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1. The nonstarters were considered the ones who wanted stability, who wanted a strong referee to give them some position in the race, who wanted a regulative hand to calm manic speculation; who wanted an authority that can call things to a halt, begin things again from compensatorily staggered “starting lines”.那些失败者被认为是那些期望稳定的人,是那些需要一个强有力的裁判在比赛中给予他们某个位置的人,是那些需要一个调节性的手来平息狂怒的投机的人,是那些需要一个可以让事情停止的权威,从补偿性错开的“起跑线”上重新开始的人。2. “Reform” in America has been sterile because it can imagine no change except through the extension of this metaphor of a race, except through wider inclusion of competitors, except through providing “a piece of the action”, as it were, for the disenfranchised.美国的“改革“是无效的,因为这种改革不能设想出任何变化,除非通过扩展这个比赛的比喻范围,除非通过竞争者更广泛的纳入,除非为那些无权力者提供一个类似于”行动的机会“。3. The enclosed seas are an important feature of the earths surface, and the enclosed seas seriously require explanation because, in addition to the enclosed seas that are developing at present behind island arcs, there are a number of older ones of possibly similar origin, such as the Gulf of Mexico, the Black Sea, and perhaps the North Sea.内海是地球表面的一个重要特征,而且急需解释,因为除了当前在的弧形岛屿链之后发展起来的内海之外,还存在一些年代更为久远的、成因可能类似的内海,比如墨西哥湾、黑海甚至北海有可能也这样。4. Furthermore, neutrinos carry with them information about the site and circumstances of their production: therefore, the detection of cosmic neutrinos could provide new information about a wide variety of cosmic phenomena and new information about the history of the universe.而且,中微子自身携带了一些关于其产生的地点和环境的信息,因此,对宇宙中微子的探测能够提供有关各种各样的宇宙现象和宇宙历史的新信息。5. The factors favoring unionization drives seem to have been either the presence of large numbers of workers, as in New York City, to make it worth the effort, or the concentration of small numbers in one or two locations, such as a hospital, to make it relatively easy.有利于公会形成的因素,看起来或者是大量工人的出现,比如在纽约,使得成立工会物有所值,或者是少量人在一两个地方的聚集,比如在医院,使得成立工会相对容易。6. If the competitor can prove injury from the importsand if the competitor can prove that the United States company received a subsidy from a foreign government to build its plant abroadthe United States companys products will be uncompetitive in the United States, since they would be subjected to duties.如果竞争者能够证明由于进口带来了伤害,而且能够证明美国公司在国外设厂时接受了国外政府的资助,那么,美国公司的产品将会在美国国内失去竞争力,因为这些产品将被征税。7. Increasingly, historians are blaming disease imported from the Old World for the staggering disparity between the indigenous population of America in 1492new estimates of which soar as high as 100 million, or new estimates of which soar approximately one-sixth of the human race at that timeand the few million full-blooded Native Americans alive at the end of the nineteenth-century.越来越多的历史学家正在把在1492年美国当地人口数量最近对此的估计高达1亿人,或者说当时约占人类数量的六分之一- 与19世纪晚期存活下来的几百万美国纯种土著数量间的让人震惊的差异归因于从旧世界(欧洲)传入的疾病。8. He noted that the wavelengths of the radiation emitted by a gas would change as the gas cooled, so that as the gas flowed into the galaxy and became cooler, it would emit not x-rays, but visible light, like that which was captured in the photographs.他注意到,一种气体所发出的辐射波长将会随着气体冷却而改变,以至于当气体流入星系并冷却时,气体说发射出来的不是X射线,而是可见光,这就好像被照片捕捉下来的情形那样。9. Transported outside the nucleus to the cytoplasm, the mRNA is translated into the protein that it encodes by an organelle known as a ribosome, which strings together amino acids in the order specified by the sequence of elements in the mRNA molecule.mRNA从细胞核被传送到细胞质,mRNA将被一种名为核糖体的细胞器官转化成由mRNA编码的蛋白质。核糖体将氨基酸按顺序串联起来,这种顺序是由mRNA分子里面的元素顺序所决定的。10. Although he regrets that some Western intellectuals demand more democracy from polyarchies than is possible, and he is cautious about the possibility of further democratization, he nevertheless ends his book by asking what changes in structures and consciousness might make political life more democratic in present polyarchies.虽然他对于一些西方知识分子不切实际的要求多元的政治制度提供更多的民主而感到遗憾,并且他还对多元政治制度的进一步民主化持谨慎态度。但是,在其著作的结尾处,他还是会询问政治制度和意识要做出什么改变才有可能使得在目前的多元政治制度下的政治生活变得更加民主。11. Steeped as they were in the English political language, these colonials failed to observe that their experience in America had given the words a significance quite different from what accepted by the English with whom they debated; in fact, they claimed that they were more loyal to the English political tradition than were the English in England.虽然他们深受英国政治用语的影响,但是这些美洲殖民地居民没有注意到的是,正是由于他们在美洲的经历,使得他们在与英国人辩论时,所使用的语言与英国人所使用的差异极大;事实上,这些殖民地居民却认为他们比生活在英格兰的英国人更加忠诚于英国的政治传统。12. However, as they gained cohesion, the Bluestockings came to regard themselves as a womens group and the Bluestockings came to possess a sense of female solidarity lacking in the salonnieres, who remained isolated from one another by the primacy that each held in her own salon.但是,当这些“蓝袜女”们团结起来的时候,她们就会把自己视为一个女性团体,并且具有女性团体意识,这是法国“沙龙女”们非常缺乏的,她们凭借自身在沙龙中的主导地位与其他沙龙中的女主人老死不相往来。13. The historian Frederick J. Turner wrote in the 1980s that the agrarian discontent that had been developing steadily in the United States since about 1870 had been precipitated by the closing of the internal frontierthat is, the depletion of available new land needed for further expansion of the American farming system.历史学家Frederick J. Turner 在19世纪90年代写到:在美国,大约自1870年以来,关于土地所有权的争执就不断加剧,并且美国国家边界不在向外扩张,这进一步加剧了关于土地所有权的争执。也就是说,美国农业系统想要进一步发展所需要的新的可耕地不会再增加。14. In its final section, the resolution by declaring that the resolution is not intend to alter the constitutional authority of either Congress or the President, the resolution asserts that congressional involvement in decisions to use armed force is in a


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