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天道留学/ 【天道世界名校介绍】哥伦比亚大学Columbia University学校网址:地理位置:纽约分为布朗克斯区,曼哈顿区,布鲁克林区,皇后区,斯塔腾岛哥伦比亚大学位于纽约市的曼哈顿区的上城的晨边高地,东边哈德逊河,西边东河,中央公园的北面,南邻治安不佳的Harlem区。学校简介:校训:In Thy light shall we see light吉祥物:Columbia Lion 私立大学,全程Columbia University in the city of New York,创立于1754年,美国第五古老的大学,常春藤联盟大学之一。占地面积32英亩,ivy league面积最小的学校,本科生7900多人,研究生19000多人,本科国际生比率11%,研究生国际生比率34%。Overlap:HYP,Upenn,Mit学校优势:综合排名第四,世界知名大学,地处纽约市的曼哈顿,拥有比其他ivy league都要好的地理位置,本科教育注重学生素质的全面培养,研究实力强大。对于这种排名和地理位置的学校,优势无需多言了。课程:哥大知名的Core Curriculum,进入哥大文理学院(Columbia College)的本科新生在第一二第二年一系列必修的课程,具体内容参见/core/requirements包含四部分的要求: Science Requirement Global Core Requirement Foreign Language Requirement Physical Education Requirement课程包含以下内容: Contemporary Civilization Literature Humanities University Writing Art Humanities Music Humanities Frontiers of Science核心课程包含了大量的阅读,因此对学生的阅读能力有很高的要求,非常辛苦,难度很大工程学院(SEAS)的学生的必修课人文方面的要求少一些,因为工科学生工程也有工程必修课,核心课程包含以下部分Core Requirements for Columbia Engineers Calculus Chemistry Computer Science The Art of Engineering Literature Humanities, Contemporary Civilization, or a Global Core sequence Music or Art Humanities Physics Physical Education Principles of Economics Professional-Level Course University Writing专业:英文,历史,政治学,经济,舞蹈,戏剧,计算机,生物医学工程,工业工程和运筹学整体哥大还是一个比较偏文的学校,优势专业以文科,理科为主,工程不是强项,本科没有商学院,有一些商业相关的课程。学院:本科三个学院:Columbia College:哥大最好的学院,主力招生学院,该学院录取难度甚至低于哈佛。CC前两年就是看书。50本书是每个CC学生都要看的。Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science:工程学院,录取难度低于CC,申请时要写一篇why engineering的essay,校园一角,自己的图书馆,有个自己单独的毕业典礼。Core curriculum的课程比cc少,阅读量少,人数也少一些。SEAS不会限制上liberal arts的课,但SEAS的专业课很多,如果要读工程,得报该学院。School of General Studies:给non-traditional student学生的学院,比如高中毕业有gap的,已经独立的(比如已经结婚的,父母双亡的)不能申请CC,只能申请SGS,整体学生平均年龄较大(29),录取率比较高,住单独的宿舍。课程上跟CC的学生一样,一起上课。一样的选课,一样的毕业标准,一样的证书Columbia Combined Plan Program:哥大工学院和CC,以及美国其他一些文理学院合作项目,3+2,4+2的项目,前几年接受文理学院,后两年工科教育,拿BA,BS双学位。合作的文理学院很多,具体看/admissions/learn/academiclife/engineering/combined-plan-program该项目可作为进入哥大的另一途径。录取要求是1. Full-time enrollment at an affiliated school for at least the past two years 2. An overall and pre-engineering GPA of 3.30 or higher, as calculated by Columbia. Additionally, the minimum grade for each pre-engineering science or math course must be a B (3.0) or better on the first attempt. 3. Three favorable recommendations: one each from your institutions Combined Plan liaison, math instructor and science instructor 4. Successful completion, by the end of the spring semester in which you are applying, of the specific prerequisite courses for your intended major as listed in the Pre-Combined Plan Curriculum Guide 5. Completion (before entering Columbia) of the major and distribution requirements prescribed by your home institution for graduationBarnard College:哥大附属女子学院,单独运作管理。有单独的排名。研究生学院:College of Physicians and Surgeons1767College of Dental Medicine1852Columbia Law School1858School of Engineering and Applied Science1864Graduate School of Arts and Sciences1880School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation1881Teachers College, Columbia University1889Columbia University School of Nursing1892Columbia University School of Social Work1898Graduate School of Journalism1912Columbia Business School1916Mailman School of Public Health1922School of International and Public Affairs1946The School of the Arts1948Columbia Universitys School of Continuing Education生活和社交:费用昂贵,I 20上数字是66700申请和奖学金:截止日:秋季入学,ED 11/1截止,12月中出结果,RD 1/1截止,3月底4月初出结果。语言和考试要求:SAT1/ACT,两门SAT2(工程的数学一门+生物化学物理一门)。接受托福或者雅思,最低托福100,雅思7,SAT的CR 650以上可以免托福。转学:3/1截止,至少完成24学分或者一年大学才能转学,gpa 3.5以上,要求SAT/ACT,读了超过两年大学的不建议转。哥大对转学分有比较严格的限制,转学很难。奖学金:need-aware,理论上提供全奖,但实际上很少见到。面试:一般周边地区有校友的会安排面试。申请哥大的常见问题:说说对你影响最大的一本书吧!(common的问题,填readings格式是什么?). s3 a# ?/ % c9 W* E U( 3 R9 W% m6 f: s5 v只要名字+作者就可以了,不用加介绍List the required readings you enjoyed in the past year.8 T5 : r4 0 p% M4 1 y. G: |+ e对于language pertaining course/humanity/arts,就写你所被要求的读物对于Science/Mathematics,可以写被要求的text, article, excerpt,甚至课本的章节(这是原话-.-)只想看一个学生的兴趣,所以不用纠结于写的是不是精妙高深的东西,也没有要求一定要是书籍他们很了解我们的curriculum,所以不用担心他们看不懂哥大录取率来看,CC5.5%,能被CC录的很多都能被HYP录,CC录取难度超大,工学院录取稍好一些。对大陆申请者来说,申请哥大CC,SAT建议至少2200以上,对GPA要求没有其他有些常春藤那么高,需要有一种强大的气场,自信,独立,能从不同角度看问题。哥大喜欢江浙一带的孩子。2011届纯大陆背景的4,5个学生,录取人数少于Upenn。另外哥大转学难度非常大。SAT中位2150-2320,ACT 32-35,98%学生前10% GPA,附上一篇今年以2100+录取哥大CC的学生的essayPS:“That is the Ursa Major.”“Look, Orion.”Dark as it was, my friends and I were sitting on a coach trying to identify all the constellations we knew as we headed to the first base camp of Mount Qomolangma. I looked out at the night sky of slateblue clouds and glittering stars. In the distance the first dim rays appeared, and before long the day broke, sun shining brilliantly on the distant ice peaks. We drove on along the rocky road that curves wildly around the mountains.At the altitude of six thousand meters or so, we stopped at a mountain pass to take a short break and set out again. I took out my Taoism book and in the warm sunlight of Tibet I continued to read. The Way. The Nature. Right and Wrong. The Governing. The Desire and Void. It was unexpectedly easy to be absorbed in the ancient language because everything around me, the bushes, grass, and valleys in the distance, was all in such undisturbed state as if they had always been this way since centuries ago. This quietness provided me with time for introspection and meditation, which an industrialized hometown can hardly afford. Six hours later when we finally got there, the Tibetan sun was shining passionately, melted snow water flowing right beside us, clear as childrens eyes, chilly as the winter breeze.We had to climb over a small hill no higher than twenty meters, but what seemed to be a simple task was now particularly uneasy to tackle: at an altitude of 5,210 meters, we already had trouble breathing in the thin air. Eventually stepping on the platform, I saw the world unfolded in front of me. There was no Noahs Ark, which was to my disappointment, but I saw Taoist Nature here, pure and glad. Heading up, iridescent sutra streamers, the link between the Gods and people, were dancing in the wind. I couldnt help but gasp at the sanctity.My friends reminded me that we had officially come to the border of our country, yet there were no signs of a boundary. There were also supposed to be no signs of human activity in such primitive nature. I recalled the beautiful starry sky we saw last night at the small town of Dingri, where electricity was definitely absent, thus allowing us to witness the uncontaminated night sky. I recalled all the stunning scenery that came into my eyes during the journey, and suddenly wondered if all the socalled developments were really worth the cost, and how we must find a balance between industrialization and conservation. Lao Tzu taught me, all the conceptions of good and bad come from comparison. Before that day I tend to see things the way I want them to be, but might have forgotten the way they really are. Now I know that all my previous judgments had been unfair to this place since nothing should be defined from a predetermined perspective. Having been instilled with the preconception that urbanization means a better life, that urbanization would help the people in an underdeveloped region lead better lives, I had forgotten to consider whether people as well as nature were happy with these “socalled” developments.The question mark that hit me will always remind me to explore unconventional perspectives. My whole life, it seemed, had been lived with all the perceptions and judgments injected by the authorities, textbooks and the elderly. But when I stood in an alternative standpoint and looked at the question from an alternative angle, I found new answers. Nothing is eternal, but the starry nights and the shining peaks on the road will stay with me forever.Short Answers Questions:Q3.Please tell us what you find most appealing about Columbia and why.Columbias student body, diverse, intellectual, and spirited, attracts me. The Colleges quality of the students has never been better, according to Dean Valentini. I can imagine us arguing about inflation or democratic progress in classes as well as in cafeterias and still be friends.Furthermore, the unique Core Curriculum which develops well-rounded characters with well-rounded undergraduate education would enhance my belief that learning is for better serving the society, and actively go further to solve problems with a greater depth and a broader view after questions are posed.Living in an old college in a new city, I may find myself in a public concert by Manhattan School of Music, and come up with a new idea for my Masterpieces of Western music paper; Walking around, I am eager to browse inside the Book Culture; if my roommate and I were starved with studying at 2:00 a.m., Chinatown and Little Italy are always there for us.More importantly, Columbia knows its stand in the world and fully encourages global engagements. Spending a semester in Ghana or a summer in France for would be rewarding to me when I stand in a more objective position and feel how the world works. Other programs like community-based learning programs, civic engagements and volunteering all make up the essence of a responsible campus culture.Being an international student, studying in Columbia, is not the next stop to me. Its the next start.Q4. For applicants to Columbia College, please tell us what attracts you specifically to the field or fields of study that you noted in the Application Data section. If you are currently undecided, please write about any field or fields in which you may have interest at this time, but have not yet selected as a major interest.If I were to choose a major at this instant, I would choose economics.It is true that economics deals with money, but it can do significantly more than earning money. It is only when I have become economically independent, that I could do research I enjoy rather than for financial returns, and afford to start a charity without wo


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