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ethylene oxide 环氧乙烷.doc_第4页




1. aerobridge 登机桥 2. air bleed 漏风3. air grille 风口4. air lock 气闸5. air lock 气闸室6. air plenum静压箱7. air shower 风淋室8. air velocity 风速9. airborne bacterial concentration 浮游法细菌浓度10. air-termination system接闪器11. alligator clip弹簧夹,鳄鱼夹12. ampoule 安瓿瓶(打小针和口服液那种)13. analog 模拟14. anesthesia麻醉15. anodize 阳极16. ante room缓冲前室17. anti-static flooring抗静电地板18. AnydamagetotheRRCATequipmentsshallbebornebythesupplier.19. as-built clean room 交竣状态洁净室 (已建成准备运行的,具有净化空调的全部设施及功能,但室内无设备和人员)20. aseptic 无菌的21. at-rest clean room 待工状态洁净室(室内净化空调设施及功能齐备,安装并可运行,但无工作人员)22. audio door phone音频电话23. autoclave 高压灭菌器24. ballast镇流器25. base(地面以下承重构件) 26. bathroom vanity浴室盥洗台27. bathtub浴缸; 澡盆28. bearing puller 轴承拆卸器29. bench planer台式刨床30. bidet 坐浴盆31. Biological safety cabinets,BSCs生物安全柜32. blind/shade/shutter百叶窗(英美英语)33. blister packing 吸塑包装(透明包装)34. bonding agent 粘合剂35. book light夹书灯36. branch lines 配水支管(将配水干管输送的自来水供给用户的管道)37. bucket elevator 提斗机38. bulk product待包装品,半成品39. cable clip电缆夹40. Caulking Gun胶枪41. cctv monitor 闭路电视监控42. CFU(colony forming unit)菌落数43. Chandelier/pendant Lamp吊灯44. change room/GowningArea 更衣室45. changeover switch转换开关,双向开关46. check-in baggage 托运行李47. clean booth 无尘隔间48. clean-down capability 自净时间49. cold bridge冷桥,热桥是南北方对同一事物现象的叫法:主要是指在建筑物外围护结构与外界进行热量传导时,由于围护结构中的某些部位的传热系数明显大于其他部位,使得热量集中地从这些部位快速传递,从而增大了建筑物的空调、采暖负荷及能耗。50. condensation trap 冷凝阀(分离器)51. cone blender 圆锥形搅拌机52. constant air volume(CAV)system 定风量系统53. cooling coil表冷器54. cork floor软木地板55. corner guard护角(塑料护角和纸护角)56. counter flow 对流57. crawler crane 履带吊58. cross contamination交叉污染59. cross mains 配水管(向配水支管供水的管道)60. cryogenic vessel 低温容器61. Curtain rod窗帘杆,挂帘杆62. cyclone flushing 气旋冲水63. cylinder 钢瓶64. DB( dropping bottle) 输液瓶65. deboxing 拆箱(包)66. decorative film 装饰膜67. Dedicated 专用的68. dehumidifier 除湿器69. depositing bacterial concentration 沉降菌浓度70. design service years 设计使用年限71. dip switch变光开关72. dispensing room 配药间73. down light 筒灯74. Down-lead, down conductor. 引下线75. drill bit 钻头76. dry heat 干热灭菌77. DVR Digital Video Recorder (数字硬盘录像机)78. earnest money定金79. earth rammer 夯土机80. EAS, Electronic Article Surveillance电子防盗81. edging 镶边82. EF(exhaust fan) 排风机83. electric trimmer 修边机84. electronic and hardcopy format85. emulsion 乳胶86. encapsulate 装入胶囊87. end socket 端头88. engineered floor实木复合地板89. entering temperature 进水温度90. EOT crane电动桥式起重机91. ESP(external static pressure) 外部静态压力92. ethylene oxide 环氧乙烷 93. ethylene 乙烯94. exotic organism外源生物体95. extractor 拔桩机96. eye drop 滴眼液97. facial recognition system 面部识别系统98. faucet 龙头,旋塞99. feed mains 配水干管(在各需水压段,将输水干管送来的自来水转输到各用水地段,用水地点,用以连接配水支管的管道)100. FFU( fan filter unit)风机过滤,无尘送风机101. film viewer观片灯102. filtration room 筛分室103. fingerprint access control指纹考勤104. finished floor 竣工楼面105. fixed/moveable trestle 固定/活动支架106. flaring喇叭形的 tool 扩口器107. flashing 防雨板;防水盖片108. flexible joint 电缆软接头109. flood light泛光灯110. floor lamp落地灯(立在地上的)111. flow meter 流量计112. fouling factor 沾污系数113. foundation地基基础114. French drain暗沟115. French window落地窗116. frequency changer 变频器117. full container load 简称:FCL整箱货118. fumigant 烟熏消毒法119. glazing 玻璃窗 120. granulation 颗粒化121. gravity flushing 122. grinding wheel 砂轮123. halogen bulb碘灯泡124. HDMI extender 高清信号放大器125. HEPA(high efficiency particulate airfilter)高效空气过滤器 126. hideaway type 隐蔽型127. High mast pole高杆灯128. hold 容器,器皿129. horizontal type卧式130. hot melt glue stick热熔胶棒131. HS Code(Harmonization Code System) 海关代码132. ICU(intensive care unit)加护病房133. illuminanc照度单位:勒克斯(LUX/lx) 照度是光源照射在被照物体单位面积上的光通量。134. impeller/ fan blade叶轮135. incandescent白炽的136. induce light 诱捕灯137. integrative boiler 整装锅炉138. interim store 临时。139. Intermediate filter 中效过滤器140. invitation for bid招标141. ion generator离子发生器142. IPQC 过程品质检测143. jet fan 射流式通风机144. L/C against proforma invoice 凭形式发票的信用证145. LAF(laminar airflow)层流罩146. Lamp holder/base灯座147. lampshade灯罩148. lampshade灯罩149. leaving temperature出水温度150. less than container load 简称:LCL拼箱货151. lift lobby 电梯间152. liquid soap dispenser 皂液器153. loader装载机154. local clean zone 局部洁净区155. loop 金属线圈156. LPS防雷装置157. Man lift载人电梯、登高梯158. mean temperature 平均温度159. metering device 测量设备160. mezzanine (尤指一二层之间)中间层161. microbial cell 微生物细胞162. Minipleat HEPA Filter 微褶皱高效过滤器163. moist heat 湿热灭菌、164. motor grader平路机165. Multimedia Speaker多媒体166. nebulizer 喷雾器167. night light夜间照明灯tube light筒灯UV light 紫外线等168. nitrogen pipeline 氮气管线169. normal section正截面170. number of slots箱位数171. nutrient medium 培养基172. off white灰白色173. opening of bid开标174. operational clean room 运行状态洁净室175. Operations Manual (O&M Manual)操作手册176. pad block垫铁(注脚灌浆都用到)177. pallet hold area 货盘堆放区(托盘,打包货物用,可用叉车叉)178. pantry 餐具室(柜)179. paper holder 卷纸器180. particular细目181. partition fan间壁式通风机182. part shipment分批装运183. pass room 缓冲室184. pass window 传递窗(两个用于洁净区和非洁净区之间)185. performance bond 履约保证金186. performance guarantee履约保证书187. pickup 皮卡车,小货车188. pile driver/hammer 打桩机189. plastic sealing machine 塑料密封机190. plug point插座191. pockmark 麻面192. Polishing Pad抛光垫片193. power trowel 抹光机194. power trowel抹光机195. presetting time 混凝土初凝时间196. pressure drop 压力降,水压降197. primary pleat filter 初效褶皱过滤器198. projecting ledge突出物199. PS pipeline 纯蒸汽管线200. punching plate照光板,均压板201. puncture穿孔202. PW(pure water)纯化水203. quarantine检疫204. rain shutter 防雨百叶205. rammer撞锤206. reamer 扩孔器207. recovery room恢复室208. ring wrench 套头扳手209. rocker switch摇臂开关210. rockwool 岩棉211. roofing felt 屋面油毡212. rubber stop 橡皮塞213. runway 飞机跑道 214. SAF(supply air fan) 送风风机215. scissor lift杠杆式升降机216. screw type chiller 螺杆式冷冻机组217. SDB(sub-distribution board)218. sealing treatment 拼缝处理219. secondary filter 中效过滤器220. settle plate沉降皿contact plate接触皿221. shadowless lamp 无影灯222. shower screen淋浴屏(玻璃房那种)223. side air return grill 侧回风窗224. Siphon flushing225. sky lift举高(消防)车226. sliding door 拉门227. slot diffuser 条形散流器228. slots箱位229. solution 溶液230. SPD surge protect device电涌保护器,避雷器、防雷栅231. spiral fan 回转式风机/斜流式232. splitter damper 导流阀233. stair tread 楼梯踏步板234. stone relief石刻浮雕235. stopper 封塞机236. strip packing条形包装237. Student Lamp(可随意调节高低的)台灯238. surrounding zone 周边区(洁净手术室内除手术区外的其他区域)239. swift code 国际汇款码240. T/T(Telegraphic Transfer)电汇,是指汇出行应汇款人申请,拍发加押电报电传或SWIFT给在另一国家的分行或代理行(即汇入行)指示解付一定金额给收款人的一种汇款方式.241. tablet 药片242. taxiway 滑行道 243. terrace 地坪244. tier number层号245. tile 瓷砖246. toggle switch扳钮开关247. toilet bowl抽水马桶248. towel rack毛巾架,浴巾架249. transfusion rack 输液导轨250. tube expander涨管机251. ULPA(ultra low penetration airfilter)超高效空气过滤器)252. uncleanable recess 卫生死角253. Underground Lamp埋地灯254. underpan底盘255. underwater light水下照明灯256. universal castor万向脚轮257. vial filling 滴灌机258. vial wash 洗瓶区259. video door phone可视门铃电话260. viewpoint 观察孔261. voltage regulator稳压器,调压器262. water knockout drum分水器263. WFI(water for injection)注射用水264. wiring duct 线槽265. wiring harness把线,导线束266. xenon lamp氙气灯267. counterclaim反索赔268. demobilization退场269. expatriate,外籍职员270. mobilization进场271. river closure截流272. river diversion导流273. fault excavation断层开挖274. local excavation局部开挖275. mass(bulk)excavation大面积开挖276. slope excavation边坡开挖277. soft ground excavation软基开挖278. tooth excavation齿槽开挖279. cutoff trench截水槽280. excavation pit开挖基坑281. advanced depth进尺深度282. cut the slope削坡283. moisture condition分水调节,含水状态284. scarify刨毛285. membrance curing薄膜养护286. scabbling(chipping,roughening)凿毛287. greencutting 冲毛288. surface finishing混凝土收面289. bug hole (pitted surface)麻面290. cold joint混凝土冷缝291. depression坑洼292. accelerator速凝剂293. slump塌落度294. water-cement ratio水灰比295. calibration标定296. pull-off test(植筋)拉拔试验297. reinforcement cover钢筋保护层298. key groove键槽(为保证施工横缝、纵缝的缝面在灌浆后能形成整体或不灌浆也能有效地传递剪力而在缝面上设置的三角形或梯形的槽)299. spacer水泥垫块300. water stop止水301. stop end堵头302. lap length 搭接长度303. gravity grouting自重灌浆304. single-stage grouting一次灌浆305. air test通风试验306. flushing test通水试验307. consistency稠度308. foundation uplift基础隆起309. depression angle俯角310. elevation angle仰角311. weathering风化312. transportation搬运313. descale除垢314. washer 垫圈 gasket 垫片315. capacitor 电容器316. nipple管接头317. gantry crane龙门起重机318. percussion chisels冲击钻319. percussive hammer冲击锤320. frog tamper蛙夯321. grader(leveler,scrape)平地机322. hand saw带锯323. planning machine刨床324. radial arm saw圆盘踞325. air heater热风机326. air receiver储气罐327. riveting machine铆钉机328. boot靴子329. respirator呼吸器330. coil rod,盘条331. ordinary Portland cement普通硅酸盐水泥332. portland-flyash cement,粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥333. geotextile土工布334. tarpaulin油布335. Sack麻袋片336. Mosaic 马赛克337. manometer 压力计;测压器338. locker room 衣帽间,更衣室339. comedor m食堂,餐室340. displacement ventilation置换通风341. Tapper 开孔器342. Gloss光泽,镀


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