安徽省铜都双语学校高中英语 Unit3 Back to the past Skill building 1 listening for the main ideas导学案 牛津译林版必修2(1).doc_第1页
安徽省铜都双语学校高中英语 Unit3 Back to the past Skill building 1 listening for the main ideas导学案 牛津译林版必修2(1).doc_第2页
安徽省铜都双语学校高中英语 Unit3 Back to the past Skill building 1 listening for the main ideas导学案 牛津译林版必修2(1).doc_第3页
安徽省铜都双语学校高中英语 Unit3 Back to the past Skill building 1 listening for the main ideas导学案 牛津译林版必修2(1).doc_第4页




安徽省铜都双语学校2014年高中英语 unit3 back to the past skill building 1 listening for the main ideas导学案 牛津译林版必修2【佳句欣赏】(大声朗读三遍):he that climbs high falls heavily. 爬得越高,摔的越重。【自研课导学】(时段:晚自习)预习内容及目标:预习课本p52-53的内容,借助字典查出所有的生词,了解听力方法和听力材料。 【晨读课】 1. 熟读unit3 p42-55的单词 2. 大声自由朗读unit3 reading , word power和skill building 2 文章。【展示课导学】(一)学习内容:m3 unit 3 back to the past skill building 1: listening for the main ideas 第七课时 (二)学习主题:1.掌握听力技巧 2. 听懂跟演讲表达有关的听力材料 (三) 定向导学互动展示 self-study & self-explorationcooperation & explorationshow & improvementconclusion & summarization自学指导内容学法时间 20互动策略内容形式时间 23展示方案内容形式时间 17 随堂笔记成果记录知识生成同步演练热身活动:导生导学:我们每天都在说话,回想一下你跟你朋友经常讨论的话题,你们的话题会因有别人的加入,地点的更换,或者你正在做别的事情而改变吗?step1:听主旨1. 为了快速加入一个正在讨论的话题,你通常会怎么做,会注意什么,请记录在随堂笔记处。2. 请看到书本52 页,认真阅读skill building 1的听力技巧,了解并掌握在做听力的时候我们应该注意哪些。3. 听录音,完成p 52 中间方框里的内容,在听之前,请确保你理解了上面的听力技巧。step2:找出有用的表达1. 为了听明白你所听到内容的主旨大意,在做听力练习的时候,你最好能做点小笔记,听step1 a 部分的材料,听一个对话并通过圈出正确的单词或者表达以及填空来完成下面的笔记。记住要听主旨。2. 你已经准备好要进行一个演讲,p53 是一些有用的表达,你可以在做演讲时用它们,再听一遍这个对话并填空。 step3: 技巧归纳在平常的听力练习中,你有哪些听力技巧?通过今天的学习,你掌握了新的学习技巧了吗?请记录在随堂笔记处pair work:(5)1. 与你的合作对子相互讨论p 52 听力技巧;abcd2. 选择四人相互间一人认真讨论p52-53 听力答案。group work of five:(8)1. 组长主持,带领组员共同讨论下面几个问题:1. have you ever given a talk?(你做过演讲吗)2. if you have, where did you do it?(如果有,在哪里)3. what was your topic?(你的演讲题目是什么)4. what did you say at the beginning and at the end of your talk? (在演讲的开头和结尾你说了什么)5. did you ask someone for suggestions before the talk?(在你演讲之前,你向别人寻求帮助了吗)team work of ten:(10)组长主持全员参与a.十人共同体讨论准备展示的主题,做到组长引领,组员参与,人人有事做,事事有人做。b. 积极准备预展和板书,要求板书工整,速度。展示主题一“技巧归纳”1. 组长带领组员展示在做听力练习的时候的技巧(先归纳书本上的技巧,再展示自己在做听力时的技巧)【要求:板书工整,展示声音洪亮,与台下互动。】展示主题二:“演讲的有用信息”1. 先与大家共同讨论p52-53 听力答案,争取让每个同学都能理解听力材料2. 向同学们展示做演讲的有用表达【要求:讲解详细,自然大方,补充其他演讲时的有用表达】step1:1. step3: 等级评定: 【训练课导学】1.时段: 晚自习 2.时间: 20 3.训练方式: 独立 ,自主完成 “日日清过关”巩固提升三级达标训练题 姓名 自评: 师评: 批阅日期: 一、基础题 根据首字母完成填空1. a w house refers to one that is made of wood. 2. it is generally accepted that the chinese (文明) is one of the oldest in the world.3. professor li regularly gives a l on modern english.4. i would have been here an hour ago, but u i missed the train.5. the film directed by zhang yimou was a huge (商业) success.6. thousands of buildings in the city were d by a heavy earthquake last sunday.7. a bomb e at one of the citys busiest streets, which killed 10 people.8. (逐渐地), the children began to understand why their parents had sent them to the village.9. (文化的) exchange is a way of building bridges between the two countries.10. the young lady was standing on the bridge, staring at the river (在下面). 二、提高题 任务型阅读future and todayit is well known that everyone has his own dream as well as his own future. but do you know what future really is? i have to say that future is now. that is to say we must treasure every minute now. if we want to have a bright future, we should know how important time is and use it well.there is an old english saying: gain time, gain life. then whats time? time is something that we cant see or touch, but we can feel it passing by. time is always with us. when we are at table, time passes; when we play, time goes by unnoticeable. we always say time is money, but time is even more precious(珍贵的)than money, because when money is spent , we can earn it back. but if time is gone away, it will never return. so, some of us even say time is priceless(无价的).we should always remember: future is now. as students, we should try our best to work hard in order to create a great future of our own. we should make the best use of every hour and be the master of today. we should do everything before us as well as possible. and never put off what can be done today till tomorrow.根据文章,完成下面题目,每空一词。supporting detailseveryone has his own dream as well as his own future. if we want to have a 1 future, we should know the 2 of time and make every minute 3 . opinionsfuture is now. 4 is priceless.be masters of todaytime is money, but time is even more valuable than money, because when money is 5 , we can earn it back. but past time will return 6 more. todays hard work 7 to tomorrows harvest. for 8 students, we should never put off 9 can be done today till tomorrow and we should try our best to do 10 well.as we all know, time and tide wait for no man. if you waste today, you will regret tomorrow. so from now on, work hard. tomorrow will be better, and your future will be bri


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