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河北高邑县2016高考英语二轮阅读理解摸底练习(6)阅读理解。back in the fifteenth century, in a tiny village near nuremberg, lived a family with eighteen childrenin spite of the hopeless condition, two of the children, albrecht durer and albert, had a dreamthey both wanted to pursue their talent for artafter many long discussions, the two boys finally worked out an agreementthey would toss a cointhe loser would go down into the nearby mines and, with his earnings, support his brother who attended the academythen, when that brother who won the toss completed his studies, in four years, he would support the other brother at the academytossing a coin, albrecht durer won and went off to nurembergalbert went down into the dangerous mines and, for the next four years, supported his brother, whose work at the academy was almost an immediate sensation(轰动)by the time he graduated, he had earned considerable fees for his outstanding workswhen the young artist returned to his village, the durer family held a festive dinner to celebrate albrechts triumphant(胜利的)homecomingalbrecht drank a toast to his beloved brother for the years of sacrifice that had enabled him to complete his dream“and now, albert, blessed brother of mine, now it is your turnnow you can go to nuremberg to look for your dream, and i will take care of you”tears streaming down his pale face, albert sobbed, “nonoit is too late for melooklook at what four years in the mines have done to my hands!the bones in every finger have been broken at least once, and lately i have been suffering from arthritis(关节炎)so badly in my right hand that i cannot even hold a glass to return your toast, much less draw delicate lines with a pen or a brush”to show thanks to albert for all that he had sacrificed, albrecht durer painstakingly drew his brothers injured hands with palms together and thin fingers stretched skywardhe called his powerful drawing simply “hands”, but the entire world almost immediately opened their hearts to his great masterpiece and renamed it “the praying hands”the next time you see a copy of that touching creation, let it be your reminderno one ever makes any success alone!【文章大意】本文叙述了有两个兄弟家境贫困,通过扔硬币来决定了弟弟albrecht durer去学习艺术了,哥哥 albert要去危险的矿井干活供弟弟上学。albrecht durer毕业后回到自己的村庄,感谢哥哥对他的牺牲和奉献,希望他的哥哥能完成自己的梦想。通过这故事我们可以总结这样一个道理:没有人帮助指导,人们就不会成功的。36why did the two brothers work out the agreement?athey were so curious as to make a jokebtheir family couldnt afford the academycone of the brothers was supposed to go into minesdthey wanted to support the other sisters and brothers【答案】b【 解析】推理判断题。根据in spite of the hopeless condition, two of the children, albrecht durer and albert, had a dream可知两个兄弟的家庭比较穷,无法供养他们学习艺术,一次要讨论,在达成一致意见。故选b。37the underlined word “whose” in para2 refers to _athe durer familys bthe miners calberts dalbrechts【答案】d【 解析】词义猜测题。根据albrecht durer won and went off to nuremberg可知albrecht durer赢了,他去学习艺术了。故选d。38which of the following statements is not true about albrecht durer?ahe began to earn his living after graduationbhe did perfectly well at the academyche wanted his brother to go to the academydhe created great masterpieces【答案】a【 解析】推理判断题。根据albrecht drank a toast to his beloved brother for the years of sacrifice that had enabled him to complete his dream可知albrecht durer毕业后回到自己的村庄,感谢哥哥对他的牺牲和奉献,希望他的哥哥能完成自己的梦想。因此a项与文章不符合。故选a.39which of the following is the correct order of the story?aalbrecht went to nuremberg balbert supported his brothercthe durer family held a festive dinner dalbrecht drew his brothers injured handsethe brothers tossed a coinab, a, c, d, e ba, e, c, d, b ce, a, c, b, d de, a, b, c, d【答案】d【 解析】细节理解题。按照事情发展的顺序:先是两兄弟扔硬币来决定谁去上学,然后是albrecht赢了,去上学了,他的哥哥供他上学;接下来是albrecht学成归来,杜勒一家为他准备了丰盛的晚餐,最后,albrecht画了一幅他哥哥受伤的手。故选d。40what can we learn from the story?aone can achieve success simply on his ownbany success requires the help of otherscits other people who contribute to ones successdnobody could succeed without good guidance【答案】b【 解析】推理判断题。根据no one ever makes any success alone可知没有人帮助指导,人们就不会成功的。故选b。阅读理解.in his lowest days when few people bought his records, taiwan singer steve chou (周传雄) lived alone in canada and did little. one day, he passed by a local cd store and accidentally heard a song that greatly enchanted (迷住) him. his passion for music was suddenly rekindled (重新点燃). “my heart tells me that music is the thing i truly want to do, not for fame or money,” chou told teens. “so i asked myself, why not start all over again?” thats how we luckily regained this music genius, who has since then composed lots of hits for the pop music charts (排行榜). his emotional voice is enthralling (迷人的). sometimes we need to get close to nature to look deeply into our souls and see what we genuinely (真正地) want to follow, he said. following the success of turkey in blue, he has recently released his latest work lovers genesis. in this album he explores human relationships in the internet age. this time, he takes the role of a calm observer rather than a struggling insider. technology itself is a good thing, but it depends on how youre going to use it, is chous advice to teenagers. chou often gets his music ideas from trips. he has traveled to many places around the world and believes that learning a countrys language is the fastest way of experiencing the culture behind it.( ) 1. how was steve zhous passion for music rekindled?a. he was encouraged by his friends.b. when he passed by a store and heard a song that enchanted him. c .he decided to rebuild his reputation. d. a good idea suddenly occurred to him. ( ) 2. which of the following songs belongs to steve zhou?a. heal the world b. i swear c. lovers genesis d. lemon tree ( ) 3. how does zhou get his music idea?a. from his work life b. from his trips c. from his friends d. from musical books ( ) 4. what does the underlined sentence mean?a. technology is always a good thing. b. technology by no means is a good thing. c. if you use it properly, it will be helpful to your life. d. we should not believe technology too much. 【文章大意】:文章主要向人们讲述了台湾歌手周传雄在经历事业低谷后重新开始自己的音乐创作的过程。1.【考点分析】细节理解题。【参考答案】b。【解题思路】文中第一段提到he passed by a local cd store and accidentally heard a song that greatly enchanted (迷住) him.。可知周重新燃起的创作热情是源于一首cd歌曲的影响。2.【考点分析】细节理解题。【参考答案】c。【解题思路】 文中的最后一段提到了周传雄的音乐作品,我们据此可以得知c项是正确参考答案。3.【考点分析】细节理解题。【参考答案】b。【解题思路】文中最后一段提到chou often gets his music ideas from trips .可知周传雄是在旅途中来寻找自己的想法,故b项正确。4.【考点分析】句意理解题。【参考答案】c。【解题思路】句中讲到“科技是个好东西,但是关键在于你怎么使用它”,由此我们可知c 项正确。阅读理解the financial crisis is reminding americans of a lesson they first learned in childhood: share and share alike. they are sharing or swapping tools and books, cars and handbags, time and talent. the renewed desire to share shows up in a variety of examples: a car-sharing service has had a 70 percent membership increase since the crisis occurred. some companies encouraged his employees to take vanpooling. governments are putting bikes on the street for public use. how-to-swap web sites are increasing quickly. the economy reflects the way americans have cut back, especially on daily items: department store sales dropped 1.3 percent in june. people are not buying cars, and as a result, auto sales dropped 27.7 percent last month. they are not paying others to do what they can do themselves home depot reports increased attendance at in-store do-it-yourself clinics. and although paint sales are down in general, according to sherwin-williams, individual consumers are still buying. when tom burdett needed to cut some tiles at his home outside annapolis, he refused to buy expensive tools. so he asked his neighbors and friends for help. sure enough, someone had just what he needed. and when that friend needed help fixing a satellite dish, burdett volunteered to help. the sharing mind-set is not new to the american culture, but many americans give it up when the nation changed from an agricultural society to an industrial one, said rosemary hornak, a psychology professor at meredith college in raleigh, n.c. they moved farther from their families and did not have time to connect with new neighbors because they worked so much, she said. neighborhood conversations tell more of the story as the movement grows organically (持续地) in communities across the washington region and the nation. on one street in arlington, for example, neighbors are collecting their separate money for mulch (覆盖料) and dividing it among themselves. 52. what is the text mainly about? a. introducing a new way of life. b. sharing in the financial crisis. c. how to reduce the living expense. d. how to handle the financial crisis.53. why do people in modern times give up the sharing mind-set? a. because they dont need it at all. b. because they arent interested in it. c. because they are busy with work. d. because they hate being disturbed. 54. the underlined phrase “cut back” in para. 3 probably means _.a. shared b. helped c. abandoned d. reduced55. it can be inferred from the passage that _. a. more and more americans solve problems in their daily life by helping each other .b. if the prices of service goes down, individual consumers wont do something themselves. c. the sharing-mind set is a strange to many americans.d. when the crisis ends, americans will abandon the sharing-mind set. 体裁:记述文 词数:320 难度系数: 建议用时:7分钟 类别: 主旨大意+细节理解+词义猜测+推理判断 本文标题:sharing【文章大意】本文主要讲了在经济危机之下,美国人又重新拾起了分享这一生活方式,以便共同度过难关。 52.【考点分析】主旨大意题。【参考答案】b。【解题思路】根据文章第一段第一句中出现的“sharing and sharing alike”以及下面所举的例子,可知本文主要是讲述了经济危机中人们之间的互相分享。53.【考点分析】细节理解题。【参考答案】c。【解题思路】根据倒数第二段中的最后一句话“they worked so much”推知人们都忙于自己的工作,故参考答案为c。54.【考点分析】词义猜测题。【参考答案】d。【解题思路】根据划线部分后举的例子,指人们在一些方面减少了开支,可推知cut back的意思是“减少”,故参考答案为d。 55.【考点分析】推理判断题。【参考答案】a。【解题思路】根据文章的中心思想是sharing以及文中所举的例子可以看出,更多的美国人倾向于互相分享、帮助解决问题。 阅读理解。conservationists have unveiled plans to preserve and protect the worlds most important species of coral, in a response to increasing threats that they say will lead to functional extinction within decadesled by scientists at the zoological society of london, the edge coral reefs project has identified 10 coral species in most urgent risk of becoming extinctthe scientists say that reefs are under pressure from a variety of threats including rising sea temperatures due to climatic instability, increased acidity(酸性), overfishing and pollutionthe edge plan, which focuses on the most evolutionarily distinct and globally endangered species , will take a regional approach to conservationthis means focusing on the coral triangle around the philippines, the west indian ocean around the mozambique channel, and in the caribbean channelcoral reefs are threatened with functional extinction in the next 20-50 years, due predominantly to global climatic instability, said catherine head, coordinator of the reefs projectin these regions, well be supporting and training in-country conservationists to carry out research and implement targeted conservation actions, she saidtheir projects will last initially for two yearswe provide them with a whole host of tools to carry out their projects including funding and intensive training she addedcoral reefs are the planets most diverse marine ecosystem(生态系统), known as the rainforests of the oceansdespite taking up under 02% of the ocean floor, they provide food and shelter for almost a third of all sea lifeif we lose the ecosystems, we lose not only the biodiversity (生物多样性), but we also lose the capability of people to obtain income and food from coral reefsclimatic instability, which leads to rising sea temperatures, causes corals to bleachbleaching occurs when sea temperatures rise and this causes the coral tissue to expel their symbiotic algae called zooxanthellae - these are what give the coral their colourbleached corals often die if the stress continuesamong the 10 species chosen to start the edge project are the pearl bubble coral, a food source for the hawksbill(玳瑁)turtle, and the mushroom coral, which supports at least 15 brightly colored fish【文章大意】本文您叙述了气候的不稳定导致珊瑚未来10年后将可能会绝迹,因此自然资源保护者正在采取计划保护珊瑚。珊瑚为海洋里三分之一的生物提供食物,是地球上最不同的生态系统。41what does the first paragraph mean in the passage ?aconservationists planned to preserve and protect some extinct corals years agobconservationists have banned plans to protect endangered corals for yearscconservationists are going to protect corals that are dying out in several ten yearsdconservationists have made plans to protect corals from being extinct in ten years【答案】c【 解析】主旨大意题。根据preserve and protect the worlds most important species of coral,和increasing threats that they say will lead to functional extinction within decades自然资源保护着正在计划保护未来十几年将可能绝迹的珊瑚。故选c。42what will probably happen to coral species with the increasing threats?adecrease blosing functionscdisappearancedexistence 【答案】c【 解析】 推理判断题。根据in a response to increasing threats that they say will lead to functional extinction withi


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