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I dlikesomenoodles GoforitUnit8 hamburger chicken salad icecream eggs strawberries potatoes cabbage tomatoes carrots vegetables A Whatkindofwouldyoulike B I dlike broccoli onion A Whatkindofwouldyoulike beef mutton chicken fish B I dlikesomebeef meat rice noodles dumplings porridge food A Whatkindofwouldyoulike B I dlike soup orangejuice milk greentea A Whatkindofwouldyoulike drink B I dlike coke Pairwork A Whatkindof wouldyoulike B I dlike Mysisterworksinarestaurant Theyhavemanykindsofnoodlesforyoutochoose Theyhavesomespecials Welcometoourrestaurant Special1 Special2 Special4 Special3 I dlikebeefnoodles beefandtomatonoodles chickenandcabbagenoodles muttonandpotatonoodles Special1 Special2 Special3 Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike 1a 1 noodles 2 beef 3 mutton 4 chicken 5 cabbage 6 potatoes 7 tomatoes c a g d e f b 1b Special1 Special2 Special3 v small medium large abowlofnoodles abowlofnoodles abowlofnoodles Whatsizebowlofnoodleswouldyoulike I dlikeasmallbowlofnoodles largeplate mediumplate smallplate Whatsizeplateofnoodleswouldyoulike I dlikea 1 noodles5 tomatoes2 beef6 cabbage3 mutton7 potatoes4 chicken v v v v v v Pairwork A Whatsize ofnoodleswouldyoulike B I dlike I dlike bowlofnoodles I dlike and noodles please I dlikea bowl I dlike and noodles please large chicken potato cabbage medium beef tomato Makeasurvey I dlike because He d She dlike because Giveareportlikethis Whatwouldyoulike Whatkindofvegetables meatwouldyoulike I dlike meat vegetables food drinks Period2 A Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike B I dlikebeefandtomatonoodles Special1 Special2 Special3 Special4 D C A B E Readthisdialogue A CanIhelpyou B I dlikesomenoodles please A Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike B Whatkindofnoodlesdoyouhave A Wehavebeef chicken mutton cabbage potato tomato B Ok I dlikemuttonandpotatonoodles please A Sure Andwhatsizewouldyoulike B Whatsizesdoyouhave A Wehavesmall mediumandlarge B Oh amediumbowl please Special1 Special2 Special4 Special3 Task Role playOrderfoodinanoodlehouse 分别扮演顾客和服务员 编排对话 Welcometo CanIhelpyou Thisway please Here sthemenu Whatkindof wouldyoulike Whatsizewouldyoulike Isthatall Waitaminute please Whatelsewouldyoulike I dlike I dlikeatablefortwo Howmuchisit please MENUfishmuttonbeefchickentomatoespotatoescabbagesonionsoupgreenteaorangejuicericenoodlesdumplingsporridge Discuss Whichdoyouthinkishealthyfood Whichisjunkfood 垃圾食品 Tokeephealthy weshouldeatmore weshouldeatless BananasRMB0 5 WatermelonRMB0 5 OrangesRMB0 8 PeachesRMB0 8 ApplesRMB0 7 Let sgoshopping A CanIhelpyou B Yes I dlikesomefruit A Whatkindoffruitwouldyoulike B I dlikesomeapples A Howmanydoyouwant B Iwantakiloofapples Howmucharethey A Theyare2yuanakilo B Ok hereisthemoney Thankyou A You rewelcome B Bye g f b d a e h c Period3 aglassofwater atinofcoke acupofcoffee acupoftea Doyouliketodrinkthesethings abottleofjuice abagofmilk A Whatdoyoulike Why B Ilike and because A Whatdon tyoulike Why B Idon tlike or because Pairwork pizza Task Discussion I maChinese IliketoeatathomeorinaChinesefoodrestaurant Wouldyouliketoeatathomeoreatout Why Whereelse dumplings fish soup greentea orangejuice Chicken fishandcabbage 16muttonandcarrotdumplings Tomatosoup onelargegreenteaandonesmallorangejuice Address Telephonenumber Order 15PeaceRoad 3982845 Task Discussandlearn Wherecanweeatnoodles Wouldyouliketoeatthere Why Whereelse ORDERFORMAddress Telephonenumber Order noodleslargemediumsmallingredientsbeefmuttonchickenonionscabbagetomatoespotatoesdrinksodacokegreenteaorangejuicewaterorangejuice PairworkMakeaphoneandordernoodles Readthenewspaperad Fillintheblankswiththewordsinthebox orangejuicecabbagesoupdumplingshave HouseofDumplings AttheHouseofDumplings Wehavesomegreatspecials Special1hasbeefandonions andisjustRMB10for15 Special2isonlyRMB8for15 andhas andmutton drinksareonl


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