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湖北省黄冈市高考英语一轮 阅读理解精品训练题(8)(含解析).doc_第2页
湖北省黄冈市高考英语一轮 阅读理解精品训练题(8)(含解析).doc_第3页
湖北省黄冈市高考英语一轮 阅读理解精品训练题(8)(含解析).doc_第4页
湖北省黄冈市高考英语一轮 阅读理解精品训练题(8)(含解析).doc_第5页




黄冈市2014高考英语一轮(精品)阅读理解训练题(8)附解析a friend of mine named paul received an expensive car from his brother as a christmas present. on christmas eve when paul came out of his office, a street urchin (顽童)was walking around the shining car. is this your car, paul? he asked.paul answered, yes, my brother gave it to me for christmas. the boy was surprised. you mean your brother gave it to you and it didnt cost you anything. boy, i wish.he hesitated (犹豫).of course paul knew what he was going to wish for. he was going to wish he had a brother like that. but what the boy said surprised paul greatly.i wish, the boy went on, that i could be a brother like that. paul looked at the boy in surprise, then he said again; would you like to take a ride in my car? oh, yes, id love that. after a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes shining, said, paul, would you mind driving in front of my house?paul smiled a little. he thought he knew what the boy wanted. he wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big car. but paul was wrong again. will you stop where those two steps are? the boy asked.he ran up to the steps. then in a short while paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. he was carrying his little crippled ( 残疾 ) brother. he sat him down on the step and pointed to the car.there he is, buddy, just like i told you upstairs. his brother gave it to him for christmas and it didnt cost him a cent. and some day im going to give you one just like it. then you can see for yourself all the nice things in the christmas window that ive been trying to tell you about.paul got out and lifted the boy to the front seat of his car. the shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and three of them began an unforgettable holiday ride.67. the street urchin was very surprised when_ .a. paul received an expensive car b. paul told him about the carc. he saw the shining car d. he was walking around the car68. from the story we can see the urchin_ .a. wished to give his brother a car b. wanted pauls brother to give him a carc. wished he could have a brother like paulsd. wished paul could be a brother like that69. the urchin asked paul to stop his car in front of his house_ .a. to show his neighbours the big car b. to show he had a rich friendc. to let his brother ride in the car d. to tell his brother about his wish70. we can infer from the story that_.a. paul couldnt understand the urchinb. the urchin had a deep love for his brotherc. the urchin wished to have a rich brotherd. the urchins wish came true in the end71. the best title of the story is_ .a. a christmas present b. a street urchinc. a brother like that d. an unforgettable holiday ride参考答案-67-b a d b c*结束attractionsdo you:love the national park, value it and hope to safeguard its future?wish to see the beautiful landscape of the park protected?like to enjoy peaceful, informal recreation within the park?aimsthe friends organization aims are to help protect and improve the pembrokeshire coast national park for all to enjoy. we are a voluntary organization and registered charity without financial links to the national park authority.activitieswe encourage everyone to enjoy the national park through regular talks and visits to interesting places in the park with expert guides.we keep an eye on planning applications, park authority policies and threats to the national park such as massive leisure complexes. we work with likeminded organizations such as the campaign for national parks to make our voice more effective.we help children to understand the national park by sponsoring publications such as an adventure booklet and projects in local schools.benefitsguided visits to places of interest which may not always be available to the general public.all members receive our regular news and views.talks by experts in their fields on current issues.a discount is available on friends items for sale.satisfaction of participation in work parties, for those willing and able to be involved.if interested, please complete the application form at www._.uk. (2011江苏卷,b)本篇是一份海报,介绍了一个叫做“friends organization”的组织。9which of the following is discouraged by the friends organization?a. to build massive complexes for public amusement.b. to prevent possible damages to the national park.c. to help protect and improve the park for all to enjoy.d. to sponsor publications and projects in local schools.答案:a。细节理解题。由activities中第二段第一句“we keep an eye on.and threats to the national park such as massive leisure complexes.”可知,这一组织不赞成建大量的休闲娱乐设施。10. one of the benefits for members of friends is to_.a. have friends goods free of chargeb. visit any place not open to the publicc. take part in work parties if they want tod. give talks in their fields on current issues答案:c。细节理解题。由benefits中的第五条“satisfaction of participation in work parties, for those willing and able to be involved.”可知c项符合题意。11the purpose of this poster is to invite more people to_.a. raise money for the friends organizationb. join the friends organization and be members of itc. work as managers for pembrokeshire national parkd. enjoy the landscape of pembrokeshire national park答案:b。写作意图题。由文章最后一句“if interested, please complete the application form at .uk.”可知该海报的目的是邀请更多的人参与。 (2011湖南卷,c)a recent study of ancient and modern elephants has come up with the unexpected conclusion that the african elephant is divided into two distinct(不同的) species.the discovery was made by researchers at york and harvard universities when they were examining the genetic relationship between the ancient woolly mammoth and mastodon to modern elephantsthe asian elephant, african forest elephant, and african savanna elephant.once they obtained dna sequences (序列)from two fossils (化石), mammoths and mastodons, the team compared them with dna from modern elephants. they found to their amazement that modern forest and savanna elephants are as distinct from each other as asian elephants and mammoths.the scientists used detailed genetic analysis to prove that the african savanna elephant and the african forest elephant have been distinct species for several million years. the divergence of the two species took place around the time of the divergence of asian elephants and woolly mammoths. this result amazed all the scientists.there has long been debate in the scientific community that the two might be separate species, but this is the most convincing scientific evidence so far that they are indeed different species.previously, many naturalists believed that african savanna elephants and african forest elephants were two populations of the same species, despite the elephants significant size differences. the savanna elephant has an average shoulder height of 3.5 metres while the forest elephant has an average shoulder height of 2.5 metres. the savanna elephant weighs between six and seven tons, roughly double the weight of the forest elephant. but the fact that they look so different does not necessarily mean they are different species. however the proof lay in the analysis of the dna.alfred roca, assistant professor in the department of animal sciences at the university of illinois, said, “we now have to treat the forest and savanna elephants as two different units for conservation purposes. since 1950, all african elephants have been conserved as one species. now that we know the forest and savanna elephants are two very distinctive animals, the forest elephant should become a bigger priority (优先) for conservation purposes.”本文讲述了一项新的科学发现:通过对非洲森林大象和非洲草原大象dna的鉴定,科学家们得出结论:它们是两种不同的物种。我们要保护这些珍稀动物。12one of the fossils studied by the researchers is that of _athe asian elephant bthe forest elephant cthe savanna elephant dthe mastodon elephant 答案:d。细节理解题。由第3段第一句话“.two fossils,mammoths and mastodons.”可知d项正确。13the underlined word “divergence”in paragraph 4 means “_ ”aevolution bexhibition cseparation dexamination 答案:c。词义猜测题。科学家门一直在证明非洲森林大象和非洲草原大象是两种不同的物种,他们之间的分歧使科学家们大为惊讶。14the researchers conclusion was based on a study of the african elephants _.adna bheight cweight dpopulation答案:a。细节理解题。由倒数第二段最后一句话“however the proof lay in the analysis of the dna”可知。15what are alfred rocas words mainly about?athe conservation of african elephants.bthe purpose of studying african elephants.cthe way to divide african elephants into two units.dthe reason for the distinction of african elephants.答案:a。推理判断题。由文章最后一段“.for conservation purposes”可知a项正确。16which of the following can be the best title for the passage?anaturalists beliefs about elephantsbamazing experiments about elephantscan unexpected finding about elephantsda long scientific debate about elephants答案:c。主旨大意题。全文讲述了关于非洲大象的一项意外的发现。(三)(2011四川卷)i truly feel that my mother led me here,to morzaine,and to my future as a happy wife and businesswoman. when mum _1_ in october 2007, i was a cook. in december that year, while i was working for a wedding, a pearl necklace mum had left me _2_. i was distraught(忧心如焚的). some days later, i was _3_ that a guy who was working with us that day, “could probably have made a fortune _4_ the necklace he found.”_5_, he returned it. hearing how id _6_ mum for six months before her death, he said,“christmas is going to be _7_why not go out to the alps for a couple of weeks?”i came to morzaine, a small, friendly village in the alps and _8_ fell in love with it. what was _9_ to be a stopgap (权宜之计) trip turned into a new life. i kept travelling between london and here and felt _10_ than i had in months. in december 2008, i was _11_ as a hotel manager and moved here full time.a month later, i met paul, who was travelling here. we fell in love. in the beginning, i didnt want to discuss _12_, because the sadness of losing mum _13_ felt great. paul understood that and never _14_ me but, by summer, we got married. a year later, we used his saving, and the money from the sale of mums house, to build our own _15_.we want to give our guests a _16_ feel, so each room is themed(以为主题) around memories from our lives. there are also styles to remind me of muma tiny chair which _17_ be in her bedroom is set in one room.we are having a wonderful life and mum _18_ naturally part of it, _19_ theres no way we would be here if it wasnt for the _20_ she gave me. i know shes here in spirit, keeping an eye on us.妈妈去世了,她给我留下的珍珠项链不见了。幸运的是,这根项链的失主与发现者最终喜结良缘。1a.died bcame creturned dvisited答案:a。在下文中提到了“before her death”可以找到信息,即妈妈去世了。2a.burned bdisappearedcbroke ddropped 答案:b。在下文中有“the necklace he found”一句话,可以断定这根项链曾是不见了,或丢了。而选项d表示:掉在地上,而不表示丢失之意。3a.shown bcomfortedcpersuaded dtold答案:d。i was told表示有人告诉我,是被动的关系。而答案c意为:说服。4a.hiding bstealingcselling dwearing答案:c。make a fortune ( in )doing sth.表示做某事发了大财。在本句中表示:卖了项链能够发大财。5a.luckily bnaturallycsurely dhopefully答案:a。既然return,对于失主来说自然是件幸运的事情。副词:luckily常用来做插入语,表示:幸运的是。6a.nursed bcured cmissed dguarded答案:a。nurse在这里为动词,同 take care of,意为:照顾,护理。7a.long bhardcmerry dfree答案:b。根据妈妈去世这个背景,圣诞节是个家人团圆的日


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