【步步高】高中英语 Unit 3 Looking goodfeeling good Period One Welcome to the unit Reading同步测试2 牛津译林版必修1(1).doc_第1页
【步步高】高中英语 Unit 3 Looking goodfeeling good Period One Welcome to the unit Reading同步测试2 牛津译林版必修1(1).doc_第2页
【步步高】高中英语 Unit 3 Looking goodfeeling good Period One Welcome to the unit Reading同步测试2 牛津译林版必修1(1).doc_第3页
【步步高】高中英语 Unit 3 Looking goodfeeling good Period One Welcome to the unit Reading同步测试2 牛津译林版必修1(1).doc_第4页




period onewelcome to the unit & reading()基础落实.单词检测a英文释义连连看1.figure avery active because you have a lot of energy2.contain bto get better after an illness,accident,shock,etc.3.energetic cthe shape of someones body,especially a womans body4.recover dto have something inside,or have something as a part5.damage ephysical harm caused to something or someoneb根据英文释义写出单词1_:something that is done to make a patient feel better2_:feeling bad about oneself3_:(of people,place) good looking or having something pleasant to look at4_:ashamed,nervous,or uncomfortable in a social situation5_:(of people) too heavy and fat.短语检测1锻炼_2节食 _3收到来信 _4对感到惭愧 _5坚持,主张 _6听从某人的建议 _.选词填空work out,in secret,be dying to,hear from,be ashamed of,at least,come across,follow ones advice1the research centre _ a new plan and decided to carry it out immediately.2tom _ see you.3have you _ his sister?4you must _ your fathers _.5when i _ a new word,i write it down in my notebook.6she _ her foolish behaviour.7you should read one book a month _.8they made their plans _.句型转换1im busy right now.im busy _ _ _.2now i like watching tv no more.now i _ like watching tv _ _.3he often went to his office on foot in the past,but now he doesnt.he _ _ _ to his office on foot.4we all consider him as an honest boy.we all consider him _ _ _.5if you accept his invitation,ill accept it,too.if you accept his invitation,_ _ _.单项填空1wouldnt it be _ wonderful world if all nations live in _ peace with one another?aa;/ bthe;/ca;the dthe;the2with good treatment and care,professor smith unbelievably_from heart attack in a week.arelaxed breturnedcretired drecovered3you cant predict everything.often things dont _ as you expect.(2011江西,35)arun out bbreak outcwork out dput out4my father often gives me_on how to make friends.amany advice bmuch adviceca lot of advices da few advice5all this cloth is sold_now.why isnt it sold_?ain weight;in yardbby the weight;by yardcin weight;in the yarddby weight;by the yard6she felt_at the_situation(处境)aembarrassed;embarrassingbembarrassing;embarrassingcembarrassing;embarrasseddembarrassed;embarrassed7he had done a lot of terrible things,causing great trouble,but he didnt feel_.abored btiredcashamed drelaxed8they really had a great time too,designing everything,drawing the blueprints,_the angles and so on.alooking out btaking outcfinding out dfiguring out9i looked at him in_.i didnt expect to see him again in such an occasion.apublic bpersoncsecret dsurprise10as a result of the big earthquake in japan,people there_great losses.asuffered from bsufferingchave suffered dhad suffered from能力提升完形填空perhaps the most interesting person i have ever met in my life is an italian professor of philosophy who teaches at the university of pisa_1_ i last met this man eight years ago,i have not forgotten his _2_ qualities.first of all,i respected his _3_ to teaching.because his lectures were always wellprepared and clearly delivered,students crowded into his classroom.his followers liked the fact that he _4_ what he taught.furthermore,he could be counted on to explain his ideas in an _5_ way,introducing such aids to _6_ as oil paintings,music,and guest lecturers.once he _7_ sang a song in class in order to make a point clear._8_,i admired the fact that he would talk to students outside the classroom or talk with them _9_ the telephone.drinking coffee in the cafe,he would easily make friends with students.sometimes he would _10_ a student to a game of chess._11_,he would join student groups to discuss a variety of _12_:agriculture,diving and mathematics and so on.many young people visited him in his office for _13_ on their studies;others came to his home for social evenings.finally,i was _14_ by his lively sense of humor.he believed that no lesson is a success _15_,during it,the students and the professor _16_ at least one loud _17_.through his sense of humor,he made learning more _18_ and more lasting.if it is _19_ that life makes a wise man smile and a foolish man cry,_20_ my friend is indeed a wise man.1aalthough bwhenceven if dnow that2aespecial bspecialccommon dparticular3aattention bintroductioncrelation ddevotion4ainsisted on btalked aboutcbelieved in dagreed with5aimaginative bordinarycopposite dopen6alistening bunderstandingcinformation ddiscovery7aalso bnearlyceven donly8alater bsecondlychowever dtherefore9awith bbycfrom don10ainvite bleadcprefer dshow11aas a matter of fact blater oncother times din general12aquestions bsubjectscmatters dcontents13asupport bexplanationcexperience dadvice14adisturbed bmovedcattracted ddefeated15afor buntilcsince dunless16ahear bsuggestcshare ddemand17alaugh bcrycshout dquestion18ahelpful benjoyablecpractical duseful19anatural bnormalchopeful dtrue20aso bforcthen dyet答案基础落实.a1.c2.d3.a4.b5.eb1.treatment2.ashamed3.attractive4.embarrassed5.overweight.1.work out2.go on a diet3.hear from4.be ashamed of5.insist on6.follow on


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