 fresh wateris very interesting.but the thing that 7 my eye was how he managed to keep himself going when all hope seemed lost,and there seemed no 8 in continuing the struggle.he was starved and 9 worn-out.giving up would have seemed the only possible choice.when people 10 these kinds of circumstances (境遇),they do something with their minds that gives them the courage to keep going.many people in 11 desperate circumstances 12 in or go mad.something the survivors do with their thoughts helps them find the courage to carry on 13 difficulties.“i tell myself i can 14 it,” wrote callahan in his book.“compared to what others have been through,im fortunate.i tell myself these things over and over, 15 up courage.”i wrote that down after i read it.it 16 me as something important.and ive told myself the same thing when my own goals seemed 17 off or when my problems seemed too terrible.and every time ive said it,i have always come back to my 18 .the truth is,our circumstances are only bad compared to something better.but others have been through the much worse,that is,in comparison with 19 others have been through,youre fortunate.tell this to yourself over and over again,and it will help you 20 the rough situations with a little more courage.1.a.littleb.richc.fewd.enough2.a.andb.yetc.stilld.thus3.a.thinnerb.strongerc.worsed.healthier4.a.attitudeb.assumptionc.instructiond.account5.a.assistedb.tendedc.managedd.intended6.a.makeb.absorbc.selectd.replace7.a.attackedb.attractedc.caughtd.drew8.a.needb.tastec.message d.point9.a.firmlyb.completelyc.hardlyd.generally10.a.dealb.defendc.survived.observe11.a.similarlyb.differentlyc.graduallyd.commonly12.a.pull b.takec.breakd.give13.a.for the lack ofb.in the face ofc.in exchange ford.as a result of14.a.handle b.carryc.followd.inspect15.a.rollingb.usingc.buildingd.making16.a.defeatedb.recommendedc.introduced d.struck17.a.farb.longc.everd.even18.a.supplies b.sensesc.ideasd.influences19.a.howb.thatc.whichd.what20.a.get roundb.get overc.get throughd.get off【语篇解读】本文为夹叙夹议文,通过steven callahan在横穿大西洋时遇险,最后在绝境下幸存的故事,说明在绝境下要一遍遍地告诉自己,还有别人的情况比你更糟糕,这会给你更多的度过困难情况的勇气。1.c 句意:他


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