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2014高考英语完形填空抓分训练(10)及答案完形填空(记叙文)last night my husband and i were on the way to a show. we were both1and wanted to grab a quick bite on our way there, 2we swung through a jack-n-the box drive-thru and3our order.when we got up to the4the lady smiled at me (which is sometimes rare) and5how i was doing while she collected our money for the food.i replied, “fine, and how are you? ” she went to get our6ready and i asked my7to pass me my “drive-thru smile bag”. he8it to me and watched in amazement as i9together a “you make a difference” paper, a smile card, a smiley stamper and a smile button.she came back to the window10 before i finished putting it all together.without looking too closely she passed the bag and said, “thank you. have a good day. ”i said, “wait!this is for you. ” as i placed the little11gifts in her hand, a smile12across her face. as she looked at the13, it got a little bigger but when i thanked her14her smile there was no15.she gave the biggest smile and she was16.it was very heartwarming.my husband was very impressed by it.it made him17too.it just takes a little effort to connect18a human way to everyone we have dealings with, 19 with something as20as a drive-thru transaction.remember, we all make a difference! 1. a. eagerb. angryc. hungry d. excited2. a. becauseb. butc. so d. when3. a. landedb. placed c. spreadd. returned4. a. car b. window c. desk d. door5. a. askedb. saidc. explainedd. advised6. a. orderb. dietc. drink d. goods7. a. friendb. waiterc. husband d. child8. a. presentedb. added c. deliveredd. handed9. a. made b. walkedc. got d. gathered10. a. still b. almost c. also d. ever11. a. smileb. flower c. book d. bag12. a. spreadb. laidc. arranged d. transported13. a. shopsb. cards c. items d. foods14. a. with b. for c. beyond d. over15. a. turning up b. holding upc. holding back d. turning back16. a. cryingb. shoutingc. jumpingd. laughing17. a. surpriseb. comfort c. relief d. smile18. a. inb. byc. at d. about19. a. probablyb. even c. therefored. though20. a. simpleb. nicec. cheap d. small参考答案50.ccbbaacddbaacbcddabd:维a 完形填空(每题1.5分,满 选材相似度:设题相似度:难度系数:in seventh grade,brittany blythe dreamed of being a cheerleader.her schools coaches were _1_ enthusiastic.“they said,i dont know how youll be able to do it,” she _2_.“you wont be able to do the stunts(绝技)”_3_ brittany,now a junior at strath haven high school near philadelphia,persisted(坚持)and _4_ the junior cheerleaders won a tournament(锦标赛)last year,she was right there,_5_ with the rest of her peers.not bad for someone whose _6_ were amputated(切除) below the knee when she was two years old.brittany,18,was born _7_ shinbones“just blood and muscle tissue,” as she _8_ it.when she tried to walk,her legs twisted.after the amputation,she adapted _9_.“from day one,i basically jumped up and wanted to do _10_” she says.prosthetic(假的) legs allowed her to move around upright,but too _11_ to keep up with her friends.brittanys _12_:take the legs off and walk on her kneessomething she still does when safety and comfort _13_.shes rarely discouraged.other children _14_ her through the years,especially in junior high school,but she says the _15_ only made her stronger.now shes trying to _16_ her coaches to let her take off the prostheses and be a flyer,the _17_ whos thrown in the air and _18_ by her teammates.brittany doesnt think her problems are any more _19_ than the next persons.“my disability was the first thing i had to _20_,and thats going to prepare me for the future,” she says.【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。从两岁开始brittany blythe膝盖以下的部分就被截去,但是这些年她一直梦想着自己能成为一名拉拉队队员。克服种种身体障碍和人们的嘲讽,她如愿以偿,并对自己的残疾有了新的认识。1a.less than bmore than ca bit dno longer答案a联系下文i dont know how youll be able to do it,可知,他们对此想法没有多少热情。2a.complains brecalls creplies dexplains答案b联系短文的第一句in seventh grade.可知,这些话是她在7年级的时候教练说的,现在她回想着这些话。3a.but bso cthen dnever答案a从第一段可知,当她说出自己的理想时,别人对她没有信心,但是她自己坚持了下来,因此前后为转折关系。4a.if bwhen cunless dbecause答案b联系空后的she was right there可知,当大三学生拉拉队赢得了去年的锦标赛的时候,她就在队里面。5a.playing and singing bdancing and cheeringcstudying and walking dwatching and shouting答案b因为她们是大三学生拉拉队队员,因此她们在表演中的动作是跳舞与欢呼。其他选项都不符合拉拉队所做的。6a.feet bhands clegs darms答案c联系空后的below the knee以及下文的描述可知,她膝盖以下的部分被截去了。7a.without bwith con dabout答案a联系空后的“just blood and muscle tissue.”可知,出生的时候她没有胫骨。8a.says bmakes crecalls dputs答案d空前的just blood and muscle tissue是她的陈述,put在这里的意思是“陈述”。a有一定的干扰性,say后面一般不跟it。9a.well bslowly cquickly dlater答案c联系from day one,i basically jumped up and wanted to do.可知,她适应得非常快。10a.nothing beverything csomething danything答案b从空前的from day one,i basically jumped up可知,从第一天,她就想做一切事情。11a.slowly bheavily csteadily dtiredly答案a联系空前的but以及空后的take the legs off and walk on her knees可知,安上假肢后,尽管她很快适应了,但是跑的速度太慢了。12 a.decision bopinion csolution dpromise答案c联系下文的take the legs off and walk on her knees可知,这是她解决自己跑得慢的办法。13a.exist bpermit cdisappear dhelp答案b联系空前的safety and comfort,可知,只要安全与舒适允许,她才这样做的。14a.encouraged bsupported cwatched dteased答案d联系空后的but she says the _15_(challenge)only made her stronger可知,有的人嘲笑她。15a.disability bcondition ceducation dchallenge答案d联系上文可知,别人对她嘲笑,但是她把这些挑战看做是使得她更坚强的东西。16a.allow bconvince cforce dforbid答案b她努力劝服她的教练让她摘掉假肢。convince在这里的意思是“说服”。17a.cheerleader bplayer ccoach dgirl答案a本空以及后面的内容是对a flyer的解释,也就是被队友抛在空中然后接住的拉拉队队员。18a.observed bcheered ccaught dloved答案c联系空前的thrown in the air可知,先是被抛在空中,然后接住。19a.difficult bimportant cindependent dspecial答案a从空前的doesnt think可知,她觉得自己的问题比别人艰难不到哪里去。20a.make up blearn about cget through dend up答案c从空前的my disability was the first thing i had to 可知,她首先要克服的是自己的残疾。get through意思是“克服”。make up弥补;编造;learn about学习;end up结束。 维a 完形填空(每题1.5分,满分30分)选材相似度:设题相似度:难度系数:a family had a hobby of putting together jigsaw puzzles.the father regularly brought home puzzles of greater and greater _1_.one night he _2_ his family with a puzzle of over one thousand pieces.immediately they _3_ it.after an hour,_4_,the family was frustrated.no matter how hard they tried,they couldnt get the _5_ started.the father then discovered that he had _6_ switched the box top with the top from another puzzle.the picture they were looking at wasnt the puzzle they were _7_.we may feel _8_ with god because he doesnt live up to the _9_ we have of him.sometimes we feel frustrated with the church because it doesnt _10_ the ideal church that we have in mind.were often frustrated with _11_ because they fall short of expectations that we have of them.perhaps we should consider _12_ the problem in all these cases is that we are _13_ our expectations on a distorted viewof god or of the church or of others.perhaps our expectations are _14_ and can never be realized because weve been looking at the _15_ on the wrong box top.we may also feel frustrated with _16_ because we dont believe we live up to what others want from us or _17_ what we think god wants from us.more often than not,though,our problem is trying to make ourselves into someone elses image or _18_ ourselves to fit someone elses standards for us.god created us each to be _19_.we all have our own “boxtoppicture,” and the only way we can ever be _20_ in life is to be ourselves,allowing god to use us just the way we are.notes:jigsaw puzzles智力拼图玩具distorted view偏见【语篇解读】 本文是议论文。作者首先讲述了一家人在玩智力拼图时遇到的困难,然后联想到生活中我们也会有如此的经历,认识到只有勇敢做自己,我们才能成功。1a.interest bexcitement cdifficulty dfun答案c从后面他们遇到困难可以知道,他们买的拼图玩具难度也越来越大。2a.presented bhelped ccovered dtaught答案a一天晚上他给家人带回了一个一千多块的拼图玩具。其他选项均有一定的干扰性,联系上文的“the father regularly brought home puzzles”可以得出答案。3a.made bmanaged csolved dtried答案d联系下文的“the family was frustrated”可知这个家庭进行了没有成功的尝试。make it指“做到”;manage it指“设法对付过去”;solve it指“解决”。4a.therefore bhowever cstill dthen答案b前后为转折关系。5a.engine btop cpuzzle dquestion答案c由上下文可知他们要开始的是智力拼图,因此本空用puzzle。6a.accidentally boccasionally cimmediately dpurposely答案a他偶然地用另一个游戏的顶部接到这个游戏的顶部。occasionally指“有时候”;immediately指“立刻”;purposely指“故意地”。7a.meeting with bworking on cmaking up dknowing of答案b此处指“他们正在解决这个游戏”,因此用work on。meet with“偶然遇到”;make up“编造”;know of“知道有关情况”。8a.anxious bthankful cfrustrated dsad答案c联系空后的“because he doesnt live up to.”可知,因为上帝没有实现我们对他的期待,我们会很失落的。联系后面几段我们也可以得出答案。9a.promises bhopes cactions dexpectations答案d他没有实现我们对他的期望。空前的live up to意思是“实践,实现”。promise“承诺”;hope“希望”;action“行为”。10a.match up with bfit in clook like dstand for答案a这个教堂跟我们心目中的教堂不相配。match up with意思是“匹配”。fit in“装配”;look like“看上去像”;stand for“代表”。11a.friends brelatives cothers dchildren答案c联系下文中的“of god or of the church or of others”可以得出答案。12a.whether bhow cwhy dwhat答案awhether引导宾语从句,在句中的意思是“是否”。13a.focusing bbasing cmaking dbreaking答案b我们把期待建立在偏见之上。a项有一定的干扰性,focus.on的意思是“集中”。14a.useful bpractical cimproper dunrealistic答案d联系空后的“can never be realized ”可知,我们的期待是不现实的。useful“有用的”;practical“切合实际的”;improper“不适当的”。15a.style bdesign cpicture dshape答案c联系文章第二段最后一句“the picture they were looking at.”可以得出答案。16a.god bchurches cothers dourselves答案d联系空后的“because we dont believe we live up to what others want from us or.”可知,因为我们不能实现别人甚至上帝对我们的期待,我们对自己也会失落。17a.even bever calso donly答案aeven在这里表示程度的加深。甚至我们觉得我们都不能实现上帝对我们的期待。18a.improve bchange chelp dforce答案b联系空后的“fit someone elses standards for us”可知,我们改变自己以适应别人对我们的标准。从下文中的“to be ourselves”也可以得到答案提示。19a.necessary bhelpful cdifferent dgreat答案c联系空后的“we all have our own.”可以得出答案。20a.independent bhappy cknown dsuccessful答案d只有做自己我们才能成功。 完形填空(记叙文).at the edge of a forest, stood a big tree. its branches spread out majestically and so did its roots. it1people from the sun under its shady leaves, and provided2to countless birds and other3creatures in its branches.at the foot of the tree4a little plant. the plant was willowy and delicate, and 5keel over at the touch of the slightest breeze.one day, the two neighbours were having a little chat. “well, little one, ” said the tree to the6, “why do you not plant your feet7in the ground, and raise your head boldly in the air8i do? ”“i see no need to do so, ” whispered the plant with a smile. “actually, i think i may be9this way. ”“safer! ” sneered the tree. “are you10 that youre safer than i am?do you know how deep my11are buried, how thick and strong my trunk is?even if two men hold hands they would not be able to12my trunk. who could possibly pluck me by the roots or13my head to the ground? ”and the tree turned away from the plant angrily. but the tree was to14its words very soon. one evening a great hurricane15in the region. it moved the trees out of their roots and almost completely16the forest.when the storm had17, the villagers living nearby surve


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