



College students village officer two learning experiences and 11 seriously practice education to become the primary qualified village there would be no new China without the Communist Party. yesterdays shouts still reverberate in the ears of the revolution. When I was little I was young pioneers when every time I hear a similar sound, Im excited, deeply impressed by those Communist revolutionary martyr spirit. In the process of growing up, experienced war ancestor master is also often told me about his story as a soldier shed their blood, let me feel the maternal grandparents the noble character of Alex as a senior party member. Little blood was determined to grow in my heart I want to be like his grandparents Alex, soldiers on TV-like, grows up to become a soldier, party members engaged in the great cause of the motherland in the future. College, after tireless efforts I glory to become a Communist Party Member, became a member of 87 million members. However, under the washing of the passage of time and in real life, although he was a Communist Party Member, but too far up from the older party members, they have spirit, thinking, consciousness and character, and now me, or we are a young party that seems to be missing something. Now as a basic means of college students village officer, Assistant to the Secretary of the General party branch and grass-roots party members, is my party recently, when the two, perhaps on my own, or are a lot like me, thinking there are some slack, at some indifferent on the ideal and faith of young party members, is a very good chance. Because of this study, is no longer the cadres to learn a few key, but something we all 87 million Communist Party members to join, and the learning is not a short-term focus on learning, but long-term regular learning. Take this opportunity to speak I will carefully study the party Constitution and party rules, series, striving to be the qualified party members, competent college students village officer. School-the cornerstone. Ideological building is the key to do well in everything. No ideals and beliefs, ideals and beliefs is not determined, mentally calcium, cartilage, there will be more regulation out of bounds, paomaodilou problems. 18 of the party since the Party Central Committee continued to promote the partys ideological and political construction, whether the educational practice of the mass line of the party, or the three-three special education practices, are from the mental effort. As a grass-roots party members, ideologically determined is particularly important, so after work I will conscientiously abide by the party Constitution, strengthen party spirit, belief and faith, be sure to always maintain a high degree of consensus with the Party on the thoughts and actions. Party, party, party party, party party, subjected to armed socialist theory system with Chinese characteristics, guiding practice to supplement calcium, and strengthen the spirit of self-discipline of the base, pave the way for politically. Par enhancing awareness, learn to stand on the issues, on the overall situation of the蔬菜标准园规范化栽培管理技术品种选择1、甘蓝 冬季栽培,要求耐抽薹,熟性早,圆球形或扁圆形,品质优良的品种,如:中甘21号、中甘15号、中甘1号、京丰1号。 秋季露地栽培,要求生长前期耐高温,扁圆形或圆形,抗病毒病、耐黑腐病品种,如:京丰1号、中甘15号、中甘18号等。 南方夏季栽培,要求扁圆形或圆形,抗霜霉病、病毒病品种,如:京丰1号。 2、大白菜 春夏季栽培,要求晚抽薹,商品性好抗霜霉病、软腐病,耐湿、耐储运品种,如:健春、良庆、京春白等。 娃娃菜栽培要求晚抽薹,耐热,优质。黄心、商品性好、叶球直筒形的小型白菜品种,如:春月黄、夏月黄、京春娃2号等。 另外,根据市场情况,可选择瓢菜、奶白菜等品种。 3、青花菜 南方春季栽培,要求定植到收获期5075天,耐寒性、耐抽薹性好,生长后期耐高温能力强,株型较直立,开展度适中,主花球浓绿,紧实,蕾粒较细,球面园正,无夹叶,具有较强的抗霜霉病、黑腐病品种,如:优秀、绿奇、中青8号、绿贝卡、幸运、玉冠西兰花等品种。 南方秋季栽培,要求定植到收获期60100天,耐热性强,生长后期耐低温能力强,株型较直立,开展度适中,主花球浓绿,紧实,蕾粒较细,花球半圆形,无夹叶,球茎不易空心,具有较强的抗病毒病、黑腐病品种,如:优秀、绿奇、中青8号、绿贝卡、绿宝3号、泸绿2号、泸绿5号、碧绿1号、青丰、马拉松、曼陀绿等品种。 云南秋冬露地栽培,一般在8月下旬到9月上旬播种,下年2月前后收获,要求抗寒性强,能耐-3oC-1oC低温的晚熟品种。如:绿雄90、圣绿、玉皇、碧绿1号等品种。 4、花椰菜 要求植株自覆性好,花球高园,周正、洁白、紧实、细嫩、无毛,耐高温、高湿及耐涝能力强,抗黑腐病、菌核病的品种。如雪宝、雪山等。 5、黄瓜 春大棚栽培:要求品种生长前期耐寒,后期耐热,早熟性突出,具有较强的抗病性,丰产性好,外观品质符合市场需求的品种。如密刺型品种中农12、中农16、中农27、津优1、津优10、津优12、津优22、津优35、津绿2,少刺型品种翠绿、翠龙、吉杂8号、9号、春绿1号等。 秋延后大棚栽培:选用前期耐热,后期耐寒,丰产性好,抗病能力强,结瓜早,收获集中的品种。如密刺型品种中农16、中农10、中农12、津优1、津优11、津优12、北京204、津绿1,少刺型品种翠绿、翠龙、吉杂9号、1号春绿等 日光温室早春种植:要求耐低温,雌花节位低,高产、早熟、品质好,抗病的品种。如密刺型品种中农21、中农12、中农26、中农27、津优2、津优22、津优30、津优35、津优36、津绿3,少刺型品种翠绿、翠龙、瑞光2号,无刺水果型迷你2号、迷你5号、中农19号、中农29号等。 日光温室秋冬种植:要求耐热抗寒,长势强,适应性好,抗病的品种。如密刺型品种中农21、中农26、津优2、津优5号、津优20、津优35,无刺水果型迷你2号、迷你4号、迷你5号、中农19号、中农29号等。 早春露地栽培:要求品种生长前期耐寒,后期耐热,抗病毒病,早熟,丰产性好的品种。如密刺型品种中农8、中农10、中农20、中农106、中农128、津优1、津优10、津优12、津优22、津优35、津绿2,少刺型品种翠绿、翠龙、吉杂8号、9号、春绿1号等。 夏季露地栽培:要求品种有较强的耐热、耐湿性,抗病毒病等病害的品种。如:中农6、中农106、中农128、津优1号、津优42号、粤秀1号、粤秀3号等。6、番茄 耐低温性强,早熟性好,坐果能力强,抗TMV、叶霉病、根结线虫、枯萎病、黄萎病的品种:东农708、东农709、东农712、东农715、中杂9、中杂105、中杂106、中杂108、金鹏1号、合作903、合作906、辽园多丽、佳粉15号、佳粉17号、L-402、浙粉202、欧盾、宝莱、欧拉玛、卡依罗F!、莎莉、齐达利、中研988、中研998、普罗旺斯、弗兰克西、红利、粉达、百利、等品种。 耐高温性好,高温下坐果能力强的品种有:瑞菲、莎莉、齐达利、拉比、海泽拉、粉达、百利、百灵等。 对低温、弱光适应性强,低温下坐果好,不易早衰,适应长季节栽培,抗TMV、叶霉病、根结线虫、枯萎病、黄萎病的品种有东农712、东农715、中杂9、中杂105、中杂106、中杂108、金鹏1号、辽园多丽、佳粉15号、佳粉17号、L-402、浙粉202、欧盾、宝莱、欧拉玛、卡依罗F!、莎莉、齐达利、中研988、中研998、普罗旺斯、弗兰克西、红利、粉达、百利、等品种。 耐热性好,高温下坐果能力强,抗番茄黄花曲叶病毒,耐青枯病的品种有:瑞菲、莎莉、齐达利、纳塔莎F!、特佳、拉比、海泽拉144、飞天、百利、百灵等。 7、辣椒 云南冬春大棚栽培:要求耐低温、耐湿、耐弱光照,坐果集中,耐贮藏运输,抗病毒病、疫病、青枯病的品种。如:甜杂1号、保山大辣椒、福湘秀丽、湘研806、湘辣系列等品种。 8、茄子 选择种植生长势强,耐热,抗青枯病、黄萎病、枯萎病、褐纹病等病害,采收期长,果大,着色好耐储运的品种。如昆茄1号、昆茄2号、六月茄、墨茄等品种。 9


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