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窗体顶端大学英语(全新版)词汇练习B4-5Back 1. As the old saying goes, appearances are _. A) deceitful B) deceptive C) deformed D) deserted2. Birds learn to fly _ instinct. A) at B) on C) by D) in3. Glass is a _ material. A) transferring B) transit C) transport D) transparent4. If you _ a crime, you can never escape being punished. A) form B) commit C) do D) make5. He was taken _ by her threatening remarks.A) backward B) backwards C) back D) aback6. Sorry, the _ in the office has been filled.A) holeB) vacancyC) emptiness D) vacation7. With prices _ so much, it is difficult for the school to plan a budget.A) vibratingB) fluctuating C) fluttering D) swinging8. Her jewelry _ under the spotlights and she became the dominant figure at the ball.A) glared B) glittered C) blazed D) dazzled9. Connie was told that if she worked too hard, her health would _.A) deteriorateB) descend C) degradeD) decay10. We find that some birds _ twice a year between hot and cold countries.A) transfer B) commute C) migrateD) emigrate11. When asked why he had played truant, Little Frank _ a good excuse.A) came up with B) caught up withC) put up with D) kept up with12. I have to wait for a month to get my license, _?A) dont I B) didnt IC) havent ID) shouldnt I13. The person who rents the room must decorate it _ the terms of the contract.A) in collaboration withB) in accordance withC) in the neighborhood of D) in quest of14. She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it _ enough to eat.A) mild B) slight C) light D) tender15. It took us only a few hours to _ the paper off all four walls.A) shearB) scrape C) strokeD) chip16. The prospect of increased prices has already _ worries.A) provokedB) irritated C) inspiredD) hoisted17. The international dispute was solved at last _ the equally bilateral beneficial principle.A) in the spirit ofB) in the interest of C) in accordance with D) in connection with18. Man is controlled by his _ as well by as reason.A) instinct B) distinctC) institution D) intuition19. Although he was a strong swimmer, he was swept away by the _ and drowned.A) current B) motion C) pressureD) stream20. John Dewey believed that education should be a preparation for life that a person learns by doing, and that teaching must _ the curiosity and creativity of children.A) seekB) stimulate C) shape D) secure21. Mutual respect for territorial _ is the base upon which two countries develop friendships.A) unityB)integrity C) entirety D) reliability22. You should not depend on appearance too much when you judge a person; you know: appearance can be _.A) credibleB) deceptive C) credulousD) suspicious23. When you talk that way, what are you _?A) meaningB) driving atC) stickingD) committing24. The poor guy always has a weak _. He has lost several chances of becoming an athlete.A) contemplation B) conception C) constitution D) construction25. The police are trying to find out the _ of the woman killed in the traffic accident.A) evidence B) recognitionC) status D) identity26. Because Edgar was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he _ his opinion.A) struck at B) strove for C) stuck to D) stood for27. None of us expected the chairman to _ at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.A) turn in B) turn over C) turn up D) turn down28. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, whereas the behavior of an animal depends mainly on _.A) consciousnessB) impulseC) instinctD) response29. He went broke, but he _, because he was a determined man.A) didnt go to pieces B) went to piecesC) broke into pieces D) didnt come to pieces30. The factory kept losing money until finally it _.A) pulled through B) went to piecesC) came across D) went broke31. The football players had been well coached so they could take the loss of the match _.A) in good manner B) with good grace C) smoothlyD) with disgrace32. The telecast of the video tape of a woman giving birth _ heated debate in public.A) arose B) roseC) aroused D) raised33. These journeys will give you an even deeper _ into our language and cultures.A) intuition B) inquiryC) insight D) investigation34. With the population explosion, scientists will have to _ new methods of increasing the worlds food supply.A) lead to B) carry out C) stick toD) come up with35. The baby stopped crying with the _ of his mother.A) strip B) stroke C) stripe D) string36. The Christmas tree has been _ with colorful lights, beautiful cards and little gifts.A) trifled B) triggered C) tripped D) trimmed37. Having received her _ letter of apology, Peter did not hate Annie any longer.A) graceB) gracious C) graceful D) gratitude38. We set _ standards for our students.A) definite B) deficient C) defective D) decisive39. Under the pressure of police questioning, she _ and confessed everything.A) broke into pieces B) was of a piece C) came to pieces D) went to pieces40. Everything we drink and eat contains some salt; we can meet the bodys need for it from natural sources without turning _ the salt bottle.A) up B) over C)on D) to成绩单 您的得分是:0分(满分100分)答对0题答错40题准确率:0%以下是各题的答案:第1题:正确答案是B,您的答案是 未选.答案:B句意为:俗话说,人不可貌相。deceitful欺诈的,不老实的;deceptive欺骗的,有欺骗性的;deformed变形的;deserted被舍弃的,无人的。第2题:正确答案是C,您的答案是 未选.答案:C句意为:鸟学飞是出于本能。act on instinct凭直觉行动;by instinct出于本能;have an instinct for天性就会。第3题:正确答案是D,您的答案是 未选.答案:D句意为:玻璃是透明物。transfer迁移,搬迁;transit通过,中转;transport运输;transparent透明的,清澈的。第4题:正确答案是B,您的答案是 未选.答案:B句意为:你要是犯罪,就逃脱不了惩罚。(固定搭配)第5题:正确答案是D,您的答案是 未选.答案:D句意为:她威胁性的言辞使他大吃一惊。(固定搭配)第6题:正确答案是B,您的答案是 未选.答案:B句意为:对不起,职员的空缺已有人填补。hole洞;emptiness空洞;vacancy空缺。第7题:正确答案是B,您的答案是 未选.答案:B句意为:价格波动太大,学校很难作预算。vibrate颤动;fluctuate波动,涨落;flutter振(翅),飘落;swing摆动。第8题:正确答案是B,您的答案是 未选.答案:B句意为:她的珠宝在聚光灯下闪烁,他成了舞会上最耀眼的人。glare瞪眼;glitter闪烁,闪光;blaze着火;dazzle使眩目。第9题:正确答案是A,您的答案是 未选.答案:A句意为:康妮被告知若她工作太卖力,健康就会恶化。deteriorate变坏,恶化;descend下来,下降;degrade贬低;decay腐朽。第10题:正确答案是C,您的答案是 未选.答案:C句意为:我们发现鸟类一年两次迁移于温暖和寒冷的国家。transfer迁移,搬迁;commute(乘车)往返;migrate迁移,(鸟等)定期移栖;emigrate移居国外。第11题:正确答案是A,您的答案是 未选.答案:A句意为:被问到为什么逃学时,他想出了个好借口。Come up with想出,产生(主意,方法等);catch up with追上;put up with容忍,忍受;keep up with跟上。第12题:正确答案是A,您的答案是 未选.答案:A句意为:我得等上一个月才能拿许可证,是吗?反疑问句have to(has to, had to),要用dont (doesnt, didnt).第13题:正确答案是B,您的答案是 未选.答案:B句意为:租房人必须按合同中的条款来装修房屋。in collaboration with与合作;in accordance with与一致,依照;in the neighborhood of大约;in quest of寻找,寻求。第14题:正确答案是D,您的答案是 未选.答案:D句意为:她把肉煮了很长时间,使吃起来足够烂。mild温和的,轻微的;slight轻微的,微小的;light轻的,明亮的;tender温柔的,柔软的。第15题:正确答案是B,您的答案是 未选.答案:B句意为:我们仅仅用了几个小时就把墙纸刮掉了。shear修剪;scrape刮,擦;stroke抚摸;chip削成碎片。第16题:正确答案是A,您的答案是 未选.答案:A句意为:价格上涨的消息引发了人们的忧虑。provoke激发,挑逗;irritate激怒;恼怒;inspire激励,鼓励;hoist升高,抬高。第17题:正确答案是C,您的答案是 未选.答案:C句意为:国际争端根据平等互利的原则最后得到解决。In the spirit of以精神;in the interest of为了的利益;in accordance with依据,根据;in connection with与相连。第18题:正确答案是A,您的答案是 未选.答案:A句意为:人类由其本能和理性所控制。instinct本能,直觉;distinct清楚的,独特的;institution建立,机构;intuition直觉,直观。第19题:正确答案是A,您的答案是 未选.答案:A句意为:虽然他是个游泳高手,但他却被激流卷走淹死了。current水流,激流;motion运动;pressure压力;stream溪流。第20题:正确答案是B,您的答案是 未选.答案:B句意为:John Dewey相信教育应该是对生活的准备,一个人应该通过动手来学习,教育必须刺激孩子们的好奇心和创造力。seek寻求,寻找;stimulate刺激,激励;shape塑造;secure确保,使安全。第21题:正确答案是B,您的答案是 未选.答案:B句意为:相互尊重双方的领土完整是两国发展友谊的基础。unity团结,一致;integrity完整,正直;entirety整体,全部;reliability可靠性。第22题:正确答案是B,您的答案是 未选.答案:B句意为:评价一个人时,你不应过分依赖外表,你知道外表可能有欺骗性。credible可信的;deceptive靠不住的,有欺骗性的;credulous轻信的;suspicious怀疑的,可疑的。第23题:正确答案是B,您的答案是 未选.答案:B句意为:你那么说是什么意思?drive at意指。第24题:正确答案是C,您的答案是 未选.答案:C句意为:那可怜的家伙体质一直很差。contemplation沉思;conception观念;constitution体质,宪法;construction建设,建筑。第25题:正确答案是D,您的答案是 未选.答案:D句意为:警方正试图找出车祸中身亡妇女的身份。evidence证据;recognition辨别,承认;status状况,地位,(重要)身份;identity身份,特征。第26题:正确答案是C,您的答案是 未选.答案:C句意为:因为埃德加对这个事实的正确性深信不疑,因此他坚持自己的观点。strike at攻击,抨击;strive for争取,力争;stick to坚持,信守;stand for支持,代表。第27题:正确答案是C,您的答案是 未选.答案:C句意为:我们都没想到主席会来参加聚会,我们认为他还在医院。turn in上交;turn over打滚,倾倒;turn up出现,到场;turn down拒绝。第28题:正确答案是C,您的答案是 未选.答案:C句意为:人的行为主要是学习的产物,而动物的行为主要取决于本能。consciousness意识,知觉;impulse冲动,刺激;instinct本能,直觉;response反应,回答。第29题:正确答案是A,您的答案是 未选.答案:A句意为:他破产了,但他没有崩溃,因为他是个执着的人。go to pieces崩溃,垮掉;break into pieces破碎;come to pieces被拆开(零)。第30题:正确答案是D,您的答案是 未选.答案:D句意为:工厂不断亏本,直到最后破产。 pull through(使)渡过难关,(使)转危为安;go to pieces(精神,身体)崩溃,垮掉;come across遇到,碰到;go broke破产。第31题:正确答案是B,您的答案是 未选.答案:B句意为:这些足球运动员调教的很好,他们会很体面地接受输球。in good manner有礼貌地;with good grace欣然地,体面地;smoothly顺利地;with disgrace耻辱地。第32题:正确答案是C,您的答案是 未选.答案:C句意为:女人生小孩的录像带在电视上播放引起大众激烈的争论。arise起身,出


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