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高二教学质量检测期中英语试题(a)本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分,第卷1至4页,第卷第5页。满分为120分。考试用时100分钟。第卷(三部分,共75分)注意事项:1. 答第卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。2. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净,再选涂其它答案。不能答在试卷上。3. 考试结束,将第卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。modernism was invented in _ 1920s by _ group of architects who want to change society with buildings that went against peoples feeling of beauty.a. the; the b. the; a c. /; a d. /; the2. -get a move on, or we will be late again for sandras lecture.- _? you really want to attend her boring lecture?a. so what b. how come c. why not d. what is it3. continuous efforts are the keys that will unlock the door to your future and make tomorrow _ you want it to be.a. when b. that c. what d. as4. hes worked very hard for the company and _ higher salary.a. deserves b. deserts c. designs d. despairsa. imitate b. intimate c. initiate d. impact 5. with such a large international population _ in new york, true natives are hard to find these days.a. living b. to live c. live d. lived6. o henrys novel has a(n) _ ending. what will happen in the end is always beyond your expectation.a. available b. surprising c. considerate d. normal7. jennifer is very popular among her students as she always tries her every effort to make them _ in her lecture.a. interest b. interested c. interesting d. interest 8. thank you for your timely instruction and encouragement. without your valuable help, i _ in the examination.a. will fail b. have failed c. would have failed d. must have failed9. parents are supposed to allow children the space to voice their opinions, _ they are very different from their own.a. even if b. as if c. unless d. as though10. on the first day of school, our teacher challenged us to get to know someone _ we dont know.a. who b. whom c. / d. when 11. in the changing world, society has changed a lot and _.a. so the people in it have b. so have the people in it c. neither have the people in it d. neither the people in it have12. all in all, if you are a successful language learner, you probably _ actively and purposefully.a. learned b. is learning c. learn d. have been learning13. the press conference, originally due to be held last week, was finally _.a. turned off b. set off c. taken off d. put off 14. some alternative energy, such as solar energy, wind force and water flow, slow down the rate _ we use up our resources.a. in that b. of that c. at which d. to which15. i really thought id pass the driving test. - oh, well, _, bill.a. you are wrong b. i agree with you c. best wishes d. better luck next time 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。about a year ago, i went to stay at a detroit hotel. i didnt want to _16_ too much money with me, so i _17_ the desk clerk to put a hundred-dollar bill in the _18_ for me.the next morning, however, the clerk said that he knew nothing about my money. i didnt have any proof _19_ i had given the man the money. there was clearly _20_ left to do but go to the nearest lawyer at once.the lawyer _21_ me to return to the hotel with him and give _22_ hundred-dollar bill to the clerk. _23_ we did. an hour later, i went back to the desk and asked for my money together with the lawyer. _24_ i had the lawyer as an eyewitness to the _25_ hundred-dollar bill, the clerk could not _26_ he knew nothing about it. so he took out the bill from the safe and handed it to me.another hour later, i put the second part of the lawyers plan into action. this time both the lawyer and i went to the _27_ to ask for the hundred-dollar once again. no matter _28_ i said, the clerk who kept my bill _29_ that he had given it to me. i said it was not _30_. the lawyer said to him, “i _31_ this gentleman give you a hundred-dollar bill. if you dont hand it in immediately, i will be forced to call the _32_.” now the clerk felt quite _33_, so he gave me back the first hundred-dollar bill.“i dont know _34_ to thank you enough for getting my money back,” i said to the lawyer. and what do you suppose he answered? he said, “oh, dont _35_ me. that will be one hundred dollars, please.”16aborrow bspendcwastedcarry17amadebaskedcallowed dlet18asafebdeskcbox dbag19athatbwhichcwhere dwhen20asomethingbnothingcanything deverything21ahoped bagreedcinsisted dadvised22athe otherbanothercothers dother23asuchballcso dmuch24aso bthoughceven if dbecause25afirstbsecondcthirddone26asaybadmit cpermit drecognize27arestaurantbbank chotel dhospital28awhatbwhatevercwhich dhow29asuggestedbinsistedcrequired drequested30atruebsurecexactdnice31aforced bmadecallowed dsaw32apolice bjudgecofficial dofficer33acontent bnervouscangrydsad34awhenbwhatcwhere dhow35athankbpraisecleavedfool第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)请认真阅读下列短文,从每题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂 aa new study suggests that early exposure to germs strengthens the immune system. that means letting children get a little dirty might be good for their health later in life.the study involved laboratory mice. it found that adult mice raised in a germ-free environment were more likely to develop allergies, asthma and other autoimmune disorders. there are more than eighty disorders where cells that normally defend the body instead attack tissues and organs.dr. blumberg and a team have what they say is the first biological evidence to link early exposure to germs to stronger adult immune systems. they say this exposure could prevent the development of some autoimmune diseases.in the adult germ-free mice, they found that inflammation in the lungs and colon was caused by so-called killer t cells. these normally fight infection. but they became overactive and targeted healthy tissue - an autoimmune condition seen in asthma and a disease called ulcerative colitis.dr. blumberg says the mice raised in a normal environment did not have the same reaction. he says their immune systems had been educated by early exposure to germs.rates of autoimmune disorders are rising worldwide, but mostly in wealthier, industrialized countries.richard blumberg: i think one obvious question, for example, thats raised by these studies is the early life use of antibiotics and whether we need to be more careful in their prescribing.rob dunn is a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at north carolina state university in raleigh. he says the new study does not mean people should stop washing.rob dunn: wash your hands, but dont do it with antimicrobial soap. let your kids play in a reasonable amount of dirt and get outside and get exposed to a diversity of things.36.where will this article appear?a. journal science b. textbook c. newspaper d. magazine37. according to rob dunn, which statement is true?a. the dirtier, the better b. its never too clean to wash c. dont overdo it with cleanness d. live a wash-free life38. what do we know about t cells? a. it is a kind of cell causing diseases b. it will result in infection c. it will work actively if well educated c. it usually targeted healthy tissue 39. which is not true according to the passage? a. early exposures to germs will stronger adult immune systems. b. autoimmune disorders mainly rise in underdeveloped countries. c. mice raised in a germ-free environment were more likely to develop allergies. d. mice in ordinary environment will probably be healthier than the ones that are not.40 the author of the passage seems to _. a. believe the more cleaner, the better b. doubt the result of the research c. be confused about the research d. report fairly on the research bresearch has shown that heart attack victims who have pets live longer. even watching a tank full of fish may lower blood pressure. a study of 92 patients with heart attack found that those who owned pets were more likely to be alive a year later than those who did not. the therapeutic(有助医疗的) use of pets as companions has gained increasing attention in recent years for a wide variety of patients -people with aids or cancer, the elderly, and the mentally ill. unlike people, with whom our interactions may be quite complex, animals provide a constant source of comfort and focus for attention. they also make us feel safe and unconditionally accepted. research has shown that pet ownership can reduce stress, requires less medical care and add years to your life. it does not matter what the pet is to get the therapeutic benefit. it could be a dog, a cat, a gold fish or anything else. the only thing which matters is whether the animal interests you. however, it is important that the pet you have selected fit your personality, living space and lifestyle. otherwise it will be additional source of stress. people will feel relaxed by touching their pets. and speechless communication with a pet, or simply watching a cat or fish, may produce a relaxation response with little demand on the patient. pet owners often feel needed and responsible, which may make the survival desire stronger. they feel they need to survive to take care of their pets. feeding a dog, watching a cat playing, or observing the fish swimming freely can comfort a bad mood or a tiresome day. pets such as dogs and cats provide unconditional love and loyalty. and pets can shift our narrow focus beyond ourselves, helping us to feel connected to a larger world. 41. we can know from the passage who may not be suitable to get a pet?the mentally illpeople with deadly illnessthe old peopled. a little child42. according to paragraph 2, which one is wrong?a. the interactions with pets are complexb. owing a pet can make you live longer.c. pets can bring you comfort constantly.d. pets can give you unconditional acceptance. 43. we can infer from paragraph 3 _.a. what pet to choose matters moreb. getting a pet can bring you additional stressc. get a pet fitting you d. get a pet requiring less therapeutic benefit44. what make a pet owner eager to live longer according to paragraph 4? a. the feeling to be needed and responsible.b. the relaxation response with little demand on the patient.c. the speechless communication with a pet d. watching a cat playing, or observing the fish swimming45. what is the passage mainly about?a. how to feed pets.b. what pets to feed.c. what benefit pets can bring.d. pet as therapy.csome animals will defend their territory by fighting with those who try to invade it. fighting, however, is not often the best choice, since it uses up a large amount of energy, and can result in injury or even death. most animals rely on various threats, either through vocalizations or smells. the songs of birds, the drumming of woodpeckers and the loud calls of monkeys are all warnings that carry for long distances, advertising to potential invaders that someone elses territory is being approached. many animals rely on smells to mark their territories, spraying urine, leaving droppings or rubbing scent glands around the territories borders. approaching animals will be warned off the territory without ever encountering the territorys defender.sometimes, these warnings may be ignored, and an invader may move accidentally into a neighboring territory, or two animals may meet near the border of their nearby territories. when two individuals of a territorial species meet, they will generally threaten each other with visual displays. these displays often will often exaggerate an animals size by the fluffing up of feathers or fur, or will show off the animals weapons. the animals may go through all the behavior of fighting without ever actually touching each other, a behavior known as ritual(仪式的) fighting. the displays are generally performed best near the center of an animals territory, where it is more likely to attack an invader and where retreating becomes more of a choice. actual fighting usually only happens in overcrowded conditions, when resources are not enough. serious injury can result, and old or sick animals may die, leading to a more balanced population size. under most natural conditions, territoriality is an effective way of maintaining a healthy population. the study of social behaviors such as territoriality in animals may help us also to understand human society.46. what is the main idea of the passage?which fight animals like bestwhen animals will fighthow animals defend their territorywhere the fighting will take place47. if an invader enters a cats territory center, the cat probably_ a. rubs scent glands around the territory borders. b. fights directly with the invader c. fluffs up its fur and tail to warn the invader to leave. d. sprays urine and leaves droppings to prove its identity48. an actual fight will happen when_ a. they meet near the border of their adjacent territories b. the invader enters the defenders territories c. the defender notices the invader far apart. d. the living resources are limited in the territory49. we can infer from the text that territoriality will have influence on animals in many aspects except_. a. its food b. its health c. its population d. its feather and fur50. what does the underlined word “exaggerate” mean? a. enlarge b. change c. shakes d. shrinks di have been teaching in the united states for three semesters. during this time, i have been very impressed with the hardworking american students. tuition fees in american universities are pretty expensive. most american students receive little, if any, financial support. as a result, they have to work hard to pay for their tuition and other basic expenses. tertiary(高等)education is a necessity in todays workforce. young people with a higher education are rewarded with a good career and better salary. so how do american students support themselves?all my american students have to work to pay for their tuition. for this reason, most universities provide limited jobs for students who need economic help. they also help students search for jobs in the community. i have been touched to see some students are so worn out from their jobs that they take naps in my classroom. in addition to holding down parttime jobs, students are also expected to take part in various social and sporting activities and, in fact ,those who do not take part are often looked down upon by their peers.a number of american university students are married with families, or are single parents. these students are faced with the additional burden of raising a family. last year, one of my best students missed several of my classes. when i called him to ask why, he told me he and his wife, who is also a student, were weighed down with the responsibilities of caring for their two-month old daughter along with their studies. he felt the only answer was to leave temporarily from his studies.most american university professors are strict. they test students on every unit in their courses, in addition to mid-term and final exams in each semester. a lack of preparation by students may result in their failure. this means the loss of a lot of money and possibly future employment opportunities for these students. for this reason, many american students will study or stay up all night before an exam, in an effort to pass. in contrast chinese students have a much easier time, because most chinese parents pay for their kidstertiary education. so, chinese students have no reason for not studying hard and achieving good marks.1. all the following statements are supported by the passage except_a. american students have no time to think of physical exercisesb. sporting activities are popular among american studentsc. american students should take part in various social activitiesd. those who dont like to take part in social and sporting activities are usually laughed by others2. compared with american students, chinese university students_.a. have no difficulty in paying their feesb. live a fairly easy life in universitiesc. dont have to take parttime jobsd. have the duty to make greater progress3. the best title of this passage should be_.a. part time jobs chosen by american studentsb. the high fees of american universitiesc. the difficult lives of the american studentsd. different opinions on american universities4. all the following are difficulties american students have to face except_.a. they have to work hard to pay the high tuition feesb. many american students have a burden of a familyc. they need a good education to get a good jobd. they have to pass strict tests to complete their education5. where can you most read this passage?a. in a students book b. in a news report c. in a technology magazine d. in a teachers diary第ii卷第四部分:书面表达(共三节,满分45分)阅读表达do you want to work with


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