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内部资料。请勿外传考研英语应试语法必备知识编讲:张能彦教学目的与重点:通过讲练结合,充分理解英语语法基本概念并掌握英语学习的基本规律;全面了解英语语言知识,熟练掌握英语语言知识考试中的重点和难点;全面提高阅读各种长难句的能力和标准地道英语的造句能力,从根本上解决英语学习的障碍。讲授内容:第一讲英语句子结构特点 第二讲英语名词语法特点第三讲英语动词语法特点 第四讲英语四大特殊结构第一讲:英语句子结构特点(Sentences Models)一、根据功能,我们可以把句子分为以下五种(Classified by Functions)1 陈述句 ( Declarative Sentence ) 如:I did not sleep well last night.2 疑问句( Interrogative Sentence )1) 一般疑问句:Are you fond of traveling? 2) 特殊疑问句:What are you looking for? 3) 选择问句:Do you like tea or coffee? Which ice cream do you like, chocolate, vanilla or strawberry?4) 修辞问句:肯定疑问句=否定陈述句;否定疑问句=肯定陈述句What is the use of worrying about such a thing?= It is no use worrying about such a thing.Who doesnt desire happiness? = Everyone desires happiness.5) 附加问句(又称反意问句): It is a nice day, isnt it?3 祈使句( Imperative Sentence ) Dont judge a book by its cover. 不要以貌取人4 祈愿句 ( Optative Sentence )God bless you! Long live Chairman Mao! May you succeed!5. 感叹句 ( Exclamatory Sentence )1) How + 形容词或副词+主语+动词! How beautiful the girl is! How beautifully the girl dances!2) How + 形容词+a(n)+单数名词+主语+动词! How beautiful a flower it is! How I hate exams!3) what + a(n) +(形容词)+单数名词+主语+动词!What a bright daughter you have!4) what +(形容词)+复数名词+主语+动词!What large eyes she has!二、根据句子复杂程度,句子还可分为以下四种(Classified by Structure)1. 简单句 (Simple Sentence ) 由一个(组)主语和一个(组)动词所组成,不含从属分句的独立分句。 如:The changes in the last two centuries are amazing.The boy and his sister study and play together.2. 并列句 (Compound Sentence )1) 用并列连词连接并列分句:and, but , or, for I was going to write, but I lost your address. 我本来要写信的,可是把你的地址弄丢了。2) 用分号连接的并列分句:A wise student studies his lesson; and unwise one wastes his time.3. 复合句 ( Complex Sentence )1)主句+宾语从句: He found what he had been looking for.2)主句 + 定语从句: Ill never forget the village where I spent my childhood.3)主句 + 状语从句: She has been happy since she got married.4. 并列复合句 ( Compound Complex Sentence )1) 复合句 + 简单句: Say you are sorry, and Ill forgive you.2) 复合句+复合句:You may ask him to help if you like, but I think you had better do it yourself.三、句型结构(Classified byPatterns)英语属于结构性语言,无论句子多么复杂多变,其核心结构总共只有五种。1. 主语 谓语 e.g. Spring has come.2. 主语 谓语 主语的补足语 (即:表语)e.g. The movie was wonderful. Reading is a pleasant thing. 3. 主语 谓语 宾语 e.g. Walls have ears. 4. 主语 谓语 宾语 宾语的补足语e.g. Mary always makes everyone happy.They appointed Tom manager of our company.5. 主语 谓语 间接宾语 直接宾语 e.g. Jim bought Mary a bunch of flowers. 注意一:1. 英语中作谓语的动词除了实意动词外,还有连系动词( be )和助动词( do, have, be ) 。2. 连系动词 ( be )后接表语部分一般为形容词或名词。3. 下列动词常用作连系动词。第一组表示“变成,变得”的意思,become, come, fall, get, go, grow, run, turn第二组表示保持着某种状态:continue, keep, lie, remain, stand, stay第三组表示看起来,好像的意思:appear, look, seem第四组感官动词,表示感觉:feel, smell, sound, taste注意二. 下面这些词都是双宾语动词1. award, bring, feed, give, grant, hand, lend, offer, pass, promise, read, sell, send, serve, show, teach, take, tell, write, 这些动词后面跟双宾语时,间接宾语在前面不用加介词,直间宾语放前面时,后面加上介词to, sth. to sb. 如:The school awarded Merry a prize for her good work.学校因为她工作好而奖励了梅丽。Please send a card to me. 请寄一张明信片来。2. 下面这组动词表示为某人做某事,所以直间宾语放前面时,后面要加上介词for(sth. for sb.):buy, cook, find, fix, knit, order, post, book, reserve, save, spare 如:Jack ordered a TV set for me yesterday. 杰克昨天帮我定购了一台电视机。3. 后面跟宾补的动词常见的有:appoint, make, elect, call, name, catch, choose, declare, fancy, feel, find, imagine, judge, keep, know, leave, prove, suppose, believe, consider, think 如:Dont imagine yourself to be always correct. 不要以为自己总是对。四、句子的成分(The Elements of the Sentence)英语的句子成分与汉语的句子成分差不多,句子的主要成分有主、谓、宾和表语;修饰成分有定语和状语。正是由于有了修饰语,才使得英语的句子变得较长和难懂。一般来说,充当修饰成分的有:1. 单个的词汇:一般放在修饰词的前面。Death is the necessary end of life. 死亡是生命必然的终结。2. 短语:通常放在修饰词的后面。短语包括:介词短语,不定式短语,现在分词短语,过去分词短语,形容词短语,动名词短语等Every young man must acquire some knowledge necessary for the future job.有时同一短语在句中的作用却不尽相同。如:1) Mary wishes to go abroad for further training. ( 宾语 )2) She has given up the wish to go abroad for further training. ( 定语 )3) She is too poor to go abroad for further training. ( 状语 )3. 从句:一般放在修饰词的后面,状语从句有时置于句首。从句包括三大类:( 详见后面部分 )1) 名词性从句:主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句。2) 形容词性从句:即定语从句、分为限定性和非限定性从句。3) 副词性从句:即状语从句,分为时间、地点、条件、原因、让步、目的、结果、比较、方式 从句等五、英语复合句特点复合句是由主句从句构成,它是英语学习中比较复杂的句子结构。一般来说,英语中一个句子只能有一个主谓结构或动宾结构,如果出现两个主谓结构或动宾结构,那么其中一个主谓结构或动宾结构只能是以从句的形式或并列句或分词短语的形式出现。所谓从句是指从属于主句的句子,它是主句中一个句子成分;另外从句必须由引导词即关系代词或关系副词引导。从句的种类有很多,但根据其性质和作用可以分为:名词性从句,形容词性从句(即定语从句),副词性从句(即状语从句)三大类。其最大特点有两个:一是所有从句必须有引导词;二是所有从句只是主句中的一个成分。 考试中主要是通过引导词来考查考生对从句的掌握, 因此, 考生在了解从句的特点同时必须充分掌握好各引导词之间的区别。一、名词性从句:即从句在整个句中起名词作用,分别可以作主语、宾语、表语、同位语等,所以这类从句包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。考点一:主语从句:主要考查主语从句的引导词;主句的谓语动词,一般用单数。如:1. That the earth goes around the sun is well-known to everybody.( = It is well-known to everybody that the earth goes around the sun. )2. Whether he will come to the meeting is up to his boss. (此时不能用if )3. Who will come to the dinner remains a question.4. What you have said is convincing.5. How the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids puzzled people for centuries.6. Why the murderer came back to the scene of crime is a psychological problem.同时,需要注意主语从句的一些常见句型。如:It is reported that It must be pointed out that It is likely that It is a good thing thatIt happens that 考点二:宾语从句:主要考查宾语从句的引导词和引导词的省略以及从句的语序。如:1 He believed that walking under a ladder brings bad luck.2. We can learn what we do not know from TV programs.3. Tell me which of the books is the right one.4. Your success will depend on how you present yourself.5. I wonder if/whether you can help me.考点三:表语从句:be动词或者系动词后面跟主语补足语。1.The assumption is that things will improve.2. China is not what it used to be.3. The doctors dilemma is whether he should tell a lie to the patient.考点三:同位语从句:名词性从句考查的重点。同位语从句的特点是由一个抽象名词+that从句构成,引导词一般是that, 而且that在从句中不充当任何成分。这些抽象名词有:news, idea, fact, doubt, evidence, promise, rumor, hope, truth, belief, message等,同位语从句是对抽象名词进行说明解释。1. The news that our football team at last defeated Korea made the fans wild with joy. The news that made the fans wild with joy was from the radio.(比较定语从句)2. There is much evidence that the crime rate in this city is on the rise.3. Einstein came to the conclusion that the maximum speed possible in the universe is that of light. 爱因斯坦得出的结论是宇宙中最大速度是光速。二、形容词性从句(即定语从句):复合句考查的重点定语从句主要用来修饰它前面的先行词(名词或代词)的从句,所以又称形容词从句。根据与先行词的关系,定语从句可分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。定语从句主要考查引导定语从句的关系代词和关系副词;介词引导词以及非限制性定语从句。具体考点如下:考点一:引导定语从句的引导词有关系代词(who, whom, which, that, whose)和关系副词(as, when, where, why)等。但是当下列情况出现时,对引导词有特殊要求。1. 当先行词是all, everything, nothing, something, little, much时; 当先行词被all, no, some, any, every, a few, a little, much, only, very修饰时;当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时,定语从句的引导词用that。例:All that you want are here.There is no person that doesnt make mistakes. 没有人不犯错误。This is the best film that I have ever seen.2. “the same .as”, “such.as” 中的as 可以指人或物。例:Such furniture as is very popular is expensive.We have successfully done the same experiment as you did.3. why引导表示原因的定语从句,其先行词一般是reason。当主句主语是reason时,作主句表语的成分不能有because和because of 。其结构一般为the reason whyis that,或者 the reason that is that,如:He did not tell us the reason why he was late again.The reason why ( that)he didnt come is that he was ill.4. 当定语从句为there be 句型时,关系代词只能用that。This is the fastest train that there is to Beijing.5. 当主句是以which 或 who 开头的特殊疑问句时,关系代词只能用 that。Who is the girl that is talking with Mr.Brown.6. 如果出现两个或两个以上的先行词,并同时兼指人和物时,关系代词用that。We are talking about the people and countries that we have visited考点二:在“介词+which/whom”的结构中,介词的选择取决于三种情况:1. 定语从句中谓语动词或表语的搭配;This is the college in which I am studying.He is the man about whom we are talking.2. 先行词与介词的习惯搭配;当先行词表示“领域、方面”时,如:aspect, respect, area, field等,用 in which;当先行词表示“价格、利率、速度”时,如:rate, price, speed 等,用at which;当先行词表示“程度”时,如: degree, extent等,用 to which;当先行词表示“根据、依据、基础”时,如:grounds, foundation, basis等,用 on which; The speed at which the machine operates is shown on the meter. 仪表上显示出这台机器的运转的速度。It is useful to be able to predict the extent to which a price change will affect supply and demand. 3. 当定语从句为最高级时 只能用of which; 否则用其他介词I have five dictionaries of which Longman Dictionary is the best.I have five dictionaries among which Longman Dictionary is published in UK. 注意:不可拆分的动词短语介词不能提前,如put up with;有的短语可能有不同的介词搭配,此时需要根据上下文来确定。如:be familiar with / to ; compare with / to .考点三:当先行词为表示时间的名词(如:time, day, year, week, month, occasion)或地点的名词(如:place, room, city, country)时,一般用关系副词 when 和 where. 分别相当于in which, at which, on which。但是当这些表示时间或地点的名词作从句的宾语时,则要用关系代词that 或which.I cant forget the days when(in which) I lived with you.Can you tell me the day when(on which)the first satellite was sent into space?China is the only country where(in which ) wild pandas can be found.Ill never forget the village where I spent my childhood.I will never forget the days that (which) I spent in Beijing University. (本句days 作spend 的宾语,故用关系代词that / which )I have never been to Beijing, but its the place that I most want to visit.(本句place 作visit 的宾语。) 考点四:非限定性定语从句不能用that引导, 一般用引导词which/as或who(指人),非限定性定语从句既可以修饰主句的部分内容,也可修饰主句的全部内容。as引导的非限定性定语从句既可以放在主句之前,也可以放在主句之后,但which或who引导的非限定性定语从句不能放在主句句首。As we all know, the moon is a satellite of the earth.The large area is covered with thick snow, which affects peoples life greatly.His speech, which bored us to death, was over at last.Her sister, who lived in another city, was coming to visit her. 三、副词性从句(状语从句)状语从句主要用来修饰主句或主句的谓语。一般可分为九大类,分别表示时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、条件、让步、比较和方式。尽管种类较多,但由于状语从句与汉语结构和用法相似,所以理解和掌握它并不难。状语从句的关键是要掌握引导不同状语从句的常用连接词和特殊的连接词即考点。现分别列举如下:1 时间状语从句常用引导词:when, as, while, as soon as, while, before, after, since , till, until 特殊引导词:the minute, the moment, the second, every time, the day,the instant, immediately , directly, no sooner than, hardly when, scarcely whenI didnt realize how special my mother was until I became an adult.While John was watching TV, his wife was cooking.The children ran away from the orchard(果园) the moment they saw the guard.No sooner had I arrived home than it began to rain.Every time I listen to your advice, I get into trouble.2 地点状语从句常用引导词:where 特殊引导词:wherever, anywhere, everywhereGenerally, air will be heavily polluted where there are factories.Wherever you go, you should work hard.3 原因状语从句常用引导词:because, since, as, since 特殊引导词:seeing that, now that, in that, considering that, given that, considering that, inasmuch as, insomuch as My friends dislike me because Im handsome and successful. Now that everybody has come, lets begin our conference.The higher income tax is harmful in that it may discourage people from trying to earn more.Considering that he is no more than 12 years old, his height of 1.80 m is quite remarkable.4 目的状语从句常用引导词:so that, in order that特殊引导词:lest, in case, for fear that,in the hope that, for the purpose that, to the end thatThe boss asked the secretary to hurry up with the letters so that he could sign them.The teacher raised his voice on purpose that the students in the back could hear more clearly. 5 结果状语从句常用引导词:so that, so that, such that, 特殊引导词:such that, to the degree that, to the extent that, to such a degree that, He got up so early that he caught the first bus.Its such a good chance that we must not miss it.To such an degree was he excited that he couldnt sleep last night.6 条件状语从句常用引导词:if, unless, 特殊引导词:as/so long as, only if, providing/provided that, suppose that, in case that, on condition that Well start our project if the president agrees.You will certainly succeed so long as you keep on trying.Provided that there is no opposition, we shall hold the meeting here.7 让步状语从句常用引导词:though, although, even if, even though特殊引导词: as(用在让步状语从句中必须要倒装),while ( 一般用在句首 ),no matter , in spite of the fact that, while, whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however, whicheverMuch as I respect him, I cant agree to his proposal. 尽管我很尊敬他, 我却不同意他的建议。The old man always enjoys swimming even though the weather is rough.No matter how hard he tried, she could not change her mind.He wont listen whatever you may say.8 比较状语从句常用引导词:as(同级比较), than(不同程度的比较)特殊引导词:the more the more ; just as , so; A is to B what /as X is to Y; no more than; not A so much as B She is as bad-tempered as her mother.The house is three times as big as ours.The more you exercise, the healthier you will be.Food is to men what oil is to machine. 食物之于人,犹如油之于机器。方式状语从句常用引导词:as, as if, how特殊引导词:the wayWhen in Rome, do as the Roman do.She behaved as if she were the boss.Sometimes we teach our children the way our parents have taught us.第二讲 英语名词语法特点名词语法的主要包括以下几个方面。1. 修饰名词的限定词;2. 部分名词的数的特殊表达法;3. 主谓一致关系。一、修饰名词的限定词,1. 只能修饰可数名词的限定词, 其谓语部分常用复数。many, a number of, several, both, a couple of, few(fewerfewest)2. 只能修饰不可数名词的限定词,其谓语部分常用单数。much, a great deal of, a large amount of, little ( lessleast )3. 既能修饰可数名词又能修饰不可数名词的限定词,其谓语单复数看具体情况而定。a lot of, lots of, plenty of, some, most, all All of us are going to see the game.All of his time was spent on gamblingThree-fourths of the people are illiterate.4. 下列不定代词短语修饰名词时,名词前必须有定冠词 “the”。 谓语动词的数取决于该名词的单复数。同例: plenty of, one fourth of, none of, some of , majority of , percent of , the rest of , reminder of .Most of, all of, some of, many of, much of, e.g. Most of the books are interesting. 二、名词的数 (注意少数名词单复数的特殊表达法和特殊用法)(一)少数名词单复数的特殊表达法:1特殊复数形式的名词:( 注意其拼写与读音 )单 数复 数汉 语说 明analysis E5nAlisisanalyses E5nAlisiz分析变 -sis 为 -ses basis 5beIsIs bases 5beisiz 基础crisis 5kraisiscrises 5kraisiz 危机diagnosis 7daiE5nEusisdiagnoses 7daiE5nEusiz诊断bacterium bAk5tiEriEm bacteria bAk5tiEriE细菌变 -um 为 -adatum 5deitEmdata 5deitE数据,资料curriculum kE5rikjulEm curricula kE5rikjulE 课程medium 5mi:djEm media 5mi:djE媒体criterion krai5tiEriEn criteria krai5tiEriE 标准变 -on 为 -aphenomenon fi5nCminEnphenomena fi5nCinE 现象stimulus 5stimjulEsstimuli 5stimjulai 刺激物,刺激变 -us 为 -inucleus 5nju:kliEsnuclei 5nju:kliai 核心;原子核vita 5vaitEvitae vaIti:个人简历变 -a 为 -aeantenna An5tenE antennae An5teni: 天线formula 5fC:mjulE formulae An5teni:公式;程式appendix E5pendiksappendices E5pendisis 附录变 -ix 为 -icesindex 5indeksindexes 5Indeksindices 5indisi:z索引加 - es 或-ices 2以-o结尾的名词一般-s; 但是以下五个词须加-es 如:echoechoes;hero heroes;NegroNegroes;potatopotatoes;tomatotomatoes3沿用古英语复数形式的名词child children儿童; footfeet 脚;英尺; goosegeese 鹅louselice虱子; manmen男人; mousemice 老鼠ox oxen 牛; tooth -teeth 牙齿; woman women 女人4. 复合名词的复数形式A. 在中心词后加sLooker-on lookers-on旁观者; Passer-by passers-by 过路人Runner-up runners-up 亚军; Comrade-in-arms comrades-in-arms 战友editor-in-chief editors-in-chief 总编辑; mother-in-law mothers-in-law 岳母;婆母B. 在最后一个词后加sfilm-goer film-goers 爱看电影的人; go-between go-betweens 中间人grown-up grown-ups 成年人; good-for-nothing good-for-nothings 没用的人C. 构成复合词的每个部分都变成复数man teacher men teachers 男教师; woman player women players 女运动员(二)少数名词单复数的特殊用法:1容易用为复数的不可数名词:(这些名词一般不能用作复数,谓语动词用单数)advice建议,忠告living生活,生计equipment装备,设备progress前进,发展furniture家具,设备scenery风景,景色information通知;信息machinery机器,机械knowledge知识,学问traffic交通流量baggage / luggage行李,皮箱trouble烦恼,麻烦cash现金thunder雷声,轰隆声apparatus仪器weather天气,处境clothing衣服work工作,劳动paper纸,钞票luck运气,幸运technology工艺,技术jewelry珠宝2 复数形式的名词用于单数概念,其谓语动词用单数。(这些名词一般为表示学科或疾病的名词)economics经济学measles麻疹 physics物理学mumps腮腺炎mathematics数学rickets软骨病,佝偻病dynamics动力学news新闻The United States美国The New York Times纽约时报3. 单复数相同的名词: ( 谓语动词视具体情况而定 )deer鹿means 手段,方法sheep羊,绵羊series连续,系列fish 鱼species种类Chinese汉语(单),中国人(复)works 工厂;作品ethics伦理学(单);道德行为(复)statistics统计学(单);数据(复)4 单数形式表示复数意义或总是用于复数的名词:( 谓语动词用复数 )cattle 牲畜earnings 收入herd 牧群findings 调查结果militia 民兵savings 积蓄police 警察belongings 所有物people 人民surroundings 环境trousers 裤子lodgings 住所jeans 工装裤troops军队gloves 手套goods 商品stockings 袜子regards问候socks 短袜Philippines 菲律宾群岛scissors 剪刀funds 基金spectacles 眼睛pains 辛苦compasses 圆规alms施舍, 救济物5既可用作单数又可用作复数但意义不同的名词 air 空气 airs 风度,架势arm 手臂 arms 武器art 艺术 arts 文科;人文科学authority 权利;权威 authorities 官方;当局brain 大脑 brains 智力chain 链(条) chains 镣铐compliment 恭维;称赞 compliments 问候;致意condition 状况,状态 conditions 条件;环境,形势congratulation 祝贺 congratulations 祝贺词content 内容;容量;满足 contents 目录convenience 便利,方便 conveniences 便利设备custom 习俗 customs 海关damage 损害;毁坏 damages 赔偿费finding 发现,发现物 findings 调查(研究)结果force 力;力量;势力 forces 兵力;军队glass 玻璃 glasses 眼镜height 高;高度 heights 高地处humanity 人类;人性 humanities 人文科学import 进口;输入 imports 进口商品;要旨,含义interest 兴趣;关心;利息 interests 利益;利害instruction 指导;指示 instructions 用法说明(书);操作指南lesson 功课;课 lessons


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