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7A Unit3 Welcome to our school教案The first period Comic strip & welcome to the unit教学目标: 1、掌握中学常见的几门课程的名称;2、使用适当的语言谈论学校生活教学内容: 四会内容词汇:which , best , so , biology , geography , history , date , meeting , oclock , OK , gate 词组:School Open day , the parents meeting , at the school gate 句型:Which of the subjects do you like best ? Whats the date today ? What time is it ?教学重难点: 使用适当的语言谈论学校生活教学过程:Step 1 Free talk and lead in 1. Free talk Where do you study ?Do you like your new school ? Do you tell your parents about your new school ? What do you tell them ? 2. Today well learn Unit 3 Welcome to our school . Lets know more our new school .3. Present and learn the new words on page 3031 .Step 2 Learn Comic strip 1. Lead-in Eddie is a lovely dog . Which is his favorite subject ?2. Listen to the tape and answer the question .3. Read after the tape and explain 1) Which of the subjects do you like best ? = Which is your favourite subject ? / Which subject do you like best ?2) One / it I have a book . It is new . Your dictionary is good . I want to buy one , too .3) So I can eat three . He is three years old , so he cant go to school .= He cant go to school because he is three years old 4. Work in pairs .Step 3 Learn Welcome to the unit 1. Finish Part A 2. Work in pairs Model : A : Which of the subjects do you like best ? B: I like best A: Why do you like this subject ? B: Because it 3. Listen to the tape and answer the questions 1) Whats the date of the Open Day in Millies school ?2) Can Millies mother go to her school ?3) What time does parents meeting begin ?4) What else do parents do after the meeting ?5) Where does Millie meet her mother ? 4. Read after the tape and help Ss understand the following phrases and sentences :1) Whats the date today ? 2) What time is it ? =Whats the time ? 3) the parents meeting , after that , at the school gate , School Open Day 5. Work in pairs Step 4 Homework 1 熟读本课时所学内容, 记忆词汇、词组及句型2 背诵B 部分的对话3 预习Reading .教学反思:课题紧贴学生生活学习,所以学生兴趣较浓,对biology和geography 这两词的读音掌握较困难,所以也进行了反复练习。The second period Reading (1)设计: 七年级英语备课组教学目标: 1、用英语介绍校园内各类设施;2、用适当的语言向他人介绍校园环境;3、掌握四会单词: so , show , around , front , building , ground , ground floor , bright , modern , hall , diary .教学重难点: 用英语介绍校园各类设施教学过程:Step 1 Lead-in 1. Free talk Whats the date today ? What day is it today ? What time is it now ? Is it time for class ? 2. Present and learn the new words on page 3234 Step 2 Learn Reading 1. Lead-in Today is the Open Day in Millies school . Millie meets her mother at the school gate . She is ready to show her mother around the school .2. Listen to the tape and finish Part B 3 3. Read the conversation and answer the following questions :1) How does Millies school look ? 2) How many classrooms are there in the classroom building ? 3) Where is Millies classroom ? 4) What else is in Millies school ? 5) Where do they have the meeting ? 6) Who is Millies English teacher ? 7) How does he look ? 4. Finish Part B1 & B2 5. Lets read Millie and her mothers conversation after the tape .6. Work in groups 7. Millies father doesnt go to her school on the Open Day . So he is asking Millies mother some questions . Suppose you are Millies father . What do you want to know about Millie and her school ? 8. If you are Millie , can you introduce your school to the class ? 1) How does your school look ?2) How many classrooms are there in the classroom building ?3) Where is your classroom ? 4) What else do you have ? 5) Where do you have meetings ? 9. Can you introduce your school to the class now ? 10. Activity : Its role-play time . Work in pairs and suppose you are Millie and her mother .Step 3 Homework 1. 熟记单词2. 熟读背诵课文教学反思:有了前文开放日这个情景的设置,这课时学生较能顺畅导入。但对文章的there be 结构的掌握还需进一步的课后练习的巩固。The third period Reading (2)教学目标: 1、掌握四会内容:词汇: so , show , around , front , building , ground , ground floor , bright , modern , hall , diary .词组: show sb. around , in front of 句型: The playground is so big .My classroom is on the ground floor .This way , Mum .2. 进一步理解课文并能背诵教学重难点: 掌握语言知识点教学过程:Step 1 Revision 1. Free talk Do you like your school ? How many classroom buildings are there in your school ? How many classrooms are there in your school ? Where is your classroom ? Are there any trees in front of your classroom ? Is there an Art room / a playground / a computer room / a music room / a library / a school hall ? Where do you have meetings ? 2. If you are Millie , can you introduce your school to us now ? Step 2 Explain some language points 1) The playground is so big . / So I can eat three . 2) show sb. around . Can you show me around your school ?3) in front of / in the front of The teacher is in the front of the classroom . There are some trees in front of the classroom.4) My classroom is on the ground floor .(英) on the first floor (美)5) This way , Mum . 这边请, 妈妈6)Whos that man in a white shirt ? = Whos that man wearing a white shirt ? Do you know the man in red ?Do you know the woman in blue dresses ? He often wears a pair of glasses . You should put on your jacket .The boy is in a red hat . man men woman women five women teachers , seven men doctors .Step 3 Practice 1. Read the conversation 2. Finish Part B 4 Step 4 Homework 1. 熟读并背诵课文;2. 记忆生词, 词组、句型3. 预习Grammar 课后反思:学生对课文内容的掌握很熟练,但具体运用的自己的表述中有待加强。The fourth period Grammar设计: 七年级英语备课组教学目标: 1、学习人称代词主格的用法;2、学习人称代词宾格的用法;3、用正确的人称代词表达教学内容: 四会内容:词汇:wall , pardon , phone , 词组:look at , let me see , after class , on the phone , say hello to 句型:Do you know the teacher over there ?I have some new friends . Pardon ? 教学重难点: 用正确的人称代词表达。教学过程:Step 1 Presentation 1. Present and learn the new words 2. Read the sample sentences in the table on page 35 .3. T: We can use personal pronouns to replace nouns for people or things , so we do not need to repeat the nouns . We use the subject form when the noun is the subject .Step 2 Practice 1. Complete the following sentences :1) Daniel and Kitty study in the same class . _are classmates .2) Which subject do you like ? -_like English .3) Do you know the boy in red ? _is Jack .4) Bob and I live in Beijing. _are neighbors .5) Who is the woman with glasses ? _is our English teacher .6) Hi , Kitty , do _like Maths ? Yes , of course .2. Finish the exercises in Part A 3. Ask Ss to read the conversation and check the answers .Notes : 1) look at = have a look at 看2)on the wall 在墙上3) let me see .让我想想Step 3 Presentation 1. Read the sample sentences on page 36. 2. T: We can use personal pronouns to replace nouns for people / thing . We use the object form when the noun is the object of a verb or preposition . 3. Read the table on page 36 . Step 4 Practice 1. Complete the sentences using the correct personal pronouns .1) Can you show _(我) your new volleyball , please ?2) Swimming is good. It can make _(你) strong .3) I have a lot of friends . I often play football with _(他们) after school.4) Millie likes reading very much . I often meet _(她) in the library .5) This computer game is interesting . Many boys enjoy _(它) very much .6) Mr. Chen is a good teacher . He teaches _(我们) Science .7) My grandfather likes music . So I often sing songs for _(他).2. Read the conversation on page 36 , and answer : What are they talking about ? 3. Complete the conversation with the correct personal pronouns .Notes :1) after class / school 课后/放学后2) say hello to sb. 问候某人/ say yes to 答应/ say no to sb. 拒绝/ say goodbye to 道别 / say sorry to sb. 道歉3) Pardon ? 请再说一遍 4) hear sb. well / clearly 5) on the phone 通过电话4. Read the conversation Step 5 Homework 1 复习语法部分的内容2 预习Integrated skills .教学反思:有了小学的铺垫,填表格还可以,但学生具体运用到句中有困难,一定要配套相关练习,在讲解时理论联系实际,并注意实时反馈。The fifth period Integrated skills设计: 七年级英语备课组教学目标: 1、 掌握四会知识: 词汇:take , a.m. p.m. reading room , only , sure , kind , borrow 词组: from to , get up , go to school , all kinds of , borrow from 句型: It is a long way from my home tot the school.It takes her about twenty minutes to get to school .2、根据听力材料识别信息并完成表格;3、用所得信息将语篇补充完整;4、就相关话题进行交流。教学重难点:根据听力材料识别信息并完成表格教学过程:Step 1 Lead-in 1. Free talk :Do you like your school ? How many classrooms are there in your school ? Where is your classroom ? Are there any Art rooms , Music rooms , computer rooms and libraries ? Is the playground very big ? 2. Today well learn Integrated skills .3. Present and learn the new words .Step 2 Learn Integrated skills Part A 1. Listen and finish Part A 12. Check the answers : How does Millie get to school ? What about Amy ?How does Sandy get to school ? 3. Listen again and finish Part A 2 4. Work in pairs A: How does Millie/ Amy / Sandy ? B: He / She gets to school by bus . / He / She takes the bus to school .A: How long does it take him / her to get to school ? B: It takes her half an hour to get to school .A: How do you get to school ? B: A: How long does it take you to get to school ? B : It takes me to get to school .5. Finish Part A 3 6.Read the notes and explain the languages .1) It is a long way from my home to the school .2) take the bus to school =go to school by bus 3) get up 4) walk to school = go to school on foot 5) It takes her about twenty minutes to get to school .She spends about twenty minutes getting to school .Step 3 Learn Integrated skills Part B 1. Listen and answer the question: What place are they talking about ? 2. Listen again and do the T/F questions :1) The library in Amys school is big . (T)2) It is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (F).(It is open from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. )3) The reading room is only open in the afternoon .(T)4) There are many books in the library .(T)5) Amy often borrows CDs from the library . (F). (Amy often borrows books from the library .)3. Read after the tape and help Ss understand the following :1) It is open from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 2) All kinds of 3) borrow from 4.Work in pairs Step 4 Homework 1. 记忆本课词汇、短语及句型;2. 背诵B 部分的对话;3. 预习 Study skills 教学反思:有图有真相,配套课件的呈现,所以让学生理解也快了。对时间,特别是半小时这样的表达学生反应掌握不好,需巩固。The sixth period Study skills设计: 七年级英语备课组教学目标: 1、掌握四会知识: 常见的辅音字母及组合的发音:/ p/ / b/ / t/ / d/ / k/ / g/ / h/ / m/ / n/ / / / l/ / r/ / j/ / w/2、了解常见的辅音字母及字母组合的发音;3、运用本课所学读音规律,准确朗读新单词;4、正确且流利的朗读含有本课所学辅音的句子教学过程:Step 1 Presentation 1. Present the following words and reads:1) cap , apple , pie , happy / p/2) baby , bed , bananas , table / b/3) time , tell , boating , sister / t/4) windy , would , door , window / d/5) car , cat , black , colour / k/ 6) girl , dog , grass / g/7) whose , hat , hand , hers / h/8) monkey , smart , mother , animal / m/ 9) nine , night , nobody , knocking / n/10) uncle , sing , songs , think / /11) slim , playing , football , hall / l/12) afraid , ride , angry , red / r/13) yellow , yuan , young , your / j/ 14) weather , water , wear , white . / w/2. Pay attention to the coloured letters in these words . How to read them ? They are the sounds of the consonants .Step 2 Practice 1. Listen to the tape and pay attention to the sounds of the consonants .2. Read after the tape and practice saying the sounds of the consonants .3. Remind Ss to pay attention to the sounds of the consonants : kn / n/, wr / r/ , wh / w/ / h/ Step 3 Presentation 1. Read the words in Part A 2. Read after the tape 3. Compare the sounds of the consonants :1) / p/ / b/ , / t/ / d/ , / k/ / g/2) / n/ / / , / l/ / r/ , / l/ / n/ , / n/ / r/Step 4 Practice 1. Finish Part B 2. Look at Part C . Here are some sentences for you to read . Who can read them ? Pay attention to the sounds of the letters in bold .3. Listen and practice saying the sentences .Step 5 Homework 1. 朗读课本上提供的语音练习;2. 预习Task . 教学反思:联系第一、第二单元,对本课时的教学有很大的帮助。课后作业的布置和检查值得我思考。The seventh period Task设计: 七年级英语备课组教学目标: 1、 掌握四会知识: 词汇: letter , few , away , best 词组: a few , far away from , on foot , all the best 句型: We only have a few classrooms . I live far away from the school . I go to school on foot every day . 2、 学会收集写作信息;3、熟练运用本单元所学词汇、词组、句型组织语言;4、合理构架文章,向别人介绍自己的学校。教学重难点:熟练运用本单元所学词汇、词组、句型组织语言Step 1 Presentation 1. Present and learn the new words 2. Read the letter in Part A and answer my question :What does Liu Li write about in this letter ? (He writes about his school , the playground , the teachers , and how he goes to school every day .)3. Please ask and answer the following questions in pairs to k


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