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Differences in expressing love.doc_第3页




Differences in expressing loveLove is such a beautiful thing, however, it need to be expressed , whether directly or indirectly,so that others can perceive it. The way how people express love varies greetly. It can be influenced by many things, such as regional disparity, culture differences, personality distinction and so on. Now I want to focus on the differences in expressing love between southerners and northerners in our country, and try to explain some reasons that lead to these differences.First, to loversNortherners are usually described as direct and open, and they deal with their love affairs in a more direct and simple way, compared with southerners. When they encounter the one they love, especially for males, they are more likely to give a self-revealing directly, maybe together with some roses or presents. And even for girls form the northern areas, they are more directly and bold on their love affairs, more easier to accept the profess of male who she admired, or pursue the one she loved. But directly as they are, they may ignore some details when getting along with each other,or there may be some lack of romance.As for southerners, they chose to be more implicative when confront with love. They express themselves with twists and turns. They are not fond of expressing their feelings directly, expecially for girls, who are more impolicative and reserved ,they expect males to be positive. Generally speaking, whether male or female in southern behaves more considerately to lovers, which is in agreement with their delicate characters. Second, to friends As for friends, the northerners are more bold and unconstrained to friends. They often show their good feeling to their friends by treating meals or playing together. Their character seems like the brightly distinct four seasons in north.They may have Great sorrow or great joy frequently, and feelings are showed on their face clearly. When someone is considered as their friend, they may treat him brotherly, rather frank and loyal. But once the friendship break up, intense contradiction maybe produced, they may not run over this because of previous friendship. While people in south is different, their attitude toward friends is more implicative and “polite”, whoever they are getting along with, they tend to hehave gentlely and peaceful. Their emotions toward friends are not as obvious as notherners.Third, parents to children or children to parents As we all know, love between parents and children are very deep no matter in which country.In China,most parents dont expressing their love to children directly, or verbally, especially when their children grow older. In this aspect, differences between southerners and northerners are few. I think this mainly because chinese culture is deeply infulenced by Confucian culture, which advocate reservation and hidding feeings. So most parents show their love to children in a unconspicuous way, it is more revealed in the caring of daily life. Similarly, influenced by their parents, children also not accustomed to express their feelings to parents directly.While, gentle, sometimes can let a person think of their personality line fuzzy not clear. Joint treat people polite, considerate courtesy, but will rationally keep a certain distance, involuntary commitment to what, and seldom gets excited up The people of the north character like her as the four seasons is distinct., light up, is a friend cant mention elder brothers personal ty, the wine lead three cruise grandiloquence, But may also be a language not roughhouse, no one. So in the streets and lanes often encounter in public noisy fight things确实是这样的,我认为大部分北方人不会像南方人那样想太多,他们都比较简单,所以最好有什么事不要憋在心里,跟他们相处时,一定要敞开心扉,他们不会猜测,所以可能没什么情趣。北方游牧民族为主,常年依草依水而居,不喜农耕,大吃肉类,骑马善射,因而豪放。南方自黄河流域古文明辐射开来,加快了农业商业的发展,尤其是买卖的兴起完全改变了世人原有的性格,变得细致,不再粗枝大叶,变得精明,不再不拘小节。尤其是待颇多文人思想的出现,时常琴棋书画,陶冶情操,追求文章的华丽,书法的精妙,让人的性子懂得欣赏起来,慢慢地拐弯抹角起来。北方人的性格就像她的四季一样比较鲜明。大喜大悲,喜形于色,是朋友的时候可以哥们义气两肋插刀,酒过三巡豪言壮语;但也可能一语不和大打出手,六亲不认。所以在北方的街头巷尾常常会遇到当众吵闹打架的事情。而南方人的性格却比较含蓄,温和,有时会让人觉得他们个性的线条模糊不清晰。接人待物文雅、礼数周全,但会理智地保持一定的距离,不随意地承诺什么,也很少激动起来,所以在南方的饭馆和街上,到处都是一片安宁祥和的景象,如果碰到一帮面红耳赤的家伙,那一定是从北方来得。就连说话都是这样,北方人字正腔圆,有人称咬牙


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