



Read stories, learn Chinese ,(2)Try to help the Shoots grow by pulling them upward/spoilthings byexcessiveenthusiasmThere once was an impatient farmer who lived during the Song Dynasty.( Sng cho,960-1279 AD).,。Everyday the anxious farmer would go and watch the growth of the crops.To his dismay, his crops were growing much slower than he expected., 。The farmer racked his brains trying to find better ways of planting in order to get quicker results.。One day he finally came up with a solution.。He ran to the fields and started to pull each crop out of the ground, thus making them taller.,。The farmer worked very hard and at days end was physically exhausted but mentally happy as his plan had produced the desired results., 。When the farmer went home, he told his son of his “brilliant” method.,。His son hurried to the field only to discover that all of his crops were all dead.,。Part 1.Question and answer(问答题)1. What personality does the farmer possess? (?)_2. What will the farmer do every day? (?)_3. Was he satisfied with the growth of the crops? (?)_4. What did he do to make his crops grow faster?(,?)_5. How did the farmer feel after working a whole day?(,?)_6. Did he share the “good news” with his sons?(“”?)_7. What happened to the farmers crops at last?(?)_8. What do you think of the farmer at the end of the story?(?)_9. Describe a similar situation you once came across in your daily life. (。)_Part2 .Read and find out the relevant Chinese pinyin from the story ( )Verb. ()1. go _ _2. watch _ _3. grow/growth _ _4. expect _ _5. grow(v.) _ _6. rack ones brains _ _7. come up with _ _8. solve/settle/work out _ _9. run _ _10. begin/ start _ _11. pull _ _ push _ _12. produce _ _13. tell _ _14. wither and die _ _Adj. & adv. ()1. impatient; short-tempered _ _2. dismayed; distressed _ _3. anxious _ _4. tired; exhausted _ _5. happy; glad; pleased _ _6. hurried _ _n. ()1. way/ solution _ _2. plan (n.) _ _3. result _ _Part 3. Grammar and translation(语法和翻译)1. adversative conjunction: “ surn (although/though)” “dn(sh) (but; however)” They are always used correlatively with each other.1)Although he is very tired, he feels happy._2)Though he is very old, he is still very healthy._3) He is very clever, but he is not proud. (jio o)2. conjunction : “ ynwi (because) usually used correlatively with “ suy ( so)1) Because he is very tired and thirsty, he went back home._2) Grandma didnt go out today, because it was freezing._3) Because it snowed heavily, our school was closed yesterday._3. conjunction: “ dngde sh(hu) (when/while)”1) When he is happy, he always sings and dance._2) When my boss is angry, we are all afraid of him._3) When we got to school, our teacher had started his class._ 4. to express “something bad happens unexpectedly”: “ jigu(qu) (only to do .)” 1) He got home only to find his father dead._2) He hurried to the airport only to find the plane had gone._3) He drove to school in a hurry only to find it was Sunday._ 5. to express purpose : “ wile + v. (in order to do .;so as to.)1) He runs every day in order to lose weight. (jin fi)_2) The girl got up very early to catch the school bus. (gnxioch)_3) Kong Rong picked the smallest pear to make his brothers eat the bigger ones._ 6. suyude +n. : (all+n) ; qun+v./adj. :( all); du+v./adj. (all) 1) All the students are here.


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