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单位 滦县九百户镇天华中学 姓名 丁顺英 学科 英语 年级 八年级 电话-密-封-线-2017年高效课堂优质课评比教学设计(导学案)课题Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?Section B (1a-1e)三维教学目标:知识与技能:.词汇:member,pressure,compete. 2.短语:play sports,hang out with sb. ,talk to sb.,spend time with sb,give sb.a lot of pressure,have a fight with sb.,compete with sb,each other 3.句子: Although you may be unhappy with your parents,you should talk to them. Life shouldnt just be about grades.Free time activities like sports and hanging out with friends are important ,too.过程与方法:自主学习,合作探究,教师引导提示,学生整理展示,记笔记。情感态度价值观:让学生了解每个人在生活中都有可能遇到一些挫折和不幸,我们应该多去向那些不幸和困难的人们多表示自己的爱心,多去理解和帮助他们,多向他们提出解决问题的建议而不是去嘲笑他们。教学重点:1)掌握本部分出现的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。2)进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力。3) 学会提出建议放松自己。教学难点:听力训练,理解并运用所学的词汇及表达方式。教具使用:多媒体突破难点的方法:重复,对话练习。教学过程设计:教学过程基本环节及要求设计意图及备注Step 1. 出示学习目标(分钟)Step 2Warming up(分钟)We often have some stress,I often listen to music and talk to my best friends to lower my stress .What about you? Ask:Whats wrong with the girl? Shes too stressed out.What should she do?Can you give her some advice?Step自主学习. 自主学习新词(分钟)自主学习新词,展示当代人们遇到的一些问题,问学生有没有自己的压力,引出pressure,然后针对问题给出合理的建议。. 自主学习1a(3分钟)Tell the students to read the phrases and understand them.(2)Find somebody to translate them.(3)Order the phrases with one to seven,then add another way to relax.(4)Talk about in groups.(5)Ask ss to say with the example.(分钟)If I have stress, I often play sports with my friends, like playing table tennis. I also read some books to lower my stress.Step 4.listening parts.(10分钟)Complete 1c and 1d.1. Introduce the situation to the ss.“Wei Ming has some problems to talk .”2. Stress the importance that ss should pay attention to.3. Play the recorder and ask the ss to circle.4. Ask ss to read the listening materials and fill in the blanks.5. Check out in groups.Step 5.小组合作(分钟)Ask ss to give Wei Ming some advice.Step 6.课堂小结(分钟)Step 7当堂检测(分钟). 用所给词的适当形式填空1.My parents give me a lot of_ (press). 2.There are many after-school_ (activity) now. 3.We should study hard_ (get) better grades. 4. _(hang) out with your friends is a good way to reduce your sadness. 5. Dont be _(worry) about that. I can do it by myself. . 句型展示1. 尽管你生你父母的气, 你还是应该跟他们谈谈。you may be your parents, youtalk to them. 2. 问问他们为什么给你这么多的压力。Ask them hey give you pressure. Step 小组评价反馈(1分钟)Step 9作业布置(分钟)生齐读学习目标利用自己的经历及图片导入。熟悉新词(会读会写)member ,pressure,compete.激发表达欲望,带动学习气氛。自主学习短语,小组内探讨。学生展示,提升口语表达能力课堂评价,鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动roups加分Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6口头作业:记今天学习的新词、短语和句型,预习明天的新课。书面作业:同步训练page24(1,2)板书设计Unit 4 section


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