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撷秀初级中学20152016学年第一学期阶段性检测九年级英语试题一、 听力部分本部分共有10道小题。每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟时间阅读题目,听完后,你还有5秒钟时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。1. in which country is john living now?a. b. c. 2. what is the weather like now? a. b. c. 3. how should the man go at the next crossing? a. b. c. 4. what is the warning sign about? a. b. c. 5. what does the man want? a. a round table. b. a deskc. some chairs6. how will the boy go home today? a. by car.b. by bus.c. by subway.7. what did the man buy for the woman? a. a cd.b. some flowers.c. a book.8. why does the woman look sad? a. she couldnt operate the robot.b. her piano teacher said she played badly. c. she didnt get the piano she wanted.9. what will the woman do tomorrow? a. cook dinner for the man.b. eat out with the man.c. see a doctor.10. when does the woman usually have lunch? a. at about 11:30.b. at about 12:00.c. at about 12:30.你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,你还有5秒钟时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。11. what does jane think of her city? a. quiet.b. special.c. interesting.12. why does jane hate living in the city? a. tourists make the city dirty.b. the air is not fresh any more. c. the people there are less friendly.听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据内容从a、b、c三个选项中选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。what cindy didshe saw a good 13 when she was taking care of the kidswhere cindys sister wentto the doctorshow old the twins are 14 years oldwhat the cartoon was about 15 endinghappy ending13. a. filmb. videoc. tv series14. a. sevenb. eightc. nine15. a. two dogsb. two catsc. two men听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题。16. what do thai people look like? a. they have short hair.b. they have brown eyes.c. they are good-looking.17. which is one of the best months to visit thailand? a. may.b. october.c. december.18. what do thai villages consist of? a. wooden houses, a school and a temple. b. stone houses, a school and a temple. c. wooden houses, a hospital and a temple.19. what does thai food usually include? a. fish.b. rice.c. chicken.20. what is one of the popular free-time activities? a. ball games.b. thai boxing.c. fishing.二、 单选(15分)21. _ good suggestion! i havent heard of _ wonderful advice for a long time. a. what a; such a b. how; such a c. what a; such d. how; such22. i dont like singing _ dancing. what about you? i dont like dancing, _ i like singing.a. and; and b. and; but c. or; but d. or, and23. youd better study hard so that you wont _ others.a. fall behind b. come up with c. fall down d. catch with24. could you tell me _ there? a. when the first bus will arrive at b. when would the first bus arrive c. when the first bus arrived at d. when the first bus arrives25. excuse me, is this seat taken? _ . that man got his books and left a few minutes ago. a. i dont think so. b. i m afraid so. c. i dont know. d. i hope not.26. not only my friends but also i interested in football and messi is our favorite star. a. beb. am c. isd. are27. _ green or _ in a light green room _ good for us. a. wear ; sleep; is b. wearing; sleeping; are c. wear ; sleep; are d. wearing; sleeping; is 28. do you know _? all of them _ the museum. a. where are the students; have gone to b. where are the students; have been to c. where the students are; have gone to d. where the students are; have been to29. at weekends millie prefers _at home to _ out.a. stay; going b. staying; go c. staying; going d. to stay; go30. these photos_ me_ the old days when i was young. a. let, think b. remind, of c. make, think d. take, to31. which of these shirts do you like best? ill take _. they are both out of fashion. a. neither b. either c. none d. both32. id rather than . a. read books; watch tv b. reading books; watching tv c. to read books; watch tv d. read books; to watch tv33. i think not difficult english every morning. a. that; keep reading b. its; keep reading c. that; to keep read d. it; to keep reading34. its not safe for a girl of your age to late. i am just waiting for my father here.a. stay up b. stay out c. stay away d. stay off35. i tried my best to prepare for the english exam in your way, but i still got low marks. dont worry. . continue to work hard and im sure youll get higher marks next time.a. its still early b. it takes timec. it dependsd. it doesnt work三、完形填空(15分) the other side of the wallthere was a young woman who took great pride in her flower garden. she was raised by her grandmother who taught her to love and 36 for flowers. so her flower garden was the best.one day, while she was looking through a flower list she often 37 from, a picture of a plant caught her eyes. she had never 38 blooms(花) on a flower like that before. “i have to have it,” she said to herself, and she 39 ordered it. when it arrived, she already had a 40 prepared to plant it. she planted it at the back of her yard. it grew well, with beautiful green leaves all over it, 41 there were no blooms. day after day she continued to water it, feed it, and she even talked to it trying to make it bloom. however, it was 42 . one morning weeks later, when standing before the vine, she felt very 43 that her plant had not bloomed. she was giving thought to 44 it down and planting something else in its place. it was at this point that her neighbor, whose 45 joined hers, called over to her. “thank you so much! you cant imagine how much i have 46 the blooms of that vine you planted.” the young woman walked 47 the gate into her neighbors yard, and sure enough, she saw that on the other side of the wall the vine was 48 with blooms. there were indeed the most beautiful blooms she had 49 seen. the vine had grown through the crevices(缝隙) and it had not flowered on 50 side of the wall, but it had flowered on the other side. sometimes one may not see the good result of his effort, but that doesnt mean it isnt successful.36. a. look b. care c. search d. pay37. a. learned b. heard c. ordered d. borrowed 38. a. seen b. smelt c. sold d. picked39. a. finally b. carefully c. suddenly d. immediately 40. a . place b. box c. cup d. room41. a. and b. so c. or d. but42. a. endless b. useless c. successful d. hopeful43. a. excited b. nervous c. sad d. frightened44. a. putting b. cutting c. turning d. taking45. a. balcony b. kitchen c. bedroom d. yard46. a. enjoyed b. dreamed c. expected d. hated47. a. through b. across c. above d. below48. a. satisfied b. connected c. filled d. pleased 49. a. never b. ever c. seldom d. usually50. a. its b. his c. her d. their 四、阅读理解(24分)athe museum of the moving imagethis is a museum about films and the cinema. it has examples of the first cameras and information on old film stars and the history of tv.entrance: adults 8 children 4children under 5 free the old town of yorkyork is a city in the north of england. it is three hours by train from london. its over two thousand years old. you can still walk round the old city walls and the old town. dont miss some interesting museums there.entrance fees to the museums are between5 and10 for adults. sea life centreits at plymouth. special attraction includes a quiz and hourly feeding time for different animals and fish, starting at 9:30.the latest attraction at the centre is a big glass tunnel you can walk through. all around you, you will see big fish swimming, sometimes even over your head.3.70 for adults,2.00 for children, less for over sixties and school groups. legolandthis theme park is in windsor near one of the queens castles. you can walk round hundreds of models of famous places which are made out of lego. there are also lots of fun rides.entrance is25 and all rides are included in the price 51. mr smith is visiting the museum of the moving image with his wife and their four-year-old son. how much should the pay? a.10. b.12. c.16. d.2552. where will people probably go if they like fun rides? a. the old town of york b. the museum of the moving image c. legoland d. sea life centre53. what is the latest attraction at sea life centre? a. a quiz show. b. animal and fish feeding c. models of famous places. d. a big glass tunnel b tomorrow is garfields birthday. he first appeared in a comic strip on june 19, 1978. garfield is well known all over the world. lots of garfield books have been turned into 26 languages. garfield products are sold in 69 countries. jim davis is garfields creator. jim was born on july 28, 1945 in indiana. he grew up on a farm where his dad raised cows. jim and his brother dave helped with the farm work. they had 25 cats. their room always made sure there was plenty of food for the cats. as a boy, jim was in poor health. when he had to spend time resting, he drew pictures. he added words to his pictures to make them funny. after college jim worked a few years at an advertising company. in 1969, he got a job to help a cartoonist. jim noticed that there were many comic strips about dogs but few about cats. he thought that was strange since the world is full of cat lovers. he remembered the 25 farm cats he grew up with. they gave him ideas for a cat comic strip. in the comic strip, garfield became the central character in daily difficult experiences with jon, his owner, and other characters. he is lazy, funny and hungry. jim davis has received many awards for his work. twice he was given the best humor strip cartoonist of the year award. he has won four emmys(艾美奖)and other honors.54. how old was jim when garfield first appeared in a comic strip? a. 33. b. 26. c. 25. d. 24. 55. who does the underlined word “he” refers to in the fifth paragraph? a. jim. b. jon. c. dave. d. garfield.56. according to the passage, which of the following is true? a. jim davis created garfield with the help of his brother. b. garfield products are available in all countries of the world. c. the cats his family raised made no contributions (贡献) to his creation. d. there were few comic strips about cats until jim crated garfield.57. the writers main purpose of writing the passage is _. a. to tell us to watch more comic strips b. to show us how to become a cartoonist c. to introduce some information about jim davis d. to prove (证明) garfield the most popular cartoon characterclook carefully at the back of a california state quarter. a man with a walking stick is pictured there. a bird called a california condor(大秃鹫)is flying overhead. who is this man, and why is he so important that he is featured(处于显著地位)on the back of a coin?the man on this quarter is john muir. even as a child, muir loved watching nature. as a young man, he spent much of his life exploring the beauty of the wilderness. he walked more than a thousand miles across the country, through fields and woods. john muir liked writing about the places he visited, describing their beauty.muir also wrote about problems. in order to create more farmland for sheep and cattle, many trees were being cut down. this made muir unhappy and worried, because he knew that trees were important to forests and to the animals that lived in them. muir believed that nature should be conserved(保护)instead of being changed by human beings. he wrote articles in magazines and newspapers to spread the word about conserving forests. soon, others began to listen. muir wrote letters to important people,such as president theodore roosevelt. the president admired muirs love for nature. when roosevelt came to visit muir in california, muir convinced(说服)the president to go camping with him for three nights under the trees so they could talk about conservation. later, president roosevelt set aside (留出) 148 million acres of land for national forests and established(建立)five national parks. national parks are large areas of land that are protected from development. this means that people cannot build homes or businesses there. one of these parks is yosemite national park, the area that is featured on the back of the california quarter. though it has been almost one hundred years since john muir died, people continue his work today. his work as a conservationist helped us to see the beauty of our natural world. john muir made us understand the importance of protecting our earth and our resources-then, now, and for the future. 58. what did john muir spend much of his life doing when he was a young man?a. watching natural views. b. writing about the places he visited. c. exploring the beauty of the wilderness. d. creating farmland for sheep and cattle. 59. why did president theodore roosevelt visit john muir?a. because roosevelt loved watching nature. b. because roosevelt received letters from john muir. c. because roosevelt admired john muirs love for nature.d. because roosevelt was sad about the problems with farmland. 60. what happened after president roosevelt went camping with john muir?a. many trees were cut down. b. five national parks were established. c. more homes and businesses were built. d. more farmland was used for sheep and cattle.61. why is john muir featured on the back of a california state quarter?a. because he walked over a thousand miles across the country. b. because he helped people understand the importance of protecting the natural world.c. because he wrote articles to spread the word about conserving forests. d. because he once wrote several letters to president theodore roosevelt. 62. what is the writers purpose of writing this article?a. to advise readers to become active conservationists.b. to make us interested in the story about a great man. c. to tell us something about an important person in history. d. to give information about how to conserve the environment. 五、词汇(11分)a)用所给词的适当形式填空63. the boy had no difficulty (explain) the answers to his classmates.64. the film provided us with a_ (value) record of the earthquake.65. her_(decide) to give up smoking made us very surprised.66. he_(prefer) english to chinese last term.67. he has given me a lot of (suggest) on this problem.b)用括号中所给动词的正确形式完成短文。in england nobody under the age of eighteen 68 (allow) to drink in a bar. everyone 69 (know) it well.it was jacks eighteenth birthday yesterday. mr. smith 70 (take) him to his usual bar for the first time. they drank for half an hour, and then mr. smith said to his son, “now, jack, 71 (listen) to me. you must always be careful 72 (not drink) too much.” “but how can i know i have had enough?” “well, i will tell you. do you see those two lights at the corner of the bar? when you see four there, you 73 (have) enough already and should go home.”“but, dad,” said jack, “i can only see one light there.”六、阅读填词,每空限填一词(10分)as a teenager, youre trying to learn who you are. youre going through mental and physical changes. youre dealing with different kinds of stress and trying to succeed in school. the good news is that though the teen years are tough, there are skills you can learn to make them a lot easier. if youre a teen and trying to manage your feelings better, here are a few skills for you to deal with your feelings.name the feeling.what feeling are you experiencing? for example, are you sad, stressed. angry, joyful or excited?accept what youre feeling.many people worry that their feelings will increase. so they are not willing to accept them, hoping that theyll just go away. however, thats impossible. remind yourself that its ok to feel your feelings.become familiar with your feelings.to better understand your feelings, you should pay attention to your feelings all over the day. you may record how youre feeling in the morning, afternoon and at night on a piece of paper. next to your feeling, also write down where you notice it in your body.express your feelings.expressing a feeling is a good way to reduce it. for example, you can express your feelings by crying, exercising, writing about them or talking to someone you trust. just be sure that whatever activity you choose, it doesnt hurt you or anyone else.at different times in your life, youll experience different difficulties. but by learning some helpful skills, youll be able to live a comfortable life. how to 74 with your feelingsmain idea though the teen years are tough, you can learn some 75 to manage your feelings better.skills to 76 you manage your feelingsname the feeling that you are 77 .be willing to 78 your feelings.remind yourself not to 79 that the feeling will go away.pay attention to your feelings the


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