山东省龙口市诸由观镇诸由中学九年级英语全册《Unit 5 You are supposed to shake hands》教案1 鲁教版五四制.doc_第1页
山东省龙口市诸由观镇诸由中学九年级英语全册《Unit 5 You are supposed to shake hands》教案1 鲁教版五四制.doc_第2页
山东省龙口市诸由观镇诸由中学九年级英语全册《Unit 5 You are supposed to shake hands》教案1 鲁教版五四制.doc_第3页
山东省龙口市诸由观镇诸由中学九年级英语全册《Unit 5 You are supposed to shake hands》教案1 鲁教版五四制.doc_第4页




unit 5 you are supposed to shake hands教 学 设 计 课题unit 5you are supposed to shake hands.课时1课型新授课教学目标could for polite requests -would you mind moving your bike? -not at all. ill do it right away. -could you please take out the trash? -sorry. ill do it right away.重点难点分析及突破措施教学重点:vocabulary: move, annoy, cut in line, wrong size, right away, in a minute教学难点:would you mind +gerund (formulaic) will for intentions突破措施:reflecting & practicing教具准备radio tapes 板书设计recycling: cleaning the yard, playing baseball, turning down the music, getting up, doing the dishes, wearing jeans, cleaning your room, getting out of the bathroombabysit, wash, have to, library, bike, homework, movie, tonight, late, great, terrible, haircut教 学 过 程(包括导引新课、依标导学、异步训练、达标测试、作业设计等)i. duty reportii. lead-inl ask the students to revise the polite ways of asking people to do things. eg. can you give me the book?please give me the book.could you please give me the book?would you like to give me the book?l today we will learn a very polite way of making a request.would you mind giving me your book?iii. 1al talk about the picture in 1a. students ask and answer questions about the pictures in pairs.l ask the students to repeat each phrase .explain what each one means. l match the requests with the people in the picture. ask students to write the letter of each request in the correct place in the picture.iv. listening practicel read the instructions and point to the list of requests in activity 1a.l play the recording twice, let the students write the numbers 1 through 4 on the lines after the requests.l play the recording a third time, let the students repeat each conversation. v. pairworkask the students to make requests in pairsl ask some pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.vi. listening practice (2a&2b)l read the instructions and point to the five pictures.l play the recording the first time. students write the number of each conversation in front of the correct picture. play the recording a second time, let them write the letters in the blanks. l check the answers.l play the recording a third time, and repeat each sentence.vii. pairwork students make conversations after the models.教 学 后 记(包括达标情况、教学得失、改进措施等)most of the student


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