广西北海市合浦县七年级英语上学期期末考试试题(无答案) 外研版.doc_第1页
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广西北海市合浦县2012-2013学年七年级英语上学期期末考试试题(无答案) 外研版(考试时间:90分钟,满分120分) 听力部分 (20分)一、 听力测试:(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)第一节:听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读两遍。( ) 1. a. eveningb. afternoonc. morning( ) 2. a. saleb. samec. salad( ) 3. a. funb. fatc. fine( ) 4. a. sockb. somec. son( ) 5. a. tidyb. partyc. time第二节:听句子,选择与你听到的句子内容相符的图画。每个句子读两遍。 a b c d e6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 第三节:听句子,选择正确的答语。每个句子读两遍。( ) 11. a. its a map.b. yes, it is.c. theyre here.( ) 12. a. yes, i am.b. no, i dont.c. yes, they do.( ) 13. a. theyre hers.b. its mine.c. on the desk.( ) 14. a. its white.b. sweaters. c. dollars.( ) 15. a. its may 15th.b. i am fifteen.c. its may.第四节:听对话及问题,选择正确答案。对话及问题读两遍。( ) 16. a. bananas.b. ice cream.c. vegetables.( ) 17. a. in classroom.b. at school.c. at store.( ) 18. a. 3.b. 13.c. 30.( ) 19. a. four dollars.b. five dollars.c. six dollars.( ) 20. a. a soccer ball.b. a volleyball.c. a baseball. 笔试部分(100分)二、选择填空。(15分)( ) 1. - whats that in english ? - its apple. a. ab. anc. thed. /( ) 2. this is pen and that is . a. my, yoursb. my, yourc. mine, yoursd. yours, mine ( ) 3. - you jim green? - no, i kate green. a. are, am b. are, am not c. is, am d. is, am not ( ) 4. - he have a basketball? - no, he . a. do, dont b. is, isnt c. does, dont d. does, doesnt( ) 5. - are these red t-shirt? - theyre twenty dollars. a. whatb. wherec. how muchd. where( ) 6. - are you tomorrow? - no, i am busy. a. free b. happy c. well d. good ( ) 7. marys favorite is science. a. fruit b. color c. sport d. subject( ) 8. do you like bread and milk dinner? a. in b. of c. for d. about( ) 9. - is your birthday ? - its on april 21st. a. whob. whenc. whatd. how( ) 10. here are some bananas for you, do you like ? a. itb. that c. these d. them( ) 11. september is month of the year. a. nineb. the ninec. ninethd. the ninth( ) 12. zhang lei can play soccer, she cant play basketball. a. and b. but c. or d. /( ) 13. this sweater is too big. i want a one. a. smallb. shortc. longd. nice( ) 14. bill and ann . a. likes tomatob. like tomatoes c. like tomatod. likes tomatoes( ) 15. - can i help you? - . i need a skirt for my daughter. a. here you are b. im sorry c. yes, please d. youre welcome3、 完形填空。(10分) my name is bill. i 1 two sisters. they 2 emma and sally. we are in the same school. we have 3 at home (家). 4 breakfast, we all drink (喝) milk. emma and sally 5 eggs, but i 6 . i like eggs for breakfast, too. we have lunch at school. i like hamburgers with 7 , but they dont. they like hamburgers with 8 . we all have dinner at home. after dinner, emma and sally eat ice-cream, but i dont eat 9 . i dont want to be 10 . ( ) 1. a. like b. likes c. have d. has( ) 2. a. be b. am c. is d. are( ) 3. a. breakfast b. lunch c. dinner d. dessert( ) 4. a. at b. with c. of d. for( ) 5. a. likes b. like c. dont like d. doesnt like( ) 6. a. do b. am c. dont d. am not( ) 7. a. chickens b. a chicken c. the chicken d. chicken( ) 8. a. a vegetable b. vegetables c. carrot d. salads( ) 9. a. he b. them c. it d. she( )10. a. nice b. fat c. small d. good 四、补全对话。根据上下文选择适当的句子补全对话。有两项多余。(每小题2分,共10分)。a. what color do you want? b. thank you.c. can i help you? d. i like this one.e. how about this one?e. what do you need?f. its 25 dollars.a: hello, 1 b: yes, please. i need a sweater for school.a: ok. 2 b: blue.a: 3 b: it looks nice. how much is it?a: 4 b: ill take it.a: here you are.b: 5 a: youre welcome.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5、 阅读理解。(每题1分,共15分) a ann is an english girl. she is twelve. she lives (居住) in shanghai with her parents now. her father is a teacher in our school. every morning, ann goes to kfc to have breakfast. she likes hamburgers for breakfast. her favorite subject is chinese. she thinks chinese is very interesting. ann doesnt like science. she thinks its not fun. after class, ann plays ping-pong with her classmates. she is very happy to live in china. she loves people here. 根据短文内容判断正(t)误(f)。( ) 1. ann is 12. ( ) 2. ann is in beijing now. ( ) 3. ann likes eggs for breakfast. ( ) 4. anns favorite subject is english. ( ) 5. anns father is a teacher. bmary 09:45:10hi, jim. nice to meet you!im a girl. my name is mary white. my favorite color is red. my telephone number is 873-3516. i like to play tennis. jim 09:46:05hi, mary. nice to meet you, too!im a boy. my names jim hand. my favorite color is blue. and my telephone number is 894-2015. i like to play baseball.根据以上两位好朋友在网上的聊天记录,选择最佳选项。( ) 6. mary likes . a. redb. whitec. baseballd. green( ) 7. the girls last name is . a. maryb. white c. redd. king( ) 8. the boys first name is . a. jimb. maryc. handd. green( ) 9. jims telephone number is . a. 837-2015b. 873-3516c. 894-2616d. 894-2015( ) 10. the two kids (小孩) are on line (在网上) .a. on sunday b. in the afternoonc. in the morningd. in the evening c hello, boys and girls! welcome to 361clothes store. come and buy your clothes at our store. we sell all our clothes at very price. do you like sweaters? for girls, we have sweaters in all colors. theyre very cheap (便宜的). please have a look at this red one. its only $10. for boys, we also have t-shirts in five colors for only $5, red, blue, black, green and white. do you need bags for school? we have great bags for only $2. come to 361clothes store now! thank you. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( ) 11. how much is the red sweater? a. $5 b. $10 c. $2 d. $7( ) 12. do they have white sweaters? a. yes, they do b. no, they dont c. yes, i do d. i dont know ( ) 13. how much is the blue t-shirt? a. $10b. $2 c. $5 d. $6( ) 14. what does the store sell? a. sweaters b. t-shirtsc. bags d. sweaters, t-shirts and bags( ) 15. i want to buy a bag and a t-shirt. how much are they? a. $ 2b. $5 c. $10 d. $7六、词汇考查。(20分)a. 单词拼写。(10分)1. i want to (买) a dictionary. 2. this is my book. is that (你的)?3. jenny and i are in the (相同的) school.4. mr. chen says english is (有用的).5. do you (吃) ice-cream after dinner?6. we go to school (从.开始) monday to friday.7. his favorite subject is (汉语).8. i always watch tv on (星期天).9. my birthday is in (十月).10. (为什么) do you like music?b. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (10分)1. when (be ) your birthday?2. my mother likes (strawberry).3. let me ( have) ice-cream.4. eric (have) chicken for lunch.5. my sister (eat) a hamburger for dinner.6. my family like (health) food very much.7. rice is nice. do you like (it)?8. do you know your (broth


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