【三维设计】高中英语 Unit5 Section Ⅳ 语法讲座 Grammar Writing 专题练习 新人教版必修2.doc_第1页
【三维设计】高中英语 Unit5 Section Ⅳ 语法讲座 Grammar Writing 专题练习 新人教版必修2.doc_第2页
【三维设计】高中英语 Unit5 Section Ⅳ 语法讲座 Grammar Writing 专题练习 新人教版必修2.doc_第3页




unit5 section 语法讲座 grammar writing 专题练习.用“介词which/whom”完成下列句子1in our class all the fifty students, only one didnt pass the exam, took part in the final exam.答案:of whom2the way one student studies might be quite different from that of another student.答案:in which3can you see the desk there is a book and two pens?答案:on which4the man i share the room is a young teacher from college.答案:with whom5he works in a factory, at the back there is a river.答案:of which.句型转换1there used to be a time when the chinese people struggled for freedom.there used to be a time the chinese people struggled for freedom.答案:during/in;which2dont you want to explain the reason why you were late for the important meeting?dont you want to explain the reason you were late for the important meeting?答案:for;which3he lives in an old room, whose roof has been damaged in the storm.he lives in an old room, the roof has been damaged in the storm.答案:of;which4we then moved to paris where we lived for six years.we then moved to paris we lived for six years.答案:in;which.完成句子1this grand theater, part of a field hospital for 3 years during the war, is expected to be restored to its original splendor. (serve)这座大剧院有望得以修复,重塑昔日风华。它的一部分在战争期间还曾作过三年的战地医院呢。答案:which served as2your speech was heard by the five judges, that it was the best one this year. (agree)那五位评委听了你的演讲,他们都同意它是今年最好的。all of whom agreed3i have bought two computers, . (work)我买了两台电脑,它们都运行不好。答案:neither of which works/are (is) working well4theyve got three children, the youngest of at college. (study) 他们有三个孩子,其中最小的在大学学习音乐。答案:whom is studying music5i was given three books on cooking, best. (like)别人给了我三本关于烹饪的书,我最喜欢第一本。答案:the first of which i liked6this is the cd yesterday. (spend)这是一张我昨天花了十块钱买的cd。答案:on which i spent 10 yuan7his younger sister teaches in a primary school, a small river. (flow)他的妹妹在一所小学教书,学校前面有一条小河。答案:in front of which flows8there are eleven books on the shelf, to me. (which)书架上有11本书,其中5本是我的。答案:five of which belong/ of which five belong9i have been dreaming of climbing that mountain, an old temple. (stand)我一直梦想能爬上那座高山,它的山顶上有座古庙。答案:on whose top stands/ on the top of which stands10sometimes i wonder how relevant chemistry is to these students, be goin


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