【优化指导】(全国通用)高考英语总复习 6.6War and Peace课时作业 外研版.doc_第1页
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【优化指导】(全国通用)2013高考英语总复习 6.6war and peace课时作业 外研版2here is the key to my car.thanks,but i must know where you_it.awill parkbare parkingcparked dhad parked解析:根据第一句话中的时态是一般现在时,可断定对方想知道车刚才被停在哪里,所以用一般过去时。答案:c3all the pressure_and he was off work for weeks with stress.abrought upbbuilt upctook updpulled up解析:句意:各方面的压力越来越大,他因负荷太重有好几星期没上班了。build up加大,加强,增强(体质);bring up教育,提出,培养;take up 开始从事,占用;pull up拔起,阻止,停下。答案:b4what do you think of the murder,mary?i find it complicated.it is a case_the children are used by adults.awherebwhichcwhendthat解析:句意:mary,你怎么看待这起谋杀案?我觉得这个案子很复杂。在这个案子中孩子们被成年人利用了。a case后面主谓结构完整,故应该填关系副词where,表示“在这个案子中”。答案:a5the headmaster will_a speech to the visiting foreign guests this afternoon.adeliverbaddresscannounce ddeclare解析:考查动词辨析。deliver a speech“发表演讲”,address也有发表演讲的意思,但其后跟的是听众。announce“宣布,通知”;declare“(正式)宣布,声明”。答案:a6i hope you understand the tennis committee has_you of a serious offence,john.acharged baccusedcblameddwarned解析:accuse sb.of sth.为固定短语,意为“指控某人做某事”。答案:b7when you listen to people talk or read something without a title,try to invent_title that summarizes_ main idea.athe;abthe;theca;ada;the解析:句意:当你在听人们谈论或阅读没有标题的材料时,努力想出一个能总结大意的标题。第一个空用a,表示不定特指而且有“一个”的概念;第二个空用the表特指,特指所读材料的大意。答案:d8nowadays,a large number of women,especially those from the countryside,_in the clothing industry.ais workingbworkscworkdworked解析:a large number of复数名词作主语,谓语动词用复数形式;从nowadays 可知,要用一般现在时。答案:c9i was about to leave home_suddenly it began to snow.awhenbwhilecasdas soon as解析:此题考查be about to do.when句型,正要,这时突然。因此选a。答案:a10deep in the forest_,who made no contact with the outside world.aliving a couplebwere a couple livingcdid a couple livedlived a couple解析:当句首为表示地点的介词词组,并且谓语是不及物动词sit,live,stand,run,come,go等,主语为名词时,常用完全倒装。答案:d11tom,lets go to the nature park newly opened.i believe the beauty of nature there will make a wonderful_upon you.aexperiencebimpressioncexpressionddifference解析:考查名词辨析。make an impression on/upon sb.表示“给某人留下印象”。答案:b12misunderstandings_from lack of social communication,unless_properly,may lead to serious problems.aarisen;handlingbarising;handledcrising;handleddrisen;handling解析:句意:缺乏社交沟通引起的误解,除非被适当地处理,不然会出现严重问题。arise是不及物动词,所以用现在分词作定语,表示“由而引起,由而产生”。handle和其逻辑主语misunderstandings是动宾关系,表示“处理,应付”,所以要用过去分词表被动。答案:b13dont forget where the emergency exits are_an emergency.ain place ofbin favor ofcin case ofdin charge of解析:考查介词短语词义辨析。in place of“取代,代替”;in favor of“支持,赞成”;in case of“以免,以防”;in charge of“负责,掌握”。根据句意可知,该题最佳选项为c。答案:c14he had little idea that it was getting so late,_?adidnt he bwasnt it cdid he dwas it解析:考查反意疑问句。句意:他不知道天已经很晚了,是不是?在含有从句的主从复合句中,主句的主语不是第一人称,反意疑问句要与主句的主语和谓语保持一致,little在句中表示否定,故选c。答案:c15are you going for an autumn outing?_.ait all dependsbit is all dependingcits all dependeddit all depends on解析:“it all depends.”为固定用法,意思是:“要看情况而定。”答案:a二、阅读理解ai think that genetically modified foods should be banned.heres why.we have no idea of the real impact they have on our environment.while theres currently no hard proof that environmental damage is being done by genetically modified foods,there are a few worrying and suspect events that may actually be tied to these products.most important is the sudden loss of huge numbers of bee hives.bees are necessary to the pollination process for soybeans and many other food crops.its entirely possible that“the law of unintended consequences”has caused the loss of these extremely important insects.theres also no real way to prevent cross contamination(交叉污染)between modified crops and natural crops.when neighboring fields are planted with different varieties of compatible(可共存的)plants,there is a virtual guarantee of some cross pollination between the fields.we have no idea of the real impact they have on human beings.there is already documented evidence that genetically modified foods may be the cause of higher allergy(过敏)rates in children.its impossible to guess what other effects they may eventually cause.i suspect that most people have forgotten the serious health scare and complete failure that occurred in 1989 that caused death or health problems for hundreds of people.the product causing the problem was ltryptophan,an amino acid.commercially produced ltryptophan is developed through a bacterial fermentation process.one maker of the supplement developed a genetically modified strain of bacteria which was capable of producing higher quantities of ltryptophan.unfortunately,the process“broke”somewhere along the line with the genetically altered bacteria creating an altered form of the chemical which had devastating effects on people who consumed it.since there is no way to predict these kinds of changes,its both foolish and dangerous to introduce genetically modified products into the food chain.finally,theres no need for genetically modified foods.most companies that produce these products will send out statistics about higher output per acre or plants that are more tolerant to negative conditions.but the truth is that the claims,while at least partially true,are mostly rhetoric.these companies are really just looking for a way to increase their bottom line profits.they may not actually intend to damage the ecosystem or create new health problems for people.but in my opinion its not nice to fool mother nature.she may offer up a variety of severe surprises in response.语篇解读:本文论述了禁止转基因食品流入市场的理由。1whats the structure of the passage?解析:文章结构题。本文第一段提出论点,下文从三个方面分析了这个论点,分别为第二三、四五和六段,故答案为a。答案:a2the sudden loss of bee hives may be due to _.aenvironmental pollution from human beingsbgenetically modified productsccrosscontamination between modified cropsdcross pollination between the fields解析:细节理解题。根据第二段.“the law of unintended consequences”has caused the loss of these extremely important insects和前文内容可知,答案为b。答案:b3which of the following words best describes genetically modified foods?arisky.bdeadly.charmful.dhealthy.解析:推理判断题。根据第五段.its both foolish and dangerous to introduce genetically modified products into the food chain可推断,答案为a。答案:a4what can be inferred from the passage?agenetically modified foods will be banned eventually.bmore research on genetically modified foods should be done.cplants that are more tolerant to negative conditions are safe to eat.dadults can eat genetically modified foods,but children are forbidden.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段while theres currently no hard proof that environmental damage.和第四段we have no idea of the real impact.可推断,答案为b。答案:bbfailure,they say,is the best teacher.we learn and gain more confidence through trial and error.at one time or another we will encounter failure.you dont have to accept your failure if what you really want to achieve is success.for every achievement,there have been one or more failures.but those who we call successful are those who refuse to accept failure and believe success is the other side of failure.the incandescent light(白炽灯)was invented after 1,000 failures.assuming he had stopped after he tried 100 times without the desired result,what would have been the result of such effort?any time you see products and new inventions,think in term of failures that are not accepted.moreover,everything in a microform today is a result of failure that is not accepted.any time your effort is not bringing a desired result,you dont have to call it a failure.call it a challenge.what is the difference between the two?one is negative,and the other is positive;one motivates,and the other demotivates.what you need is positive thinking and motivation to attain success.failure is an end thing;challenge is an open thing.failure means there is no way out,no alternative,but challenge is a question mark asking another way out of the situation,an alternative solution to the problem,the job at hand.keep dreaming and moving;that is the solution to success.a wise man once said if you cannot fly,run.if you cannot run,walk.if you cannot walk,crawl;just keep on moving. if you fall down,you have to get up and start moving.if not,other people w


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