



课堂测试单项选择(30分)( )1_ do you clean your room? Every day AHow often BHow long CHow soon DHow far( )2_ will he come back? In a week AHow long BHow soonCHow farDHow often( )3Could you please _ the dishes? Ado Bto do Cdoing Ddid( )4I dont like making _ bed but I like making _ tea A;the Bthe;theCthe;/D/;/( )5Thanks very much for _ me such a beautiful present Agive Bto giveCgiving Dgives( )6Dont forget _ the door when you leave Ato shut Bshut Cshutting Dshuts( )7I forget _ him the newsIn fact I have told him Ato tell Btelling Ctold Dtell( )8She has fun _ English Aspeak BspeakingCsay Dsaying( )9He often borrows money _ others but he doesnt lend anything _ anybody Afrom;from Bto;from Cfrom;to Dto;to( )10Ive invited him _ our school Ato visit BvisitedCvisiting Dvisits( )11Could I buy _ drinks and snacks? There arent _ in the fridge Asome;any Bsome;someCany;any Dany;some( )12You are late againWhy _ a little earlier? Anot you comeBdo you come Cdont you comeDyou dont come( )13What about having a cup of tea? _ AI want itBHelp yourselfCGood ideaDMe,too( )14Its _ boating in the river in spring Aa fun doingBa fun to goCfun to goDfun go to( )15Happy birthday to you _ AThe same to youBCongratulations CThank youDThats OK完形填空(30分) Mr Evans worked in Seattle,but then he changed his jobHe and his wife moved to 1 townThey didnt have many 2 there, 3 they soon met many interesting people 4 a few weeks they often went to dinner or to 5 at other peoples homes One day Mr and Mrs Evans also had a party at homeThey 6 their friends to comeThey and their friends all had a good timeThey sang and danced 7 and didnt 8 even it was very lateAt 9 a policeman came and asked them 10 their party because they made so much noise( )1Aother Bthe other Canother( )2Afriends Bchildren Cjobs( )3Aand Bbut Cso( )4AAfter BBefore CAbout( )5Ameetings Bpicnic Cparties( )6Ashouted Binvited Csent( )7Aquickly Bbadly Chappily( )8Aleave Bbegin Ccome( )9Abreakfast Bonce Cmidnight( )10Abegin Bto stop Cgo on with阅读理解(20分) Denies Walme in Dallas,Texas,USA,now 14 years old,published his best seller Unbending Gisula eight years ago The book is about a little whale named GisulaOne day,Gisula did not take his mothers words and went up the beachThen he got lost and had to learn to live by himselfHe published the book at the age of sixHe is said to be the youngest writer and picture artistAnother surprising thing about the book is that it became a best seller immediately after it was published and brought him a lot of money Because he spent much time writing the book,his study was not very good and he had to learn the years work againBut his gift of writing is highly praised by the teachers and studentsAnd he was even invited to give talks on writing But Denies does not want to be a writerHe said,“I like planes mostI dream of becoming a pilot some day”( )1From the story we can learn that Denies _ Apublished his Unbending Gisula at the age of 14 Bwants to be a writer when he grows up Cdrew the pictures for his own book Ddoes not go to school any more( )2What Denies liked most is _ Awriting storiesBdrawing picturesCwhalesDplanes( )3Denies spent much time writing his book so _ Ahe learnt his lessons very wellBhe had to learn his lessons again Che was invited to give talks everywhereDhadnt take his mothers words( )4Deniess best seller is about _ Ahis teachers and studentsBGisulas mother Chow to go the beach and liveDa little whale( )5One surprising thing about the book should be _ ADenises ageBDeniess home in the USACthe poor Gisulas getting lostDDeniess talks on writing用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1As a _ (teen),I should work hard at my lesson2Could you do _ (shop)with me?3He spoke first at the _ (meet)yesterday4You should take care of _ (you)5Its tiring _ (sweep)all the rooms by myselfVII. 用could, can, may, must, neednt填空。(10分)1. A: I ask you a question? B: Yes, you . But you wait a moment.2. A: I use yor ruler? B: Sorry. I am using it. Ask Kate. She have one.3. A: you help me do


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