【状元之路】高中英语 语篇提能14 新人教版必修4.doc_第1页
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【状元之路】高中英语 语篇提能14 新人教版必修4.doc_第4页




语 篇 提 能.完形填空it was hot midapril. there was a large area of desert in africa with no other _1_ except a little rose. there was not a bird or tree in _2_. just hot, burning sand. the sand became burning coal _3_ the days passed on. but the little rose _4_ the cruelty of the sun. the sun was very _5_ to see the roses ability to _6_ such terrible conditions.one afternoon, the sun said to the little _7_, “dear rose! i am the king of this universe. i have the _8_ to give and take life. thousands of living things _9_ every day, because they are not able to bear with (忍受) my heat. but, you have lived through even my hottest rays _10_ any complaint (抱怨). may i know the _11_ that gave you this great strength (力量)?”“oh, great sun,” the little rose said _12_. “i dont know much about this desert. but it appears _13_ and there seems to be no one else in the whole world as far as i can see. i began to feel _14_ for the loneliness of this desert and _15_ to help it as possible as i could. and in this way, i _16_ experienced anything that caused pain to me. my whole _17_ has been to be a good friend to this desert and _18_ its loneliness.”_19_ by the little roses concern for the desert, the sun showered a _20_. millions of other roses filled the desert and thus turned the entire desert into a hopeful place of life.1a. history b. human c. life d. death2a. silence b. sight c. turn d. trouble3a. if b. so c. since d. as4a. went through b. went over c. went into d. went against5a. pleased b. surprised c. sad d. nervous6a. change b. follow c. improve d. survive7a. child b. bird c. flower d. tree8a. power b. chance c. duty d. idea9a. grow b. die c. stop d. live10a. with b. over c. through d. without11a. person b. dream c. source d. success12a. gently b. proudly c. fluently d. angrily13a. small b. far c. thick d. large14a. safe b. lucky c. sorry d. shy15a. refused b. decided c. agreed d. promised16a. never b. ever c. always d. sometimes17a. time b. worry c. kindness d. concern18a. play jokes on b. think highly of c. deal with d. bring in19a. attracted b. touched c. injured d. educated20a. medal b. doubt c. praise d. reward答案与解析语篇解读四月炽热的阳光照耀着大地,除了一株玫瑰,广阔的非洲大沙漠没有其他生命的迹象;玫瑰虽然渺小,她对沙漠的同情却赢得了太阳的奖赏。1c 由下文的“. except a little rose. there was not a bird or tree . just hot, burning sand .”可知沙漠里除了一株玫瑰,没有其他的生命(life)。2b 视野中看不到鸟儿和树木。形容沙漠荒无人烟。in sight表示“视线范围之内”。下文“there seems to be no one else .”也是提示。3d 随着(as)日子一天天过去,沙漠变成了燃烧的煤。此处as引导时间状语从句。4a 由下文的“you have lived through even my hottest rays”可知这株小玫瑰经受住了(went through)太阳的残酷。5b 太阳看到玫瑰的能力感到很吃惊(surprised)。6d 根据语境可知,此处指玫瑰在这种艰苦的条件下存活下来(survive)。7c 由dear rose可知太阳是对一朵小花(flower)说话。8a 由“i am the king of this universe”可知太阳拥有给予和索取生命的力量(power)。9b 由后半句的原因“because they are not able to bear with my heat”可知,每天成千上万的生命都死掉了(die)。10d 与其他死掉的生命相比,玫瑰忍受住了很热的阳光,而没有(without)抱怨。11c 下一段是玫瑰解释它生存的原因,此处source指玫瑰获得如此大的生存力量的来源。12a 由玫瑰对太阳的称呼great sun可推测小玫瑰温和地(gently)回答。13d 下文的“. there seems to be no one else in the whole world as far as i can see .”可知对于玫瑰来说,沙漠很大(large),一望无际。14c 由“help it as possible as i could”可知“我”看到沙漠的孤独感到很伤心(sorry)。15b 于是玫瑰决定(decided)尽可能地帮助它。16a 因为玫瑰对沙漠的同情,她尽可能地帮助沙漠摆脱荒芜,在这个过程中,玫瑰没有经历过任何能使她痛苦的东西。17d 下文的“the little roses concern for the desert”是提示。18c 由上文的“feel sorry for the loneliness . and . to help it”可知玫瑰的绽放是为了消除(deal with)沙漠的孤独。19b 由下文的“millions of other roses”可知太阳被玫瑰对沙漠的关心而感动(touched)。20d 由于被感动,太阳送给玫瑰一项奖励(reward)数以万计的玫瑰使这片荒凉的沙漠成为生命之洲。.阅读理解七选五in 1982 i found myself in need of a lock to use on an exercise room locker where i work. my oldest daughter had one that she had been using for her middle school locker. _1_ it was just an ordinary lock. it is always tied to a loop (环) on my workout bag and gets moved to a locker each day, then moved back when i leave the exercise room after a run outside or exercise inside. since 1982, the lock has seen three different locker rooms. i guess i have locked and opened it 10,000 times. _2_on a few occasions i left it unlocked on a locker, but it was always there when i returned the next day. generally, people around here are very honest. _3_the lock is a small thing, not worth much in monetary terms. _4_ funny how you can get attached to something that becomes part of your life without your even realizing it. when i die, i will give it back to the daughter who never asked for the lock back. _5_a. it is still in good working order.b. my daughter lost her lock somewhere.c. many people ask me where i get my lock.d. i hope she will keep it to remember me by.e. some people dont even lock their lockers.f. but it has come to be one of my most prized belongings.g. but since it was summertime she didnt need it and gave it to me.答案1.g2.a3.e4.f5.d.短文改错when i first learned to write in english, i run into many difficulties. the main problem was in that i always thought in chinese and tried to translate anything into english. my teacher advised me to keep my diary. i followed her advice so put down 100 words or so each day. soon i began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as i was learning to express me in simple english. one day i wrote a little story and showed to my teacher. she liked it very much and reading it to the class. all said the story was a good one. their word were a great encouragement to me.答案when i first learned to write in english, i into many difficulties. the main problem was that i always thought in chinese and tried to translate into english. my teacher advised me to keep diary. i followed her advice put down 100 w


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