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陕西省榆林育才中学高中英语 unit 4 astronomy readingii导学案学习目标:1. 培养快速查读的能力;2. 体会科学探险之乐趣,引起学生对科学的热爱之情;3. 了解构词法的基本知识;4. 掌握重点词汇的的用法。学习重点:培养合作学习,自主学习的能力。学习难点:培养英语思维,快速获取信息和用英语表达的能力。预 习 案i. 添加正确的前缀或后缀构成新词。v.n.direct permitimpressdigestprotectcooperatedirection_、_ 是名词的后缀n.n.artphysicschemistrybiologyscienceartist_是名词的后缀n.adj.culturenationnatureoriginsocietyglobeuniverseagriculturemathematicscultural_是形容词的后缀adj.n.presentviolentconfidentdifferenpatientpresence_是名词的后缀adj.反义词certainfairpaidlikekinduncertain_是形容词表反义的前缀ii. 重点短语完形1cheer_高兴起来;振作起来 _干杯2now_既然3. _ out 爆发iii. 阅读 a visit to the moon , 完成下面短文。 last month i visited the moon with my friend. before we left, i was told the force of g_ would change three times on our journey. then we took off. as we left the earth, i became very h_. gradually the weight l_. when i was in space, it d_. we f_ weightlessly in the cabin and i c_ _. when i was on the moon, i was surprised to find out even walking needs lots of practice n_ _ gravity changed. the returning of the earth was very f_. we were amazed to watch fire b_ _ on the outside of the ship. 探 究 案language points1. last month i was lucky enough to have a chance to make a trip into space with my friend li yanping, an astronomer.上个月我有幸得到一个机会同我的朋友,一位宇航员李彦平一道去太空旅行。enough的用法:1)用作代词:作主语或宾语。 you have done more than enough. 你已做得够多了。 i have had enough. thank you. 我吃的已经够多的了,谢谢。2)形容词作定语:enough用在名词前、后都可以。 i have enough time to do the work. i have time enough to do the work. 我有足够的时间做此项工作。3) 用作副词修饰形容词或副词表示程度: enough一般放在形容词或副词的后边。 long enough, easy enough, fast enough, quickly enough等。 the boy is old enough to go to school. 这孩子到上学的年龄了。 he couldnt run quickly enough to catch up with the cat. 他跑的速度太慢,追不上猫。4)用作副词修饰动词时也需放在动词之后。 the meat is not cooked enough. 肉炖得不够熟。2. then we were off. 随后我们就启程了。 be off 出发;动身(=set off);休息,不上班 sorry, i must be off now. 抱歉,我得走了。 i am off today. 我今天不用上班。 we are off today. 今天我们不上班/今天我们不开张。 与off相关的短语: see.off 送行 kick off 踢球 shut off 关闭 get off 下车 take off 脱下 turn off 关闭 pay off 付清;还清 jump off 跳下 give off 散发 show off 炫耀3. . , we were pushed back into our seats because we were trying to escape the pull of the earths gravity. pull v. 拉,拖,拔;移动 n. 拉,拖;牵(引)力you push and i pull. 你来推,我来拉。 i felt a pull at my sleeve and turned round.我觉得有人扯我的袖子,便转过身来。常用结构:pull in 进站停靠,驶向路边(或某处)停靠pull out 离站,(时)摆脱困境pull on 匆忙穿上(衣服),戴(手套),穿(袜子)pull off 匆忙脱(衣服、鞋等)pull through 恢复健康pull up 停车,停住pull down 拆毁即学即练:用适当的介、副词填空the train pulled _.火车到站了。workers pulled _ the old building.工人们拆毁了旧房子。i helped my best friend pull _.我帮助我最好的朋友渡过了难关。4. when we get closer to the moon, we shall feel its gravity pulling us, but it will not be as strong a pull as the earths. 当我们更接近月球时, 就会感到月球的引力在拉我们。但是, 月球的引力不像地球的引力那么大。get close to 靠近,接近,指动态变化 be close to 距.近,指状态the school is close to the post office.与get相关的短语:get along 相处融洽,进展等 get down to开始认真对待,开始认真考虑 get on 上车get through 到达;通过;办完,花光(钱、时间等) get to 到达 get over 越过,克服即学即练:用get down to; get on; get through; get to; get over; get up 填空。1). dont talk too much. lets _ working.2). hurry up, or well be late to _ the bus.3). its easy to _ the difficulty.4). i have _ a lot of papers.5). she managed to _ the village.5. i cheered up immediately and floated weightlessly around in our spaceship cabin.我立刻高兴起来,由于失重我在太空舱里飘来飘去.cheer vt. & vi. (使)高兴、振奋;(对)欢呼the crowd cheered loudly as the queen appeared.女王出现时群众高声欢呼。he was greatly cheered by the news.他听到这个消息非常高兴。常用结构:cheer sb. on为某人加油cheer (sb.) up(使某人)更高兴;(使)振奋起来联想拓展:cheerful adj.高兴的 cheerless adj.不高兴的;阴冷的高手过招用cheer相关短语的适当形式填空your visit has greatly _ him up.the crowd the runners as they started the last lap.you look as though you need up.6. but when i tried to step forward, i found i was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over. 而当我试着向前迈步的时候,我发觉我被送出去很远,步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两倍,因而我摔倒了。方法规律倍数的表达方式 “av + 倍数as形容词或副词的原级asb”,表示“a是b的多少倍”。 “av + 倍数形容词或副词的比较级thanb”,表示“a比b大(长、高、宽等)多少倍”。 “av + 倍数the size/height/length/width/depth. ofb”,表示“a是b的多少倍”。 “av + 倍数what从句”this tree is three times as tall as that one. his father is twice as old as he.the yangtze river is almost twice longer than the pearl river. 长江差不多比珠江长两倍。the number of students in our school is three times larger than that in theirs. 我们学校的学生数量比他们学校的多三倍。the newly broadened square is four times the size of the previous one. 新扩建的广场是未扩建时的四倍大。the newlybuilt museum is three times what it was .这座新建的博物馆是原来的3倍大。即学即练:this table is twice bigger than that one. this table is _that one. this table is _that one.这张桌子是那张的3倍大。 do you regret paying 100 dollars for the painting? no, i would gladly have paid _ (两倍那么多了) for it. 7. . “walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed.” .既然引力改变了,走路也的确需要练一练了。 now that同since相似,语气较弱,强调人们已知的事实。 “ 既然”类词辨析now that是固定短语,意为“既然;由于”,引出原因状语从句,that可省略。because“因为”,表示直接的或为人所不知的原因。since“既然”,侧重主句。as“由于”,表示显而易见或已为人所知的原因。for“因为”,并列连词,引导的分句放在后,起补充说明作用。即学即练:用because,since/now that,as和for填空why arent you coming with us to the concert? _i have got a bad headache._ all the seats were full he stood up.he shook his head, _ he thought differently._ your daughter hasnt come, let me take you home.8. we watched, amazed as fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship as the earths gravity increased. 我们惊奇地看着,随着地球的引力增加,宇宙飞船的外层燃烧起来。(p31)1)break out (战争,火灾,疾病)突发;爆发2)break out它与happen, take place, come out等词的用法一样,是不及物动词,不能带宾语,不能用于被动语态。the american civil war broke out in 1861. 美国内战爆发于1861年。a quarrel broke out between them. 他们之间发生了争吵。afirebrokeoutinhishouselastnight.昨晚他家里失火了。联想拓展break away from 脱离(政党等);打破(陈规等)break down 出故障;(计划等)失败;(身体、精神等)垮掉break in 破门而入,闯入;打断(话语)等 break into 破门而入;突然起来 (后接宾语)break off 折断;突然中止;断绝;结束 break through 突破 break up 敲碎;放假;散会用适当的介、副词填空fighting broke _ between rival groups of fans.双方球迷发生了打斗。the marriage between tiger woods and his wife broke _ on august 24th, 2010.泰格伍兹与妻子的婚姻于2010年8月24日破裂。the thieves must have had someone on the inside to help them break _.那伙盗贼一定有内应,协助他们闯了进去。my car broke _ on the half way.走到半路上我的车坏了。9. watch out (for) (p31) 留意;密切注意,留意;小心(某物),提防必会watch over 看守;监视;照顾 watch out for 提防;注意be on the watch for 留神;注意 keep watch 值班;放哨keep (a) watch on.监视watch out for a man in a black hat.注意一个戴黑帽子的男人。the dog watches over his masters house while the master was away.主人不在时这条狗为它的主人看家。训 练 案i. 选用方框内合适的词或短语,并用其适当形式填空。(其中有一个多余选项) float; now that; mass; get the hang of; watch out; pull1. there was a _ of people around the club entrance.2. you ought to have a good rest _ youve finished the work. 3. she spent the afternoon _ on her back in the pool.4. it seems difficult at first, but youll soon _ it.5. you have to _ because there are land-mines all over t


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