



江苏省沭阳中学阅读专项训练8achildren form opinions about drugs and alcohol at a very early age. even four and five year olds have definite opinions about alcohol. preschoolers, because of the commercials they see on tv, often think that alcohol helps people have more fun and be better athletes! images of alcohol are everywhere in out societyconsumption of alcohol is represented twice per hour in daytime shows, and three times in an average evening program.despite the wide spread of alcohol in our society, and the problems that can be connected with it, many parents feel uncomfortable when talking about alcohol with their children, or are not sure when and how to start. many parents believe that teenage drinking is something that their children would never be involved in.unfortunately, teenage drinking is very common in north dakota. in a state wide survey of adolescents in junior and senior high school. only 24% claimed to have never consumed alcohol. when asked about their drinking in the past 30 days:61% adolescents reported drinking42% drank five or more drinks in a row17% reported binge drinking4.2% reported driving and drinkingother research on rural youth in north dakota has found that about 10% of a sample of fifth and sixth graders were engaged in frequent drinking. teenagers who reported alcohol use (especially those who began use in late elementary school and junior high school) were more likely to be depressed, feel less positive about both their family and friends, and have poorer grades.research has found that children and even teenagers look to their parents in making decisions about important things in their life. decisions about using alcohol are undoubtedly something that parents will want to provide guidance about. here are some suggestions about talking to children about alcohol.61the authors attitude towards images of alcohol is _.anegative bresponsible cshocking dpositive 62we can infer from paragraph 2 that _.amany parents dont realize the seriousness of teenage drinkingbmany parents feel uncomfortable with teenage drinkingcmany children would never be involved in teenage drinkingdalcohol is a general topic between parents and children63which of the following is a misguided idea?ateenagers involved in drinking tend to have poorer grades.bteenagers involved in drinking alcohol tend to be better athletes.cteenagers reporting alcohol use are more likely to be depressed.dteenagers reporting alcohol use feel less positive about their family.64what will the article probably talk about next?ahow to be supportive of your children.bmeans of teaching children to make important decisions.cadvice about talking to children about alcohol.dwhy teenagers look to their parents in making decisions.65which of the following might be the best title of the passage?akeeping away from alcoholbteenage drinking becoming very commonctips on how to talk to children about alcoholdtalking with young children about alcoholbpeople in the united states love their dogs and treat them well. they take their dogs for walks, let them play outside and give them good food and medical care. however, dogs without owners to care for them lead a different kind of life. the expression, “to lead a dogs life”, describes a person who lives an unhappy life.some people say we live in a dog-eat-dog world. that means many people are competing for the same things, like good jobs. they say that to be successful, a person has to work like a dog. this means they have to work very, very hard. such hard work can make people dog-tired. and, the situation would be even worse if they became sick as a dog.still, people say every dog has its day. this means that every person enjoys a successful period during his or her life. to be successful, people often have to learn new skills. yet, some people say that you can never teach an old dog new tricks. they believe that older people do not like to learn new things and will not change the way they do things.some people are compared to dogs in bad ways. people who are unkind or uncaring can be described as meaner than a junkyard dog. junkyard dogs live in places where people throw away things they do not want. mean dogs are often used to guard this property. they bark at or attack people who try to enter the property. however, sometimes a person who appears to be mean and threatening is really not so bad. we say his bark is worse than his bite.husbands and wives use this doghouse term when they are angry at each other. for example, a woman might get angry at her husband for coming home late or forgetting their wedding anniversary. she might tell him that he is in the doghouse. she may not treat him nicely until he apologizes. however, the husband may decide that it is best to leave things alone and not create more problems. he might decide to let sleeping dogs lie.dog expressions also are used to describe the weather. the dog days of summer are the hottest days of the year. a rainstorm may cool the weather. but we do not want it to rain too hard. we do not want it to rain cats and dogs.66to achieve success, you must_.awork like a dog bfeel dog-tiredcbecome sick as a dog dbe meaner than a junkyard dog67to everyones surprise, jack has been employed by a big company, about which we can say, “_”. ajack works like a dog bevery dog has its day chis bark is worse than his bitedjack really lives in a dog-eat-dog world68if you are in the doghouse,_. ayou must be forgetfulbsomeone is annoyed with youcyou are living a hard lifedyou can get along with your partner69what kind of people live a difficult life?athose who is in the doghouse. bthose who have the dogs.c those who lead a dogs life. dthose whose bark is worse than his bite.70what does the article mainly talk about? adogs life in america. bhow to treat dogs well. cwhy americans love dogs. dexpressions with the word “dog”.cwhere are we going, dad? has become one of chinas most popular television shows, since its debut(首次登场)in october, averaging more than 600 million viewers each week. sponsorship rights(冠名权)for the shows second season were sold for 312 million yuan(about $ 50 million), more than ten times higher than the rights to the first season.what accounts for its popularity? the show features a mew generation of chinese fathers, who, as part of the countrys new middle class, have faced more problems with modern child-raising techniques such as taking an active role with their children.part of the appeal of the show is the chance to throw a glance at the lives of chinese celebrities(名流)and their children. audiences are interested in watching the failed attempts of celebrity dads making dinner, doing hair, and disciplining(管教)children tasks often left to mothers in a society still influenced by the saying that “men rule outside and women are inside.” “in traditional chinese culture, fathers are strict and mothers are kind. but on the show, we see fathers who are much gentler on their kids and more involved in their upbringing,” said li minyi, an associate professor. “this show raises an important question for modern chinese society what is the role of fathers in todays china?”after each episode(集)goes to air, the chinese internet explodes with comments on each celebritys parenting style.actor guo tao tries to communicate with his son, shitou, but is seen as a more traditional chinese father, and has been criticized online for being too harsh. zhang liang, a supermodel, is an audience favorite for treating his son, tiantian, more like a friend. the shows most famous celebrity, lin zhiying, a film star, was originally praised as patient with his son kimi. but as the season progresses, fans begin to criticize him for raising a spoiled, undisciplined boy. director wang yuelun is at a complete loss when it comes to care of his daughters hair.even the peoples daily is pleased with the success of the show.71sponsorship rights for the shows first season were sold for _. a312 million yuan babout 50 million yuan cmore than 600million yuan dabout 30million yuan72according to the passage, the show_. agives audiences the chance to raise the stars children themselves binvites some famous film stars to take part in it clets people think about the role of fathers in modern families draises peoples concern about womens role in the society73the underlined word “harsh” in the fifth paragraph most probably means “_”. acareless bstrict cclumsy dkind74according to the writer, _ is the most successful father. azhang liang bguo tao clin zhiying dwang yuelundhalf of the worlds population lives in areas affected by asian monsoons(季风), but monsoons are difficult to predict. american researchers have put together a 700-year record of the rainy seasons, which is expected to provide guidance for experts making weather predictions.every summer, moist(潮湿的)air masses, known as monsoon, produce large quantities of rainfall in india, east asia, indonesia, northern australia and east africa, which are pulled in by a high pressure area over the indian ocean and a low pressure area to the south.according to edward cook, a weather expert at columbia university in new york, the complex nature of the climate systems across asia makes monsoons hard to predict. in addition, climate records for the area date to 1950, too recent and not detailed enough to be of much use. therefore, he and a team of researchers spent more than fifteen years travelling across asia locating trees old enough to provide long-term records. they measured the rings(年轮)or circles, inside the trunks of thousands of ancient trees at more than 300 sites.rainfall has a direct link to the growth and width of rings on some kinds of trees. the researchers developed a documenta monsoon asia drought atlas(地图集). it shows the effect of monsoons over seven centuries, beginning in the 1300s.professor cook says the tree-ring records show periods of wet and dry conditions. “if the monsoon basically fails or is very weak one year, the trees affected by the monsoon at that location might put on a very narrow ring. but if the monsoon is very strong, the trees affected by that monsoon might put on a wide ring for that year. so, the wide and narrow ring widths of the tree chronology(年表)that we developed in asia provide us with a measure of monsoon variability. ” armed with such a sweeping set of data, researchers say they now can begin to refine climate computer models for predicting the behavior of monsoons.“there has been widespread famine and starvation and human dying in the past in large droughts. and on the other hand, if the monsoon is particularly heavy, it can cause extensive flooding,” said eugene wahl, a scientist who is with americas national oceanic and atmospheric administrations paleoclimate(古气侯)branch studying weather patterns over the history of the earth. “so, to get a knowledge of what the regional moisture patterns have been, dryness and wetness over such a long period of time in great detail, i would call it a kind of victory for climate science.”75whats the passage mainly about?aa breakthrough in monsoon prediction.bthe necessity of weather forecast.cthe achievements of edward cook.dthe effects of asian monsoons.76it is diff


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