七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like Period 2课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like Period 2课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like Period 2课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like Period 2课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第4页
七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like Period 2课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第5页
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whatdoeshelooklike 义务教育教科书 人教 七年级英语下册 unit9 period2 sectiona 2d 3d wangfang longstraighthair whatdoesshelooklike shehas mary curlyhair whatdoesshelooklike shehas tom shortstraighthair whatdoeshelooklike hehas wangfang longblackhair tom shortstraighthair mary curlyhair whatdoeshe shelooklike he shehas hair头发shorthairlonghaircurlyhairstraighthair 描述头发漂亮 长短 形状 颜色 她有一头短的金黄色的卷发 shehasshort curlyhair一头漂亮乌黑的长发beautiful longblackhair mike hi tony areyougoingtothemovietonight tony yes we remeetingatseven right mike yeah butimaybealittlelate myfrienddavidisgoing too justmeethiminfrontofthecinemafirst tony oh butidon tknowhim whatdoeshelooklike mike well hehasbrownhairandwearsglasses tony ok ishetallorshort mike heisn ttallorshort he sofmediumheight tony ok sure seeyoulaterthen movietickets fastreading 2d readtheconversationquicklyandanswerthefollowingquestions 1 whenaremikeandtonymeeting 2 wheredoesmikeasktonytomeethisfrienddavid 3 whatdoesdavidlooklike ishetallorshort they remeetingatseven infrontofthecinema heisn ttallorshort heisofmediumheight andhehasbrownhairandwearsglasses mike hi tony areyougoingtothemovietonight tony we remeetingatseven right mike yeah butimaybealittlelate myfrienddavidisgoing too justmeethiminfrontof first tony oh butidon tknowhim mike well hehas andwearsglasses tony ok ishetall short mike heisn ttallorshort he s tony ok sure seeyoulaterthen mike hi tony areyougoingtothemovietonight tony we remeetingatseven right mike yeah imaybe late myfrienddavidisgoing too just first tony oh butidon tknowhim mike well hehas and tony ok ishetall short mike he s tony ok sure seeyou then shorthaircurlyhairstraighthairlonghair heavythinofmediumbuildtallshortofmediumheight thispersonisanactor heisofmediumheightandofmediumbuild hehasshortblackhair hehasabignose heisgoodatchinesekungfu let splay whoismyfavoriteactor b she hehas hair she heis sorry idon tknow canyoutellme a excuseme whatdoesyourfavoriteactor actresslooklike groupwork let stalk c ishe b no heisn t d ishe b yes heis 3c writeanswerstothesequestionsaboutdifferentpeople thentellyourpartneraboutthem whatdoesyourfavoriteactororactresslooklike myfavoriteactorisofmediumheightandofmediumbuild hehasshortblackhair hehasabignose heisgoodatchinesekungfu whatdoesyourfavoriteteacherlooklike thispersonis let swrite he shehas 描述长相用动词be还是have has be动词后通常为形容词 包括身高 体形等 have has后通常为形容词修饰的名词等 wear glasses眼镜 ahat at shirt wear后通常接衣服 眼镜等装饰品的名词 revision复习 languagepoints 1 we remeetingatseven right 我们七点见 对吗 right表示 对吗 是吧 用来对此前陈述内容进行确认核实 全句为isthatright 口语中常用不完整的句子来表达意见或想法 2 whatdoesyourfavoriteactor actresslooklike actor男演员 actress女演员 以 ess结尾的表示职业等的名词一般为女性 类似的还有waiter男服务员 waitress女服务员 3 he sreallyhandsome 他的确帅气 handsome表示 帅 帅气 多用于描述男性 但有时也用于女性 一般只用于成年女性 不用于少女 意为 体态健美的 端庄稳重的 如 ahandsomeboy一个帅气的男孩doyoudescribeherasbeautifulorhandsome 你是说她貌美还是说她健美 beautiful表示 美 可用于人或事物 用于人时 通常只用于形容女性或小孩 一般不用于男性 它侧重从客观上表明一种接近理想状态的美 语气很强 如 it sabeautifulvillage 那是个美丽的村庄 sheisabeautifulgirl 她是个美丽的女孩 pretty主要表示 漂亮 俊俏 标致 等义 可用于人 主要是女性和小孩 或事


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