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Unit 2 Ways to go to schoolB Read and write教学设计【教材简析】本节课是Unit 2第五课时Read and write部分,包括读、写和语音三部分内容。第一部分要求学生阅读图片和文段并回答两个问题;第二部分为有意义的以读促写活动,分为两个步骤:第一步为前文提到的小朋友选择交通建议,第二步为朋友制作交通安全建议的海报;第三部分为语音意识培养,要求通过示例掌握文段中的连读现象。【教学目标】知识与技能目标:1. 全体学生能够理解文本情境,理解并读懂文本;2. 全体学生能够通过阅读问题训练,在语篇中找出关键词。3. 全体学生能够通过合作完成交通安全海报的设计。4. 大部分学生能复述文本大意。过程与方法目标:1. 学生通过头脑风暴活动激活已有的知识储备,为阅读打好基础。2. 学生通过读图、寻找关键词、细节推理等进行阅读方法训练。3. 通过语音示例理解英语中常见的连读现象,培养良好的预感。4. 通过海报制作活动,培养学生的合作交际能力。情感态度与价值观目标:珍爱生命,注意交通安全。【教学重难点】重点:1. 读懂文本,了解不同地方的孩子必须因地制宜选择不同的交通方式。2. 为不同的交通方式提供对应的安全建议。难点:1. 新单词Munich, Germany, Alaska, Papa Westray, Scotland等。2.根据文本内容进行细节的推理。教具:CAI 。【教学过程】I. Revision and introductionLet s play a brain storm game. Please read as quickly as you can.【设计意图:复习学过的上学方式,激活已有的知识储备,为文本阅读做好铺垫。】 II . PresentationPre-reading1.They are the different ways to go to school. And please look at this picture . Who is he ?What is Robin doing? What s the passage about?That s our topic today. (板书课题)【设计意图:呈现情境配图,引出课题。】2. (Show the first picture.)What can you see in the picure?How do you come to school?3. (Show the second picture.) Whats this? Its a sled. (Pay attention to the prounciation.) Learn to say the new phrase.Do you come to school by sled? Maybe some children go to school by sled.4. (Show the third picture.) Learn to say:by ferry5. (Show the fourth picture.) Guess: How do they go to school?【设计意图:读图,学习新单词,为阅读扫清障碍。】While_reading1. The first reding: Read the text quickly and underline the ways to go to school with “” , the places with “”.2. How many ways to go to school can you find? (write on the blackboard)3. How many places are mentioned in the text? (Show the map to know the general position of the places.)【设计意图:快速阅读文本,抓住关键词;了解涉及到的几个地方的大体方位,形成世界意识。】4.Read carefully .(Put the cards on the blackboard.)Part1: Maybe some children go to school by bike in Munich, Germany. Part2: Do you come to school by sled? Why do they go by sled?(Pay attention to the pronunciation .)Part3: But in some places, there are so many rivers. So they go to school by Like in Jiangxi, China.Part 4: And in Papa Westray, Scotland,children go to school by ferry,too. But who goes to school by plane? Why?5. Does everyone in the text go to school? Read the passage below and answer.【设计意图:细读文本,根据文本内容进行合理推测。】6. Robin can read this passage for grandpa. What about you? Listen and imitate.【设计意图:听音,模仿正确的停顿、语音和语调。】7.They go to school everyday. Can we give them some suggestions on safety? Please read and choose.III.After_reading1. How do you come to school? Do you have some suggestions for him?【设计意图:学生讨论上学方式,并提出相应的安全建议。】2. The National Holiday is coming. Are you going to travel? I am going to Beijing by bus. What do you want to say to me?【设计意图:以十一假期为话题,为平时上学用不到的交通方式提供安全建议。】3. Talk about the ways of transportation. And write down your suggestions for friends. Then finish the poster in groups.【设计意图:以读促写,把给朋友的安全建议写下来,并在完成海报的过程中培养学生的合作交流意识。】4. Life is precious. We must pay attention to the traffic rules. Be careful on the way to school or home.【设计意图:教育学生注意交通安全,珍爱生命。】5. Do you want to know other ways to go to school?Read this passage and answer the questions.【设计意图:拓展阅读,应用合适的方法进行阅读,开阔视野。】IV. Sum up and homework1. What have we got today?2.Homework: Li


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