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宜昌市旅游饭店服务技能大赛(调酒)英语口语比赛试题一、英译汉1. Welcome to our bar!Do you have a reservation? 欢迎光临本酒吧!请问你有预订吗? 2. Thank you for having kept you waiting for so long. 感谢您久等了3. please take your seats, Here is the wine list.请就坐,这是酒水单。 4Come this way, please,Ill show you to your table. 请往这边走,我会带您入座。 5Id like to recommend this wine to you. Im sure youll like it. 我想向您推荐这款酒,我相信您会喜欢它。 6Im afraid that table has been reserved. Do you mind sitting alone? 抱歉,那桌已经有人预订。您不介意一个人单独坐吧? 7I prefer to sit in the non-smoking area. 我更喜欢坐无烟区 8How many people are there/involved in your party? 请问你们一共有几位? 9What kind of drinks would you like,orange juice or mineral water? 请问您想喝哪种饮料,橙汁还是矿泉水? 10. The main dish is ready, Shall I serve it now ?现在可以为你上主食了吗? 11. Take your time and Ill come back to take your order in a few minutes? 请慢用我一会儿回来为你点单。 12Let me check our notes if theres a table available . 让我查一下记录看是否有空桌。 13The wines are specially imported by our hotel. 这是我们酒店特别进口的酒。 14Would you mind sitting here in the corner? 坐在这边角落您不介意吧? 15May I know your name and your telephone number? 我可以知道您的名字和电话号码吗? 16Which do you prefer, green tea or black tea? 您喜欢绿茶还是红茶? 17You can choose whatever you want. 你想吃什么就选择什么。 18Id like to have some local beer. 我想要当地出产的啤酒。 19Would you please wait a little longer, well send it up in a few minutes. 请再等一会儿,我们马上给您送来。 20Do you prefer bottled or canned fruit juice? 请问您要瓶装的还是听装的果汁? 21Would you please show me your room card? Please sign here. 请出示您的房卡好吗?请您在这里签字。 22Thank you for your coming. Have a nice day. 谢谢您的光顾,祝您愉快。 23How would you like us to arrange your table ? 你想要我们如何安排你的桌子24. Well prepare everything for you in advance? 我们会为你提前准备好一切 25. Here are your change and receipt, Please keep them. 这是找您的零钱和收据, 请收好. 26. Will you pay in cash or by credit card? 请问您是付现金还是刷信用卡? 27. If you would have your meals in the room, just dial 8 for room service. 如果你要在房间用餐, 请拨送餐电话8! 28We can serve all kinds of banquet services. 我们可以提供各种宴会服务 29The cafeteria always offers a big variety. 这个自助餐厅提供的食物种类很多30Please take the lift to the third floor. 请乘电梯到三楼。 31Food in a cafeteria is usually cheaper than that in a restaurant. 自助餐馆的饭菜一般比餐馆的要便宜。 32. Where is the washroom? Please go straight ahead, mind your steps. 请问洗手间在哪?一直往前走,请注意台阶。 33Im afraid todays specialty has been sold out. 抱歉今天的特色菜已经卖完了。34The beverage shop is at the end of the corridor. 饮料店在走廊尽头。 35Could you recommend some good wine for our dinner? 你能为我们的晚宴推荐一些好酒吗? 36. We are open from 9 in the morning(AM )to 11 in the evening(PM). 我们的营业时间是从早上9:00到晚上11:00。 37Thank you very much. We dont accept tips. 非常感谢,我们不收小费。 38Would you please fill in this form? 请填一下这张表好吗? 39What would you like to drink? Id like an Irish whisky, please. 你想要喝什么?我想喝爱尔兰威士忌。 40Wish you a pleasant stay in our bar . Hope to see you again. 愿你在我们酒吧过得愉快,希望能再次见到你. 41What kind of wine would you like,Gin or Vodka? 请问您喜欢哪种酒,金酒还是伏特加? 42. Would you like to have some beer to cool you down after all the spicy foods? 在你食用完麻辣食物后来些啤酒下下火,好吗?43Im sure everything will be fine next time you come. 相信下次您再来时,一切都会好的. 44If you need anything else, just call me. 如果您有什么事情请叫我.45May I change the plate for you ? 我可以为你更换骨碟吗? 46. It is necessary for you to make a reservation before dinning out. 外出就餐前做预定是很有必要的 47This dish is very hot , caution please! 这道菜很烫,请小心!48Mao Tai is one of the famous Chinese white wines. We have 56% alcohol and 38% alcohol? 茅台是中国著名白酒之一,我们有56度和38度的49What brand of beer would you like,sir? 需要什么牌子的啤酒? 50I do apologize for giving you the wrong wine. 很对不起给你上错酒了 二 汉译英 51我是现在给你上咖啡还是过一会儿上?Shall bring the coffee now or later?52如果你需要其他的服务,请按桌上的按钮。 If you need any other service, please push the button on the table.53. 我们有不同种类的听装和瓶装啤酒 We have different kinds of canned and bottled beers. 54请问你有特殊要求吗? Do you have any special requirements? 55您希望坐在哪儿?喜欢靠窗坐吗? Where would you like to sit? Would you like to sit by the window? 56你愿意尝试我们另一种新款葡萄酒吗?Would you like to try another new type of wine? 57你需要预定什么时间的桌位?When would you like your table ?58如果您不喜欢这款酒,是不是换另外的? If you dont like this wine, how about getting another one? 59点菜前要不要喝点什么?Would you like to drink before you order? 60. 你是愿坐在大厅还是包间? Which do you prefer, a table in the dinning hall or in the room?61. 我们的酒水下午五点到八点半价。Our wine is half priced from 5pm to 8pm.62. 加不加冰?With or without ice? / on the rocks or straight up ? 63. 对不起我们今天没有预定服务Im sorry we dont have the reservation service today64. 这种红酒非常温和而且与你点的牛排很相配。The red wine is rather mild and it would go very well with the steak you ordered .65. 你远道而来到中国,我推荐您喝中国黄酒。Since you have come all the way to China, I recommend the Chinese rice wine. 66. 你的牛排要几分熟, 嫩的 半熟或全熟 ?How would you like the steak cooked, rare, medium or well-done?67. 我可以把这个杯子撤下吗?May I take the glass away?68. 服务员马上过来为你服务。The waiter will be at your service soon.69. 请问你喜欢什么口味,辣的还是酸的?Which flavor would you like, spicy or sour?70. 临睡前喝一杯,好吗? A night-cup before retiring? 71. 恐怕这款酒没有了,换成别款的怎么样? Im afraid that this wine is not available now. How about another kind?72. Bourbon on the rocks的意思是波本威士忌加冰块。Bourbon on therocks is Bourbon whisky with ice.73. 从你入住我们的酒店后,你就可以签单。 You may sign your bills any time when you stay in our hotel.74. 我们有一瓶保存了20年的葡萄酒。 We have a bottle of wine preserved for twentyyears.75. 茅台酒精度数要比黄酒高。Mao Tai is much stronger than Shao Xing rice wine. 76. 非常抱歉,还有什么可以为您效劳吗?I do apologize. Is there anything else I can do for you? 77. 您要喝点茅台吗?这酒从不上头。Would you like to have some Mao Tai? It never goes to the head.78. 酒吧现在客满,请稍等约20分钟好吗?The bar is full now. Do you care to wait for about 20 minutes?79. 我们供应很多种饮料,请自便。We serve many kinds of drinks. Please help yourself. 80. 您不介意把餐桌一边的窗户打开吧?Would you mind opening the window by the table? 81. 如果您不介意,我们可以为您看管行李。If you dont mind, we can take care of your baggage. 82. 我们有上好的饮品。We have got good drinks. 83. 绿岛”(鸡尾酒名) 的口感相当好。“Green Island” tastes very good/excellent. 84. 本地啤酒很有特色。 Our special is the local beer. 85. 这是米酒,用米酿制的。They are rice wines, made from rice. 86. 人们喜欢在自助餐厅用餐,又快又便.People like to have buffet. Its cheap and quick.87. 这儿每一桌/人均 的消费是多少?How much would you like to spend for each table/each person?88. 我可以看你的邀请卡吗? May I look at your invitation card?89. 我能把这个盘子移到旁边吗?May I move the plate to the side?90. 我们有些新制的鸡尾酒,如“白色美人”、“水立方”、“天堂鸟”等。We have got some newly made cocktails, such as “White Beauty”, “Water Cube”, and “Bird Nest” 91. “罗马假日” (鸡尾酒名)看上去不错。“Holiday In Rome” looks nice. 92. “红粉佳人”(鸡尾酒名)的味道有点儿甜. “Pink Lady” tastes sweet.93. 我要一杯“椰林树影”Id like a glass of “ Tree Shadow In Coconut Forest” (鸡尾酒名). 94. 来一杯“夏日阳光” “Summer Sunshine” (鸡尾酒名) would be nice. 95. 大家都很喜欢“艳阳之舞 People like “Dance Of Bright Sun” (鸡尾酒名) very much. 96. “幸运星” 销路很好 “Star Of Good Fortune”(鸡尾酒名) sells well. 97. “日落黄昏” 听起来很有意思。 “Setting Sun At Dusk”(鸡尾酒名) sounds very interesting. 98. 你是坐在吧台旁还是坐在窗口旁? Would you like a table near the bar or by the window? 99. 先生,你认为我们的饭菜和酒水怎么样?How did you like the food and wines,Sir? 100. 来一杯威士忌,纯喝。Id like a glass of whisky, straight up. 101. 可以给我一张等候卡吗? May I have a waiting card ? 102. 要一杯两盎司加冰的苏格兰酒Two ounces scotch on the rocks,please. 103. “星光灿烂”的名字很浪漫The name of “Bright Stars” (鸡尾酒名) is romantic. 104. 一杯威士忌,一半水,一半酒 A glass of whisky, half and half. 105. 您的白兰地,加冰还是不加冰? How would you like your brandy, up or down? 106. 这瓶酒喝完了,再来一瓶,好吗? Your bottle of wine is finished, would you like one more bottle?107. “爱情故事” 和 “烫热之吻” 互不相同“Love Story” and “Very Warm Kiss” (鸡尾酒名) are different from each other. 108. 再给我来一杯 Make it two, please. 109. 请给我一壶热咖啡 Please bring me a pot of hot coffee. 110. 你们接受这张信用卡吗? Do you accept this credit card? 111. 你的牛排需要配什么菜? What would you like to go with your steak? 112. “烈日骄阳” 和 “艳阳之舞” 之间有不同点There is difference between “Burning Sun” (鸡尾酒名) and “Dance of Bright Sun” (鸡尾酒名). 113. 我现在可以为你清理桌子吗?May I clean the table for you now?114. 这是咖啡单,我们有多种咖啡. Here is the coffee list, we have many kinds of coffee.115. 我想要一杯纯咖啡. I would like a cup of black coffee.116. 请帮我续一下杯好吗?Could you refill my cup for me ?117. 啤酒是世界上最好的饮品之一 Beer is one of the finest beverages in the world.118. 对不起,先生。五月一日我们已经预定了,你介意更改时间吗?Im sorry sir. May the first has been reserved, would you mind changing your time ?119. 你们有什么类型的酒后甜点?有柠檬派,巧克力,冰激凌等。 What kind of desserts do you have ? Lemon pie, chocolate, ice cream and so on.120. 我想要一个五人就餐的包间桌位。 I d like to have a table for five people in a separate room? 题型三 情景对话1. Q: What would you say to the guest if you want to conform his/her reservation ? A: May I conform your reservation, sir/ madam ? And then repeat the time, the number of people, and other requirements?2. Q: If the guest wants to have something that your bar doesnt have , What would you say ?A: Sorry, sir. This is not available in our bar. would you like something else ? 3. Q: If the guest asks you to recommend some drinks before a meal , What kind of drinks would you suggest(建议)?A: The most common before-dinner drink is the cocktail such as gin, whisky and rum , fruit juices, ice and fruit.4. Q: While you are on duty, what would you say if the guest invites you to have a drink ?A: I would tell him that I am working. So I shouldnt accept the guests invitation. But I would thank him all the same.5. Q: If the bar is full when the guest comes, what would you say? A: I would say “ We are very sorry, but there is no seat available at the moment, Could you please just wait for a while ?6. Q: After the guest pays the bill, and you want to express your good wishes, what would you say ?A: I would say: Thank you for having chosen our bar and having a good time staying in our bar.7. Q: If you find that the guest leaves the bar without paying bills, what would you do ?A: I would go and politely tell him that he has forgotten to pay his bill.8. Q: In the department of food and beverage, what do customers often complain about ? A: Customers often complain about slow service, wrong bill, poor quality of table ware, misserving dish, slack service attitude, dirty environment.9. Q: Where do the guests usually have a drink ? A: Guests usually have a drink in coffee shop, lounge bar, music bar, lobby bar, ballroom, Chinese restaurant and western restaurant.10. Q: If the guest complains that there is a mistake in his bill, What would you say ? A: I would say, “would you mind waiting for a minute?/ Sorry, Ill ask the cashier to check it up again.11. Q: What drinks do guests usually order after a meal? A: After a meal, guests usually order Brandy or Liqueur. 12. Q: What is champagne? A: Champagne is a


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