【创新设计】(课标通用)高考英语大二轮复习测试 完形填空专题 专题一 完形填空高分三原则—攻克记叙文.doc_第1页
【创新设计】(课标通用)高考英语大二轮复习测试 完形填空专题 专题一 完形填空高分三原则—攻克记叙文.doc_第2页
【创新设计】(课标通用)高考英语大二轮复习测试 完形填空专题 专题一 完形填空高分三原则—攻克记叙文.doc_第3页
【创新设计】(课标通用)高考英语大二轮复习测试 完形填空专题 专题一 完形填空高分三原则—攻克记叙文.doc_第4页
【创新设计】(课标通用)高考英语大二轮复习测试 完形填空专题 专题一 完形填空高分三原则—攻克记叙文.doc_第5页
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【创新设计】(课标通用)2015高考英语大二轮复习测试 完形填空专题 专题一 完形填空高分三原则攻克记叙文cloze 1体裁:记叙文话题:学校生活时间:15分钟“sixteen,” i said.i have forgotten the math question my secondgrade teacher,joyce cooper asked that day,but i will never forget my_1_.as soon as the number left my mouth,the whole class started_2_.i felt like the _3_person in the world.mrs.cooper fixed them with a look.then she said:“were all here to _4_.”once mrs.cooper asked us to write a_5_about what we hoped to do in the future.i wrote:“i want to be a _6_like mrs.cooper.”she wrote on my report,“you would_7_an outstanding teacher_8_you are determined and you try hard.”i was to carry those_9_in my heart for the next 27 years.after i graduated from high school,i got married and had children.we needed every penny just to_10_.college and teaching were out of the question.then one day i thought of my _11_of how i wanted to help children.i talked it over with my family and _12_to attend college classes in the _13_before work.and when i got home from work,i would _14_.finally,after seven years,my dream had been realized and i became a teacher.not long after i started_15_,something happened that brought the _16_back to me.i had written a sentence with grammatical errors on the blackboard.then i asked some students to come and _17_the mistakes.one girl got halfway,became_18_and stopped.as the other children laughed,_19_rolled down her cheeks.i gave her a hug and told her to have a drink of water.then,remembering mrs.cooper,i fixed_20_of the class with a firm look.“were all here to learn,”i said.【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者回忆了上学时,由于回答错了老师的问题而遭到同学们的嘲笑,老师阻止了他们并告诉他们:“我们到这儿都是来学习的。”在老师的鼓励下,作者后来凭借自己的努力也成了一名老师。同样作者也遇到了他上学时的那种情况,作者想起了他的老师,也用了同样的方式和同样的话语教育了他的学生。1a.question banswer cresult dreaction解析语境理解题。根据前面的内容可知此处表示虽然作者忘记了当时的那个数学问题,但他永远不会忘记自己给的答案。答案b2a.talking bshoutingcdiscussing dlaughing解析语境理解题。根据最后一段中小女孩的相似经历可以看出,此处表示作者遭到同学们的嘲笑。答案d3a.stupidest bhappiestcleast amusing dmost important解析语境理解和生活常识题。由于回答问题回答错了,遭到同学们的嘲笑,所以作者当时觉得自己是世界上最愚蠢的人。答案a4a.work blearn cplay dwatch解析语境理解题。此处与文章最后一句话相照应,面对学生们的嘲笑,作者和mrs.cooper一样,对学生们说:“我们到这里都是来学习的。”故选b。答案b5a.letter bsong creport dstory解析上下文暗示题。根据下文中的“she wrote on my report”可知,此处表示老师让同学们写一篇报告(report)。答案c6a.teacher bfriend creporter dparent解析语境理解题。由空格后面的“like mrs.cooper”可知作者想成为一名像mrs.cooper那样的教师。答案a7a.develop bchange creturn dmake解析词汇运用题。由上文内容可知此处是mrs.cooper对作者的鼓励。mrs.cooper写道:“你会成为一名出色的教师”,所以此处只能选d,make表示“成为”,相当于become。答案d8a.because bunless cuntil dbefore解析语境理解题。前后两个分句之间存在因果关系,故选a。答案a9a.reports bwordscteachers dclassmates解析语境理解题。此处表示作者把老师的话记在心里了。答案b10a.get by bget pastcgo by dgo ahead解析词汇运用题。由下文提到的“读大学、教书都是不可能的”可知,作者家里经济困难,需要每一分钱来维持生计,故get by“维持生计,设法过活”符合题意。答案a11a.plan bwork cdream didea解析语境理解题。根据下文作者的梦想实现了可知,此处表示作者想起了自己的梦想。答案c12a.supposed bpromisedcdecided dagreed解析语境理解题。作者想起了自己的梦想,在与家人商量后,决定去大学里听课。c项符合语境。答案c13a.evenings bmorningscafternoons dnights解析语境理解题。根据下文中的“before work”可知此处表示“早上”。故b项正确。答案b14a.sleep bstudycrest dplay解析语境理解题。此处描述的是作者为梦想奋斗的经历,故应表示下班回来继续学习。答案b15a.studying bwritingcthinking dteaching解析语境理解题。根据下文中的“i had written a sentence with grammatical errors on the blackboard.”可知此处应表示开始教书后不久。答案d16a.teacher blife cpast dfeeling解析语境理解题。这里表示教书时发生的一件事使作者回忆起了过去。答案c17a.correct bprove ccheck dread解析语境理解题。此处表示作者把有语法错误的句子写在黑板上让学生纠错。答案a18a.mad bexcited cconfused dconfident解析语境理解题。此处表示这个女孩感到困惑而停了下来,也就是说这个女孩因做不出来而不知所措。答案c19a.water btears csweat dsmiles解析语境理解题。由于别的孩子嘲笑她,这个女孩的眼泪流了下来。答案b20a.half bmostcthe whole dthe rest解析上下文暗示题。此处表示作者向全班其余的孩子看了一眼。与文章第二段照应。答案dcloze 2体裁:记叙文话题:日常生活时间:15分钟“so teach him to close the door,”my daughter emma responded after listening to me _1_,again,about the dog coming in from the back door,bringing with him a blast of buffalo january _2_ air.teach a dog to close a door behind him? that has got to be a really,really _3_ thing to do.but then she took it a step _4_.“come on,kolby”,she said,grabbing(抓住)some treats and _5_ him in front of the open door.“touch.” and “touch” he did,which moved the door to a _6_ position.she _7_ him with a treat,smiled,looked at me,and said “see!” and i saw and became _8_.over the last few days i have been consistent(一致的) with kolby.each time he comes in i _9_ him back to the open door patiently and ask him to close.there have been _10_ in the beginning,but lately more and more successes.however,there remains much work to be done.i have to get him to follow my hand signal again and again _11_ he will close the door from a distance.but,i now realize,as long as you keep to the _12_,the task will be completed,and,in the way things are progressing,_13_ quickly.what a _14_ treat to have a dog that can close the door after himself! even more wonder can be found in the _15_ i learned so clearly from both emma and kolby.a wish is just a wish until you decide to take _16_.once you _17_ the belief that it is “too hard”,then it remains“too hard” and out of _18_.once you decide to accomplish a goal,and _19_ that it is“easy”,then it becomes“easy” to do what needs to be done.just _20_ doing it.【语篇导读】训练小狗关门并非易事,但作者经过不懈的努力取得成功了。通过这件事,作者悟出了深刻的道理。1a.complain bscream cworry dscare解析句意:听到我抱怨(complain)狗从后门进来,带进来一股一股的冷(cold)风时,我女儿emma回应道:“教它关门。”complain about.抱怨;scream尖叫;worry about担心;scare吓唬。答案a2a.thin bfresh cdirty dcold解析由句意及january(一月)可知天气寒冷(cold)。答案d3a.last bfunny chard dpossible解析根据常识及下文可知:教狗关门一定是一件很难的(hard)事情。答案c4a.again bfurther cdeeper dbackward解析句意:但是紧接着她又进了一步。further进一步;deep深的;backward向后。答案b5a.pushing btying cseating dpositioning解析句意:让狗去开着的门前。position sb让某人去某个位置; push推; tie(tying)拴,绑;seat sb坐下,均不符合语境。答案d6a.stopped bfixed cclosed dlocked解析句意:这个动作让门向“关”(closed)的方向动。答案c7a.rewarded bprovided coffered dthanked解析句意:女儿就用食物奖励(rewarded)它。reward sb with sth用某物奖励某人。答案a8a.persuaded bconvincedcinspired dpuzzled解析句意:我看到了,并且信服了(convinced)。a.被说服; c被鼓舞; d被迷惑了。答案b9a.bring bpull cdrag dcall解析句意:每次狗进来时,我都耐心地把它带回到(bring him back)开着的门口,要求它关上门。pull拉;drag拖;call sb back给某人回电话。答案a10a.pleasures bexperimentscfailures dpauses解析根据句意及后面的successes可知,此处为failures(失败)。答案c11a.in case beven if cas if dso that解析句意:我必须让它跟随我的手势反复练习,这样从远处就能让它关上门。in case以防万一; even if 即便,即使;as if好像。答案d12a.interest bfocus cprogress dharmony解析keep to the focus集中注意力。答案b13a.determined btaughtcbought dcompleted解析句意:但是现在我意识到,只要你能集中注意力,任务就可被完成。而且遵循事物发展的规律,就会完成(completed)得很快。根据句意及前面的completed,and,以及空格后的quickly可知答案。答案d14a.wonderful bsmallcdifferent dsimple解析句意:拥有一只会关门的狗是一件多么美好的(wonderful)乐事(treat)啊!其他三项均不符合语境。答案a15a.knowledge bskillsclessons dexperiment解析在这次教训中我发现了更多的惊奇之事。lesson教训;knowledge知识;skills技能; experiment实验。答案c16a.patience bpart cdelight daction解析句意:如果不付诸行动,愿望终究是愿望。take action采取行动;take patience忍耐;take part参加;take delight得到快乐。答案d17a.hold on to bpay attention toccome up with dget used to解析句意:一旦你持有(hold on to)这种信念。a.坚持;b.注意;c.提出,提供;d.习惯于。答案a18a.date btouch creach dpower解析out of reach 难以实现/达到;out of date过时;out of touch 失去联络;out of power失去权力;c项符合题意。答案c19a.prove bdecidecconclude drealize解析句意:一旦你决定去实现一个目标,并断定(decide)它是容易的。prove证明;conclude得出结论;realize意识到(客观事实)。根据语境可知,此处指未做之事,所以只能是进行推断。答案b20a.imagine bstart ckeep denjoy解析既然一切都变得容易了,那就“开始(start)做吧”。答案bcloze 3体裁:记叙文话题:学校生活时间:17分钟it was 11:40 at night when we finished hairdressing._1_ to miss the time of our school closing the door,we quickened our steps.as we _2_ the door of the apartment building,we saw our headmaster standing outside._3_ smiles,we rushed towards the door guarded by a teacher._4_ the teacher could clearly see us.she shouted,“where have you been? why are you not answering my calls? your _5_ have gone out to look for you.now please call them back immediately!”just then,in the dim moonlight,we saw two familiar _6_ moving slowly towards us.by their stature (身高),we _7_ they were our roommates.finally,linda and rosemary came back with a group of strangers.“what happened to you? are you ok?” linda asked eagerly and _8_.seeing linda and rosemary in pajamas and slippers,we all felt _9_,bowing our heads for our mistake.at the same time,we were _10_ the pure love we owned and the faithful friends we had.we were feeling very _11_.“we did not do this _12_.maggie and wendy didnt take their cellphones and my cellphone was uncharged._13_,we couldnt make any calls,” i _14_.the teacher cut me short,“it is too _15_.please go back to your dormitory now.”as we were approaching our dormitory,we all tiptoed in order not to _16_ others sleep.but to our _17_,none of our roommates were asleep.they were all sitting up worrying about us.before closing my eyes,i thought a lot about this little _18_.it suddenly dawned on me that we are actually part of one big family.whatever we do may _19_ others lives.i feel safe and satisfied,_20_ i know my friends will always be there for me.【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者和几个同学晚上外出很晚才回学校,这让老师和其他室友都很担心。这件事情让作者认识到,学校是一个大家庭,每一个人的行为都会影响到其他人的生活。1a.deciding bfailing cchoosing dfearing解析考查具体语境中的动词辨析。根据下文中的“we quickened our steps”可知,此处表示作者她们“担心”学校关门之前回不去。fail是“失败,未做”之意,不符合语境。答案d2a.approached bclimbedcopened dlocked解析考查具体语境中动词的用法。根据语境可知此处选a。当我们走近公寓楼的时候,我们看到校长站在门口。答案a3a.forgiving bignoringcforcing ddiscovering解析考查具体语境中动词的用法。作者她们在门口遇到了校长,所以她们脸上勉强挤出笑容。答案c4a.strangely bgraduallycobviously dsimilarly解析考查具体语境中副词的辨析。老师就在门口,所以很“明显”,她能够清晰地看到作者她们。答案c5a.parents broommatescteachers dsisters解析考查具体语境中名词的用法。根据第二段中的“they were our roommates”等信息可以推知,此处指“室友”出去找作者她们了。答案b6a.officials bforeignerscfigures drelations解析考查具体语境中名词的辨析。由于晚上她们看不清楚,所以她们只能是看到两个熟悉的“人影”向她们走过去,也就是下文中提到的室友。答案c7a.guaranteed bdeclaredcinsisted drecognized解析考查具体语境中动词的用法。通过判断身高,她们认出来那两个人是她们的室友。答案d8a.fluently banxiouslycslowly dfaithfully解析考查具体语境中副词的辨析。根据语境和信息词“eagerly”可知此处应选b。anxiously意为“焦虑地”。答案b9a.ashamed bexcited cpuzzled drelaxed解析考查具体语境中形容词的用法。看到室友穿着睡衣和拖鞋出来寻找作者等人,作者她们感到很“羞愧”。答案a10a.advancing bappreciatingcsacrificing


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