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山东省济南一中2014届高三英语12月月考试题冀教版说明:本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,第卷为第1页至第9页,第卷为第9页至第10页。请将第卷答案答在答题纸相应位置上,考试结束后将答题卡和答题纸一并上交。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。第卷(选择题,共105分)第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第一节 语法和词汇知识(25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处得最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. news from south africa , _ african country, dominates _ screen these days because of the death of nelson mandela. a. an; a b. an; the c. 不填; the d. the; a 2. bob called to tell his mother that he couldnt enter the house, for he _ his key at school.a. had leftb. would leavec. was leavingd. has left3. _ at the photos, illustrations, title and headings and you can guess what the reading is about.a. to lookb. lookingc. having lookedd. look4. those who smoke heavily should remind _ of health, the bad smell and the feelings of other people.a. theirsb. themb. themselvesd. oneself5. do you really mean it when you say he will _ a good president? yes, i think he has all the right qualities to be a president. a. turn b. suit c. make d. serve 6. do you have such an annoying colleague who plays the pc music _ he were the only one working in the office? a. even if b. as ifc. only ifd. now that7. could you be so kind as to shut the door behind you? .a. go ahead b. with pleasure c. yes, please d. thats ok8. misunderstandings resulting from lack of communication, if not _ properly, may lead to serious problems. a. handlingb. handled c. being handledd. to handle9. _ in the crowd, he deliberately raised his voice and climbed up to the top.a. to be noticed b. to noticec. noticedd. noticing10. the big earthquake, _ with the powerful wind, did great damage to the area.a. crowded b. combined c. connected d. covered11. we are living in an information age _ the internet is playing an important part in our life. a. that b. when c. where d. which12. determination is a kind of basic quality and is _ it takes to do jobs well. a. what b. that c. which d. how13. the development of sino-us trade is growing, _ is in line with the two-sided interests. a. thatb. thisc. whichd. what14. id rather have some wine, if you dont mind. _. dont forget that youll drive.a. anything but that b. by all means c. take it easy d. i wouldnt say no15. the government should develop a _ system to predict when earthquakes occur and give warnings in time.a. previous b. reliable c. reasonable d. responsible16. the manager finished the whole days work and stood up, _ himself. a. stretching b. stretched c. stretch d. to stretch17 companies are struggling to find the right _ between supply and demand, but it is no easy task.a. balanceb. procedure c. program d. pattern18. its not only how much we eat, but also how we prepare them, decides the vitamins entering our body. a. whichb. whoc. what d. that19. november, 2013 saw the further progress of chinas space exploration that _ over the last several decades. a. has been madeb. was madec. had been maded. is made20. his hard work to collect information for the project was _ because no one showed any interest in it. a. in vain b. in sight c. in effect d in place21. based on the agreement, all payments _ be made by the end of the month. a. willb. may c. can d. shall22. arthur owed his success to his family that offered a peaceful and happy _ for his study. a. content b. atmosphere c. competition d. assistance23. i need to charge up my mobile every day as the battery _ quickly. a. shuts up b. ends up c. runs out d. turns out24. on snowy days, you have to drive very _ to avoid traffic accidents.a. cautiouslyb. positivelyc. smoothlyd. actively25. they _ a rise in salary with the prices of food, petrol and housing increasing every day.a. are expected b. expected c. expect d. are expecting 第二节 完形填空(20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中选出可以填入空白处得最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。i was travelling by the west coast express to mangalore two years ago. berth (铺位) no. 55, not far from me, was taken by a middle-aged gentleman. when the 26 reached palakkad junction around 9 pm, a large group of 27 entered with much disturbance. just then another middle-aged man from the group 28 that he owned berth 55. he 29 had a paper given by his travel agent to support himself.the 30 examiner arrived and told the second man that it was not his berth. “no,” said both men. “its mine.” a policeman from the railway protection force tried to get the second man to 31 . but he wouldnt 32 and he had the support of his many 33 .fierce arguments continued, even 34 the train left palakkad. then someone even 35 the emergency chain(应急链)as we were leaving tirur station, four stops after palakkad. nobody could 36 and it was getting late. 37 , around midnight, i watched as a teenager, a 38 im sure, climbed down from an upper berth close to me. “please 39 my berth,” he told the second man, who accepted it after a bit of 40 .to my great surprise, the student then 41 a newspaper on the floor and was soon lost in deep, peaceful sleep. by now everybody was 42 as if nothing had happened! im a 58-year-old biology teacher who has 43 two recent generations of students. i was 44 once again that, contrary to popular opinions, young people can often be far 45 than many older ones. and thats the hope of our nation.26. a. trainb. bus c. car d. plane27. a. teachersb. villagersc. touristsd. workers28. a. declaredb. promisedc. indicatedd. advised29. a. stillb. evenc. yetd. also30. a. conductb. machinec. seatd. ticket31. a. fightb. leavec. sing d. learn32. a. go awayb. give inc. hold ond. calm down33. a. companionsb. soldiersc. teachersd. passengers34. a. soon afterb. long beforec. long afterd. ever after35. a. designedb. stoppedc. pulledd. escaped36. a. readb. enterc. eatd. sleep37. a. suddenlyb. immediatelyc. unluckilyd. meanwhile38. a. businessmanb. studentc. nursed. reporter39. a. lendb. rentc. taked. spot40. a. worryb. hesitationc. delayd. fear41. a. threwb. foundc. spreadd. collected42. a. thankfulb. sorryc. happyd. quiet43. a. controlledb. troubledc. greetedd. taught44. a. convincedb. satisfiedc. disappointedd. encouraged45. a. prouderb. noblerc. coolerd. lazier第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该答案涂黑。ai love reading history, and the shelves in my living room are lined with fat, fact-filled books. the problem is, as much as ive enjoyed these books, i dont really remember reading any of them. its maddening and, sorry to say, not all that unusual for a brain at middle age: i dont just forget whole books, but movies i just saw, breakfasts i just ate, and the names i was told.indeed, aging brains, even in the middle years, fall into whats called the default mode, during which the mind wanders off and begin daydreaming. given all this, the question arises, can an old brain learn, and then remember what it learns? over the past years, scientists have looked deeper into how brains age and confirmed that they continue to develop through and beyond middle age. many long held views, including the one that 40 percent of brain cells are lost, have been overturned. what is filled into your head may not have disappeared, but has simply been stored in the folds of your neurons (神经元).recently, researchers have found even more positive news. the brain, as it goes through middle age, gets better at recognizing the central idea, the big picture. if kept in good shape, the brain can continue to build pathways that help its owner recognize patterns and, as a consequence, see significance and even solutions much faster than a young person can. the trick is finding ways to keep brain connections in good condition and to grow more of them. “theres a place for information,” says kathleen taylor, a professor at st. marys college of california, “we need to know stuff. but we need to move beyond that and challenge our understanding of the world. if you always hang around with those you agree with and read things that agree with what you already know, youre not going to wrestle with your built brain connections.”such stretching is exactly what scientists say best keeps a brain in tune: get out of the comfort zone to push and enrich your brain. do anything from learning a foreign language to taking a different route to work.46. the text is mainly to tell people _.a. how to train the aging brain b. the problems with aging brainc. the importance of learning a languaged. the middle-aged have a good memory47. whats the function of the first paragraph?a. to sum up the whole text. b. to introduce the topic.c. to help readers understand better.d. to give the main idea of the text.48. over time, scientists have found that _. a. humans memory may become poorer and poorerb. humans brains stop developing at middle agec. the middle-aged see importance and solutions fasterd. the middle-aged appreciate pictures better than the young49. the underlined part “wrestle with” probably means _.a. throw somebody to the groundb. move something large and heavyc. hold something with difficultyd. struggle to overcome something50. according to the author, we can keep our aging brains in tune by _. a. changing your job frequently b. learning a foreign language c. looking at the world from a new view d. sticking to our former ideas of the worldin english the spelling of words does not always represent the sound. so people say /rait/ but spell it right or write, or even rite. combinations of letters may be pronounced in many ways. and some words just seem to have too many letters.for americans things are a little bit easier, thanks to the work of noah webster, a teacher who graduated from yale university in 1778. as a young man, he had fought against the british in the american war of independence, and he felt that written english in the newly independent united states should have a distinctive american look.so he began his work on american english. his first book, the elementary spelling book, suggested simplifying the spelling of english words. the book was extremely popular. by the 1850s, it was selling one million copies a year, making it one of the most popular school books ever. 51. what is the text mainly about? a. webster and his best sellers.b. british and american english.c. the history of american english.d. the man who made spelling simple.52. which is the right order according to the text? webster graduated from yale university.american dictionary of the english language came out.websters book was selling one million copies a year.webster took part in the american war of independence.a. b. c. d. 53. why did webster suggest simplifying the spelling of the english words?a. some english words seemed to have too many letters.b. he wanted to write a book and win a good fame.c. he wanted the new country to have an american look.d. english word spelling did not represent the sound.54. what can we learn from the text?a. all the spelling of words does not represent the sound.b. the elementary spelling book was published in the 1850s.c. websters suggestions were accepted completely.d. websters dictionary is the best all over the world.55. what attitude do the british have towards websters dictionary?a. they found fault with it.b. they thought highly of it.c. they argued bitterly about it.d. they followed the examples of it.c animals have been used, and sometimes abused, in movie-making since the early days of the industry.however, the american humane association has worked for many years to protect animals in films.and, the digital age might make animal actors unnecessary. the new film “dolphin tale” tells about a dolphin that loses her tail because of an injury from a crab-trap.a doctor provides her with an artificial tail that saves her life. the film is based on a real event. and the star of the film, winter, is a real dolphin that lost her tail. the american humane society worked with the movies makers to make sure winter stayed safe and healthy during filming. the animal protection group does this for all animal actors in america.a thick book of rules and guidelines tells hollywood moviemakers how to treat animals.karen rosa leads the american humane societys film and television group. he said, “everything from the smallest insect to the largest mammal shall be protected. we believe that for the sake of entertainment, everybody should go home alive.this was not always the policy in the early days of film. in 1939, a horse was forced off a mountain, falling to his death, in the movie “jesse james.”the next year, guidelines were established to guarantee safe and healthy conditions for animals in movies. a new film “rise of the planet of the apes” tells about the creation of super intelligent apes through science.however, no real animals were among the performers. computer generated imagery provided the chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans that movie goers see. clare richardson is the president of the diane fossey gorilla fund. she says computer generated imagery should decrease the use of animals in the film industry. she praises movie makers for the use of computer-made animals. 56. whats mainly talked about in the text?a. how to protect animals in making films. b. how to create animal actors by computer.c. how to use animals to produce digital films. d. how to improve the movie-making industry.57. the film “dolphin tale” _.a. is not based on a real event of animal protectionb. calls on movie makers to protect disabled animalsc. is a good example of animal protection in film makingd. shows that a real dolphin without its tail cannot survive58. when was it forbidden to abuse animals while making films? a. in 1939. b. in 1938. c. in 1941. d. in 1940.59. the film “rise of the planet of the apes” mainly tells about _. a. how actors protect animals in making moviesb. how directors make use of real animals in filmsc. how the computer-made animals replace actorsd. how intelligent animals are created by computer60. which of the following is true of clare richardson? a. she believes that computer-made animals are dull.b. she thinks highly of the computer-made animals.c. she is famous for making films with animal actors.d. she directed the film “rise of the planet of the apes”. da newly-wed couple on a four-month honeymoon were hit by six natural disasters, including the australian floods, christchurch earthquake and japanese tsunami. stefan and erika svanstrom left stockholm, sweden, on december 6 2010 and were immediately stuck in munich, germany, due to one of europes worst snowstorms. later they flew on to cairns in australia which was then struck by one of the most violent tornado in the nations history. from there, the couple were forced to shelter for 24 hours on the cold floor of a shopping centre with 2500 others. trees were being knocked over and big branches were scattered across the streets, mr. svanstrom told swedens expressen newspaper. we escaped by the skin of our teeth. they then headed south to brisbane but the city was experiencing massive flooding, so they crossed the country to perth where they narrowly escaped bush fires. the couple then flew to christchurch, new zealand, arriving just after a powerful earthquake struck the city on february 22, 2011. mrs. svanstorm said, “when we got there the whole town was a war zone. we could not visit the city since it was completely blocked off, so instead we travelled around before going to japan.” but days after the svanstorms arrived, tokyo was rocked by japans largest earthquake since records began. the family returned to stockholm on march 29 after a much calmer visit to their last destination china. but mr. svanstrom-who also survived the destroying boxing day tsunami that hit southeast asia in 2004-said the marriage was still going strong. he added, i know marriages have to experience some hardship, but i think we have been through most of them. weve certainly experienced more than our fair share, but the most important thing is that were together and happy. mrs. svanstrom added, to say we were unlucky with the weather doesnt really cover it! its so absurd that now we can only laugh. 61. which of the following is true about the couple according to the text? a. they escaped bush fires with difficulty in perth. b. they were trapped in munich because of floods. c. they met with the worlds largest earthquake in tokyo. d. an earthquake happened after they reached christchurch. 62. the couple returned to their country after they finally visited _. a. japan b. china c. australia d. new zealand63. the couple were forced to shelter for 24 hours in cairns because of _. a. a snowstorm b. a tornado c. an earthquake d. a flood64. what did mrs. svanstrom mean by mentioning their experiences in the last paragraph? a. they were unlucky with the weather. b. they should be happy with the result.


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