



2014届高考英语二轮专题复习书面表达测试卷 (6) 1.书面表达: 请根据以下提示,并结合事例,用英语写一篇短文。 no matter how bad things get, something good is out there, just over the horizon.注意: 1. 无须写标题; 2. 不得透露个人信息和学校名称; 3. 词数120 左右。2.写作二 (满分20分)学校网站开设了一个“英语写作”栏目(column), 以便学生发表(post)英语作文,进行交流,提高写作能力。现请你为该栏目写一个英文介绍,词数不少于80,内容应包括:1、开设目的;2、作文投稿要求:内容贴近学生生活;3、优秀作文的鼓励方法;4、邀请大家参加。注意:1、开头语已为你写好(不计入总词数);2、请在答题卡上作答。welcome to the column “english writing”!3.写作一 (满分15分)请结合材料,按照要求用英文写作,词数不少于60。in your english class,you are asked to describe this picture and explain to your classmates how you understand it_ _4.书面表达(满分20分)随着留学热潮的不断升温,“微留学”也迅速进入学生的视野。“微留学”是指学生通过利用假期时间组团去国外名校进行短期游历和学习,对留学生活有个初步体验。为此,你们班举行了一次以“中学生是否应该进行微留学”为主题的讨论班会。下表是讨论结果,请根据下表用英语写一篇文章同时谈谈你的看法。参考词汇:微留学:short-term overseas study tours或micro study tours; 虚荣心:vanity赞成:60%反对:40%1) 感受国外名校氛围;2) 提前体验留学生活。1) 费用太高,多数家庭无力承担;2) 有些学生“留学”是随潮流,满足虚荣心。你的看法注意:1. 字数100-120左右;5.短文写作(共1题;满分30分)请根据以下提示,并结合事例,用英语写一篇短文。 difficulties arise in the lives of us all what is most important is dealing with the hard times, coping with the changes, and getting through to the other side where the sun is still shining just for you注意:无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语; 除诗歌外,文体不限: 文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称; 词数为120左右。6.请根据以下提示,结合一则人生励志故事,用英语写一篇短文。regardless of what happened yesterday and what may or may not happen tomorrow, the present moment is where we are.注意:无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语;除诗歌外,文体不限;文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;词数为120左右。试卷答案1.one possible version: life is like a spice, where you can taste all sorts of flavour. you can not only experience happiness but also bitterness. whatever life has given you or you have experienced, believe life is wonderful. even though you may get frustrated, dont lose heart. work hard, deal with the problems and try again, you will see something beautiful before you. its just like a rainy day when sometimes we feel annoyed, but we are always looking forward to the fresh air or a colourful rainbow when the rain stops. we should be grateful because we have benefited a lot from life itself. so love life and believe in yourself. there is no doubt that something nice is out there, maybe just over the horizon.2.welcome to the column “english writing”! in order to improve your english writing skills and learn english well, we expect all of you to post your article on the column. you can write anything that you are familiar with and send them to us. afterwards, teachers can give you some advice on what you have written online. in this way, im sure you can make more progress. the students whose writings are excellent will be awarded. the first prize: an mp4, for the second prize, you can get an english dictionary and the third one: an exercise book. if you happen to know the news, please inform your classmates of it. i hope all of you can learn a lot in this activity.3.there stands a tall tree in which there is a beautiful house called the citys primary school. under it, five little birds, on whose backs are written five characters which mean “children of off-farm workers”, are sitting on the ground, with their eyes looking at the house well above. how they want to fly into the house, but their wings are too weak.as we know, a lot of off-farm workers come to cities to earn their living. they try their best to serve the city, but they cant afford the expensive schooling for their children.i hope there will be enough schools for the off-farm workers children; this way we can enjoy a better life together.4.one possible version:recently we have had a discussion about whether middle school students should go abroad for short-term overseas study tours. opinions are divided as follows.about 60% of us think it wise to go on short-term overseas study tours, through which we can get closer to some famous schools and have a better knowledge of them. meanwhile, we can also experience the life of studying abroad ahead of schedule.however, the rest hold different views. in their opinion, the fees are too high for most families to afford. besides, middle school students, who spend most of their time at school, should spare some time with their parents. worse still, some students do so only to satisfy their vanity.as far as im concerned, short-term overseas study tours may be a motivation for me to study harder. for one thing, it can help me broaden my horizons and have a better understanding foreign culture. for another, it can also serve as a test showing whether a student is able to live an independent life abroad or not.5.sample writing:there is no denying that difficulties arise in the lives of us all but what really counts is how we deal with the difficulties to succeedthree years ago, when i began my senior high school study, i found it extremely difficult to learn english well because there were so many new words and grammar rules to keep in mind hard as i might try, i still did poorly in the english exams it was the hardest time in my life and i nearly lost heart and decided to give up when my mother found my problem she encouraged me that it took a strong person to deal with tough times and if i chose to keep on and i would be a strong person and on the way to success in order to prove myself, i worked even harder than ever gradually i began to catch up with the other students in my class at the end of term i got the highest mark in englishso if we want to meet the shinning sun on the other side of the difficulties, we should first take great courage to overcome them and then enjoy the joy of successsample writing:as a famous saying goes that life is not a bed of roses, we will always encounter difficulties or troubles in our daily life but what we do in difficult situations can really make a differencehere is a story in my school life two years ago when i decided to take part in the 3,000-metre race i was confident before the race unfortunately, during the race,each step seemed extremely difficult for me whats worse, i fell on the last lap,breaking my glasses as well as my chance of winning the race give up or keep on? without hesitation, i chose the latter “come on you can do it!” everyone on the sports field was cheering for me although i was the last one to cross the finishing line,i won the respect of my classmates and regained my confidencefrom then on, i firmly believe that if we want to meet the shinning sun on the other side of the difficulties, we should first take great courage to overcome them and then enjoy the happiness of success6.regarded as a lecture master, nick vujicic, without arms and legs by birth, is the very person ive been admiring. disabled as he is, he has proved to the world that he can live as rich and full a life as a n


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