广东省佛山市禅城区南庄镇第三中学七年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 2 Are they yours学案(无答案)(新版)外研版.doc_第1页
广东省佛山市禅城区南庄镇第三中学七年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 2 Are they yours学案(无答案)(新版)外研版.doc_第2页
广东省佛山市禅城区南庄镇第三中学七年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 2 Are they yours学案(无答案)(新版)外研版.doc_第3页
广东省佛山市禅城区南庄镇第三中学七年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 2 Are they yours学案(无答案)(新版)外研版.doc_第4页




unit 2 are they yours?一、简单复习 (一)单词辨音( )1. a. hers b. yours c. sister d. always( )2. a. glove b. brother c. come d. crayon( )3. a. whose b. where c. why d. what( )4. a. mine b. fit c. bit d. it( )5. a. crayon b. cut c. city d. camera (二) 完成下列句子: 1、欢迎回到学校!_ school!2、首先,让我来做个自我介绍。_, let me introduce myself.3、从现在开始,我们必须努力学习。 _, we must study hard.4、这是谁的书包? _this?5、请小心保管你们的学习用品。please _ your school things. (三) 改错:1. who bag is this? _2. this isnt my book. it is her. _3. that isnt your bike. it is my. _二、预习指导( pre-task):阅读课文,完成下列任务。(一)预习camera sausage新单词,试着拼读,并努力记住。单词拼写:加油吧,你一定可以! can take photos with this new c_. 2. -w_ are you late ?because my bike is broken.3. there are about two t_ students in their school.4. there are h_ of bikes in the lost and found office now.5. we want to go to the island on a b_.6. my goodness! i l_ my keys at home.7. they are l_ for the car in the street.(二) 在课文中用椭圆符号 圈出下面短语,把它们写在下面。1、移动电话_ 2、匆匆忙忙_3、失物招领处_4、几百;成百上千_5、寻找_6、和谈话_7、上车_8、两千_9、此刻_ (三) 重点预习。(认真预习第2部分, 并将这些重点在书中划出) 1. he is looking for his camera. 他正在寻找他的相机。look for :意思是“寻找”,强调寻找的动作或者过程;find:意思是“找到”,强调寻找的结果。e.g.我正在寻找我的钢笔。i _ my pen. 他找不到他的手表。he cant _ his watch. 她正在寻找她的自行车,但找不到。 she _her pen, but she cant _ it.2. hundreds of people come here every day.每天有数百人来这里。 hundreds of :数百;成百上千思考:数千;成千上万怎么写? 数千;成千上万_e.g.公园里有数百只小鸟。 there are _ little birds in the park. 农场上有成千上万只羊。_ sheep on the farm.two thousand:两千思考:两百、九千怎么写?两百_ 九千_结论:hundred 和thousand 前面有数字时,不管数字有多大,都_用复数形式。 3. they leave things on planes.他们把东西遗忘在飞机上。leave sth.somewhere 即leave +名词+介词短语:把遗忘在e.g.别把钥匙忘记在出租车上了。dont _ the keys in the taxi. 他总是把作业丢在家里。he always _ home. 4.thats why there are lost and found offices at airports and stations.那就是机场和车站有失物招领处的原因。 thats why:那就是的原因;那就是为什么 e.g. 那就是为什么我迟到了。 _ i am late. 那就是我要回家的原因。_ i want to go home.(四) 问题收集:同学们,你们预习过程中有遇到问题、难题吗?请写在下面1. _2. _3. _4. _三、课堂活动(一) 预习情况交流(二)思维导图展示:lost and found四、知识检测 five minutes test (挑战自我!挑战120分!) 得分_(一)单词辨音(5分5=25分)( )1. a. at b. lab c. camera d. crayon( )2.a. careful b. are c. parent d. hare( )3. a. plane b. strange c. thousand d. eraser ( )4. a. thousand b. would c. out d. found( )5. a. wallet b. lab c. cat d. black(二) 默写下列词组。(5分6=30分) 1、移动电话_ 2、匆匆忙忙_3、两千_4、几百;成百上千_5、寻找_6、和谈话_(三)选择填空。(5分7=35分) ( ) 1. lucy is _ her bike now. a. finding b. finding out c. looking for( ) 2.there _ a pig, two horses and three ducks here. a. is b. are c. be( ) 3. there are _ people in the meeting room now. a. two hundreds b. hundred of c. hundreds of( ) 4. our classroom is big. how about _? a. your b. their c. yours( ) 5. she is a kind teacher. thats _ all the students like her very much. a. what b. why c. when ( ) 6. -welcome to our class .-_. a. thank you! b. you are welcome. c. good morning!( ) 7. he went to the park _ a hurry just now. a. for b. in c. at(三)综合填空。(1分10=10分) ben looks for his bike every day. but he cant (1) f_ it anywhere. he is very sad. mary lost (2) h _ watch. she is sad too. many people lose things here and there every day. thats (3) w_ there are so many lost and found offices. people can(4) l_ for their things they lost there. but there are always some (5) s_ things at many lost and found offices. we dont know whose things are they. (四)课文复现。(4分5=20分) (1) _ (欢迎来到)the new york city lost and found office. people often lose things when they are travelling or (2) _(当他们匆匆忙忙时). they (3)_(把东西丢在飞机上),on trains, on buses and in taxis. (4)_(那是为什么)there are lost and found offices at airports and stations.(5)_(成百上千)people come here every day.feed-back 反馈 n


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