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小学英语试卷一、选择题(110)1. The underlined letters in the following words have the same sound Except _A. Margin B.methodology C. gender D. magnificent 2. those who felt like _ the story again came over and added themselves to the audience.A. Hearing B.to hear C. to be hear D. being heard3._ that the early men feared it and worshipped it. A. so great the power of fire was B. so great was the power of fire C. so great the power was of fire D. so was the power of fire great4._, her paper is of greater value than yours. A. All things be considered B. All things considered C. All things are being considered D. All things are considered5.M: those were such funny stories Tom told last night. W:Yeah, really he is normally serious. What do you think brought all that out of him.A. The woman wants to know where Tom heard the stories.B. The woman is surprised Tom was so serious last night.C. Tom does not usually tell funny stories.D. The stories probably werent true.6. Harry works the night _ in an electronics factory. A. turn B. time C. period D.shift7._ official will not make promises that they can not keep. A. responsible B. effective C. efficient D. respective8. The rhetorical device used in the sentence “Ive invited millions of people to my party” is _ A. irony B. hyperbole C. inversion D.climax9. Different countries have to follow different traffic rules. For example, in _, drivers always drive on the left side of the road. A. Australia B. America C. Germany D. Italy10. Which of the following theories tends to believe that child language development can be viewed as the result of social interaction? A. constructivist theory B. meaningful learning theory C. behaviorist theory D. social-constructivist theory二、完形填空(11-30)Many people wrongly believe that when people reach old age, their families place them in nursing homes.They are left in the 1 of strangers for the rest of their lives.Their 2 children visit them only occasionally, but more often, they do not have any 3 visitors.The truth is that this idea is an unfortunate myth-an 4 story.In fact, family members provide over 80 percent of the care 5 elderly people need.Samuel Prestoon, a sociologist, studied 6 the American family is changing.He reported that by the time the 7 American couple reaches 40 years of age, they have more parents than children. 8 , because people today live longer after an illness than people did years 9 , family members must provide long term care.More psychologists have found that all caregivers 10 a common characteristic: All caregivers believe that they are the best 11 for the job.In other words, they all felt that they 12 do the job better than anyone else.Social workers 13 caregivers to find out why they took 14 the responsibility of caring for an elderly relative.Many caregivers believed they had 15 to help their relative.Some stated that helping others 16 them feel more useful.Others hoped that by helping 17 now, they would deserve care when they became old and 18 .Caring for the elderlyand being taken care of can be a 19 satisfying experience for everyone who might be 20 .1.A.hands B.arms C.bodies D.homes2.A.growing B.grownC.being grown D.having grown3.A.constant B.lasting C.regular D.normal4.A.imaginary B.imaginable C.imaginative D.imagery5.A.that B.this C.those D.these6.A.when B.how C.what D.where7.A.common B.ordinary C.standard D.average8.A.Further B.However C.Moreover D.Whereas9.A.before B.ago C.later D.lately10.A.share B.enjoy C.divide D.consent11.A.person B.people C.character D.man12.A.would B.will C.could D.can13.A.questioned B.interviewed C.inquired D.interrogate14.A.in B.up C.on D.off15.A.admiration B.initiative C.necessity D.obligation16.A.cause B.enable C.make D.get17.A.someone B.anyone C.everyone D.anybody18.A.elderly B.dependent C.dependable D.independent19.A.similarly B.differently C.mutually D.certainly20.A.involved B.excluded C.included D.considered三、阅读理解(1)Social RelasionshipsLife places us in a complex web of relationships with other people. Our humanness arises out of these relationships in the course of social interaction. Moreover, our humanness must be sustained through social interaction and fairly constantly so. When an association continues long enough for two people to become linked together by a relatively stable set of expectations, it is called a relationship.People are bound within relationships by two types of bonds: expressive ties and instrumental ties. Expressive ties are social links formed when we emotionally invest ourselves in and commit ourselves to other people. Through association with people who are meaningful to us, we achieve a sense of security, love, acceptance, companionship, and personal worth. Instrumental ties are social links formed when we cooperate with other people to achieve some goal. Occasionally, this may mean working with instead of against competitors More often, we simply cooperate with others to reach some end without endowing the relationship with any larger significance.Sociologists have built on the distinction between expressive and instrumental ties to distinguish between two types of groups: primary and secondary. A primary group involves two or more people who enjoy a direct, intimate, cohesive relationship with one another. Expressive ties predominate in primary groups; we view the people as ends in themselves and valuable in their own right. A secondary group entails two or more people who are involved in an impersonal relationship and have come together for a specific, practical purpose. Instrumental ties predominate in secondary groups; we perceive people as means to ends rather than as ends in their own right.Sometimes primary group relationships evolve out of secondary group relationships. This happens in many work settings. People on the job often develop close relationships with coworkers as they come to share gripes, jokes, gossip, and satisfactions.31. The word “complex” in the passage is closest in meaning toa. delicateb. elaboratec. privated. common32. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of a relationship?a. It is a structure of associations with many people.b. It should be studied in the course of a social interaction.c. It places great demands on people.d. It develops gradually overtime.33. The word endowing in the passage is closest in meaning toa. leavingb. exposingc. providingd. understanding34. According to paragraph 3, what do sociologists see as the main difference between primary and secondary groups?a. Primary groups consist of people working together, while secondary groups exist outside of work settings.b. In primary groups people are seen as means, while in secondary groups people are seen as ends.c. Primary groups involve personal relationships, while secondary groups are mainly practical in purpose.d. Primary groups are generally small, while secondary groups often contain more than two people.(2)Yawning According to conventional theory, yawning takes place when people are bored or sleepy and serves the function of increasing alertness by reversing, through deeper breathing, the drop in blood oxygen levels that are caused by the shallow breathing that accompanies lack of sleep or boredom. Unfortunately, the few scientific investigations of yawning have failed to find any connection between how often someone yawns and how much sleep they have had or how tired they are. About the closest any research has come to supporting the tiredness theory is to confirm that adults yawn more often on weekdays than at weekends, and that school children yawn more frequently in their first year at primary school than they do in kindergarten.Another flaw of the tiredness theory is that yawning does not raise alertness or physiological activity, as the theory would predict. When researchers measured the heart rate, muscle tension and skin conductance of people before, during and after yawning, they did detect some changes in skin conductance following yawning, indicating a slight increase in physiological activity. However, similar changes occurred when the subjects were asked simply to open their mouths or to breathe deeply. Yawning did nothing special to their state of physiological activity. Experiments have also cast serious doubt on the belief that yawning is triggered by a drop in blood oxygen or a rise in blood carbon dioxide. Volunteers were told to think about yawning while they breathed either normal air, pure oxygen, or an air mixture with an above-normal level of carbon dioxide. If the theory was correct, breathing air with extra carbon dioxide should have triggered yawning, while breathing pure oxygen should have suppressed yawning. In fact, neither condition made any difference to the frequency of yawning, which remained constant at about 24 yawns per hour. Another experiment demonstrated that physical exercise, which was sufficiently vigorous to double the rate of breathing, had no effect on the frequency of yawning. Again the implication is that yawning has little or nothing to do with oxygen.A completely different theory holds that yawning assists in the physical development of the lungs early in life, but has no remaining biological function in adults. It has been suggested that yawning and hiccupping might serve to clear out the fetuses airways. The lungs of a fetus secrete a liquid that mixes with its mothers amniotic fluid. Babies with congenital blockages that prevent this fluid from escaping from their lungs are sometimes born with deformed lungs. It might be that yawning helps to clear out the lungs by periodically lowering the pressure in them. According to this theory, yawning in adults is just a developmental fossil with no biological function. But, while accepting that not everything in life can be explained by Darwinian evolution, there are sound reasons for being skeptical of theories like this one, which avoid the issue of what yawning does for adults. Yawning is distracting, consumes energy and takes time. It is almost certainly doing something significant in adults as well as in fetuses. What could it be?35. The word ”flaw” in the passage is closest in meaning to a. fault b. aspect c. confusion d. mystery 36. In paragragh1, what point does the author make about the evidence for the tiredness theory of yawning?a. There is no scientific evidence linking yawning with tiredness. b. The evidence is wide-ranging because it covers multiple age-groups. c. The evidence is reliable because it was collected over a long period of time. d. The evidence is questionable because the yawning patterns of children and adults should be different. 37. In the paragraph 2, why does the author note that there were physiological changes when subjects opened their mouths or breathed deeply? a. To present an argument in support of the tiredness theory b. To cast doubt on the reliability of the tests that measured heart rate, muscle tension and skin conductance c. To argue against the hypothesis that yawning provides a special way to improve alertness or raise physiological activity d. To support the idea that opening the mouth or breathing deeply can affect blood oxygen levels 38. According to the developmental theory of yawning presented in paragraph 3, what is the role of yawning? a. It caused hiccups, which aid in the development of the lungs. b. It controls the amount of pressure the lungs place on other developing organs. c. It prevents amniotic fluid from entering the lungs. d. It removes a potentially harmful fluid from the lungs. 四阅读理解二(39-42)29文章不全,39题无法做出EYL(English for Young Learners)(English learners are getting younger. Across the world, from Chile to Mongolia, from China to Portugal, English is being introduced in primary schools, with great compulsion .In practice, young learners face obstacles that the older learners do not. On rationale for teaching languages to young children is the idea that they find it easier to learn language than older studentsThere are many hazard attached to EYL, not least of which is that it requires teachers who are proficient in English, have wide training in child development, and who are able to motivate you children. Such teachers are in short supply in most countries, but failure at this stage may be difficult to remedy later. 39. In practice, young learner face obstacles that the older learners do not (这段话应该放到第二段的那个位子,第二段不全,所以无法做)40. Give a very brief answer to the following question:“according to the rationale, who find it easier to learn language than old students?41.translate underline sentence in paragraph 142.translate underline sentence in paragraph 3五、综合题43.义务教育英语课程标准以科学发展观和先进的外语课程理念为指导,立足国情,综合分析了我国英语发展的现状,充分考虑了语言学习的规律和义务教育阶段学生的发展需求与过去传统外语教学大纲相比,请你从四个方面陈述新课标设计理念设计理念上所呈现的变革和特点。44.教师在小学课堂教授新单词时通常会采用相应的方法和技巧,营造一定的词汇运用情景。请列举出常见的四种词汇教学方法。45.案例分析(1)下面是一位小学英语老师在课堂中教授现在进行时这一语法项目的话语片段,请根据该片段分析该教师运用归纳法还是演绎法?该方法有何利弊?同学们,我们今天将会学习一种新的语法项目:现在进行时是用动词的ing形式表示正在进行的动作。比如: he is singing she is dancing Tom is running Amy is reading(2)下面是一位小学英语教师课堂听说教学的真实片段,请你从教学理念和教学步骤等方面分析该教师听说教学的有效性。This teacher has just taught preposition and in this lesson she is going to play a card game but she notices that there are a lot of things on pupilsdes


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