山东省潍坊高新技术产业开发区浞景学校七年级英语下册 Module 1 Lost and found Unit 1 Whose bag is this课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
山东省潍坊高新技术产业开发区浞景学校七年级英语下册 Module 1 Lost and found Unit 1 Whose bag is this课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第2页
山东省潍坊高新技术产业开发区浞景学校七年级英语下册 Module 1 Lost and found Unit 1 Whose bag is this课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
山东省潍坊高新技术产业开发区浞景学校七年级英语下册 Module 1 Lost and found Unit 1 Whose bag is this课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第4页
山东省潍坊高新技术产业开发区浞景学校七年级英语下册 Module 1 Lost and found Unit 1 Whose bag is this课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第5页
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unit1whosebagisthis module1lostandfound crayons football watch wallet bag eraser gloves what sthis whatarethese listenandanswerthequestions 1 isthefootballtony s 2 arethecrayonsbetty s 3 whoseglovesarethese yes itis no theyaren t theyarebetty s 互帮 askandanswerinpairs 2mins what sthis whoseeraseristhis it saneraser it shers it shereraser linmiaoke it slinmiaoke s 名词所有格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 表示物体的所属关系 what sthis whosewatchisthis it sawatch it shis it shiswatch zhanggenshuo it szhanggenshuo s what rethese whosecrayonsarethese theyarecrayons they retheirs they retheircrayons they rethestudents crayons wallet eraser gloves a whoseeraseristhis b it sbetty s a isithers b yes itis lingling betty missli daming listentotheconversationandmatchthepeoplewiththeirthings linglingdamingtonybettymali crayonsglovestapeswalletwatch workinpairs askandanswer arethecrayonsbetty s no they renothers they relingling s 听后说 自学提示 1 自己读课文 用 标记疑问 亮红牌求助老师 2 从文中找出并翻译 指导学习书 上的句子3 限时5分钟知者加速 自学任务完成的同学尝试记忆这些句子 互帮提示 一 同伴对答案 二 1号同学组织 5 6 7号同学说句子以及提出自己的疑问 4号同学纠错和答疑 3号同学把本组的疑问写在小黑板上 2号同学准备发言 三 限时5分钟 1 firstofall comeandlookinthelostandfoundbox 首先 过来看看失物招领箱吧 firstofall的意思是 首先 常用于句首 e g firstofall letmeintroducemyfriendlilytoyou 首先 让我向你介绍我的朋友莉莉 2 whosewhose意思是 谁的 是表示所有关系的疑问词 可以用来对名词所有格或形容词性物主代词进行提问 如 thisistina s herhat whosehatisthis 也可以用来对名词性物主代词进行提问 如 thesepencilsaremine whosearethesepencils 运用 将下列汉语句子翻译成英语 1 那把红色的雨伞是谁的 2 它们是谁的玫瑰花 whoserosesarethey whoseisthatredumbrella 3 everyone pleasebecarefulwithyourthingsfromnowon 从现在开始 请每个人小心保管自己的物品 becarefulwith的意思是 小心 对待 e g becarefulwiththatknife oryou llcutyourself 小心那把刀子 否则你会划伤自己 fromnowon的意思是 从现在开始 e g fromnowon thingsaregoingtobedifferentaroundhere 从现在起 这附近的情况将发生变化 听后说workinpairs askandanswer arethecrayonsbetty s no they renothers they relingling s lingling s isthebaglingling s no it snothers it sbetty s betty s isthewallettony s no it snothis it sdaming s daming s aretheerasersdaming s no they renothis they retony s tony s listenandrepeat backbagthank erasername walletwatch e 发这个音的字母和字母组合aa dadcapcatbadapplebagflaghandrabbitantblackfathasstandratmap ei 发这个音的字母和字母组合aaiaya cakemakenamegamesnakegatelazyai raintrainwaitay daymayplaytodayway 发这个音的字母和字母组合oao foxcoffeedogshopdogdoctorlonga watch 自学提示 1 同伴合作完成对话练习 如有疑问 亮红牌求助老师 2 限时3分钟知者加速 完成的同学做当堂检测题 workingroupsofthreeorfour putfourorfiveschoolthingsonthedesk askandanswer a isthisyourpen b yes it smine a whosepencilisit c it s a isthisyoureraser b no it snotmine it stony s a whosewalletisthis c it s a isthisyour b yes it smine no it snotmine it s a whose isit c it s ii 根据句意从方框中选择恰当的单词填空 有的需要变换形式 每词限用一次 1 tony isthis bag no it snot letmeasklingling maybeit s 2 penisthis it s pen iamlookingforit whoseloseminemyyouryoursherherscarefulpurple your whose mine hers my 3 whatcolouraremary sshoes shoesare 4 whereismrsmith heistalkingtoaboyatthe andfoundoffice 5 isthissweater tom pleasebe withyourthings thanksalot iwill herpurple lost yours careful iii 根据句意从括号内选择合适的词填空 1 thatisnot box thatboxisverysmall but isverybig i 2 thedressonthechairis giveitto she 3 thisisadog black colourisblack it my hers mine


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