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Unit1 小测 姓名_ 分数_ 一 完成句子 (50分)1. 我们必须每天给花园里的多有花浇水。All the flowers in the garden _ _ _ every day . 2 . 我妈妈喜欢做饭胜过看电视。 My mother _ _ to _TV .3. 对我们来说,保持教室整洁是很重要的。 _ very _ _ _ to _ our classroom clean and tidy . 4 .学生做作业时要坐直。 Students should _ _ _ when they are doing their homework . 5.当我们出国时,我们一定要小心当地人的风俗。 When we go abroad , we must _ _ _ the custom of the local people. 6. 在一些国家,盯着别人看是不礼貌的。 In some countries ,_ _ others _ impolite. 7. 我的父母总说成功的关键是努力工作。 My parents often say that _ _ _ success is hard work . 8. 学习英语时,不仅朗读很重要,听力也一样重要。 While learning English, listening is important _ _ _ reading . 9. 我打电话来提醒你明天上午有个英语讲座。 Im calling to _ you _ the English lectures on tomorrow morning . 10. 我对打篮球很感兴趣。 I _ very _ _ _ basketball . 二 单项选择 (50分)( )1.-You must remember _ him about the news before he leaves for Guilin. . -No ,problem . A tell B to tell C telling D to telling ( )2. What about _ football this Friday ,Shirley? Sorry , I dont like it . A playing B play C plays D to play ( )3 . If you are in trouble at school, youd better go to the teachers _ help. A for B of C with D to ( )4. -Was the film Let Me Alone _, Debbie? -Yes ! Even children will be _ in it . A interesting ; interesting B. interesting ; interested C interested; interested D. interested ; interesting ( )5. The cake looks _. -yes, and it tastes even _. A well; good B nice ; better C well; better D better; best ( )6.-Jack ,do you know if Ann_ to my party next Friday ? - I think she will come if she _ free. A comes; is B comes; will be C. will come ; is D will come ; will be ( )7. He as well as his parents _ in the river now . A are swimming B will swim C is swimming D was swimming ( )8.Its a rule in our school that the classroom should _ every day . A. clean B. cleaned C be cleaning D be cleaned ( )9. New York is one of _ biggest cities in the world , but it doesnt have _ long history . A a; the B the; a C a; a D the; the ( )10.Little Tommy didnt know _ out the difficult maths problem . He needed his mothers help. A to work how B how work C how working D how to work Unit2 小测 姓名 分数 一 完成句子(50分) 1. 我们正在为期末考试做准备。 We are _ _ the final exams . 2. 你能帮我,你真好。 _ very nice _ you _ _ me. 3. 他够强壮,能搬走那些书。 He is _ _ _ carry those books . 4. 你的手好脏啊!快去洗。 _ _ your hands are ! Go and wash them . 5. 你知道在哪里买这些水果吗? Do you know _ _ _ this kind of fruit ? 6. 他在回家的路上丢失了钥匙。 He lost the key _ _ _ _ . 7. 这部电影史根据一个真实的故事改编的。 This film _ _ _ a real story . 8. 动动脑筋,不要总是依赖电脑。 Use your brain , dont _ _ the computer all the time . 9. 抬起你的头一边能看清黑板。Hold your head up _ _ you can see the backboard clearly . 10. 你应该确保每个星期至少洗两次头. You should _ _ that you wash your hair at least twice a week . 二 单项选择 (50分)( ) 1._man in a black hat is my PE teacher. He often plays _ football with us . A. A; the B The ; a C The ; 不填 D. A; 不填( )2.-_ does your cousin go to the gym?- Twice a week . A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How many ( )3. -Nick, would you mind _ out of the bathroom ? -Sorry . I wont be long . A. come B. to come C. coming D. came ( )4. -Are you sure you can do well in today s test , Lucy ? -_. Ive got everything ready . A. Its hard to say B. Im afraid not C. I think so D. I hope not .( )5. The teacher spoke slowly _we could understand him in class. A such that B. so that C. in order D. that ( )6. Teachers are trying their best to prevent the students _ going to the internet bars . A of B. with C. from D. for ( )7. I am writing to tell you that I cant do _ hair tomorrow , Mrs Harrison . A you B. yours C yourself D. your ( )8. _ is very necessary for us to keep healthy . A It B. This C. That D. Itself ( )9. My watch doesnt work . It must have it _. A repaired B. repairs C. repair D. repairing ( )10. -Mum, its late. Why are you still here ? -Dad hasnt come back yet . I _ for him . A am waiting B. waited C. have waited D. waits Unit3 小测 姓名_ 分数_ 一 完成句子(60分)1.我姐姐跳舞比我好得多。 My sister is _ _ _ me at dancing . 2. 你知道今天早上他为什么上学迟到吗? Do you know _ _ _ _ for school this morning ? 3.我很喜欢喝咖啡和茶,但我妈妈对我说那些对我的健康有害。 I like drinking coffee and tea, but my mother tells me they _ _ _ my health. 4. 木材可以用来做家具。 Wood _ _ _ _ furniture. 5.如果你想成功,就要充分利用你的时间。If you want to succeed, you must _ _ _ _ _ your time . 6. 你的建议可以帮你决定完成这项任务的合适人选。 His suggestions can help you _ _ the right person to finish the task . 7.一方面,我想去参加那个派对;但另一方面,我得准备明天的考试。 On the one hand , I want to go to the party, but _ _ _ _ I have to prepare for tomorrows exam. 8. 天上有很多云,可能要下雨。 There is so much cloud in the sky, it _ _ _ _ . 9. 人们过年前忙着把肉和菜切碎来做饺子。 People are busy _ _ the meat and vegetables to make dumplings before the Spring Festival . 10 . 为保护我们的家园,我们要节约能源而不是浪费能源。 To protect our home, we should save energy _ _ _ energy. 二 单项选择(40分)( )1.Some university graduates can get a good job soon but _ have to stay at home. A other B the other C others D. another ( )2. My parents often make me _ at home at weekends. But I would like to have sports with my classmates.A stay B to stay C staying D stayed ( )3. -Did you watch the basketball match yesterday? -Yes , we were all _ about the _ match . A exciting; excited B excited; exciting C excited; excited D excited ;exciting ( )4. -Tom , could you lend me the book health and food ? - Sorry , I cant remember _ I put it , and I need it for my homework, too. A. where B how C. what D why ( )5.-Mary used to do bad in English . -But she has improved her English a lot by _ English programmes A. watches B . watch C. watched D . watching ( )6.-What is your favourite hobby ,Patrick ? -Reading .These days Im reading a book on the internet . It tells us _ . A how we can eat more healthily B how can we eat more healthily C. how we could eat more healthily D . how could we eat more healthily ( ) 7.When we finished the task, we didnt know _ next . A what we to do B what should we do C what to do D . what should do ( ) 8. After discussing for a whole week, they finally agreed _ the decision . A by B. with C. on D. for Unit4 小测 姓名 分数 一 完成句子(50分)1.为了解决这个问题,他查找了许多的资料。 In order to _ _ this problem, he looked for a lot of information . 2. 当你在拥挤的公共汽车上的时候,请当心小偷。 When you are in a crowded bus, please _ _ _ the thieves. 3. 很对不起,我错拿了你的雨伞。 I am very sorry that I took your umbrella _ _ .4.小孩子染上恶习是很危险的。 _ dangerous for children to _ _ _ _ . 5. 吃点蔬菜和水果对你有好处。 Eating more vegetables and fruit _ _ _ . 6.我妹妹很年轻,还不能结婚。 My sister is _ _ _ she cant marry. 7. 蒂娜努力想通过这次考试。 Tina_ _ _ _ pass the exam. 8. 在这次打架事件中,他们要受到惩罚。 _ _ _ _ the fighting ,they must be punished . 9. 你最好说得更清楚一点,以便我们都能听懂。Youd better _ _ _ so that all of us can understand . 10.他太粗心了,没能通过这次考试。 He was _ _ _ _ the exam. 二 单项选择 (50分)( )1.-Excuse me , where is miss green? -She isnt here. She _ the library . A has been to B has gone to C has been in D has been at ( )2.Mary saw a terrible traffic accident yesterday .She was _ afraid _ say a word.A so, that B enough , to C. much , to D too, to ( )3.This poor old man lived _in a _ mountain. A alone; lonely B alone; alone C. lonely . lonely D. lonely ; alone ( )4. I feel sorry _ the poor little girl , but I didnt know _ to help her . A. for , what B on . what ; C for ; how D. on ; how ( )5.Jimmy can hardly speak Chinese when he was a child ,_? A can he B cant he c does he D. doesnt he ( )6. Students are busy _ ready _the final exam. A getting . to B getting ; for C get ; to D. get ; for ( )7. They had to stay at the hotel because _ the bad weather .A of B 不填 C. for D with ( )8. The boys arrived late at the cinema and _ the start of the film. A caught B. missed C. got D lost ( )9.Leno drives_ than his brother , he drives _ in his family . A more careful; the most careful B more carefully, the most carefully C. more careful. the most carefully D. more carefully, the most careful ( )10. All of us are making an effort _ for the sports meeting. A prepare B prepared C preparing D. to prepare Unit 5 小测 姓名 分数 一 完成句子1. 你应该多喝水,这对你的健康有好处。 You should drink more water . it _ _ _ your health . 2. 明天很可能会有一场大雨。 _ _ _ _ there will be a heavy rain tomorrow. 3. 昨晚我哥哥直到完成作业才从房间出来。 Last night , my brother _ _ out of his room _ he finished his homework. 4. 走了这么远的路,你一定饿了。 You _ _ _ after the long walk. 5. 我同情那个老人,因为他没有人照顾 。I _ _ _ the old man because nobody looks after him . 6. 我们的会议室足够大,能容纳200人。 Our meeting-room is _ _ _ hold 200 people . 7. 这个年轻人爱上了一个40岁的女人。 The young man _ _ _ with a woman aged 40. 8. 终点站到了,别遗漏任何东西。 Here is the end of the railway. Dont _ _ _ . 9. 这听起来不可能,我们最好把它当作笑话。 It sounds impossible. We had better _ it _ a joke.10. 许多中学生把太多的时间花在玩电脑游戏上了。 Many students _ too much time _ _ computer games .二 单项选择( )1._ is necessary that one should obey the law. A That B 不填 C. It D. This ( )2. _ enough , I passed the test without studying.A Amaze B. Amazed C. Amazingly D. Amazing ( )3.Leave this house now, _ I will send for the police. A. but B. and C. then D. or ( )4.Its very kind _ you to help me carry the heavy box . A of B for C. with D. from ( )5. Its very difficult _ you to carry the heavy box. A of B for C with D from ( )6. Children are never _ playing computer games . A tired of B. tired about C. tiring of D. tiring about ( )7. -Where is your bag, tom ? -Oh! I have _ it behind on the train. A lost B. forgotten C. left D. missed ( )8.The top star sang _ beautifully _ he was asked to sing again and again . A so; then B such ; then C. so; that D. such; that ( )9. The gate is not _ for the truck to _. A tall enough ; go B. enough tall; go across C enough tall; go through D. tall enough ; go through ( )10 . Eating more vegetables is good _ your health . A. at B. for C. of D. with Unit6 小测 姓名_ 分数_ 一 完成句子 (55分)1.那些学生肩并肩地站着并认真听老师讲话。 The students stood _ _ _ and listened to the teacher carefully. 2.从那天起这两个人就更加亲近了。 _ _ _ _ the two men were drawn closer together . 3.孩子们正在专心玩电脑游戏。 The children _ _ _ the computer games. 4. 不要浪费时间浇花了,它们已经枯死了。 Dont _ _ _ the flowers . they got dry and died 5.帮助一个像她那样的名人是一件荣幸的事情。 _ _ _ _ help a famous person like her . 6. 今天早上我们去上学,爸爸开的车。 We went to school, with my father _ _ _ this morning . 7. 因为知道了健康的重要,他下定决心戒烟了 。Because he knew the importance of the health , he _ _his _ to give up smoking. 8. 这道物理题对我来说太难解答了。 This physical problem is _ difficult for me _ _ out . 9.小女孩回答那个问题时遇到了困难。 The little girl _ _ _ the question . 10.作为回报她的帮助,我给她买了一部新手机。 _ _ , I bought her a new cell phone for her great help. 二 单项选择(45分)1.Please explain where _ and how _ it. I am a new comer . A to begin; to do B. begin ; do C. begin ; to do D. to begin ; do 2.The boy was absorbed _ the activities of the birds . A in observe B. in observing .C on observe D. on observing 3.You should always remember: Never too old _. A to learn B. learn C . learning D. for learn 4. Hurry up ! The programme on space will begin _ a minute. A for B. at C . on D. in 5. I have trouble _ the exam because I havent got full ready for it. A pass B. passes C. passing D. to pass 6. “Who was _ when the car crashed?” the policeman asked . A at wheel B. on wheel C. at the wheel D. on the wheel . 7.-He decided to be a scientist . -Did he have a decision _ a scientist ? that sounds great ! A. becoming B. becomes C. to become D . became 8. Can you tell me _ ? A when we should leave B when should we leave C. when to leaving it D when should to leave .9.-Why does Tom do badly in his study ? -Because he often spends too much time _ TV . A. to watch B . watches C. watching D. on watching Unit 7 小测 姓名_分数_ 一 完成句子1.到上学的时间了。 _ _ _ _ go to school . 2. 为什么不向你的父亲寻求帮助呢? _ _ _ your father for help ? 3. 冬天,山顶被雪覆盖。 In winter, the top of the mountain _ _ _ snow . 4. 我们的英语老师不喜欢说谎话的学生。 Our English teacher doesnt like the students _ _ _ . 5. 我不会放弃打篮球的。 I wont _ _ _ basketball.6.那个小偷设法从警察局逃跑。 The thief tries to _ _ the police station . 7. 当老师进来的时候我嘴里塞满了面包。 My mouth _ _ _ bread when the teach


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