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常考词汇(一) 虚拟语气 )用于宾语从句,从句谓语用should + 动词原形或只用动词原形。这类动词有 order, demand, require, request requested (被请求的), direct, instruct (教导,命令), command (命令,指挥), urge (催促,促进), rule, suggest suggested (暗示的), advise (劝告,警告), vote (选举,表决), propose (提议,建议),proposed (被提议的), move, recommend (劝告,介绍), prefer, decide decided, insist (坚持,强烈要求), desire (愿望,欲望,要求),desired (渴望的,想得到的). )用于主语从句,从句谓语用should + 动词原形或只用动词原形。这类动词有: vital (重要的,致命的), important, essential (必不可少的,必要的), necessary (必定,当然),unnecessary (不必要的,多余的), impossible (不可能的,做不到的), sad, strange (奇怪的,陌生的), fitting (适应,配合), proper (适当的,特有的), appropriate (适合的,恰当的), settled (固定的). 2 不定式 1) 通常只接动词不定式作宾主的常考动词:agree, attempt (试图,努力), claim (主张,断言), decide, demand (要求,需要), ask, beg (乞讨,请求), fail (失败,忘记), care, consent (同意,答应), promise (答应,有希望), desire, hope, intend (想要,打算,企图), learn, offer (提供,提议), plan (设计), refuse, pretend (假装), require, appear (好像是,仿佛), arrange, expect, manage, tend (倾向,照料), afford (供给,担负得起), wish, want, seem (好像,仿佛), struggle (斗争), threaten (威胁), wait, undertake (接受,承担), venture (冒险,敢于), seek (寻找,试图), resolve (决议,解决), aim (志在,瞄准), apply (申请,运用), profess. (表示), happen, guarantee (保证),neglect (疏忽,忽略), prove (证明,结果), trouble (打扰,费神), bother (打扰,麻烦), care (关心,喜欢), choose (选择,甘愿), etc. 2) 用于动词+宾语+不定式结构的常考动词:force (强迫,迫使), hire (雇佣,租借), tell, require, teach (教书,教训), warn (警告), allow, ask, inform(通知,告发) beg, convince (使信服,使确信), expect, invite (邀请,招待), order, permit (允许,许可), promise (允许,答应), instruct (指示,命令), prepare (准备,预备), urge (鼓励,促进), remind (提醒), want, advise (忠告,通知), persuade (说服,使相信), cause (引起), dare (敢,胆敢), forbid (禁止), like, challenge (挑战), request, get, need, oblige (迫使,使感激), encourage (鼓励,促进), enable (使能够), compel (强迫,逼迫), recommend (劝告,推荐), declare (宣布,表明), prove (证明,鉴定), command (命令,指挥), lead (引导,带领), press (压,挤), etc. 3) 用于be+形容词+不定式结构的常考动词:anxious (担心的,渴望的), dangerous (危险的,不安全的), pleased (高兴的,满足的), hard , eager (热心的,渴望的), easy, fortunate (幸运地,侥幸的), strange (奇怪的,陌生的), good, ready (现成的,情愿的), usual (通常的), prepared, surprised (感到惊讶的), common (普通的,公共的), useless (无用的,), asked , lucky, difficult (困难的,艰难的), likely (可能的,), careful (小心的,仔细的), sure (确信的,一定的), glad (高兴的,愉快的), sorry (难过的,悔恨的), bored (无聊的,烦人的), able, free, quick, willing., determined, afraid. etc. 4) 用于名词+不定式结构的常考名词:failure (失败者), offer (提供,提议), plan, ability (能力,才能), decision (决定,果断), desire(愿望,要求), chance, permission (许可,允许), occasion (场合,时节), fun (玩笑), honor (荣誉,尊敬), wish, pleasure, opportunity, demand (要求,需求), way, refusal (拒绝,推辞), responsibility (责任,职责), freedom (自由,自主), promise, etc. 5) 后面跟省去 “to” 的不定式作宾补的常考动词:see, watch, notice (注意,通告), observe (遵守,注意到), hear, listen to, feel (感觉,认为),get,make, have, let, help, know, look at, smell. etc. 6) 表结果的短语不定式:soas to, suchas to, enough to, only to, tooto 动名词: 1) 通常只接动名词作宾语的动词:admit (承认,接纳), appreciate (感激,评价), avoid (避免,逃避), delay (推迟,延误), deny (否认,), enjoy, finish, miss, postpone (推迟,延期), put off (拖延), practice, quit (离开,停止), suggest, keep, complete (完成,结束), anticipate (期望,预料), discuss, understand, favor(喜爱,帮助), escape (逃避,避免), forgive, consider, prohibit (禁止,不准), mind, dislike, cant help(禁不住), risk, involve, imagine (想象), look forward to (期望,盼望), cant stand (不能忍受), consider, ensure, excuse, pardon, give up (放弃), include, keep on (遵守), report, suggest. involve, etc. 2) 常跟动名词作宾语的动词短语:approve of (赞成), insist on (坚持,强调), persist in, spend in ,engage in (从事), depend on, keep on, rely on (依靠,信赖), worry about, succeed in, give up, calculate on (计算), lead to(通向,导致), contribute to (有助于), devote to (献身,投入), object to (反对), look forward to, confess to (承认), concentrate on(集中于), focus on (使集中于), etc. 3) 用于 “名词+介词+动名词”结构的名词: pleasure in (以为乐), opportunity of (的机会), advise on (就提出劝告), method for (的方法), excuse for (的借口), intention of (的目的,意图), probability of (的可能性), concern about (对的关心), difficulty in (限于的困境), trouble in (遇到的麻烦), shortage of (的不足), comment on (的评论), importance of (的重要性), necessity of (的需要), approach to (接近/探讨), etc. 4) 用于 “be+形容词+介词+动名词”结构的形容词: accustomed to (习惯于), afraid of (害怕), fond of (对的喜爱), successful in (在某方面的成功), capable of (有的能力), tired of (厌烦做某事), interested in, intent on (在某方面的打算), keep on, used to, good at, particular about (的细节), bent on (致力于.), engaged in (从事于/忙于做某事), involved in (限入), devoted to (把奉献给,专心于),etc. 5) 动词后可跟原形动词和动名词::+do/doingdiscover (发现,发觉), feel, find, force (强迫,迫使), get, imagine (想像,假想), etc. )v.+sb. into doing:,动词有:cheat (欺骗), trick (欺骗,哄骗), deceive (欺骗), fool(愚弄), shame (侮辱),surprise(惊讶,吃惊), talketc.)v.+sb. from doing,动词有: prevent, stop, keep, hinder(阻碍), restrain(抑制), save(拯救,节省).常考词汇(二) 1. fill in out 填写表格 find out 查明,发现 2. get/put across 解释清楚 get along (with)与相处 get at 到达,知道,领会,意思指 get away 走开,离开,逃脱 get by 通过,过得去,过活 get down 从下来,写下 get sown to sth. 开始,着手做 get in 进入,参加,收获,收回,插嘴 get by heart 记住,背诵 get off 下车,动身离开 get out of 逃避,逃掉 get over 克服掉 get rid of 摆脱 get the best of 从中得到最大益处 get the better of 占据上风,胜过 get through 通过,完成,接通电话,花光钱 get to 到达,触及 3. go into 详述,调查,研究,从事 4. hand down 传下来,传给 go off 不再喜欢,爆炸,成功进行 hand in 上交 go out 熄灭,停止运转,过时 hand out 分发 go over 仔细查看,检查 hand over 移交,交付给 go through 检查,经历,遭遇 5. hang about/around 闲荡 go up 上升,被炸毁 hang on 等待片刻,抓紧不放 go without 不享受,没有也无妨 hang up 挂起来,挂断电话 go wrong 出毛病 6. head for 向走去,驶向 7. help oneself to 自取所需 8. hold back 阻止前进,忍住,抑制 9. impose on 强人所难,欺骗 10. keep an eye on 留意照看 keep back 隐瞒,保留,阻止 keep down 限制,控制,降低 keep off 使不接近,避开 keep on 继续,反复地做 keep to 遵守,信守,坚持 stick to 坚持 adhere to 坚持 11. knock down 打倒,击倒 knock out 打昏,击昏 13. lay 置放,铺,设置,布置 lay aside 放在一边,储蓄 set aside 储蓄 put aside 储蓄 lay down 放下,规定,制订 lay out 安排,布置,设计 lay off 下岗,辞退 14. leave alone 听其自然,别管 15. lie in 在于 hold on 握住不放 16. line up 使排成行,排队 hold onto 紧紧抓住 17. live on (靠某人、某事)生活 hold out 伸出,坚持要求,不屈live through 度过,经受过 hold up 举起,耽搁live up to 遵守,不辜负期望 18. look after 照料,管理,关心 look at 看 look back 回顾,回头看look down upon 看不起 look for 寻找look forward to 期待着 look in 顺道访问look into 调查,观察 look on 参观look out 注意,留神 look over 把看一遍,温习,查看look through 浏览,通读 look up to 尊敬,敬仰 19. lose heart 失去信心 leave behind 忘了带,留下 leave for 动身前往产 leave off 停止,中断 leave out sth. 漏掉 20. lend itself to 有助于,适合于 21. let alone 别碰,别打扰,要不要说 let down 让失望 let go of 放开,松手 let in 容许进入,漏水,把衣服弄窄 let loose 放松,释放 let off 排放,放过,宽恕 22. pass away 逝世 pass out 失去知觉,昏倒 23. pay back 偿还,回报,报复 pay off 还清,得到好结果,取得成功 pay up 拣起,中途搭人,学会 24. play a joke on 和某人开玩笑 play a part in 扮演角色,发挥作用 play with a toy 玩弄,摆弄 25. pull down 拆毁,拉侄,拉下,降低 pull in (车船)进站 pull off 脱衣等,实现 pull on 穿、戴 pull out 拔出,(车船)驶出 pull up 使停下 26. put across 解释清楚 put away 放好,收好,储蓄 put forward 提出计划、要求等 put in 花费,付出时间,正式提出 put off 推迟 put on 穿上,增加体重 put out 熄灭,公布,发布,生产出 put up 建造,搭起,提供膳宿,张贴 27. refer to 提及,参考 28. regardless of 不顾,不管 29. lose ones head 不知所措 lose ones temper 发脾气 lose ones way 迷路 lose the track of 失去对的联系 30. major in 主修 make for 走向,导致,促成 make sense 讲得通,有意义 make up(for) 补偿,弥补 make way for 开路,让路 make from 由制成 31. mix up 混合,搞混 32. object to 反对,不赞成 33. occur to sb. 使某人想起 34. remind sb of sth. 使某人想起 35. resort to 诉诸于 36. result in 导致后果 result from 由于什么而造成 37. ring off 挂断电话 ring up 打电话给某人 38. run away with (感情等)战胜,不受约束 run down 贬你,减少,精疲力竭 run into 偶然碰见 run out of 用完,耗尽 run over 碾过,很快看一遍 run through 贯穿,济览,花光 39. scale down 按比例缩小 scale up 按比例放大 40. see about 办理,安排 see off 给送行 see through 看破,识破 see to 照料,注意,修理 see to it that 务必做到 41. send for 派人去请,召唤 send in 递送,提交 send off 邮寄,发送 42. serve as 作为,用作 serve sb right 活该,罪有应得 43. step in 齐步,合拍 step up 加速 44. stick to 坚持 45. set about 开始着手做某事 set aside 留出,储蓄 set down 记下,写下,放下 set apart 使分离民,使分开,拔出 set fire to 放火烧 set forth 陈述,阐明 set off 出发常考词汇(三) 形容词1.able to do 能够做 2.about to do 打算做3absent from 缺席 4.abundant in 充足5.angry with/at/for 生气 6.anxious for/about 焦虑7.applicable to 易于 8.aware of 意识到9.bored with 厌倦 10.amazed at 惊叹于11.faithful to 忠实于 12.busy with 忙于13.caoable of doing 有能力做 14.certain of 有把握15.characteristic of 特征是 16.competent in 胜任的17.consistant with 一致的 18.concious of/with 意识到19.contrary to 与相反 20.comvenient to 便于21.critical of 对挑剔 ashamed of 对感到羞耻22.harmful to 对有害虫 23.confident of/in 有信心24.dependent on 依靠于 25.different from 不同26.eager for/to do 急于做 27.enthusiastic about for 对有热情28.equal to 等同于 29.equivalent to 相当于30. essential to 重要的 31.excited about./at 为某事而激动32.negligent of 对马虎的 33.famillar to/with 熟悉34.famous for 因著名 35.fit for/to 适合于36.fond of 喜爱 37.free from 免于38.friendly to 对友好 39.guilty of 有罪40.good at/in 善于 good for 对有益 good to 对友好往来 41.happy about 为而高兴42.loyal to 信守的 43.regardless of 不顾44.relative to 与有关,相对于 45.representative of 有代表性的46.resistance to 抵制的 47.repsonsible for/to 对负责的48.responsive to 响应的 49.satisfied with 对满意的50.separati from 与分开的 sensitive to 对敏感的51.sick of 对厌倦的 52.helpful to 对有帮助53.hostile to 对的敌意的 54.ignorant of 不了解55.innocent of无罪的 56.jealous of妒忌的57.keen on 热衷于 58.lacking in 缺乏59.likely to do 可能做 60.opposite to 与相对立的61.proud of 为骄傲的 62.patient with 对耐心的63.preferable to 比更可取 64.previous to 在之前65.prior to 在之前,优先于 66.proper to 特有的,专为的67.proportional to 与成比例的 68.ready for 为做好准备的69.similar to 与相似的 70.sorry about/for 为感受到遗憾71.strict with 对严格要求的 72.suitable for/to 对合适的73.subordinate to 从属于,下级的 74.superior to 优越于75.thirsty for 对渴望的 76.typical of 有典型性的77.worthy of 值得的 78.popular with 受到欢迎的79.apploicable to 适用的 80.doubtful about/of 怀疑名词性词组1. by accident 偶然地 2.in accordance with 与一致3.on account of 因为 4.in addition (to) 除了5.in advance 提前 6.take advantage of 利用 7.in agreement with 与一致 8.answer to 对的回答9.an appetite for 对的爱好 10.on arrival 已到达11.out of control 失去控制 12.in association with 与相联系13.on the average 平均数 14.on the basis of 在基础15.on board 在船、飞机上 16.on behalf of 代表17.(run) out of breath 跑得喘不过气来 18.on business 忙于事业19.in any case 无论如何 20.by chance 偶然,碰巧21.in case (of) 万一 22.in charge of 负责23.around the clock 昼夜不停地 24.in common 共同的,共有的25.in conclusion 最后,总之 26.by comparison 与相比较27.on condition that 如果,在条件下 28.in connection with/to 关于29.in consequence of 由于,因为的缘故 30.on the contrary 相反31.in contrast with/to 与截然不同,形成对比 32.in the course of 在过程中33.at the cost of 以为代价 34.out of date 过时 out of danger 脱离危险 out of fashion 过时,不再时兴 out of work 失去工作 out of order 失去控制 out of practice 荒疏 out of question 毫无疑问35.in debt负债 36.under discussion 处于讨论之中37.in detail 详细地 38.in the distance 在远处39.at sbs disposal 受到某人的摆布 40.off earth 究竟41.in effect 事实上,实际上 42.off duty 下班43.in the end 最终,终于 44.at all events 无论如何45.in the event of 万一 46.in essence 本质上47.with the exception 除了情况 48.in excess 过度,超过49.to an extent 到达程度 50.face to face 面对面地51.in favor of 支持,有利于 52.on fire 在燃烧53.in force 有效,在实施中 54.in the future 未来55.on the grounds of 以为理由 56.on guards 警惕,防范57.hand in hand 手拉手 58.at hand 在附近,即将到来59.at hear 内心里 60.in honor of 为了,以的名义61.in a hurry 匆忙地 62.at intervals 间歇性地63.at length 详细地 64.in the light of 依据,根据65.at a loss 不知所措地66.as a matter of fact 事实上67.bymeans of 通过手段68.by no means 绝不69.in memory of 为了纪念 70.by mistake 错误的常考词汇(四)1. in return for 作为.的回报 2. as a rule 通常、惯例3. for the sake of 为了4. on sale 有售5. on a large scale 大规模地6. in the long run 长期地7. on schedule 按预定时间8. in secret 秘密地9. in sequence 依次地10. in shape 处于良好状态11. at the mercy of 在.的支配下12. the


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