



高级阅读与写作(2)复习指导Types of testing questions in the final exam:Section I Vocabulary (30 points in all, 1 point each)Part A fill in blanks with given words Part B Multiple choice questions:Replace the underlined word in each of the given sentences by choosing one appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C. Section II Grammar (30 points in all)Part A Be able to use coordinating conjunctions (refer to P. 28-30), subordinating conjunctions (refer to P. 125-126; 153-155; 207-209), or adverbial conjunctions (refer to P. 56-59) to combine pairs of sentences.For the summary of conjunctions, please refer to P. 248-250 Part B Be able to identify certain grammatical problems such as run-on and comma splice in given sentences (refer to P. 60-61). Section III Reading Comprehension (20 points in all, 4 points each)Read a passage related in psychology and answer 5 questions (mainly test students ability of guessing new words) Section IV Writing (20 points)Write an essay with a given title ( 100 words)Section I 词汇清洁剂, 去垢剂 Detergent (line 1)人类学家Anthropologist (line 1)销售人员Marketing people (line 23)民族优越感 Ethnocentrism (line 5)跨国公司Multinational enterprise习惯, 风俗Custom (line 40)礼貌;礼节 Manner (line 40)物质文化; 企业(生产)文化Material Culture (P. 19) _传播海报Travel poster (line 6) 小口地喝; 吸吮, 啜Sip (line 10) = suck在我的想象中 In my minds eye (line 15)木材, 木料 Timber (line 16)腐烂的, 变质的 Rotten (line 24) 伪装的(鳄鱼的)眼泪 Imaginary tears (line 38)可怕地; 令人不快的 Dreadful (line 40)筋疲力尽的 Exhausted (line 40)保险箱 Safe (line 49)可食用的Edible (line 51)舔 Lick (line 50) _计划经济体制 Command economic system市场经济体制 Market economic system游牧的 Nomadic (line 24)收集者 Gatherer (line 24)干涉, 干预 Intervene = interfere 一瞥;扫视 Glance (line 2)雕刻 Sculpture (line 2)批评家, 评论家Critic (line 15)异教徒 Pagan (line 24)_佛教 Buddhism (line 10)基督教 Christianity (line 10)女神 Goddess (line 13)菩萨 Bodhisattva (line 38)妒忌Jealousy (line 22)崇拜, 敬拜 Worship (line 27) 佛 Buddha (line 34)沉思, 冥想 Meditation (line 35)涅盘, 极乐世界, 天堂 Nirvana (line 40)具体的, 有形的 Concrete (line 59)_风俗画 Genre (line 6)宫庭女子 Court ladies (line 8)盛大的,重大的 Grand (line 9)淡而柔和的色彩Pastel (line 12)原稿;手稿 Manuscript (line 14) 小屋Hut (line 20) = Small house斗蓬, 宽大外衣 Cloak (line 24)印象派画家Impressionist painter (line 28)微风 Breeze (line 31)和风Warm breeze _化妆品 Cosmetics (line 14) 巧妙的,优雅的, 整洁的 Neat (line 17)凉鞋, 檀香, 便鞋Sandal (line 23) 牧师Priest (line 41) 法老王(古埃及君主称号)Pharaoh高地, 高原Plateau 愚弄, 捣鬼, 搞恶作剧Hanky-panky 墓地, 公墓Cemetery 考古学家Archaeologist 垃圾堆DumpSkeleton (人或动物的) 骨骼流行的, 时髦的Vogue _正在流行 In vogue诨号, 绰号, 昵称Nickname (因疾病、意外事故等的) 伤亡Take a Toll 夺去, 使遭受死亡Take a Toll 脊骨Spine 一夫一妻的Monogamous 挖掘, 发掘Excavation登基Ascend the throne 工匠, 技工Artisan 悬崖之边或面Cliffside (由风吹积而成的) 沙丘Dune 工头,领班Foremen 通道; 坑道Shaft 监督; 工头Overseer 丑行,丑闻Scandal_直系亲属 Immediate family (line 11)暂时, 一度 For a time (line 24)永远, 来世 Eternity (line 27)竭尽全力 Go to great lengths (line 28)肖像, 人像 Portrait (line 36)与.绝交, 结束 Break with (line 70)_渐近结束, 临终 Come to a close (line 84)逼真的 Lifelike (line 90)嬉戏的;顽皮的, 好玩的 Playful (line 93)继承者, 接任者 Successor (line 101) _清醒的,明白的Lucid 限制, 约束Restriction (line 20) 谈话, 交谈Converse with (line 23) 诱导 Induction (line 35)通路, 访问, 入门, 接近Access (line 44)床头柜 Nightstand (line 51) = bedstand 在.之前, 先于Precede (line 60)_治愈, 医治Heal (line 5) 中间人(物); 媒介Intermediary (line 17)敌意不友好的情感, 憎恶, 恶意ill will (line 32)精神(心灵)世界 Spirit world (line 37)幻觉 Vision (line 53)寻找;追求Quest (line 56) 寻梦Vision quest 平原Flatland (line 64) = plain_震动的, 摇晃的Shaky (line 6) 碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁Crash (line 7) 被困住Get stuck (line 8) 满足感a sense of fulfillment (line 12) 攻击; 侵略, 侵犯Aggression (line 14) 假装, 伪装, 掩饰Disguise (line 22)轴, 杆状物; 通道Shaft (line 25) 治疗学家;治疗专家Therapist (line 27) 神经细胞Nerve cell (line 45) 神经冲动Nerve impulse (line 47) (脑)皮层, 皮质Cortex理解;懂;明白Make sense of (line 48) 修订, 校订, 修正Revise (line 56) 施加影响于Impose on (line 60) 觉醒状态的生活Waking life (line 66)捷径Royal road (line 84) = short cut = crosscut通往潜意识的捷径 Royal road to the unconscious_鼓吹Preach (line 2) 医治者Healer (line 4) 高峰时间Rush hour (line 6) 精神治疗医师Psychotherapist (line 13) 变态; 反常Abnormality (line 18)烦恼; 忧虑;干扰Disturbance (line 31)心理障碍Psychological disturbance思维障碍thought disturbance 心理失调Psychological disorder 症状, 征兆Symptom (line 41)不合情理的Out of proportion (line 44) 恐怖症Phobia (line 44)陌生环境恐怖Agoraphobia (line 45) 恐高症Acrophobia (line45) 幽闭恐怖症Claustrophobia (line 46) 黑夜恐怖症Nyctophobia (line 47)情绪变动Mood swings (line 53) 痛苦的Miserable (line 54) 抑郁症Depression (line 54) 双极的情绪失调Bipolar disorder (line 61)精神分裂症Schizophrenia (line 64) 错觉Delusion (line 67) 幻觉, 幻想Hallucination (line 68)_死亡 Decease (line 2) 死者, 已故者The deceased神经性厌食症Anorexia nervosa (line 9)多重性格症Dissociative identity (line 21)苗条的Slender (line 13)疾病Malady (27) 紧张性精神分裂症Catatonic schizophrenia (line 33)癫狂症Amok (line 41)性格内向的, 孤独的 Withdrawn_心理分析疗法Psychoanalysis动机 Motive 【心理】顿悟Insight自由联想 Free association行为疗法 Behavior therapy集体治疗法 Group therapy抗精神病的药物疗法 Antipsychotic drug therapy酗酒 Alcoholism 暴食Overeating3Section III Reading ComprehensionPassage 1:Lucid DreamIt is said that in England death is pressing, in Canada inevitable and in California optional. Small wonder, Americans life expectancy has nearly doubled over the past century. Failing hips can be replaced, clinical depression controlled, cataracts removed in a 30-minuts surgical procedure. Such advances offer the aging population a quality of life that was unimaginable when I entered medicine 50 years ago. But not even a great health-care system can cure death-and our failure to confront that reality now threatens this greatness of ours. Death is normal; we are genetically programmed to disintegrate and perish, even under ideal conditions. We all understand that at some level, yet as medical consumers we treat death as a problem to be solved. Shielded by third-party payers from the cost of our care, we demand everything that can possibly be done for us, even if its useless. The most obvious example is late-stage cancer care. Physicians-frustrated by their inability to cure the disease and fearing loss of hope in the patient-too often offer aggressive treatment far beyond what is scientifically justified. In1950, the U.S. spent .7 billion on health care. In 2002, the cost will be billion. Anyone can see this trend is unsustainable. Yet few seem willing to try to reverse it. Some scholars conclude that a government with finite resources should simply stop paying for medical care that sustains life beyond a certain age-say 83 or so. Former Colorado governor Richard Lamm has been quoted as saying that the old and infirm “have a duty to die and get out of the way”, so that younger, healthier people can realize their potential.I would not go that far. Energetic people now routinely work through their 60s and beyond, and remain dazzlingly productive. At 78, Viacom chairman Sumner Redstone jokingly claims to be 53.Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day OConnor is in her 70s,and former surgeon general C. Everett Koop chairs an Internet start-up in his 80s.These leaders are living proof that prevention works and that we can manage the health problems that come naturally with age. As a mere 68-year-old, I wish to age as productively as they have. Yet there are limits to what a society can spend in this pursuit. Ask a physician, I know the most costly and dramatic measures may be ineffective and painful. I also know that people in Japan and Sweden, countries that spend far less on medical care, have achieved longer, healthier lives than we have. As a nation, we may be overfunding the quest for unlikely cures while underfunding research on humbler therapies that could improve peoples lives. Passage 2: Lucid Dream(2)Lucid dreams are actually beyond dreaming. What happens is, youll be having a dream when suddenly your conscious mind takes notice of an anomy, or something not quite right, and you think, Hey-this cant be real, so I MUST BE DREAMING!Thats when the magic happens, and the dreamer is aware that he is dreaming. Anything can happen, then. You can fly like a bird, you can talk to a long-lost loved one, you can tell your boss to take this job and shove it, you can travel to beautiful lands in the blink of an eye, you can make elephants appearthe possibilities are endless.Lucid Dreams are very vivid.it is impossible to fully explain how powerful and REAL lucid dreams seem, until you actually experience one. Then it is a dream you will never likely forget! The colors are brilliant, you can feel, touch, taste, and make things happen at will. There will still be some surprises, such as what happened to a friend of mine who tried to manifest a boat on the ocean, but instead manifested a roller coaster.Another way to describe the experience of having a lucid dream is this: the next time you are in a movie theater and get wrapped up in the story that is unfolding on the screen in front of you, imagine suddenly realizing that you were not just a spectator, but a “part” of this movie! Suddenly, the movie/dream is going on all around you, and everything is vivid and up-close. You can smell, taste, touch, see, and hear everything that is going on, and it amazes you that this movie you thought was just a story told via actors and props is actually really transpiring. Suddenly you are chatting up Luke Skywalker, or screaming at Rose to make room for Jack on that board in the ocean, or flying through the air like Peter Pan. Anything that you imagine becomes part of the script, and you have a blast! That is close to the concept of what having a lucid dream feels like. Sound like fun? You bet it is! There is a fear factor to overcome, also. Once, in one of my lucid dreams, I remember apprehensively watching a nurse who was washing her hands at a sink, with her back turned towards me. I thought, I just know when she turns around, Ill see something horrifying! She turned around, and looked and behold, there was just a kindly-faced woman. I thought, But I just *knew* she would turn into something scary!? and as if to give me what I wanted, the womans face suddenly had an expression of, Well, ok! and her face transformed into a horrifying beast that lunged out at me, a look that appears in the gruesome werewolf (狼人) movie. Then, just as quickly, her face returned to a normal womans face, and she went about her business. It ended up being comical, and I learned an important lesson: Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it! I also learned that my fears were only illusions, and I dont have to let my fears rule my life.In lucid dreams, events will keep happening to try to seduce you back into the drama, and forget you are aware. It is challenging not to fall into this trap. The trick is STAYING in the lucid dream. There are techniques given such as looking at your hands in your dream, or twirling around in a spin like a ballerina, or doing somersaults with your dream body. Concentrating on doing one of those things will prevent the surge of excitement when your adrenalin (肾上腺素) kicks in, which would pull you out of the dream and this wonderful moment would be lost while you awaken fully. It is important to learn these techniques if you want to lucid dream effectively for longer periods of time.Passage 3: Psychology in Our LifeWith the advancement of our civilization, not only do we gain more wealth which contributes to a colorful life, but also psychological diseases tend to be more popular. Due to feelings of helplessness and hopelessness is undermining a fast-growing number of peoples lives, the deliberation on what give rise to those psychological problems comes into vogue.Lots of people are inclined to think psychological diseases are mainly linked to individual reasons. We live in the relatively same society. Everyone, for sure, will encounter misfortune or reversal, which goes hand in hand with frustration and feelings of helplessness. Some people attach too much importance to the setback, whereupon, worrisome thoughts are constantly swirling in their minds, and lead themselves to sinking into depression. In the meantime, other people are prone to perceive a bad situation as a challenge. After a reversal, they will bounce back quickly, and participate in life enthusiastically and spontaneously. In contrast t


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