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牛津小学英语4B第二单元教案The First Period 课时安排:第一课时 BC部分 第二课时 AD部分 第三课时 EFG部分 第四课时 复习默写单词句型以及完成补充习题 第五课时 完成练习与测试教学目标:1 复习巩固单词father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister加强读写训练,以达到四会要求。2 教学六种人体部位的词汇 hair, an eye, an ear, a nose, a mouth, a head。初步接触句式The one in the / The one with。教具准备:1)Li An的家谱图; 2)卡通人物图; 3)拼图游戏用图(各种不同特征的人体部位:big eyes, small eyes,big nose, small nose, long hair, short hair, brown hair,); 4)录音机和磁带。教学过程:1 Free talkT:Good morning ,boys and girls.S:Good morning MissGao.T:How are you today?S:Fine thank you ,and you?T:Im fine too.T: Nice to see you!S: Nice to see you too!T: How old are you?S: ImT: Are you happy today?(提示学生回答yes I am/no Im not)Whos that boy / girl?S:She/He is1 Review取出Li An的家谱图。T:Lets talk about Li Ans family. Whos this boy?S:He is.T:Whos that girl?S:She is T:Whos the one in the blue shirt? Whos the one in the ?S: Hes / Shes Li Ans ( father / mother / grandfather / grandmother / brother / sister ).通过谈论Li An的家谱图,复习六个家庭成员,并出现相应的单词,领读并拼读。2Presentation and practice1) 将一卡通图片出示在黑板上,逐一引出生词hair, a head, an eye, an ear, a nose, a mouth。 2) 利用各种方式朗读以上生词。T:I say and you touch.(教师说五官单词,学生指)4Play a game:Do a puzzle T: The girl is with long hair, big eyes, small nose, small ears, and big mouth.拼图游戏:学生通过老师的描述,选择相应特征的小图片进行组合,从而对本课所学内容起到练习巩固的作用。5Look, read and learn 朗读课本B部分词汇(跟读教学磁带)。6T:Whos that boy with? S:He/she is T:Now take out your photos,xxx,whos the man with small nose? S:Hes my father.(3-4人) T:I have a family photo.Look at my photo,can you ask me some questions? S:Whos the woman with a big mouth? T:Oh shes my mother.教授句型。让学生用照片进行对话操练。 T:OK.Now open your books to page 21,look at partC,work in pairs.The second Period 一、 教学内容:Unit 1 A: Read and say. D: Look and say.二、教学目标:1.学生能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:Is that your?Which one?The one in theYes.He/she is .No,he/she isnt. 2. 理解,掌握对话内容,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,初步表演对话.三、情感目标:通过“认识人物”的语言学习,培养学生实际运用英语进行交流的能力和乐于于人交流、合作的个性。四、教学重点:四会单词和句型的听、说、读、写.五、教学难点:1.学生能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:Is that your?Which one?The one in theYes.He/she is .No,he/she isnt. 2流畅地朗读对话, 并能在理解对话内容的基础上表演对话六、教学准备:1. 人物图片 Ben ( student ),father / mother / grandfather / grandmother / brother / sister.2.准备老师照片一张。3.录音机、磁带。六、教学过程:Step 1. Free talkT:Good morning ,boys and girls.S:Good morning MissGao.T:How are you today?S:Fine thank you ,and you?T:Im fine too.T: Nice to see you!S: Nice to see you too!T: How old are you?S: ImT: Are you happy today?(提示学生回答yes I am/no Im not)Warming up.T:First boys and girls, lets play a game.I say and you touch.(快速反应并让学生拼写,然后让学生上来发指令)T:拿出人物卡片 Whos the boy with big eyes?S:Hes Mike.T:Whos the girl with long hair?S:She is Helen.T:Helen is Mikes S:Brother.T:Canyou spell brother?S:Yes I can .同法复习sister,father,mother.T:Now who knows fathers father isS:Grandfather.同法复习grandmother.T:OK now open your exercise books to partC,listen carefully.(完成补充习题部分听力题)T:指一位学生问:Whos that boy with a big nose?S:He is xx.(2-3次)T:Ok!this time, work in pairs about whos that(让学生操练句型)Step 2. Presentation and practice1.T:xx,come here.(请一位学生上来)look,the boy in the black jacket is xx.(再请一位,用同句型说)So in means S:穿! T:Clever! 指着一位学生说,the girl with big ears is xx,you can also say the girl in the red coat is xx.What dose different between them? S:With 后面跟特征,in the 后面跟穿戴。 T:Wonderful! T:XX,Whos the boy in the blue coat? S:He is xxx.(3-4次) T:OK,use this sentence,pair work please.(请学生用此句型对话)。2.T:拿出一张照片Boys and girls,I have a photo.XXlook at this photo,is that woman your teacher?( 指着另一个老师) S:Which one? T:Great!Which one means this one or that one? T:The one in the white dress. S:No she isnt.(2-3人) T:Is that boy your brother?指着一个男生 S;Which one? T:The one in the rad shoes. SNo he isnt. T:And he is your friend ,yes or no? S:Yes.T:Now who wants to ask me?SIs that girl your sister? 指着一位女生 TWhich one? SThe one in the redshoes. T:No she isnt.Work in pairs.3. T:Open your books to partD.Make a dialogue with your partener,ok?(同桌对话)4. T:Great!Look !Whos the boy in the blue sweater?(拿出本的照片) S:He is Ben. T;Yes .He is my good friend,do you know?引出单词friend He is asking me to go to his party,now lets go.Listen to the tape. 让学生不打开书听磁带。 T:Next,answer my question,whos the boy with big eyes?Listen again. 让学生再听一次,回答问题。 S:He is Bens brother. T;Good!Now open your books and read after the tape.学生反复跟读。Step3:Consolidation. T:Open your exeercise books to partA,Listen and choose,are you ready? S:Yes!(完成英补部分听力题)。Step4:Homework. Copy partA and partD,translation. Preview partE.F.G.Writing:Unit2 At a partyThe one withThe one in theA:Is that your?B:Which one?A:The one in the withB:Yes,he/she is.No, he/she isnt.教后记:这节课我的准备工作没有充分做好,以至于很多教学资源没有充分运用,如挂图,卡片,投影,学生自带的照片,包括补充习题没有采取磁带听力的方式,因此影响的教学语言情景的创设,很多句子的引出显得非常牵强,没有能给学生创造一种比较真实的对话情景,在句型Is that your?的导入部分,在此之前的句子Whos the in the 这个句子问得过多,导致学生在后来的新句型上出现Is that in the?,学生明显将句子混淆了。此外,板书的工整和布局上也存在很大问题。在课堂上,应充分发挥学生的主体性这一理念还是没有灵活的运用渗透到每一节课的教学中,在今后的课中,还要更加注意以上存在的问题。 第三课时教学目标:1 复习本单元所学的家庭成员和人体部位单词。2 进一步掌握句型Whos thewith? Is thatyour? The one in the?3 能初步了解字母组合ck在单词中的读音。1 Review1) alk about Li Ans family.T: Whos this / that? Whos the with / in ?1) Play a game: Whats missing?游戏方法:将所学人体各部位的图片出示数秒,后取下一张,问学生:Whats missing? 从而达到复习这些单词的目的。2 Practice1)Ask and answer利用17页的四幅图练习: A: Whos thewith? B: Hes / Shes my 2)Look and say结合课本18页的四幅图进行对话练习,并分组进行比赛。A: Is thatyour?B: Which one?A: The one in theB: Yes, he / she is. No, he / she isnt.2 Read and act听录音模仿,并分角色朗读。3 Listen and repeat出示四个单词black, clock, jacket, sock及相应插图,学生听录音并跟读。在读的过程中体会字母组合ck在单词中发/k/。4 Look and read1)要求学生仔细看图、读句,理解故事的幽默之处。2)请学生分角色朗读故事。第四课时1 Free talkT: Whos thewith? Is that boy / girl ?2 Say a rhyme: My brother3 Exercise


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