九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented Section B(2a2e)习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented Section B(2a2e)习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented Section B(2a2e)习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented Section B(2a2e)习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第4页
九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented Section B(2a2e)习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第5页
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sectionb 2a 2e 一 根据句意 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1 yangliweiisoneofthenational hero 2 thetemperatureintheworldhas rise theseyears 3 nobodycanstopmefrom create anewgameforchildren 4 asweknow canada speakenglish 5 itis believe thatwhathesaidistrue 6 basketballis enjoy bymanypeopleintheworld 7 mostoftheboysinourclass include ourchineseteacher wenttoplanttreeslastweekend 8 theteacherencouragedus work forourdreams 9 icanseeagroupofchildren fly kitesoverthere they rejumpingandlaughinghappily heroes risen creating canadians believed enjoyed including towork flying 二 根据句意 选择方框中的词组并用其适当形式填空 lookupto notonly butalso divide into bymistake byaccident1 myfather mymotherisfromcountryside 2 thestudentsinourclassare twoparts 3 peopleoften thespaceheroes 4 don tmakethesentences 5 mikefelloffhisbike buthedidn thurtbadly notonly butalso dividedinto lookupto bymistake byaccident 三 根据汉语意思完成下列句子 1 人们怎么想就会怎么说 你阻止不了 youcan t people whattheythink 2 我们知道 每个单元都分为a和b两部分 asweallknow eachunit sectionaandsectionb 3 她不仅很会演奏 而且还很会作曲 she playswell writesmusicwell 4 史密斯先生执教多年 他的学生都非常钦佩他 mr smithhastaughtformanyyears andallhisstudents him 5 今天上午他们俩同时到校 theybothgottoschool thismorning stop fromsaying isdividedinto notonly butalso lookupto atthesametime 6 那个女孩梦想未来成为一名科学家 thegirl becomingascientistinthefuture dreamsof 四 单项选择 1 shelikesplaying piano whileherbrotherlikesplaying basketball a b the c thed the the2 theteacherdividedus threegroups a asb intoc ond between3 thestrongwindstoppedus thesportsmeeting a toholdb heldc fromholdingd ofholding4 inthezoo there anumberofanimalsandthenumberofthem growinglargerandlarger a is areb are isc has isd is is b b c b 5 myenglishteacheroftenencouragesme hard a workingb workc workedd towork6 youareapopulargirl grace andalotofyoungpeople you a lookafterb lookuptoc lookupd lookfor7 thisismysister lucy notonlyshebuti goodatdrawingpictures a isb amc bed are8 wastabletennisinventedbythechinese no it inchinauntilthestartofthe20thcentury a playedb wasplayedc didn tplayd wasn tplayed d b b d 9 it thatbasketballwasinventedbyjamesnaismith a believesb believedc isbelievingd isbelieved10 wheneveriseethebirds i ll flyinginthesky a thinkupb dreamofc pickupd workon d b 五 完形填空 umbrellasarecommoninourdailylife onrainydays manypeopleholdthemtopreventthe 1 butit snoteasytoholdanumbrellaifthereisheavyrainand 2 wind andit shardertomakeaphonecallorrideabike 3 anumbrellainthehand anamericannamedalankaufmanandhiscompany 4 sixyearsinventingahand freeumbrella 5 theymadeit theycalleditnubrella justtouchabutton 按钮 andthenubrellawillopen 6 withthehelpofits shoulder 肩膀 support 支撑 theumbrellacanrestontheuser s 7 sotheuserneedn tholdtheumbrellaanymore hecanwalkwithhands 8 eveninthestrongwind thehand freeumbrellais 59 94each peopleallaroundtheworldlikeitverymuch becauseofthissmart 9 theycanusetheirphonestotalkandsendshortmessagesintherainnow 10 intherainunderanumbrellaisreallycool isn tit 1 a snowb waterc sund light 2 a tallb shortc smalld strong 3 a byb forc withd without 4 a spentb tookc paidd cost 5 a atfirstb atlastc atmostd attimes b d c a b 6 a easilyb hardlyc nearlyd carefully 7 a feetb legsc shouldersd head 8 a helpfulb busyc difficultd free 9 a inventionb magazinec bookd model 10 a lyingb flyingc walkingd sleeping a c d a c 六 任务型阅读 duringthe1890s basketballwasbecomingthemostpopulargymgameinamerica butbasketballwasnotagoodsportforolderpeopletoplay becauseofmuchrunninginthegame soin1895 williammorgan agymteacherinholyoke massachusetts america decidedtoinventanewgamethatwouldbegoodforolderpersonstoo heinventedagamewhichwasplayedwiththesamekindofballasbasketball butmoreliketennis atfirstmorgancalledthegame minonette butwhenhewatchedplayershittingtheballbackandforth 向前 withtheirhands or volleying 凌空截球 hechangedthenametovolleyball volleyballandbasketball whichwerebothinventedinthenineteenthcentury havebecometwoofthemostpopulargames today volleyballhasmoreandmoreplayersandspectators 观众 aroundtheworld america gymteacher running good suitable players thefirstbikeappearedover200yearsago people1 it thehorseonwheels later thebikebecamevery2 peoplelikedbikesbecausetheywerenotasexpensiveashorses theywouldn thavetobuildaspecialhouseforthemor3 them andthen trains shipsandairplanesbegantoappeararoundtheworld transportation 运输工具 betweencitiesaroundtheworldbecamemoreconvenientand4 nowmanycitiesnotonlyhavealotofpu


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