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Group 2 课文词汇用法,词组例句hesitate vi=pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingnesshesitation n.Dont hesitate to contact me if you need more information.There was a slight hesitation in Jamies voice.hesitate to do sth.Without hesitationA brief/slight/momentaryhesitation serve1) =To give sb food or drink, esp. as part if a meal or in a estaurant, bar, etc. e.g.2) =To help the customers in a shop, esp. by bringing the things that they want. e.g.3) =To be useful or helpful for a particular purpose or reason e.g.4) =To spend a period of time doing useful work or official duties for an organization, country ,important person etc. e.g.5) =To have a particular effect or result e.g.1): The waiter was serving another table.Serve the soup with crusty bread.Breakfast is served until 9 a.m.2): There was only one girl serving the customers.3): The sofa had to serve as a bed.4): Hemingway served his country in World War I.5): Whitney Hustons death should serve as a warning to other people.6): -She kicked me!-Serve you right, teasing her like that.6)Serve sb right: 活该;给应得的待遇6) Serve sb right.dress1) =To put clothes on yourself or sb else vt./vi2) =To wear a particular kind of clothes vi3) =To make clothes or choose clothes for someone4) dress down: =to wear clothes that are more informal than the ones you would usually wearto dress sb down: to speak angrily to someone about sth they have done wrong5) dress up:=to ear clothes that are more formal than the ones you would usually wear=to wear special clothes for fun or to put special clothes on sb1): I dress the kids before I go to work.2):Dress warmly if youre going out for a walk.3):Versace dressed some of the most famous people in Hollywood.4): In many offices, people dress down on Fridays.5): He went to a party dressed up as a Chicago Gangster.dress sb in sthget dressed./get changed/get started.to dress sb down: to speak angrily to someone about sth they have done wrongsmartly/well-elegantly dressedglance glimpse /glare/stare(gaze) Glancing at her scornfully.glance at: 有意瞥一眼 glimpse:无意间撇一眼 glare at:怒视 stare/gaze at:盯着看scorn 1) n/vt 鄙视/蔑视 =to look down upon 2) 批评 =criticizea.=scornfulfelt scorn for sbscorn sthpour scorn on sb/sthscron sbpunish vt =to make sb suffer because they have done sth wrong or break the law*n.=punishment*a.=punitive 惩罚性的a.=punishing=difficult, tiring or extremeSmacking(打) is not an acceptable way of punishing a child. He set himself a punishing schedule of conference.Punish sb for sth/doing sth seek-sought-sought 1) =to try to achieve or get sth2) seek out=to try to find sb or sth, esp when it is difficult1): Do you think the president will seek re-election?2): Our mission is to seek out the enemy and destroy them.Seek advice/help/assistanceseek employmentseek truthseek afterSeek refuge/asylum/shelter 寻求庇护*Seek revenge/damages/compensation 要报复*Seek to do*Attention- seeking/publicity-seeking 吸引人注意/寻求知名度tinyadj.非常小1.She is one of a tiny minority of female motoring journalists.2.a tiny minority极少数3.tiny littlepossess1) vt.具有2) 占据3) 有,拥有4) 感觉、情绪等攫住,支配,控制5) 使言行失常1.They were all found guilty of illegally possessing firearms.2.Kate is a woman who posesses a rare intelligence.3.They dont possess the necessary technical knowledge.4.* possession 财产,占有 in possession of in sbs possession/in the possession of sb take possession of *possessive adj. *possessed adj.-controlled by an evil spirit* be possessed of sth (literary)=具备,具有curseVt 1)诅咒; 骂2)念咒语诅咒n.3) 诅咒, 咒语; 骂人的话 4) 祸害, 祸根1.Joe will curse me if he finds out that Ive gone in without him.2.*curse cn.= 咒骂/诅咒 blessing e.g. put a curse on sb/sth* cursed adj. 遭诅咒的 be cursed with sth 连续遭遇某事*blessing:福气,幸事,祝福,支持A blessing or a curse? 是福还是祸?mentionvt./n 1) 提到, 说起2) 提名表扬;传令嘉奖mention sth to sbIt is worth mentioning thatAs mentioned above/belowdont mention itnot to mentionnow you mention itreputationc/u n. 1) 名气, 名声, 名誉2) 好名声,美名;信誉;荣誉3) 评语;称呼1.His novel won the Booker Prize and established his reputation.2.Albertson will stop at nothing to safeguard the reputaion of the university.3.The university has an international reputation as a center of excellence.4.Clark had a reputation for arrogance and ruthlessness.5.*acquire/build/develop/earn/establish/gain/have a ()reputationclaimvt. 1) 声称, 断言2) (灾难等)使失踪或死亡3) 需要, 值得4) 引起注意5) 获得;赢得;取得6) 夺走;夺去(生命)7) 要求(应得权利);要求给予8) 要求承认(权利、所有权等);声称有权,拥有;索取,认领1.The report claimed that hundreds of civilians had crossed the border to seek refuge.2.The organization claims to represent more than 20,000 firms.3.Has anyone claimed the wallet I handed in yesterday?4.I cant claim all the credit for our success5.claim credit/responsibility/victory 要求得到表扬、承担责任、取得胜利6. n.=claim 声称,索要,拥有权*babbage claim*make a claim*have a claim to sth* ones claim to fame 出风头的事(幽默)victimn. 1) 牺牲者, 受害者, 受灾者2) 受骗者;上当的人3) 为祭祀杀死的动物(或人);祭品;牺牲4) 牺牲品1.victims of domestic vilolence flood victims fall victims to sth* victimize/victimise 使受害 2.He claimed that he had been victimized by his boss.sourcen.1) 河流的源头, 发源地2) 来源, 出处3) 原因4) 提供资料者, 资料来源5) 起源;根源;原因6) 消息(或证据等)的提供者7) 发起者;创造者,创始者8) 原型,模型1.The best sources of potassium(钾) are vegetables and fruit.2.The article quoted a senior source at the UN.3. Her son is a constant source or worry to her.incomec/u n. 收入, 所得, 收益* incomer : sb who comes to live in a place * income taxstrikevt. & vi1)打, 击2) 敲响; 报时3) 攻击, 袭击; 侵袭4) 突然发现(矿藏等);(突然)出现于(某人的)脑海中5) 给以(深刻)印象6) 罢工1.The ball struck her hard on the left shoulder.2.“Idiot!”cried Simmons, striking his forehead with the palm of his hand.3. It was then that the tought struck him.4. He stopped thinking, struck by a sudden thought.5. strike down:使某人死去,使某人病得不能自理;把某人击倒As a tiny baby she was struck down by polio(小儿麻痹症)disguisevt. /n 1) 假扮, 化装; 伪装2) 掩盖, 掩饰3) 伪装4) 伪装品1. He didnt disguise his bitterness (anger) about what had happened.2. Disguise onself in/asn. 化装用具 in disguise=wearing a disguise 化装地/的Phrases:1. a woman in jeans2. glance at3. next day/the following morning4. seek out5. be eager to do6. with great difficulty7. enjoy oneself doing8.a blessing in disguise9.in recent years10.s


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