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Unit 8 Would you like to join us?教学内容及基本目标1.功能:本单元包括中等职业学校英语教学大纲中“交际功能项目表”第四项“预约与邀请” (Making appointments and invitations) 之邀请,的内容。要求掌握Essential expressions中所列的基本表达法。2.语言教学重点:发出邀请及接受邀请或拒绝邀请的基本表达法;一般将来时的用法。3. 高频活用词汇:celebrate, join, prepare, show, come up to, reply。Period 1 Essential ExpressionsTopic Essential ExpressionsTeaching important and difficult pointsMaking appointments and invitations Teaching Aims 1. 发出邀请及接受邀请或拒绝邀请的基本表达法2. 掌握Essential expressions中所列的基本表达法Teaching proceduresStep 1. GreetingsStep1 Lead-in 课前播放英文歌曲Brother,come and dance with me ,以活跃课堂气氛,并逐渐引导学生进入课文主题。Girls: Brother, come and dance with me Both my hands I give to thee Right foot first, left foot then Round about and back again Boys: I would dance, but dont know how When to step and when to bow Show me what I ought to do And then Ill come and dance with you Both: Let your feet go tap, tap, tap Let your hands go clap, clap, clap Right foot first, left foot then Round about and back again Let your head go nick, nick, nick, Let your fingers click, click, click Right foot first, left foot then Round about and back again来和我一起跳舞女:嘿,来和我一起跳舞吧 我把双手交给你 舞步首先要正确,先迈左脚 转个圈再来一遍男:我想跳舞,可我不知道 什么时候踏步,什么时候又要弯腰 告诉我我该怎么做 然后我会来和你一起跳舞合: 跺跺脚,拍拍手 舞步首先要正确,先迈左脚 转个圈再来一遍 头晃起来,手指动起来 舞步首先要正确,先迈左脚 转个圈再来一遍Step2 Revision Dictation: words and phrases in Unit 7.Step3 New words and phrases Invite, afraid, delighted, dinner, film, ill, join, must,swimStep4 Communicative tasks1. 将学生分成若干组,布置或学生自主选择不同的交际任务。2.解释任务内容,确保学生完全明白交际任务的内容。3.教师指导学生使用本单元的基本表达法,将有关交际任务编成对话或短剧,进行两两练习。4.选23组进行对话或表演,可以通过竞争方式进行。5.教师对学生的表现进行评价并总结。Suggested Models:Task l (Y一You,T一Tom)Y: Hello, Tom. I was wondering if you are free this weekend.T: Yes, I think so.Y: Good. You see, Id like to invite you to dinner.T: Oh, that sounds wonderful. Id love to.Y: You could come at 6: 30.T: Thank you very much.Task 2 (Y一You, C一Miss Chen)Y: May I come in?C: Yes, please.Y: Hello, Miss Chen. We are going to have the class meeting this afternoon. Would you like to join us?C: Im not sure, but let me check my calendar. Ah, no, I have nothing planned for the afternoon.Y: Great! The class meeting will be hold at three oclock this afternoon.C: Ok. Ill be there on time.Task 3 (Y一You, C一Your classmate)Y: Would you like to go to my birthday party tonight?C: That sounds good. But Im afraid I cant manage it as my parents are on business and my grandma is sick. I have to take care of her.Y: Oh, what a pity!C: Anyhow, thank you just the same. May you have a nice time!Y: May your grandma cover from her illness soon.Step 5 HomeworkFinish the following:一、完成对话1- A: Will you be free tomorrow?2.A:How about eating out together tonight?3. A: Come and join us for a drink, will you?4.A: Could we have the honor of your presence at the party?5. A: Would you like to join us?二、交际用语1.一Would you like to go for a walk?A. Yes, Id love to. B. Lets go. C. No, I wouldnt. D.I dont want to go.2.一You must come to dinner with us.A.Thank you. B.I wouldnt go. C. Never mind. D.Youre too kind3-What about having a swim?A. Id love to, but mother is ill. B. It isnt interesting.C. No, my mother is ill. D. Youre welcome.4.一Shall we go to the cinema this evening?_A. Sorry. Im meeting my parents at the airport at 8:15.B. Dont mention it.C- Why not change the time? Im not free.D.I have no time.5.-Shall we go to the concert tonight?_A.I cant agree more. B.I cant agree. C. Dont say so. D. Im very happy to hear that.Period 2Text l An invitation letterTopicAn invitation letterTeaching important and difficult pointsVocabulary, readingTeaching Aims 1.Vocabulary: invitation, letter, celebrate, autumn, festival, Chinese, join, drink, food, fun, house, lot, more, October, plan, show, third, without,move.2.Improve the students reading ability.Teaching proceduresStep 1. GreetingsStep2 Revision Dictation: words and phrases in the last period.Step3 New words and phrases invitation, letter, celebrate, autumn, festival, Chinese, join, drink, food, fun, house, lot, more, October, plan, show, third, without,move.Step 4 Reading comprehension 1.课文导人简单介绍书信的基本写作模式。讨论邀请函的要素:被邀请人、时间、地点、庆祝活动及方式等。2.课文理解让学生回答与课文相关的问题。Who are going to give a party at their house?Why are they going to give the party?When are they going to give the party?Whom do they write the letter to?What are they going to do during the party?Step 5 Translation Ask the students to work in pairs or groups to translate the text orally in class.让学生分组结对学习,口头翻译课文。课文参考译文一封邀请函亲爱的艾比:我们将于十月三日晚上七点在家举行晚会,庆祝中国的中秋节。如果那天你没有其他的安排,能否来参加?那天晚上许多朋友会来参加,我们相信到时大家会很开心。另外,我们会准备中国食品和饮料。此外,我们还会放映一部感动华语世界的中国电影天下无贼。如果你能来,我们将感到非常荣幸。你的 希瑟和卡罗琳 Step 6 Exercises in class根据首字母填写单词We are g l a Party at our house at seven oclock in the evening on October the third to c 2 the Chinese Mid-autumn F 3 .If you have no other plans for that day, would you like to j 4 us? A lot of friends will come on that evening and we are s 5 there will be much fun then. We will p_6_ plenty of Chinese food and drink. What is m_7_, we will s 8 a Chinese film A World Without Thieves, which has moved the Chinese-speaking world.Keys : 1.giving 2.celebrate 3. Festival 4.join 5.sure 6. prepare 7.more 8.show二、词汇与语法 1. Would you do me _ of attending the party?A.the please B. the pleasure C. the pleasant D. the pleased 2.She is not very _ to new-comers.A.-friendly B.friend C.friendship D.a friend 3. He was doing his homework very _A.care B.careful C.carefully D.carelessness 4.The child doesnt feel like _ .A.dance B.to dance C.to be danced D.dancing 5.This is a story of _life.A.real B.really C.realize D.realization 6.Lets go and have lunch. This is my _A.treat B.treatment C.to treat D.treating 7.1ts very kind _ you to help us.A.for B.of C.with D.to 8. How about _ her up and _ her the truth?A.calling;telling B.calling;tell C.called;told D.to call;to tell Period3 Text2TopicThey are full, too.Teaching important and difficult pointsVocabulary, readingTeaching Aims 1.Vocabulary: besides, bring, Christmas, eat, end , plenty , full, jokingly,forget, something, wonderful, come up,2. Improve the students reading ability.Teaching proceduresStep 1. GreetingsStep2 Revision Dictation: words and phrases in the last period.invitation, thief, letter, celebrate, autumn, festival, Chinese, join, drink, food, fun, house, lot, more, October, plan, show, third, without, move.Step3 New words and phrases besides, bring, Christmas, eat, end , plenty, full, jokingly,forget, something, wonderful, come up,Step 4 Reading comprehension1.Lead-in:T: Do you like to take part in a party? When will you be invited to a party? What activities are there in a party?Do you usually go to a party with a gift?Which party is unforgettable for you?Ss:学生各抒己见,教师引导学生进入本篇课文。2.课文理解让学生回答与课文相关的问题。Who was invited to Colins party?What did Erics mother ask him to do?Did Eric enjoy himself at the party?What do you think of Colins mother?What does the sentence They are full, too” mean?3. 课堂活动在讲解show这个单词时,可以鼓励学生上台表演一些简单动作,然后让其他学生猜猜该同学在show什么,从而牢记该单词。并以此介绍一些相关词组:for show,on show,show off等。4.参考译文它们也饱了圣诞节到了。科林邀请埃里克去他家。意见,妈妈埃里克征询妈妈的意见,妈妈说:“行,你可以去”。当埃里克去参加晚会时,妈妈开玩笑地对他说:“埃里克,别忘了给我带点好吃的回来。”“好的,妈妈。”埃里克回答道。聚会上有很多好吃的东西。埃里克玩得很开心。晚会结束时,科林的妈妈走过来对埃里克说:“埃里克,要不要再吃点什么?”“不用了,谢谢。”埃里克回答道:“我吃饱了。”再装些蛋糕放在口袋里,在回去的路上吃吧。”“也不用了,谢谢。口袋也饱了。” Step5 .Exercises in class 随堂练习根据首字母填写单词l. It was Christmas. Colin i Eric to his house.2.Before he went to the party, his mother said to him j ,Eric, dont forget to bring me something nice to eat.3.There were a lot of n things to eat at the party.4.Then put some cakes in your p to eat on your way home.Period 4TopicThey are full, too.Teaching important and difficult pointsLanguage points and exercises in workbook.Teaching Aims 1.Vocabulary and structure2.Improve the students reading ability.Teaching proceduresStep 1. GreetingsStep2 Revision Dictation: words and phrases in the last period.invitation, thief, letter, celebrate, autumn, festival, Chinese, join, drink, food, fun, house, lot, more, October, plan, show, third, without, move.Step3 Language points疑难浅析1. A lot of friends will come on that evening and we are sure there will be much fun then. 那天晚上许多朋友会来参加,我们相信到时大家会很开心。当预测将来或表示将来的意图时,可使用will或going to。当预测某种未来情况,而这种未来情况是基于普遍的信念、观点或态度时,用will。例如:The weather tomorrow will be warm and sunny. 明天的天气将会是晴暖的。Im sure you will enjoy your visit to the zoo. 我肯定你到动物园会会玩得很高兴。当使用现在的事实或事件作为预测根据时,可用going to表示。例如:Its going to rain. 要下雨了。Im going to be late. 我要迟到了。2. We are giving a party at our house at seven oclock in the evening on October the third.我们将于十月三日晚上七点在家举行晚会英语中的将来时态除了可用上述的will或going to外,还可以用现在进行时表示人们对将来的计划和安排。例如:I m meeting Bill next week. 下周我将和比尔见面。Theyre getting married in June. 他们将在六月份结婚。3. We shall be very pleased if you can come. 如果你能来我们将感到非常荣幸。这是一个if引导的条件状语从句,也可以这样表达:If you can come,we shall be very pleased. 本篇课文中if引导的条件状语从句还有:If you have no other plans for that day,would you like to join us? 例如:III call you if I need you. 有需要的话,我会给你打电话。If the light comes on, the battery is OK. 如果能亮说明电池是好的。4. At the end of the party, Colins mother came up to Eric.聚会结束时,科林的妈妈走过来句中at the end of 表示“在尽头、末尾”。例如:Well have an English speaking contest at the end of the term.by the end of表示“到末为止”。例如:Well have learned 1000 words by the end of this term.Step4 Exercises(词汇与语法)1- 1t is a great pleasure for me to your party. A. being invited B.invited C.to be invited D.inviting 2.The apple tastes and sells A.well;well B.well;good C.good;good D.good;well 、3.Ive been looking forward to the Great Wall for years.A.visit B.visiting C.visited D.be visit 4.1ts in the Western countries to-ask about a womans age.A.helpful B.important C.polite D.not polite 5.What she said reasonable?A.heard B.listened C.sounded D.sounded like6.一What would you like for breakfast?I dont feel like .A.to eat something B.eating something C.to eating anything D.eating anything 7._have you seen Tom lately?A. By the way B. In the way C. On the way D. In this way 8. He arrived in London a cold evening. A.at B. in C.on D.between Step5 HomeworkRevise this unit and prepare for a test for UNIT 8Period 5TopicTest A in workbookTeaching important and difficult pointsLanguage points and exercises in Test A.Teaching Aims 1.Revise this unit.2.Improve the students integrating ability.Teaching proceduresStep 1. GreetingsStep2 Revision Step 3 Test A Analyse一、英汉互译1游泳_ 2.中秋节 3.许多的,大量的 4.忘记要做5.English-speaking 6.forget doing sth.7. 8.remember to do sth. 9.1nvite sb.to do sth. 10.have a wonderful time二、词汇与语法1. We will show a Chinese film A World Without Thieves, which has moved the world.A.Chinese-speaking B.speak-Chinese C.speaking-Chinese D.Chinese-spoken 2.We shall be very _ if you can come.A. please B. pleased C- pleasant D.pleasure 3- We will prepare . Chinese food and drink.A.plenty B.plenty of C.many D.a number of 4.We will show a Chinese film A World Without Thieves, has moved the Chinese-speaking world.A.that B.which C.what D.whose 5.一I 1ike reading very much_.A.So do I B.So am I C.So does I D.So I do 6.一I 1ike reading novels when I am free._A.So is with me B.So does me C.So with me D.So do me7.Charlie here next month.A. B.doesnt working C.isnt going to working D.wont work 8.There a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.will be going to B.will going to be C.is going to be D .9.一Where is the morning paper?一I it for you at once.A.get B.am getting C.to get D.will get 10- I f they come, we a meeting.A.have B.will have C.had D.would have 三、完型填空A famous writer who was visiting Japan was invited to give a talk at a university to a large group of students. As most of them could not understand l English,he had to have an interpreter(翻译)During his talk he told an interesting story. At last he stopped to let the interpreter translate it into Japanese,and he was very 2 when the man did this in a few seconds after which all the students 3 .After the talk,the writer thanked the interpreter for his good job and then said to hir Now please tell me how you translated that long story of mine into such a a 4 Japanese one.I didnt tell the story at all,the interpreter answered with a smile. I just said,our guest has just told a 5 story,you will all laugh please. 1.A.speak B.speaking 2.A. happily B. surprising C. worry D. surprised 3.A.smiled B.laughed C.cried D.shouted 4.A.good B.middle C.short D.long 5.A.fun B.funny C.funning D.funs 四、阅读理解A woman saw three old men sitting in her front yard.She said,I dont think I know you,but you must be hungry.Please come in and have something to eat.We dont go into a house together,they replied.Why is that?she wondered.One of the old men explained:His name is Wealth,this is Success,and I am Love. Now go and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home.The woman discussed with her husband,but they had different opinions. Then the daughter made a suggestion:Would it be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love!Lets take our daughters advice,said the father.So the


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