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复读中心2013届英语一轮复习语法专题学案二名词性从句预习案. 目标和要求 1,弄清名词性从句的概念 2,分清名词性从句的类型 3,正确运用名词性从句的连接词 4,运用名词性从句造句,自我检测一, 分析下面的句子结构1,Who will win the match is still unknown. 2,I want to know what he has told you. 3,The fact is that we have lost the game. 4,The news that we won the game is exciting. ,归纳总结1, 名词性从句的特点 2, 名词性从句可分为 从句, 从句, 从句和 从句。3, 他们的连接词为 4,引导名词性从句的连接词可分为三类: 从属连词: that, whether, if不充当从句的任何成分 连接代词: what, whatever, who, whoever, whom, whose, which, whichever. (作主、宾、表、补) 连接副词: when,where,how,why, however, wherever(状) ,Discussion你认为在学习名词性从句时需要注意的问题是什么?复读中心2013届英语一轮复习语法专题学案二名词性从句导学案 主语从句, 导入 用适当的连接词填空 1, the college will take in more new students this year is true. 2, he can finish his task on time is of great importance 3, It is quite clear China will win more gold prizes in London Olympic Games. 4, we cant get seems better than what we already have. 5, the letter was from is still unknown. 6, of you gets here first will get the prize.7, acupuncture(针灸) reduces and relieves pain is unclear针灸是如何减轻和解除疼痛的还不清楚。8, dinosaurs suddenly disappeared still remains a mystery恐龙为什么突然消失了还是个谜。,分析,归纳与总结 1, 引导主语从句的连接词主要有三类 ;从属连接词 , 。 连接代词what , , , , 等。 连接副词 , , , 等2,这些连接词所起的作用是什么?,巩固与运用 一, 翻译句子 1,众所周知,陈奕迅是一位流行歌手。 2,你说的一切都是对的。3,我忽然想起我们应制订一个新计划。( strike )4,你什么时候执行这个计划取决于你自己。(depend)5,他们搬到什么地方没有人知道。(move)6,谁要是在伦敦奥运上赢得金牌就会出名和富有。(win) 7,据报道中国已获得最多的奥运金牌。 二,What have you got from the lesson?,补充内容一,.常见的it作形式主语的结构1)It is a fact that he won the match.2)It is necessary that we do study the English.3)It is known to all that light travels in straight lines.4)It seemed that he would come here基本句型结构常用词语It is + 名词 + that从句It is a fact/a shame/a pity/no wonder/good news/thatIt is + 形容词 + that从句It is necessary/strange/important/possible/likely/that这类主语从句中,谓语动词常为(should)+动词原形It is + 过去分词 + that从句It is said/reported/decided/known/thatIt + 不及物动词 + that从句It seemed/happened/doesnt matter/has turned out/that二、it 作形式主语和it引导强调句的比较 it 作形式主语代替主语从句,主要是为了平衡句子结构, 主语从句的连接词有变化。而it引导的强调句则是对句子某一部分进行强调,无论强调的是什么成分,都可用连词that。被强调部分指人是也可用who/whom。例如:u It is a pity that you didnt go to see the film.u It doesnt interest me whether you succeed or not.u It is in the morning that the murder took place.u It is John that broke the window.复读中心2013届英语一轮复习语法专题学案二名词性从句导学案 (2)宾语从句, 导入 填空 1,I think 我认为你应该向老师寻求帮助。(turn)2,I dont know he still lives here after so many years我不知道这么多年后他是否还住在这儿。3,I11 just say comes into my mind我想到什么就说什么。4,Ive been thinking about the newspaper more interesting我一直在考虑如何使我们的报纸更用趣。(make)5, He asked me when the next day他问我第二天什么时候可以出发。(set)6 The teacher told us if we put our hearts into it老师告诉我们世上无难事,只怕有心人。(difficult),分析,归纳与总结1,引导宾语从句的连接词主要有三类:连接词 , , 等,连接代词 , , , , , ,等连接副词 , , , ,等 2,这些连接词所起的作用是什么?,Discussion在学习宾语从句时我们应注意的问题有哪些?IV,巩固与运用 翻译句子1,你知道古代的奥运会是什么时间开始的吗? (begin) 2.她说她要在他桌子上留个便条。(leave) 3,我们对你是否参加会议感兴趣。(interested) 4,她总想着如何才能为别人做得更多。(think of)5,他说光比声音传播得快。(travel)6,请让我知道你是否能来。 7 , Only when I left my parents for Italy did I realize . (love) 只有当我离开父母去意大利时我才意识到我是多么爱他们。,补充内容在使用宾语从句时需要注意下面几点:(1)动词find,feel,think,consider,make,believe,guess,suppose,assume等后有宾语补足语时,则需要用it作形式宾语,而将that宾语从句后置。如:I think it necessary that we take plenty of boiled water every day我认为每天多喝开水是有必要的。 (3)介词后的宾语从句。如:We are talking about whether we admit students into our club我们正在讨论是否让学生加入我们的俱乐部。(4)宾语从句的否定转移。将think,believe,suppose,expect,fancy,imagine等动词后面宾语从句的否定词转移到主句中,即主句的谓语动词用否定式,而从句的谓语动词用肯定式。如:I dont think I know you我想我并不认识你。I dont believe he will come我相信他不回来。复读中心2013届英语一轮复习语法专题学案二名词性从句导学案 (3)同位语从句, 导入 填空 1,They expressed the hope we would go and visit Shanghai again.2, Theres a feeling in me well never know what a UFO not never.3, He didnt answer the question . 他没有回答我们应该把钢琴放在哪里这个问题。4,The students asked me the question .学生问了我这个问题:这本书是否值得一读。,分析,归纳与总结1,同位语从句的特点:同位语从句在句子中作, 的同位语,一般位于该 之后,说明该 的具体内容。这些 常见的有idea fact, , , , , , , , , , 等。2,引导同位语从句的连接词主要有 , , , , , ,等,Discussion1,同位语从句和定语从句的区别是什么?IV,巩固与运用 完成句子 1, The thought makes me feel worried.(lose)我有可能迷路这一想法让我感到很紧张。 2, The question hasnt been considered.(n


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