七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第4页
七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第5页
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unit1canyouplaytheguitar 第一课时 sectiona1a 1c 一 根据句意及汉语提示写单词 5 3分 15分 1 canyouplaythe 吉他 2 hecan 跳舞 and 唱歌 3 welikemusic soweall 参加 themusicclub 4 doesheplay 国际象棋 everyday 5 canyou 游泳 yes ican swim guitar dance sing join chess 二 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 6 thestudentscan t english 7 thegirlcan theartclub 8 ourschoolhasfive youcanjointhechineseclub 9 shecansingandplay 10 mydaughterlikes picturesverymuch drawing speak join clubs chess 三 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 11 canyou dance yes ican 12 jackwants join theartclub 13 mybrother cannot playchess 14 ourschoolhasnine club 15 he speak chinesebecausehe sfromchina speaks dance tojoin can t clubs 四 单项选择 5 3分 15分 16 whatlanguage 语言 canyou englishorchinese bothofthem a speakb tellc talkd say17 doyouoftenplay tennisafterschool no idon tlikesports ioftenplay guitar a a theb the c thed the a18 youplaychess mary no it sdifficult a canb mayc dod are a c a 19 shecansing soshecanjointhe club a englishb chessc musicd art20 englishistoodifficult i learnitwell a canb doesn tc don td can t c d 五 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词 5 4分 20分 21 你会打排球吗 是的 我会 you volleyball yes 22 王娜会说英语吗 不 她不会 wangna english no shecan t can play ican can speak 23 我想加入校足球俱乐部 i theschoolsoccerclub 24 你们学校有音乐俱乐部吗 istherea n inyourschool 25 她不想看电视 she want watchtv to wanttojoin musicclub doesn t 六 连词成句 5 4分 20分 26 guitar sing the i play can and 27 to club music join want do the you icansingandplaytheguitar doyouwanttojointhemusicclub 28 can peter play but he chess swim can t 29 speak can you english 30 draw dance and jill can too petercanplaychessbuthecan tswim canyouspeakenglish jillcandrawanddance too 第二课时 sectiona2a 2d 一 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 1 ithinkthese areveryinteresting 2 helikesto soccer 3 doyouwantto themusicclub 4 jillisverygoodat jokes 5 tinacanspeakenglish shecan tspeakchinese but stories play join telling 二 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 6 davidwantstojointhe swim club 7 let s go homenow 8 mypenisblack whatabout you 9 mybrotherisgoodat play basketball 10 youcanjointheping pongclub sounds well good swimming go yours playing 三 单项选择 5 3分 15分 11 xiakeliis atchinese hecanspeakchinesevery a good goodb well wellc good welld well good12 mikecanplaychess hecan tplaycards a andb butc ord so c b 13 hewantstojointheartclub a whatcanhedob whatclubdoeshewanttojoinc whatdoesheliked wherecanheswim14 tom playtheguitar buthewantstojointheguitarclub a canb can tc doesd don t15 let havealookatyourwatch a meb ic myd we b b a 四 按要求完成下列句子 每空一词 5 3分 15分 16 iwanttojoinasportsclub 改为否定句 i tojoinasportsclub 17 janecandraw whataboutyou 改为同义句 janecandraw you don twant howabout 18 canjaneswim 作肯定回答 19 maryjoinsthemusicclub 改为一般疑问句 mary themusicclub 20 hewantstojointheartclub 对画线部分提问 hewanttojoin whatclubdoes yes shecan does join 五 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词 5 4分 20分 21 你想加入什么俱乐部 clubdoyouwantto 22 她会讲故事吗 canshe tellstories what join 23 他会游泳 他想加入游泳俱乐部 hecan andhewantstojointhe club 24 我姐姐非常擅长下国际象棋 mysisteris 25 咱们去参加电脑俱乐部吧 那听起来很有趣 thecomputerclub that soundsinteresting swim swimming goodatplayingchess let sjoin bob hi mary herearealltheclubs mary 26 bob iwanttojointheenglishclub iliketospeakenglish 27 mary hmm iwanttojointhestorytellingclub 28 bob no iamnot 29 mary oh yes icansinganddance ilikemusic bob me too 30 f a e c g 第三课时 grammarfocus 3c 一 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 1 wehavetwoschool inourschooleveryyear 2 ourenglishteacheroften usastoryafterclass 3 canyou yournameontheblackboard 4 mybrotherwants theswimmingclub 5 shelikes toherteachers talking shows tells write tojoin 二 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 6 canyou show meyournewbag 7 billcan ttell story 8 comeand dance withus 9 iwant have abirthdaypartyformybrother 10 whatcanyourbrotherdo hecansing buthe notdance can tdance show stories dance tohave 三 根据句意及汉语提示写单词 5 3分 15分 11 canyou 写 thesewords yes ican 12 doyouplayvolleyball 或 basketball 13 ioften 交谈 tomyfriendjackafterschool 14 theywantstudentsforthe 节目 x changeonhunantv 15 ourschoolhasalotof 俱乐部 clubs write or talk show 四 单项选择 5 3分 15分 16 limingcan kungfulike 像 lilianjie a playb doc playsd does17 whatdoesyoursisterlike music art sports a andb orc butd 18 jimpaintswell andhecanjointhe club a musicb artc chessd p e b b b 19 canyouplayvolleyball sorry i a can tb don tc isn td aren t20 canyouplaythepiano yes i it seasy a mustb canc needd may a b 五 按要求完成下列句子 每空一词 5 4分 20分 21 hecanplaytheguitar 改为否定句 he theguitar 22 mysistercanjointheswimmingclub 对画线部分提问 yoursister join can tplay whatclubcan 23 gracecanplaysoccer shecanplayvolleyball 改为选择疑问句 graceplaysoccer 24 theycansing 用he改写句子 sing 25 tomcanspeakchinese 对画线部分提问 tomdo whatcan can orplay volleyball hecan 六 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词 5 4分 20分 26 莉莉想和她的朋友谈话 lilywantsto herfriend 27 李丽会表演中国功夫 lilican kungfu 28 我们想为学校的表演招聘学生 wewantstudents the schoolshow talkto dochinese for 29 你会游泳吗 不 不会 youswim no i 30 我想参加艺术俱乐部 iwantto the club art can can t join sectiona单元话题阅读 一 完形填空 b b a c b d d d b a 二 阅读理解 therearemanyclubsinourschool myenglishisnotgood iwanttojointheenglishclub wangyingwantstolearntopaint sohewantstojointheartclub zhangpinglikesswimming hewantstojointheswimmingclub linanisgoodatsingingandshewantstojointhemusicclub whatclubdoeshanmeijoin oh shelikeseatingandshejoinsthecooking 烹饪 club 根据短文内容 判断句子正 t 误 f 11 myenglishisgood 12 wangyingwantstojointhemusicclub 13 zhangpinglikesswimming 14 linanwantstojointheartclub 15 hanmeilikeseating t f f t f 三 任务型阅读 brucehasabigfamily therearefivepeopleinhisfamily hisfather mr smith hismother mrs smith hisbrother henry hissister susanandhe mr smithcanplaybasketballandbaseball buthecan tplaythetrumpet 喇叭 mrs smithcansinganddance butshecan tplaysoccer brucecanpaintandplaythedrums 鼓 buthecan tplayvolleyball henrycanplaytheguitarandsing buthecan tplaychess susancanplaytheviolinanddance butshecan tswim 根据短文内容 完成表格 singand playthe trumpet dance anddance paintandplay thedrums playtheguitar andsing playtheviolin 第四课时 sectionb1a 1f 一 根据句意用恰当的冠词填空 不需要的填 5 3分 15分 1 mybrotherlikesplaying drums 2 canjoeplay chess 3 whocanplay piano 4 alanplays ping pongforanhoureveryday 5 let sgotothemusicroomtoplay violin the the the theycanplaychess canericplaythepiano hecan canginaplaytheviolin shecan t canlileido hecanplaythedrums canliqingplaytheguitar hecan t canjimandhissisterdo 三 根据句意及汉语提示写单词 5 3分 15分 11 jackcanplaythe 鼓 12 canyouplaythe 钢琴 no ican t 13 ginahasa 小提琴 14 bobcan 画画 verywell 15 cindycan 唱歌 anddance sing drums piano violin draw 四 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 16 mybrotherlikesfootball ilikebasketball 17 yoursisterplaytheguitar yes shecan 18 iwanttoplaythe likeliyundi 19 hisbrothercan storiestous 20 mysisterwantstobuya andlearntoplayit violin but can piano tell 五 单项选择 5 4分 20分 21 youplay piano no ican t a need theb can c can thed can a22 whatcanmaryplay a thedrumsb thebasketballc guitard thefootball c a 23 mybrotherlintaocan englishandhecanalso englishstories a speak speakb speak talkc tell talkd speak tell24 first youshould adragononthepaper a swimb writec drawd dance25 ilikeplaying guitar butidon tlikeplaying chess a theb the c the thed d c b 六 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话 有两项多余 5 4分 20分 a hi frank wearegoingtohaveaschoolshownextmonth 26 b yes ido butican tsingordance a 27 youcanwriteaplay 剧本 andaskyourfriendstoperform 表演 it b really canidothat a sure b great i llwriteaplay 28 a ok whatstorydoyouwanttowrite b hmm 29 ithinkstudentswilllikeit a 30 a f d g c 第五课时 sectionb2a 2c 一 用方框中所给词或词组的适当形式填空 5 3分 15分 1 weneedyoutohelpus ourenglish 2 theycantellyoustories andyoucan friends 3 lisa doyouhavetime theweekend 4 aliceisverypatient 有耐心的 she oldpeople 5 themusicclubneedshelpto violin teach with make on isgoodwith 二 根据句意及汉语提示写单词 5 3分 15分 6 icanspeakenglishandican 也 playsoccer 7 jilllikesto 交谈 andmakesfriendswithpeople 8 areyoufreeonthe 周末 lily 9 swimmingisvery 有趣的 andfun 10 ilikelisteningtothemusic itis 令人轻松的 relaxing also talk weekend interesting 三 根据句意及首字母提示写单词 5 3分 15分 11 mahuanisveryoutgoing 外向的 shelikestoplaygameswithp 12 whendoyouhaveenglishlessons t ortomorrow 明天 13 mrs smithlikesartandshea likessports 14 miss greent historyinourschool 15 tomsitsinthec ofourclassroom enter eople oday lso eaches 四 单项选择 5 3分 15分 16 whois chineseteacher it slifen sheteaches chineseverywell a you web you oursc your usd yours our17 areyougood children 儿童 yes ithinkicanhelpthem english a with atb with withc at withd at in c b 18 icanplaythepianoandicanplaytheviolin a toob alsoc tod or19 pleasecallmary 354 6403 a inb atc tod of20 iam now ineedtodomyhomework a freeb busyc easyd interesting a b b 五 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词 5 4分 20分 21 他与老人相处得好 he very oldpeople 22 你周末有时间吗 doyouhavetime ontheweekend is goodwith 23 艾伦常常在写作方面帮助我 alanoften me mywriting 24 凯特喜欢交朋友 katelikesto 25 我们常和孩子们交谈 做游戏 weoften kidsandplaygameswiththem talkto helps with makefriends 六 根据对话将卡片上的信息补充完整 5 4分 20分 a hi canihelpyou b yes please iwanttojointhemusicclub a good mayiknowyourname b jerry a what syourlastname b smith a howoldareyou b thirteen a canyousing b yes ican icansinganddance icanplaythedrums too iwanttolearnaboutmusic a doyouhaveane mailaddress b yes it sjerry2010 a ok b thankyou becausehewantstolearnaboutmusic jerrysmith thirteen 13 jerry2010 hecansinganddance hecanplaythedrums too 单元写作小专题 sectionb 3a 3b 基础写作一 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 1 lilyisagood music 2 canyouhelpkidswith swim 3 canyouplaythepianoorthe drum 4 mybrotherisgoodat tell stories 5 janeisgoodwithold people people musician swimming drums telling 二 用方框中所给词或词组的适当形式填空 6 lisacantellstories butshecan t stories 7 canyou meyourphotos 8 please yourparentsifyouhaveproblems 问题 9 canshe chinese yes shecan 10 mikeisgoodat sohecanjointheartclub drawing write show talkto speak lililikestomakefriendswithpeople whatclubdoeslindawanttojoin mikeisgoodatswimming bobisgoodwithchildren youcantalktomr zhang 典例分析 典型例题 假如你叫tony 希望加入你们学校的音乐俱乐部 请你根据提示 写一封电子邮件 表达你想要加入该俱乐部的想法 提示 1 个人信息简介 2 在音乐方面的才能 特长 3 联系方式 要求 词数 50 60词 思路点拨 写作时要按照如下思路进行 1 开门见山 根据题目内容可知 tony要加入音乐俱乐部 可以以 iwanttojointhemusicclub 来开头 2 tony的自我介绍 tony可以从先介绍自己到介绍自己的特长和才能 2 根据图示写出相关联的句子 表达意愿 iwanttojointhemusicclub 自我介绍 mynameis i m yearsold i min 才能与能力 icansinganddance icanalsoplaythepiano i mgoodatplayingtheguitar 联系方式 pleasecallmeat 连句成篇 dearmr brown i mwritingthise mailtoyoubecauseiwant1 themusicclub mynameistony i m12yearsold i minclass4 icanplaythepianoandi m2 playingtheguitar ican3 singanddance ioftensinganddanceatmyfriends parties please4 meat286 3576 andmye mailaddressistony ihopetogetyourreplysoon bestwishes tony call tojoin goodat also 巩固演练格林学校音乐中心因发展需要 决定招聘一批校内艺术人才 请你根据以下招聘要求 写一篇英文招聘启事 以帮助他们招聘到优秀人才 50词左右 招聘要求 1 招收擅长唱歌 跳舞的学生 2 招收在小提琴 吉他 钢琴等方面优秀的音乐生 3 周一下午联系赖斯女士 ms rice 电话 800 9898 studentswantedforgreenschoolmusiccenter wewantstudentsforourschoolmusiccenter canyousingordance canyouplaytheviolinortheguitar canyouplaythepianoorthedrums pleasecometoourmusiccenterandtalktoms riceonmondayafternoon oryoucancallms rice hertelephonenumberis800 9898 sectionb单元话题阅读 一 完形填空 b b a c a b c b d a 二 阅读理解 wanted englishtutor 家庭教师 doyoulikekids areyououtgoing 外向的 doyouhaveove


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