



9Aunit3主备人:周涛俊 审核人:田敏 审批人:教学目标:1.掌握并运用本单元常见的单词以及词性变换 2掌握固定短语的常见用法 3.掌握并运用本单元的语法教学过程:一,词汇复习,单词常见的词形变换mad(形容词) madder maddest choose(动词)choose-chose-chosen choice(名词) teenage(形容词)teenager(名词) correct (形容词) correctly(副词)value(名词) valuable(形容词) stress (名词) stressed (形容词)strict(形容词)stricter, strictest silence (名词)silent (形容词) pronounce(动词pronunciation(名词) deal(动词) deal-dealt -dealt achieve (动词) achieves achieved achieved achieving achievement (名词)suggest (动词) suggests suggested suggested suggesting suggestion(可数名词)advice(不可数名词)worry(动词) worried (形容词) worry 担心 (名词)worries(复数)二,固定短语搭配的常见用法1.teenage problems 青少年的问题2.I have a problem. =I have got a problem.我有一个问题3.drive sb mad 4.get low marks in exams.有时我在考试中得低分5.have no choice but to do别无选择,只能 6.stay (be)awake保持清醒。 7.be worth sth / doing sth 值得做8.offer sb, sth.= offer sth. to sb. 提供某人某物9. offer to do sth.主动提出做某事 10.be of great value to me对我会很有价值11.get into trouble 陷入麻烦/陷入困境 12.allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事13.allow doing sth. 允许做某事 14 achieve success 取得成功15.be strict with sb. in sth. 在某事上对某人要求严格16.achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies.在我学习与爱好之间取得平衡17.laugh at 嘲笑;对一笑置之 18.make progress 取得进步19.go over 复习;回顾;仔细检查 20.when doing 在做 的时候21.mention sth to sb 向某人提及22.worry about (doing) sth = be worried about (doing ) sth担心三,重要知识点:1.teenage, adj. “十来岁的”,主要指十三岁到十九岁这个年龄段的。They are _ children. 他们是十几岁的孩子teenager, n. “十来岁的青少年”He joined a club for _. 他参加了一个青少年的俱乐部2.be on 开着的;进行中;常指电灯、电视等开着,反义词为“off”。灯关着,他不可能在里面。The light _ _. He cant _ _. 电影已放映半小时了。 The film _ _ _ _ half an hour. 3. . deal with “处理” 与疑问词how 连用。 deal-dealt -dealt 我已处理了一个难题。 Ive _ _ a difficult problem.我不知道如何去处理它 I dont know deal with it 你将怎样处理这件事情呢?How will you _ _the matter? Or: What will you _ _the matter?4. have no choice but to do 别无选择,只能 我别无选择,只有把钱借给他。I had _ _ _ _ _ _ my money. 5. hardly几乎不(副词) The children were so excited that they could _ (几乎不)speak. There is _any cake _.几乎没剩下什么蛋糕了。 The old man could hardly walk any further, _?(是吗)5. imagine sth./ imagine (ones)doing/ imagine that/imagine+复合结构。/否定前移。在这样一个寒冷的天气了,我想象不出该做什么。I cannot _ what to do _ _ a cold day.你能想象跟这样一个无聊的人生活在一起吗?Can you _ _ (_ ) with such a _ man?我想像不出发生了什么事。I cant _ what _ _. 我不能相信他上学迟到。I cant_ _ _ late for school.我不能相信他把面包吃光了。I cant _ _ _ _ the bread.设身处地地为他想一下。_yourself _ _ _ his place.6. I often doubt whether it is worth spending so much time on homework. 我经常怀疑是否值得在家庭作业上花如此多的时间。 (1) doubt v. 表示“怀疑” 在肯定句中后接if 或whether 引导的从句;在否定句及疑问句中接that引导的从句。 他怀疑一切。He _ _.我们怀疑大卫是否说了事情的真相。We doubt_/_ David told us the _.我们从不怀疑大卫的诚实。We never _ _ David is _.你怀疑她会成功吗?Do you doubt_ she will_? (2) be worth sth / doing sth 值得做worth 前可用well, really, very much 等修饰,但一般不用very修饰。 电影英雄值得一看.The film Hero _ _ _.这两首歌很值得一听.The two songs _ _ _ _ _.颐和园很值得一游 The Summer Palace is _ _ a _. = The Summer Palace is _ _ _.这台电脑值多少钱?_is the computer _?7. Can you offer me some suggestions? (1) offer v. 提供 offers, offered, offered, offeringoffer sb, sth.= offer sth. to sb. 提供某人某物 offer to do sth.主动提出做某事 公司已给我提供了一份好工作。The company _ _ _ a good _. =_. 他主动提出代替我去。He _ _ go _ _ me.(2) suggestion 可数名词 “建议” (advice 不可数名词 “建议”) 下一步需要做什么,我需要你的建议。 I need your _ /_ about _ to _ next. suggest v. 建议 suggests suggested suggested suggesting suggest that+从句(谓语动词should+do, should可省)(虚拟语气) 他建议我们去那。He suggested that we(_) _ (go )there.8. They will be of great value to me 他们对我会很有价值= They will be very valuable to me (1) value n. 价值 valuable adj. 有价值的 这幅画值多少钱?_ the _ of this picture?= _ _ _ this picture _?你将会发现这张地图对你游览伦敦大有帮助。Youll find this map _ _ _ _ _ you to travel round London. 我从你那儿学到了许多宝贵的教训。I have _ _ you many _ lessons.(2) be of +抽象名词 = be +形容词 他们将对我们很有用。They will _ _ great _ to us = They will _ very _ to us 9. Then I get into trouble at home because my parents do not allow me to play outside after 6 p.m . 然后我在家里就有麻烦了,因为我的父母不允许我下午六点后在外玩。 (1) get into trouble 陷入麻烦/陷入困境 (2) allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事我的父母不允许我晚上看电视。My parents dont _ me _ _ TV in the evening. 他被允许开车。 He _ _ _ _.allow doing sth. 允许做某事。我们不允许在大厅内吸烟。We dont _ _ in the hall.10. be strict with sb. in sth. 在某事上对某人要求严格 老师应该对学生的学业严格要求。 Teachers should _ _ _ students _ their study.11.I wonder how I can achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies. 我想知道我如何在我的学习与爱好之间取得平衡。(1) achieve v. 获得 achieves achieved achieved achieving 他如果不努力工作就永远不会有所成就。 He will never _ anything if he _ _ hard. achieve success 取得成功 achievement n. (2) balance n. “天平;平衡” 保持生态平衡 keep the _ of _ 检测题(一)用所给的中文,首字母以及英文提示完成句子.1. Her parents were even _ (严格) with her after she failed in the exam.2. He often o_ me some help with my English, so I can learn English well.3. If you want to s_, you must keep on working hard.4. He received his friends invitation last week, but he didnt a_ it.5. No one can a_ anything without effort(努力).6. Youll find this map of great v_ in helping you to get around London.7. I think this book is very important. It is w_ reading and will help you a lot.8. Youd better write to the famous youth worker about how to d_ with your problem.9. Its not good for you to q_ with your neighbours.10. Perhaps we should use their s_ to try to solve this hard problem.11. John sometimes feels very l_ because he has no close friends.12. Im sure you watched TV just now because the TV is still _(开着).13. If you want to do that , you should get your _(父母) support.14. Simon is c_ (love sth very much) about football. He loves nothing but football.15. We mustnt break the b_ of nature. We must protect it.16. Our Chinese teacher often o_(give sb sth) us suggestions.17. Your advice is of great v_ to us. Thanks a lot.18. Jim speaks in such a low voice that we can h_ hear him.19. Its very nice of you to offer me so many good _(建议).20. Everyone cant a_(reach by effort) success without hard work.(二)用所给词的适当形式填空:1. Dont make any _. We shouldnt shout_.Its so_ here. I cant hear what he said. (noise)2. Swimming and skating_(be) good for us.3. He often felt_ (alone) after his wife died.4. Dont feed the children any more. Look at their_ (stomach).5. How many _ (teenager) problems do the students in the class have?6. Getting too many tests and exams_ (make) us feel tired.7. I dont think its a good _ (choose) .8. I hope my parents _ (support) me.9. He often forgets when_ (stop).10. The music can help us_ (relax).11._ (plan) your day carefully is a good way to make use of your time.12.Our English teacher often gives us a lot of_ (advise)on how to remember English words.四、短文首字母填空:You either have it, or you donta sense of direction. But why is it that some people could find their way a 1 the Sahara without a map while others can lose themselves in the next street? Scientists say were all b 2 with a sense of direction, but it is not properly understood how it works. One theory is that people with a good sense of direction have simply worked h 3 at developing it. Research being carried out at Liverpool University supports this idea and suggests that if we dont use it, we l 4 it. “Children as young as seven have the ability to find their way around,” says Jim Martland, research director of the project. “However, if they are not a 5 out alone or are taken everywhere by car, they will n 6 develop the skills.” Jim Martland also emphasizes that young people should be taught certain skills to i 7 their sense of direction. He makes the following suggestions: If you are using a map, turn it so that it relates to(与有联系) the way you are facing. If you l 8 your bike in a strange place, put it near something like a big stone or a treesomething easy to recognize. Note landmarks on the route as you go away from your bike. When you return, go back along the same route. Simplify(简化) the way for finding your direction by using lines ,such as s 9 in a town, streams, or wells in the countryside to guide you. Count your steps so that you know how far you have gone and note any landmarks such as towerblocks or hills which can help to find out where you are. Now you will never get lost again!五、任务型阅读Different cultures make different families. For example, there are differences in the way Chinese and Americans raise children.First, Chinese and American families have different attitudes towards independence (独立). Each Chinese child has been considered to be the apple of parents eyes. It is not surprising to see Chinese parents always helping their children with getting dressed, having meals, bathing, and other things. American parents, on the other hand, teach their children how to do things alone from childhood.Second, most Chinese parents often make their children have extra classes, such as piano, drawing, or singing lessons. Parents want their children to develop in an all-round way and be better students than other children. The problem is that their children may not be interested in these classes. American parents try to respect (尊重) their childrens interests and usually dont make them do what they dont like.Third, there is a difference in the way parents in China and American treat mistakes that children make. Many Chinese people believe in the saying, “Spare the rod, spoil the child (不打不成器).” When Chinese parents see their children make mistakes, they often get very angry, some even hit them instead of making them realize their mistakes. This affects the childrens growth and the forming of their character, and also makes the generations gap (代沟) wide. American parents think it is common for people to make mistakes because mistakes are a part of life. They of


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