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六千英语词汇分类鉴别记忆表 0001 ABSORB, digest, imbibe, incorporate, ingest, assimilate0002 ABSTAIN, refrain, forbear0003 ABSURD, farcical, foolish, irrational, ludicrous, preposterous, ridiculous, senseless, silly, unreasonable0004 ACCOMPANY, attend, chaperon, conduct, convoy, escort0005 ACCOMPLICE, abettor, accessory, confederate, conspirator, plotter0006 ACCUMULATE, amass, collect, gather, hoard0007 ACCUMULATION, collection, conglomeration, aggregation0008 ACCURATE, correct, exact, nice, precise, right, true0009 ACCUSE, arraign, charge, impeach, incriminate, indict0010 ACKNOWLEDGE, admit, concede, confess0011 ACT (n), exploit, action, feat, operation, performance, deed0012 ACTIVITY, bustle, commotion, stir, to-do0013 ACUMEN perception0014 ACUMEN, acuity, insight0015 ADAPT, accommodate, adjust, conform, fit, reconcile0016 ADAPTABLE, adjustable, elastic, flexible, yielding0017 ADD, affix, annex, append, attach0018 ADDITION, accessory, adjunct, appendage, appendix, appurtenance, attachment, supplement0019 ADEQUATE, enough, satisfactory, sufficient0020 ADVICE, counsel, recommendation0021 AFRAID, aghast, alarmed, anxious, apprehensive, fearful, frightened, scared, terror-stricken0022 AGGRESSION, assault, attack, offensive0023 ALCOHOLIC (n), dipsomaniac, drunk, inebriate, drunkard, sot, tippler0024 ALLEGIANCE, fealty, fidelity, loyalty0025 ALLEGORY, fable, parable0026 ALOOF, reserved, detached0027 AMATEUR (n), dabbler, dilettante0028 AMBASSADOR plenipotentiary0029 AMBASSADOR, envoy, legate, minister, nuncio0030 ANARCHISM, Bakuninism, Gandhism, non-violence, pacifism, syndicalism0031 ANCESTOR, forebear, forefather, progenitor0032 ANCIENT, antique, hoary, immemorial, old0033 ANGER (n), ire, fury, indignation, rage, wrath0034 ANIMAL, beast, brute, creature0035 ANSWER (n), reply, retort, rejoinder, response, riposte0036 ANXIETY, angst, apprehension, disquiet, dread, foreboding, misgiving, uneasiness, worry0037 APPEARANCE, aspect, look, semblance0038 APPLAUSE, acclaim, acclamation, plaudit0039 APPOINT, assign, designate, name0040 APPROVAL, approbation, commendation, sanction0041 APPROXIMATELY, about, around, roughly0042 ARGUE, debate, discuss, dispute, reason0043 ARISE, emanate, emerge, issue, originate, result, stem0044 ARMS, armament, arsenal, deterrent, materiel, munitions, ordnance, weapons0045 ARTIFICIAL, ersatz, false, synthetic0046 ARTIST, craftsman, creator, designer, painter, stylist, virtuoso0047 ARTISTIC, aesthetic, artificial, arty, harmonious, mannered, precious, stylized, tasteful0048 ASSERT, affirm, allege, asseverate, aver, avow, maintain, testify0049 ASSISTANT, adjutant, aide, helper, subordinate0050 ASSOCIATE (n), ally, colleague, fellow, partner0051 ASSURE, ensure, guarantee, promise0052 ATTACK (v), assail, assault, besiege, bombard, charge, storm0053 ATTAINMENT, acquirement, acquisition, accomplishment0054 ATTRACTION, affinity, sympathy0055 ATTRIBUTE (V), credit, ascribe, impute0056 AUTHORITARIAN, autocratic, dictatorial, fascist, oligarchic, paternalist, plutocratic, totalitarian, tyrannical, despotic0057 AUXILIARY (adj), secondary, subsidiary, ancillary, contributory0058 AVOID, elude, escape, eschew, evade, shun0059 AWARD (n), honour, bounty, premium, prize0060 AWARE, cognizant, conscious, mindful, on to0061 BACKWARD, depressed, developing, emergent, emerging, primitive, underdeveloped0062 BAD, disagreeable, distasteful, objectionable, unpleasant0063 BAIT, beleaguer, heckle, hector, hound0064 BANAL, fatuous, inane, insipid, jejune, vapid0065 BAR (n), pub, cabaret, cocktail lounge, discotheque, nightclub, saloon0066 BARE, naked, nude, stripped0067 BARTER (v), exchange, trade, swap0068 BASIC, absolute, categorical, fundamental, ultimate, unlimited0069 BASIS, base, foundation, ground0070 BEAT (V), flagellate, flog, scourge, spank, thrash, whip0071 BEAUTIFUL, comely, cute, good-looking, gorgeous, handsome, pretty0072 BEGIN, commence, inaugurate, initiate, institute, launch, start0073 BEGINNER, apprentice, neophyte, novice, tyro0074 BEGINNING, inchoate, incipient, primeval, rudimentary0075 BEHAVIOUR, conduct, demeanour, deportment, manners0076 BELIEVABLE, convincing, credible, plausible0077 BELITTLE, depreciate, deptecate, detract, discredit, disparage, minimize0078 BEND (v), bow, turn, twist, lean, stoop0079 BENEFICIAL, advantageous, good, healthy, profitable, salubrious, salutary, wholesome0080 BENEFIT (n), advantage, favour, gain, profit0081 BENEVOLENCE, altruism, generosity, good will, kindness, unselfishness0082 BEQUEST, endowment, legacy0083 BETWEEN, amid, amidst, among, amongst, betwixt0084 BIASED, one-sided, partial, partisan, prejudiced, slanted, subjective0085 BIGOTRY, bias, intolerance, narrow-mindednes, prejudice0086 BISEXUAL (adj), androgynous, epicene, hermaphroditic0087 BITTERNESS, acerbity, acrimony, asperity, harshness, sourness0088 BIZARRE, fantastic, grotesque, outlandish, way-out, weird0089 BLAND, dull, gentle, mild, moderate0090 BLEAK, barren, desolate, gaunt, haggard0091 BLITHE, convivial, ebullient, elated, genial, jovial, light-hearted0092 BLOCKHEAD, booby, chump, dolt, dunce, fool, nincompoop, ninny0093 BLOODY, bloodthirsty, gory, sanguinary0094 BLOW (n), box, cuff, knock, rap, slap, punch0095 BLUSH (v), colour, flush, redden0096 BOAST, pride, brag, crow, gloat, strut, vaunt0097 BOIL (v), braise, fry, poach, simmer, steam, stew0098 BOLD, aggressive, forward, pushing0099 BOMBASTIC, orotund, purple, turgid0100 BONY, emaciated, gaunt, skeletal, wasted0101 BOSS (n), head, chief, commander, leader, maestro, master0102 BOTHER (v), disturb, harass, pester, plague, trouble, worry0103 BOUNCE (v), cannon, ricochet, deflect0104 BOUNDARY, border, bounds, confines, frontier, limit0105 BRAND (n), colophon, logotype, trade name, trademark0106 BRANDISH, flourish, swing, wield0107 BRASHNESS, brass, cheek, gall, impudence, nerve0108 BRAVE (adj.), bold, courageous, dauntless, fearless, gallant, heroic, intrepid, plucky, undaunted, valiant, valorous0109 BREAK (n), interlude, intermission, interval, let-up, lull, pause, recess, respite0110 BREAK (v), burst, crack, crush, fracture, shatter, shiver, smash 0111 BRIGHT , beaming, brilliant, effulgent, glowing, incandescent, radiant, resplendent, shining0112 BRUSQUE, abrupt, bluff, blunt, curt, gruff, surly0113 BUILD (v), construct, erect, fabricate0114 BURN (v), brand, cauterize, char, scald, scorch, sear, singe0115 BUSY, active, engaged, engrossed, occupied0116 CANDID, bluff, frank, ingenious0117 CAPTURE (v), apprehend, arrest, bag, catch, nab, trap0118 CAREFUL, conscientious, meticulous, punctilious, scrupulous0119 CARESS (v), cuddle, fondle, hug, neck, pet0120 CARICATURE (n), burlesque, mimicry, parody, take-off, travesty0121 CARRY, bear, bring, convey, take, transport0122 CATASTROPHE, calamity, cataclysm, debacle, disaster0123 CAUTIOUS, circumspect, discreet, guarded, prudent, wary0124 CAVE (n), burrow, cavern, grotto, tunnel0125 CELEBRATION, ball, banquet, feast, festival, festivity, party0126 CENTRE, core, heart, hub, middle, midst0127 CHANCE (adj.), accidental, adventitious, contingent, fortuitous, incidental0128 CHANGE (v), alter, convert, modify, transfigure, transform, transmogrify, transmute0129 CHARACTERISTIC (n), attribute, feature, mark, peculiarity, quality, trait0130 CHARMING, bewitching, captivating, enchanting, entrancing, fascinating, winning0131 CHASTE, continent, pure, virtuous0132 CHATTER (v), babble, gibber, jabber, prate, prattle0133 CHEAT (v), con, defraud, fleece, swindle, victimize0134 CHEER (v), encourage, exhilarate, gladden, warm0135 CHEERFUL, blithe, cheery, happy, sunny, winsome0136 CHILD, baby, infant, little boy, little girl, toddler, youngster0137 CHILDISH, childlike, immature, infantile, juvenile, puerile0138 CHOOSE, cull, elect, pick, select0139 CIRCUMLOCUTION, euphemism, euphuism, indirectness, periphrasis0140 CIRCUMSCRIBE, bound, contain, encircle, enclose, encompass, envelop, surround0141 CITE (v), quote, adduce, refer0142 CITY, hamlet, metropolis, suburb, town, village0143 CLAIM (n), perquisite, right, title0144 CLARIFY, elucidate, explicate, explain, interpret0145 CLASS (n), caste, estate, order0146 CLEAN (adj), fresh, immaculate, spotless, stainless0147 CLEAN (v), cleanse, dust, tidy, sweep, wipe0148 CLEAR (adj), definite, distinct, unmistakable0149 CLERGYMAN, cleric, divine, ecclesiastic, prelate, religious, theologian0150 CLIMB (v), ascend, mount, rise, scale0151 CLIQUE (n), circle, coterie, group, set0152 CLUB (n), association, federation, league, order, union0153 CLUMSY, awkward, bungling, gawky, inept, lumbering, ungainly0154 CLUTTER, chaos, confusion, disarray, disorder0155 COINCIDE, agree, correspond, tally0156 COLD (adj), chilled, chilly, cool, freezing, frigid, frosty, icy0157 COLOUR (v), dye, paint, stain, tinge, tint0158 COMBUSTIBLE, burnable, inflammable0159 COME, arrive, gain, reach0160 COMFORT (n), ease, leisure, relaxation, relief, repose, rest0161 COMFORTABLE, cosy, restful, snug0162 COMMAND (n), instruction, direction, directive, injunction, order0163 COMMIT, discharge, dispatch, do, perpertrate0164 COMMUNICABLE, catching, contagious, infectious0165 COMPACT (adj), compressed, concise, condensed, constricted, dense, miniature, solid0166 COMPARE, approach, approximate, correspond, parallel, resemble, savour of, smack of0167 COMPEL, coerce, constrain, force, necessitate, oblige0168 COMPETE, contend, oppose, rival, vie0169 COMPETENT, able, capable, efficient, fit, good, qualified0170 COMPLAIN, beef, bellyache, bewail, gripe, grouse, grumble, whine0171 COMPLIANT, agreeable, broad-minded, complaisant, obliging, susceptible, willing0172 COMPONENT (n), constituent, element, ingredient0173 COMPOSITION, article, dissertation, essay, paper, theme, thesis, treatise0174 COMPULSORY, binding, de rigueur, imperative, mandatory, obligatory0175 CONCEITED, boastful, egotistical, proud, vain, vainglorious0176 CONCLUSIVE, decisive, definitive, determining0177 CONDESCEND, deign, patronize, stoop, tolerate, unbend0178 CONFIDENCE, aplomb, poise, savoir faire, self-assurance, self-confidence, self-possession, smugness0179 CONFINE (v), gaol, imprison, incarcerate, intern0180 CONFUSE, bewilder, confound, dumbfound, nonplus0181 CONNECT, attach, couple, join, link, unite0182 CONSENT (v), acquiesce, agree, assent, concur, subscribe0183 CONSERVE (v), hoard, maintain, preserve, save, store0184 CONSIDER, count, deem, reckon, regard0185 CONSIDERATE, attentive, diplomatic, helpful, tactful, thoughtful0186 CONSOLE (v), cheer up, comfort, condole, solace, sympathize0187 CONSPIRACY, cabal, junta0188 CONSULT, confer, negotiate, parley0189 CONTEMPTIBLE, despicable, detestable, execrable0190 CONTEMPTUOUS, audacious, disdainful, insolent, scornful, supercilious0191 CONTENTED, content, gratified, pleased, satisfied0192 CONTRADICT, contravene, controvert, deny, disprove, gainsay, oppose, refute0193 CONTRADICTORY, conflicting, contrary, opposed, opposite0194 CONTROL (v), administer, direct, govern, manage, regulate, rule, supervise0195 CONTROVERSY, argument, bickering, conflict, contention, debate, discord, dispute, dissension, friction, quarrel, strife, wrangle0196 CONVERSATION, chat, colloquy, dialogue, discussion, talk, tete-a-tete0197 CONVULSION, fit, paroxysm, seizure, spasm0198 COPY (n), duplicate, facsimile, model, replica, reproduction0199 CORPSE, body, cadaver, remains0200 COUNTERPART, complement, correlate, opposite number, parallel0201 COUNTLESS, immeasurable, incalculable, innumerable0202 COURAGE, backbone, fortitude, grit, guts, nerve, pluck, resolution0203 COVENANT, agreement, compact, concordat, contract0204 COWARDLY, craven, pusillanimous0205 CRACK (n), breach, chink, cleft, crevice, fissure0206 CREATE, compose, design, invent, make, produce0207 CREATIVE, imaginative, ingenious, inventive, original, resourceful0208 CREED, doctrine, dogma, tenet0209 CRIME, felony, misdemeanour, offence, treason, violation0210 CRUCIAL, acute, critical, pressing, urgent0211 CRUEL, bestial, brutal, nasty, sadistic0212 CRY (n), bellow, outcry, roar, scream, shout, shriek, yell0213 CURSE (n), anathema, execration, imprecation0214 CURSORY, careless, hasty, scant, slapdash, superficial0215 CUT (n), gash, incision, slash, slit0216 DAILY, diurnal, everyday, quotidian0217 DANGER, hazard, jeopardy, menace, peril, risk, threat0218 DARING, adventurous, venturesome0219 DEAD, deceased, defunct, departed, extinct, lifeless0220 DECEPTION, chicanery, deceit, equivocation, fraud, trickery0221 DECIDE, determine, resolve, settle0222 DECLARE, advertise, announce, broadcast, enunciate, proclaim, publish0223 DECREASE (v), abate, decline, drop, dwindle, fall, sink, subside0224 DEDICATE, consecrate, devote, hallow0225 DEFEAT (v), beat, best, drub, lick0226 DEFICIENT, inadequate, poor, unsatisfactory0227 DEFINITE, categorical, explicit, express, specific, unconditional, unequivocal, unqualified0228 DELAY (v), detain, hold, keep, retard0229 DELUSION, fantasy, hallucination, illusion, mirage0230 DEMAND (v), ask, claim, exact, order, request, require0231 DEMUR (v), balk, boggle, recoil, scruple, shirk, shrink, shy0232 DENOMINATION, church, cult, religion, sect0233 DEPLORE, bemoan, bewail, lament, mourn0234 DEPRAVED, corrupt, degenerate, evil, heinous, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked0235 DESCEND, decline, drop, fall, sink0236 DESCENT, ancestry, lineage, pedigree0237 DESECRATION, debasement, defilement, profanation, sacrilege, violation0238 DESPAIR, desperation, despondency, discouragement, hopelessness0239 DESPISE, abhor, disdain, loathe, scorn0240 DESPOTIC, autocratic, dictatorial, tyrannical, tyrannous0241 DESTINY, fate, fortune, lot0242 DESTROY, annihilate, demolish, eradicate, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, raze, ruin, uproot, wreck0243 DEVISE, conceive, contrive, formulate, invent0244 DIE (v), bite the dust, depart, expire, kick the bucket, pass away, pass on, perish0245 DILIGENT, assiduous, industrious, persevering, sedulous0246 DIRTY (adj), filthy, foul, soiled, sordid, squalid, unclean0247 DISAGREE, bicker, differ, dissent, object, quibble, cavil0248 DISAPPROVAL, aspersion, blame, criticism, reprehension0249 DISCARD (v), junk, shed, strap0250 DISCIPLINE (v), castigate, chasten, chastise, correct, punish0251 DISCOLOUR, stain, tarnish0252 DISCOURAGE, deter, dissuade, divert0253 DISCRIMINATE (v), differentiate, discern, distinguish0254 DISFIGURE, blemish, deface, deform, mar0255 DISGRACE (v), abase, debase, degrade, demean, humble, humiliate0256 DISINTERESTED, dispassionate, fair, impartial, neutral, objective, unbiased, unprejudiced0257 DISLIKE (n), antipathy, aversion, distaste0258 DISMAL, cheerless, depressing, dour, forbidding, grim0259 DISPARATE, discordant, incompatible, incongruous0260 DISTANT, faraway, inaccessible, remote0261 DISTRUSTFUL, chary, cynical, disillusioned, jaundiced, mistrustful0262 DIVERSIFY, variegate, vary0263 DIVIDE, allocate, allot, apportion, assign, distribute, ration0264 DOCILE, amenable, submission, tame, tractable0265 DOCTOR, general practitioner, osteopath, physician, surgeon0266 DOUBT (n), dubiety, scepticism, suspicion, uncertainty0267 DOUBTFUL, ambiguous, dubious, equivocal, problematic, questionable, uncertain0268 DRAWING, cartoon, diagram, illustration, sketch0269 DRESS (n), apparel, attire, clothes, clothing, costume, garb, garments0270 DRUG (n), remedy, medication, medicine, narcotic, pharmaceutical, specific0271 DRY (adj), crisp, dehumidified, dehydrated, desiccated, dried, parched0272 DUPLICATE (adj), congruent, exact, identical, true0273 EAGER, avid, desirous, enthusiastic, intent, keen0274 EAT, consume, devour, dine, gobble, gorge, sup, wolf0275 ECCENTRICITY, idiosyncrasy, oddity, quirk0276 EDGE (n), border, brim, brink, margin, rim, verge0277 EFFECT (v), cause, produce, realize0278 EFFORT, exertion, pains, struggle, trouble0279 EFFRONTERY, churlishness, impertinence, impudence, insolence0280 EGOISM, conceit, egotism, narcissism, self-importance, selfishness, solipsism, vanity0281 ELEGANT, deluxe, elaborate, grandiose, luxurious, ornate, sumptuous0282 EMBARRASSMENT, chagrin, discomposure, humiliation, mortification, shame0283 EMOTION, affect, desire, feeling, passion, sentiment0284 ENCOURAGE, embolden, foster, hearten, inspire, promote, support0285 ENCROACH, infringe, intrude, invade, trespass, violate0286 ENDORSE, accredit, approve, confirm, o.k., ratify, sanction0287 ENLARGE, amplify, augment, expand, increase, magnify0288 ENMITY, animosity, animus, antagonism, hatred, hostility, rancour0289 ENRAGE, anger, incense, infuriate0290 ENTERTAIN, amuse, divert, interest0291 ENTIRE (adj), complete, full, intact, total, whole0292 ENTRUST, commit, confide, consign, delegate0293 EQUIP, fit out, furnish, supply0294 ERASE, cancel, delete, efface, eradicate, expunge, obliterate0295 EROTIC, amorous, arousing, concupiscent, desirous, passionate, sensual, sexy0296 ESCAPE (v), abscond, flee, fly, retreat, run away0297 EVERLASTING, endless, eternal, interminable, never-ending, timeless, unending0298 EXAMINE, audit, inspect, investigate, scan, scrutinize0299 EXCELLENT, choice, first-class, first-rate, prime, select0300 EXCUSE (n), alibi, apologia, apology0301 EXILE (v), banish, deport, expatriate, relegate, rusticate, sequester0302 EXIST, be, live, subsist0303 EXONERATE, absolve, acquit, exculpate, vindicate0304 EXPECTATION, anticipation, expectancy, hope, outlook, prospect0305 EXPENSIVE, c


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