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成人高考专升本英语历年真题归类汇编连词 宏章教育网 连词重点:常见并列连词的用法(如:and , but , or , so , for);从属连词的用法。1. John wanted to play basketball, and it was raining and he stayed at home.2. Not many people realize this, _it is quite true.A. but B. however C. so D. that3. -Can I help you?-Well, Im afraid the box is too heavy for you, _thank you all the same.A. and B. so C. or D. but4. Mary has lived in China for five years.(所以她习惯于这里的生活)。so she has got used to the life here5. I dont know her address, _I cant write to her.A. but B. or C. so D. since6. The human body can go without food for a long time, but two_ three days without water usually result in death.A. and B. but C. for D. or7. She hardly ever goes to _ the theatre.A. neither the cinema or B. neither the cinema norC. either the cinema nor D. either the cinema or8. Try your best _ youll certainly succeed this time.A. so B. and C. or D. for9. She remained silent, _ her heart was heavy and her spirit low.A. so B. though C. for D. therefore10. He talked at the top of his voice, _ he drew nobodys attention.A. yet B. instead C. so D. though11. Watch your step, _you might fall into the water.A. or B. and C. unless D. but12. He came to the party, _ he hadnt been invited. (2003)A. in case B. in spite of C. even D. althoughVII.连词1. B: but 2.A 3.D 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.A成考专升本英语历年真题归类汇编动词 宏章教育网.动词 重点:动词的主要时态;被动语态的构成及其基本用法;情态动词的基本用法(尤其是后接现在完成式);used to与be/get used to时态1.The teacher said that the earth ?_ around the sun.A. run B. ran C. runs D. was running2.Tom laid on the floor, reading a book.3.If you bring your shirt to me, I _ it for you.A. will mend B. am mending C. have mended D. will have mended4. -Did you go to Beijing last year? -No, _.A. I have never gone B. I havent gone to BeijingC. I did never go there D. Ive never been to Beijing5. Mr. Smith _ here for two weeks.A. has already come B. is already being C. has already been D. has already being6. We used to go skating in Michigan every winter, but _ for the past five seasons.A. I dont go B. I havent C. Im not going D. I didnt go7. _ lately? I have not seen you for quite some time.A. Where were you gone B. Where did you go C. Where were you going D. Where have you been8. We _ a walk when it started to rain.A. take B. took C. are taking D. were taking9. Although he promised to change. Im still wondering when he _ able to put his heart into his studies.A. was B. will be C. be D. were10. The lady said that shes been living in that city for years.11. By the time we got to the cinema the film _for half an hour.A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on D. had been on12. He has already gone home. But before he left, he _ all the mistakes in his translation.A. had corrected B. has corrected C. corrected D. would correct13. By the end of last year we _ more than 2000 teachers of English all over the province.A. trained B. would have trained C. had trained D. have trained14. 昨天下午三班赢了那场足球赛。 Class 3 won the football match yesterday afternoon15. While I was skiing, I _ and broke my wrist.A. fell B. felt C. feel D. fallen被动语态1.You dont have to pay for your flights: theyre _ in the price of your holiday.A. concluded B. held C. settled D. included2.The doctor _ my forehead and said, “ Your forehead _ hot.”A. felt, feels B. felt, was felt C. feels, felt D. feels, is felt3.去年沿着这条河种植了二百多棵果树。More than two hundred fruit trees were planted along the river last year.4.Last week a rare stamp _ at a price of 6,000 dollars.A. sold B. was sold C. had set up D. had been set up5.The United Nations, which _ in 1945, is playing a more and more important part in international affairs.A. was set up B. set up C. had set up D. had been set up6.Her feeling was seriously _ by her husband.A. hurt B. hit C. wounded D. destroyed7.In modern times, great female chefs have become known, and some of the best cook books _ by women.A. have written B. have been written C. were written D. are written8.All that can be done _.A. have been done B. have done C. has been done D. has done9.People who wont work should be made_.A. to work B. work C. has been done D. to be working10.My teacher was made _ his teaching because of poor health.A. giving up B. to give up C. given up D. give up11.When they had finished playing, the children were made to _ all the toys they had taken out.A. put off B. put up C. put out D. put away12.He thought nobody was around, but he was in fact seen _ into the office building.A. to steal B. steal C. stile D. stolen情态动词1.I can hear the Browns phone bell ring but no one is answering it; they _ be at home.A. cant B. maynt C. probably not D. shouldnt2.Professor Wang _ be in New York because I met him in town just now.A. cant B. might not C. may not D. may3.-Listen, Mary is singing in the next room. -That _ be Mary. Shes in hospital.A. may not B. shouldnt C. wouldnt D cant4.She earns a good salary, so she _ be deep in debt.A. cant B. must C. neednt D. should5.It is going to rain you _ take your umbrella with you.A. had better to B. would rather to C. would rather D. had better6.You had better _ the teacher about this.A. ask B. to ask C. asked D. asking7.You had better _ where you are.A. remaining B. to remain C. remain D. remained8.你最好马上去看医生。 You had better go to see the doctor immediately9.I would rather _ with you.A. not to go B. to not go C. to go D. not go10.They will get well soon. You _ worry.A. cant B. couldnt C. mustnt D. neednt11. -Shall I tell Ann the test result? -No, you _. Shes already got some report.A. wouldnt B. neednt C. mustnt D. shouldnt12. To travel from England to Scotland you _ a passport.A.mustnt have B. havent got C. dont need D. neednt13. This is one of the most difficult questions that do not need to answer.14.The garden requires _.A. watering B. being watered C. to water D. having watered15. -Why isnt John in class? -He _ be sick. Or hed have been here already.A. should B. may C. must D. would16. The streets are all wet. It _ during the night.A. must be raining B. must have rain C. must have rained D. had to rain17. She _ on her way to school, I just phoned her home and no one answered me.A. should be B. must have been C. must have rained D. had to rain18. The house is dark and quiet, so the Browns _ have gone to bed.A. must B. should C. ought to D. would19. Mr. Zhang isnt here yet, I think he _ about the meeting.A. should have forgotten B. ought to forget C. must have forgotten D. may forget20. I cant find Tom anywhere I think he must go to the library.21. _(你不该对孩子如此严格),Hes old enough to make his own choices.You shouldnt be so strict with the child22. I dont know who is going to get the contract. We _ get it but nothing is sure.A. must B. cant C. might D. neednt23. They started off at about 5 oclock in the morning. They should _ there by now.A.arrive B. have been arriving C. have arrived D. be arriving24. 我们不应当责备她,她已经尽了最大的努力。We shouldnt have blamed her, for she has tried her best.25. -you realize that you were driving at 100 miles per hour, dont you?-No, officer. I _ have been, this car cant do more than 70.A. neednt B. shouldnt C. couldnt D. might not26. -I saw Mary in the library yesterday. -You _ her, she is still in hospital.A. mustnt have seen B. could not see C. cant have seen D. must not see27. New ideas sometimes have wait for years before they are fully accepted.28. A friend _ said to me the other day: “I dont mind eating these foods, but why _ to taste so awful?”A. of mythey have B. of methey are C. for meare they D. of minedo they have29. “Do you have to leave?” “Sorry, but I really _.”A. have B. had to C. do so D. must30. I want to go to see the doctor, but you _ with me.A. need not go B. need not to go C. do not need go D. need go notused to be/get used toused to 表示“过去常常”,后接不定式, get/be used to 表示“习惯于”,后接名词、代词、动名词。1.She _ eat so many sweet things.A. used to not B. never used C. didnt use to D. didnt use2.I _ to be quite afraid to live in that city, but now I have _ to the life there.A. was usedgot used B. usedused C. got used been used D. usedgot used3.My sister is used to _ with all the windows open.A. sleep B. sleeping C. have slept D. the sleeping4.Mr. Brown often wore a heavy coat because he was not used to live in such a cold climate.5.In this park, sparrows often fly down from trees to eat from visitors hands. They are used to _ in this way.A. be fed B. feed C. having fed D. being fed、非谓语动词动词不定式重点:动词不定式的否定形式,动词不定式在句中充当的成份,尤其是在部分动词后作宾语补足语时省略to,作定语、状语时若与相关名词之间有动宾关系,不及物动词后的介词不能省略。1. Mother told Mary _ late for school.A. not to B. not be C. not to be D. did not be2. Pessimists warn us not _ for pretty colors, since the car will come in gray.A. ask B. asking C. to ask D. to be asked3. They asked him dont give that new information to anyone else but the headmaster.4. Mrs. Black warned her son _ after drinking.A. never to drive B. never drive C. to never drive D. never driving5. -Where do you suggest going? -We promised _ the children to the West Lake.A. taking B. to take C. taken D. took6.A lot of people find modern art very hard _.A. understood B. understanding C. to understand D. being understood7.They found the lecture hard _.A. to be understood B. to understand C. for understanding D. to have been understood8.Would you like one _ the radio a bit?A. turning down B. to turn down C. turn down D. turned down9.In order to get to Peters house easily, I had his secretary _ a map for me.A. to draw B. draw C. drawn D. drawing10.Mrs. Wang made me _ the work again.A. do B. to do C. doing D. raised11.The workers asked Mr. Smith to let John to go.12.When his name was mentioned, I saw him _ from his seat.A. rise B. rose C. raise D. raised13.The salesman persuaded us _ his product.A. buying B. to buy C. buy D. having bought14.Reaching the top of the hill, they stopped having a rest.15.The city government must take action _ the increasing populating.A. to control B. controlling C. controls D. controlled16.Many people do not understand how much water the human body needs _ work properly.A. at B. for C. in D. to17.He asked me if the room was big enough for us three to live.18.The tourists havent decided which hotel_.A. to stay B. to stay at C. is to stay D. to be staying19.They held a conference to decide _ to meet the emergency.A. how B. what C. that D. which20.For centuries, people from all over the world have claimed _ strange sights: lights in the sky, flying objects and even creatures from other planets.A. to have seen B. having seen C. to see D. seeing21.Wet umbrellas are not allowed _ into this hotel.A. to be taken B. to take C. taken D. taking22.We expect more books and magazines _(为儿童出版) to be published for children.23. 箱子太重了那孩子搬不动。 The box is too heavy for the child to carry 24. Its very kind _ invite me to your birthday party.A. from you to B. of you to C. by you to D. that you25. 对不起,让你们等了这么久。 Im sorry to have kept you waiting too long.动名词重点:动名词的逻辑主语,完成式,被动式:动名词作介词,动词的宾语,尤其是有些动词后只能连接动名词,有些动词后既可接动名词又可接动词不定式,但表达的含义不同。1. Its no use _ your chickens before they are hatched.A. count B. to count C. counting D. of counting2. We are looking forward to _ a trip to your country.A. take B. taking C. be taking D. having taken3. She is looking forward as much to his return as he himself to _ her.A. have seen B. see C. seeing D. having taken4. She made her living _(靠给华盛顿几家报纸写稿)by writing articles for several newspapers in Washington5. I know nothing about _ in the army.A. she working B. for her to work C. her having worked D. her having been worked6. I apologize for _ my promise.A. not having kept B. being kept C. not to have kept D. having not kept7. He had no difficulty _ the problem.A. to work out B. to have worked out C. working out D. having worked out8. He wondered if he could slip out of the lecture hall without anyone _.A. noticing B. noticed C. to notice D. being noticed9. I thought it was worth _ a hundred miles to see the basketball game.A. of driving B. driving C. drive D. being driven10. Ill never forget _ you for the first time.A. meeting B. driving C. drive D. being driven11.I remember _ her at a party last weekend.A. to meet B. meeting C. having met D. to have met12.I remember _ to help us when we got into trouble.A. him to offer B. him offering C. he to offer D. his offer13.Remember to go to the post office and dont forget taking the parcel with you.14.You must remember bringing back the umbrella tomorrow.15. The house needs _, but they plan to wait until next spring to do it.A. paint B. to paint C. painting D. be painted16. Please stop _. Lets listen to the radio.A. arguing B. to argue C. be arguing D. argue17. I always regret not _ harder when I was young.A. studying B. having studied C. to study D. to have studied18. As _(计算机价格的不断下降),more and more families can afford it.the price of the computer keeps falling / going down19. Tired of the cold weather in New England, Mr. And Mrs. Smith are considering _ to the south.A. to move B. moving C. move D. to be moving20.The child avoided to


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